Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Celestial Love ❯ game booths and kawaii kisses ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N:Howdy! I'm shrub, aka msr.prezendnt, my mision in lyfe is to furck up the contry! i learnd how to be prezident from a book! It a familie busines! My pa taught me how!!!
*Yue and Kero jump on him and promptly 'escort' him out of my fic*

Disclaimer: I do not own clamp, or card captor sakura. Don't sue me! I'm broke!

last chap: Their escorts had arrived. Nakuru raced to the door to find Touya, Eriol, and Yue. All three were shocked, to say the least, when they say all the girls. Touya was on the verge of ranting and raving when he saw his imotou-chan, all the guys would be after her! Eriol was about to drool when he saw tomoyo, while Yue, as usual, had an emotionless face. On the inside, he had thoughts of how beautiful she was. After the guys regained there posture they escorted the girls to the festival.

Celestial Love

The group was having a blast. Even Tomoyo and Nakuru forgot about their 'romantic plan' for Yue and Sakura( that sakura considered to be the 'devilish plot, from hell, that was invented by it's evil minions').

Nakuru was having the time of her life, considering Touya was her 'date'(NO THIS IS ~NOT~ A NAKURU/TOUYA FIC! I MADE THAT BLUNTLY CLEAR IN THE 2ND CHAP! >.< Eww! I don't like that pairing!) for the night, as Yukito was not there and Nakuru was dateless. So Touya was stuck, winning Nakuru prizes all night.

Tomoyo was on a stroll with Eriol that Sakura was sure neither would come back single, as the constant flirting she had heard was enough to make Disney cry in shame for not giving you that many cavities.

As for our favorite card mistress and guardian, they were having as mich fun as the rest of the group. Sakura was dragging Yue around constantly trying to get him to eat, but of corse that failed. Thus, sakura dragged Yue to that games, as it was the only other activity was moon watching, and that was something couples did. She brought him to the nearest station, which just happened to be, the ring toss.

"Come on, Yue! This one's fun! Here let me show you!" she quickly paid for a set of five rings. "Ok, what you do is throw them at the pegs, you get a certain amount of points depending on which peg it lands on. Here, try it!" she handed him a ring. Yue looked at the ring, flipped his waist length hair over his shoulder (magicly shortened people!!!!) before throwing it at the set of pegs. Now this may have sounded normal, but it wasn't, considering he threw it not like a frisbee, but like a baseball!

But it mysteriously landed on the 100 point ring, sakura was the only person who did not gawk at this considering she knew he cheated, using magic. But acted as though it was a miracle so the crowd would not get suspicious. "That's good for one medium sized plush toy, which one?" said a friendly man working a the station. Yue gave her a look that said 'you-pick' she pointed at a white plush bunny.

After they had received the prize, sakura said, "let's try another station!" as they moved on, trying to avoid the crowded stations.


Unfortunately, the crowds were starting to follow them, Yue was doing extremely well at the booths, and all of sakura's suitors were getting angry at him for impressing her so much. Especially a certain guy that had been hitting on sakura BEFORE she broke up with syaoran!

"What is so special about some long haired freak? I'm much better material than that freak! I'll show him who's boss around here!" Kenji said strongly, before leaving his group of friends.


"Hey, Sakura!" said Kenji running up, a false happy smile on his face. "Would you like to watch the moon with me? I would be honored if you did!"

Sakura quickly replied, "I'm sorry, but my friend has never been to a festival before and needs me to show him around, come on I think this booth would be fun!" said sakura, trying to get away fast as possible, of course Yue had the same idea, and quickly followed her.

"Wait! Sakura, would you please tell me the name of your friend? I would like to ask him something." Kenji said, an evil glint in his eye that could only be out matched by eriol(SCARY!!!!).

"I am Tsukishiro Yue, you wish to speak with me?" Yue said in a cold tone that he would have seen make Kenji shiver.

"Call me Kenji, I wish to challenge you to a dual at the booth of my choice. The winner get's to be sakura's escort for the rest of the evening, deal?"

Sakura was steaming, she was not a prize to be won! " I REFUSE to be won like I'm an object! Kenji just ignored her, while Yue gave her a glance that said 'trust-me-I-won't-mess-up'(there is a very non-verbal connection, ne?). sakura glared at him, then Kenji, crossed her hands across her chest, "fine, baka."

"I accept, now which booth would this be?" asked a confident Yue, he knew sakura trusted him.

Kenji led him to the one booth sakura had been avoiding, he would have attracted way to much attention. The Archery Booth. "A shooting dual, are you still up for it? Unless sakura hadn't told you I'm the champion at school, and have beaten all the records, for Seiju high, in the last 5 years." he bragged.

"Can we get this dual over with, and stop boasting. In the end you'll be hurting more when you lose.", Yue spoke coldly. A large crowd gathered quickly.

"Do you want to bet money, too? It would make the deal sweeter." Kenji offered as he put down 3000 yen(=$25).

"Fine let's start" he said after placing down the same amount. He held the wooden bow out ready to shoot as Kenji did the same. They both let go of their arrows at the same time. They both hit the bulls eye. They were matching each other shot for shot. Yue of corse thought that this was child's play, even without magic.

Kenji was sweating, 'this guy is too good! I won't be able to keep this up for long! God is he a gold metal winner?'. Obviously he was scared of losing after all his bragging.

Then he missed.

Yue had won, the crowd clapped. Yue smirked at Kenji, "You should check the records from seven years ago and will see that a non-archary club member ranked higher then that. He's my brother". Yue put some of the money that was now his in the booth managers hand, and asked what prize he would get for the amount of shots. He went behind the display and brought out a silver charm bracelet with crescent moons and shooting stars. He said that he had gone over the limit and that this would be enough for it.

Of corse just to really rub it in his face, he offered sakura his arm, she took it and smiled at him(so kawaii! But evil too!). "Ja ne, Kenji-kun! I have to go with my escort now!" she shouted before they glided off, leaving a very hurt Kenji behind.

"That's MY arm she's supposed to be on!" he said sorrowfully.


As Yue and Sakura walk on the path they are both deep in thought. 'Should I tell him?'[of, corse you should he might feel the same] 'no, he won't! He only likes me as a friend!' [maybe more! Have you asked him? NO! Remember! Yue might love you back! Ja!] and the little voice left.

Yue was thinking the same thing only he was thinking of how to say it, 'what should I do?'he thought very confused and scared at the same time. Then he made his mind up, he was going to tell her if she hated him for it, then at least he would know, right?

"Umm, sakura?" he asked her softly, as a jumble of scared and worried emotions played over his face(live news report: hell has frozen over).

"Hai, Yue?", sakura spoke softly, pressing down hopes that she knew were not going to happen.

Yue stopped, turned around to face her. All of a sudden time seemed to slow down, "I, umm, I.......lo-" Yue was cut off by the pair of cherry lips that caught his before he could finish.

They parted for a moment, he heard sakura mutter, "Daisuki", before they kissed again.

The one thing he didn't hear though was a "Kawaii!" coming from the bushes, and a camcorder light showed that it was recording something VERY 'kawaii'.
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A/N: *blushes* that was the so kawaii, ne! This chap. Is dedicated to my friend mikomi-chan! She was the main reason I got that last chap out! She was always saying 'update!' and nearly bite my head off(it was at lunch!) for not doing so! Thankie! And now I'm on a roll so expect the next chap out soon! Ja for now!