Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Celestial Love ❯ memories ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: You like me! You really like me!!! I'm so happy! I could dance, I could sing! I GOT 2 REVIEWS!!!AREN'T YOU HAPPY YUE?
Yue:*claps once*that's what I think about you. I better be in this chapter.
T.T.N.K: YUE LIKES ME TOO!!! *kisses him deeply* I love you!
Yue: help-
T.T.N.K: ggrrrrrrrr...
Yue: err.
T.T.N.K:*jumps on him and starts making out furiously*
Readers: get a room!
T.T.N.K: gladly! *gets a room*
Yue: what are you doing? Hey you can stop now!

Disclaimer: I do not own clamp, or card captor sakura. Don't sue me! I'm broke!

Last chap.:
Not for her sake but for meilin's, she put up a mask, before turning around to face him fully, because what would hurt him would hurt meilin who was still her friend. "I hope you and meilin-chan are happy together, Li-kun" she said before standing up. "Sayonara, Li-kun." she said, toneless before walking away, in silent sorrow.

Celestial love

sakura ran through the park, tears streaming down her face. She tripped on the grass, falling on her behind (I could have made it rhyme!). she rolled over and found herself to be staring at the very tower were she told him she loved him. She sobbed harder. 'I loved him! I truly loved him! Why Kami-sama? Why?' she thought 'we have been together for 7 long years! (She's 17) I've built him into my life, like a flower's roots would grabs onto a stone, and then is ripped away, roots still attached. Now he has been taken away, and I am dying on the inside.'

She got up and started to walk on the path. 'Nothing matters anymore.' she thought as she slowly walked through the park. She soon realized that she was walking on the same path her and syaoran always walked on. She remembered previous walks they had a month ago.


"Syaoran-kun! Look! It's so kawaii!" sakura squealed as she picked up a white bunny that she had found(?). her holding the white bunny with the cherry blossoms swirling around her. If he took a picture, tomoyo would be proud of him.

"Aa..." he looked around the bridge to see if any one could see them. Seeing no one he took sakura's hand, and kissed it. Sakura put the little bunny down. She hugged him around the waist and looked up at his usually emotionless face to see smile and a pair of amber eyes gazing at her lovingly. She put her arms up around his shoulders so she would be able to kiss him. 'He's so tall now. Mou! I can barely get up to his face to kiss him.' she thought before they kissed sweetly.

"Syaoran-kun, Aishiteru"she whispered in his ear after they stopped kissing. Then she heard him whisper, "Daisuki, Sakura."

End of F.B.

'I should have known then that something was wrong then he never said 'Aishiteru' only 'Daisuki.''(aishiteru is the strongest way of saying I love you. Daisuki is not very strong) she thought sadly.

'I have nothing now. Nothing is left for me. Nothing will ever make me happy again. He was my happiness. I want to escape from here forever.... to escape.'she thought as she came to the bridge. "I want to escape!" yelled before bursting into hard sobs. "The only way is to.."she pulled out her key. "Release! Turn into a dagger, sword!"she now held a beautifully crafted dagger. She held it out before her, she felt the cards trying to hold her back. "I'm sorry everyone." she said before she pushed the dagger.

Then the dagger diapered.

"Hoe? Who's there?" she heard a flap of wings "kero-chan what are you doing here...." she turned around to see...Yue(Taa Daa!). "Yue-san?"

That's all folks!!!!