Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Cheering up Sakura ❯ Calling Eriol ( Chapter 1 )

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own CCS... Clamp does, those geniuses

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Sakura Kinomoto tried to stop her tears from falling but couldn't. Her bestfriend, Tomoyo Daidouji tried saying things would be alright, but failed. Touya, her brother looked at her helplessly. He couldn't bear seeing his little sister like that.


Sakura looked up to see Li Shaoran holding his luggage and looked ready to leave. This made her cry even more and she threw her arms around Shaoran's neck and sobbed on his jacket. Shaoran himself couldn't control his tears. He wrapped his arms around Sakura's waist and whispered in her ear, "I'll be back as soon as I can Sakura. I promise."


"That's your flight," Sakura said letting go of Shaoran. "Fly safely"

Shaoran smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "Goodbye Li. And please keep your promise to by bestfriend," Tomoyo said. Shaoran nodded and walked towards Wei, who was waiting for him. He paused and took one last glance at the girl he loved before proceeding to enter the gate.

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"Will you be alright Sakura?" Tomoyo asked her as she went out of the door of the Kinomoto household. "Don't worry. I'll be fine," Sakura replied.
"Ok, I'll be going now. See you at school tomorrow," Tomoyo said, hugging her before going out. As Tomoyo walked home, she couldn't stop thinking about her bestfriend's misery. Li better keep his promise.

When she arrived home, she went straight to the phone and dialled Eriol Hiragizawa's number. It rang three times before it was answered ny none other than Nakuru. "Hello?"

"Hello Akizuki? This is Daidouji, is Eriol there?" she asked.

"Oh yes. Hold on," Nakuru got off the phone and Tomoyo heard her shout. "Master! Phone for you."

"Hey! Give it!" she heard Eriol say. She guessed Nakuru did not want to give him the phone.

"Nuh-uh, guess who it is first."



"My cute descendant?"


"Just give it!"

"No way! Guess!"

Tomoyo heard a crash and a scream and guessed that Eriol and Nakuru wrestled for the phone. At last, Eriol answered the phone. "Hello Eriol here."

"Eriol? This is Tomoyo. I just called to tell you about Sakura and Li," she said, playing with a loose thread on her dress.

"That my cute descendant left for Hong Kong and now Sakura is in misery because of it and you want me to help you find a way for her to be happy again?" he answered. Tomoyo sweatdropped.


"I'll be there on sunday."

"You're coming here?"

"Yes. I would like to see Sakura happy again so I'm going there to help you cheer her up. But, don't tell her. I want her to be surprised."

"Of course. I'll pick you up at the airport."

"It's settled then."

"Thank you Eriol. Bye."


Tomoyo returned the phone to it's cradle and felt relieved. I hope me and Eriol will be able to find a way for Sakura to be happy again.

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A/N: What do you think? There's no E/T yet. Don't worry there will be in future chapters. Read and Review.