Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Blossom ❯ chpt 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Nat: Hi people
Syaoran and Sakura: Hi Nat
Nat: Can someone do the disclaim for me please
Tiger: Sure, Nat does not own the CCS so piss off
Nat: Where did you come from
Tiger: ehhhhhhhh*run off*
Normal POV
`HOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' Sakura screamed as being waked up by her stepmother.
`Get up you whore and get ready for school.'
Sakura just rolled her eyes and start getting ready. She got out of the bathroom and she was wearing a red shirt that says `if you don't like me then fuck off!!' and a mini skirt that is black.(a/n not slutty type). A pair of boot with her usual schoolbag.
She runs out with a piece of toast in her mouth. To the school she goes.
Sakura arrived at school and run to her locker. Jin went up to her.
`Hi babe want to go out for dinner tonight'
`no way I hate you and don't keep your hope up cause I will not marry you.'
`no you will marry me' with that he walked off. Sakura just shaked her head, got her books and went to class.
She sit down at the back and start talking to Meilin.
`Hi Meilin How is it going'
`Great, there is a surprise for you'
`really, what is it'
`If I tell you then it won't be a secret'
Sakura was about to say something to teacher came in.
`Ohayo everyone today we have a new student, let's welcome Syaoran Li'
Sakura was too stunned to say anything. Syaoran walked in and all the girl's eyes popped out and the guys was glaring with jealousy.
`Hi people I am Syaoran Li but only people who have permission from me can call me Syaoran.' Syaoran said in a deep and cold voice. The girls just sighed dreamily.
`Go sit next to……' The teacher was cut off by Sakura
`Syaoran what in the fucken hell are you doing here'
`Do you two know each other?'
`Yes we do she is my soon-to-be girlfriend'
`Syaoran' Sakura warned him
`What, you said no to me yesterday.'
`Syaoran you wouldn't give in until I say yes will you'
`No I won't give up'
Sakura sighed `Fine I give in I will be ……'
Syaoran grabbed her and kissed her deep. The teacher coughed and they broke apart. Syaoran glared at the teacher and Sakura blushed. The girl glared at Sakura but she just ignored them. The bell rings and they all went out.
`I love sport' said all the girls
`Hi Syaoran' said the slut of the school, Mimi (a/n I think I write something about a school slut but I forgot so yeh)
`Who said you can call me and can please tell what is your name so I can put on your grave'
`Syaoran let's go and just ignore her' said Sakura
Jin went up to them.
`Who do think you are holding my fiancée'
`eh because she is MY girlfriend and what is your name'
`It's Jin and you are going down.'
`Oh really, Sakura I think you should stand back because there is going to be a fight'
`Syaoran don't'
Ok this is the end and I know that is short like all my other chapters but oh well. Thx people who reviewed and I love your reviews and I don't care if it's positive or what ever. I need ideas people because I am running out and there is fight or maybe not you decide.