Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Deep pureness ❯ 5 ( Chapter 5 )

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Hiya, thanx 4 reviewing my latest chapter-
Disclaimer-I don't own ccs or any of clamps creations, but if I robbed a few hundred banks and then bought it…I have no chance, :(
Deep Pureness- Chapter 5- Can't think of a title!
Syaoran woke up to a sight he wasn't use to seeing, his eyes widened as yesterdays events came back to him.
`She was nearly hurt…'
He quickly left Sakura's room and asked Fujitaka, where the bathroom was. He quickly took a shower and went downstairs for breakfast.
Sakura awoke slowly, through the night she had felt unusually warm and at peace.
`I wonder why' she thought to herself as she took a bath and put on a knee-length light blue skirt and a turtle-neck pink jumper which had cherry blossoms sewn around the bottom. She skipped happily downstairs, nearly falling over as she halted at the door.
“Li? What are you doing here?”
`I see she has gone back to calling me by my last name again.'
“Ohayo, Sakura…”
“Ohay…did you just call me sakura?”
“NO! Of course not Kinomoto-san”
`Oh....' Sakura thought slightly disappointed.
“I am staying here until I can get an apartment and some money together.”
“Anyway I said that you could stay here full-time Li-san” Interrupted fujitaka as he entered from the kitchen, carrying some pancakes.
“Daddy, what does Touya think about all of this?”
“He doesn't mind” `He doesn't have a choice' Fujitaka continued silently while chuckling.
“O…K” `wow dad sure knows how to embarrass me; maybe I should take him to the doctors some time. I mean he's talking and laughing to himself and…anyway! That's not important now, I need to talk to Syaoran-did I just call him Syaoran? No No No! It's Li-kun, Li-kun!'
“Um Li-kun will come upstairs with me for a minute?”
“Sure, but why?”
“Just come on.”
Sakura dragged Syaoran upstairs eagerly, wanting to know an answer.
“Li-kun, how did I get home last night?”
“Well Sakura…Um Kinomoto”
“Call me sakura”
“Ok then call me Syaoran, Anyway I carried you home because you fell asleep in my arms” `And I wish you would do it again…'
Sakura blushed at what Syaoran had just said and thought `wow, I wonder what Tomoyo would say? (I bet you can guess^^)'
“Um thanks Syoaran…”
She said after a few minutes of silence and thinking.
“No problem.” `My sweet Sakura…'
End of Chappie!
Tell me what you thought and please review. Remember I accept flames because they can't burn me! But you could give an improvement maybe.
Also tell me what you'd all like to see!