Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Deep pureness ❯ Noticing ( Chapter 4 )

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It's now 23:06, I'm watching/listening to live8-hope u r 2!
Here's the next chapter of-
Deep Pureness
Chapter 4 -Noticing
Sakura dashed into the classroom, breathing a sigh of relief when she noticed the teacher wasn't there yet.
“Ohayo, Sakura-Chan. Did you over-sleep again?”
“Yep” came sakuras extra loonnnnnnnnnggg reply.
“Hey ha-” but tomoyo was cut off as the teacher came in.
“Today class we have a new student joining us, he's from Hong Kong and will be staying for a while.”
As soon as the new student walked in, most of the girls swooned, apart from sakura and tomoyo. As the boys groaned.
“I am syaoran Li, 17 years old and heir to the Li-clan (they won't take much part in the story), don't bother me or Kinomoto, Daidouji or eriol. OR ELSE!”
`Wow, he's a bundle of joy' thought sakura.
“Ok, Li. Please sit behind Miss Kinomoto, and since you know she can tour you and around the school.”
`YES! I get to sit behind Kinomoto -aka hot girl!'
“Kinomoto! Are you going to give me a tour now or what?”
`NOT now'
“Yes of course”
`NOOOOO! What am I saying?-I must be too good for my own good.'
`Woo-hoo! I get to hang with hot-girl- I must be sooooo lucky.'
After a lot of spacing out by the pair, sakura finally snaps back to reality.
“Come on then” she sighed.
She started walking and pointing out various rooms and places through-out the school, syaoran just stared at sakura the whole way, not caring about the school, but caring about HIS Sakura.
`She is so beautiful…her eyes are the greatest I have ever seen…her hair looks so soft, like silk....' syaoran rambled on like this for the rest of the tour.
After school
`Stupid onii-chan breaking my blades, now I have to walk home. If I wasn't so nice, my onii-chan would be soooo done for, but as I thought I am so nice.'
Suddenly, someone grabbed sakura's arm, trying to pull her away with them.
“Let me go! Please I haven't done anything, please…”
“I know that girly, but I need some fun...”
“Please…let me go…” cried sakura, as tears fell from her glistening emerald orbs.
“Let her go!” growled Syaoran, and punched the guy who scurried away.
“It's ok sakura, don't worry I'm here now” said Syaoran as sakura cried in his lap, leaving behind the world.
“Oh syaoran, why do bad thing always happen to me, why?
“Don't worry sakura, they won't anymore…I am here to protect you, but please don't cry it saddens me to see a beautiful creature like you cry.”
“Thank-you syaoran…” she sighed before falling into a peaceful sleep.
Since Syaoran was going to be staying at sakura's house-according to sakura's father, he carried sakura back home to her room where he sat on her bed gazing at a her peaceful face.
` She doesn't deserve things like that happening to her…an angel doesn't deserve anything like that, don't worry sakura, I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you again.'
He slowly, gently brushed some of her bands out of her eyes and kissed her forehead.
“Goodnight Sakura, my cherry blossom.”
And with that he fell asleep at her side, wrapping an arm around her and dreaming sweet dreams.
Well hoped you liked it, I'm not that good at romance so don't expect a masterpiece. Tell me what you think by reviewing-you know you want to ^^!
Sorry about any mistake but it is 23:59 and I'm a bit tired.