Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Emerald and Sapphire ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Emerald and Sapphire
Summary: *Eriol/Sakura* After Syaoran married, Sakura decided to move on then 5 months within their relationship she catches him cheating. Deciding to go away for the summer, she finds herself in England and bumps into a friendly face.
By: Midnight Slayer
Disclaimer: I don't own CCS
Please note that I don't care if you like Eriol/Sakura pairings or not, this is fanfiction and you can write whatever you like even though you know in the series this pairing may never happen… so even if you do leave a flame it WILL be either ignored or you may just receive a message about your flame in the next chapter… if you stick around to read it…
I don't know why you flamers even bother, if it were about how the story was written or something like that I'd take the “flame” as constructive criticism… other than that, please remember that this is FAN fiction, where the FAN writes what she or he would want to change or add or put the copyrighted characters in an altered universe.
And also note, in this story Eriol is FULL reincarnation of Clow Reed
Anyways, I might as well begin the story.
Chapter one: It's the beginning of a Wonderful Friendship
It was the last day of school, and the end of the day and the students were all buzzing with news. But they weren't about the news of what they are planning for the summer, in fact, they were talking about the resent relationship between one of the most popular girls in school. The students of Tomoeda High made their way to the front of the school where Sakura, the Clow Mistress now seventeen was yelling at the male in front of her.
“Just leave me alone Akira, I don't want to see you're worthless trash like face anymore.”
“But you don't understand Sakura, babe.” He began as he ran his hand through his light brownish blond hair.
“Oh, I completely understand, I've always had my suspicions Akira… but now, I saw proof. Now why don't you and your little sluts go off and have some fun somewhere else before I loose my control and beat the crap out of you.” She said.
And with that she walked away, and disappeared out of sight.
Sakura sat on top of her suitcase letting Kero-chan zip it up for her.
“Arigatou.” She smiled.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked.
“Hai! Beside I'm having the cards with me, and Otou-san agreed, he already inform Abigail that I'm coming, and you have to protect him since Yue is with Touya.”
Kero sighed knowing he could change the determined mind of hers, “Alright just be careful.”
Sakura giggled, “don't worry, it's only for the summer. I'll be back in time for school, I just need to relax a bit Kero-chan, to get away from all… The memories.” She sighed, “And if Tomoyo asks, tell her I'm travelling for the summer. And tell otou-san not to tell her where I am either.”
Kero just nodded, as they hugged.
Sakura walked downstairs and saw her father in the living room asleep, his laptop opened and glowing. She wrote a note telling him she was off, and kissed his forehead.
She grabbed hold of her suitcase and in a swirl of cherry blossoms she was gone.
Sakura opened her eyes after she felt her feet land on the ground, she smiled as she looked around, England was always a nice place, she remembered it from when she had gone with her father here to visit an old friend.
She made her way to the houses to the corner where a café was. Even though it was still early morning (AN: I don't know the time difference between Japan and England… sorry) she opened the café door and stepped in.
An elderly woman popped out from the back, “I'm sorry but the-” she stopped and looked at Sakura, “Sakura! Oh, It's been so long! When I got the call from you're father, oh, come here!”
Sakura giggled as she put her suitcase down and hugged the woman.
“How have you been Abigail?” asked Sakura in perfect English. (Abigail and her daughter knows Sakura has magic.)
“I've been fine my dear, How about you?” she asked, “And what brings you so far away from Japan?”
“I'm… ok, it's summer vacation, so I thought I'd get away from Japan for a few weeks.”
Abigail looked at Sakura, “Its Love trouble isn't it?” she asked.
Sakura laughed, “You always seem to know everything don't you?”
Abigail smiled, “Yes well, I've done the same thing when I was your age… Now don't think about that cheating scum you called a boyfriend, you never know, you may find someone here.” Abigail winked.
Sakura laughed, “Yes, maybe… Oh, Abigail, thank you for letting me stay, If you don't mind I want to work at the café… as a thank you, you don't need to pay me…”
“Hmm… I don't know…” said Abigail.
“Aw, please Abi? It's the least I can do.”
“Oh alright, the café is going to open in a few hours, you look about the same size as Sami… There's a spare Uniform you can use.”
Sakura smiled and nodded, “How's Sami anyways?”
“She's upstairs asleep, why don't you wake her up, she doesn't know you're here.”
Sakura grinned and nodded going upstairs. “Sami! It's the end of the world!” Abigail heard Sakura scream.
“What?! Huh? Where's the muffin?” she heard her daughter yell in surprise.
“Ahhhhhh! SAKURA!!” you can here two squeals and they both came down smiling.
The rest of the morning was spent catching up and cleaning the café until they opened later.
Sakura sighed as she lay on the bed in the guestroom one top of Abigail's Café. She'd been here for a week already, and the café was closed for the afternoon.
She sure did miss Tomoyo and the other girls… she giggled and Yamazaki of course, but she just couldn't find the courage to go back there for the rest of the summer, Just the thought of bumping into that stupid jerk Akira, and being bombarded with the old memories she spent with Syaoran made her frown.
Syaoran… Sakura frowned and sighed.
Syaoran had gotten married, yes at the beginning of the school year Sakura had received a letter from him, saying that he was terribly sorry, but the elders had gotten him a new bride.
She remembered breaking down right then and there, but she knew. She knew all along that she'd never be with him. He was from a powerful family with different customs than her own.
Four months after that letter she met Akira. She felt so stupid that she believed that he was nice. She sighed, she shouldn't think of this.
She got up from bed when she heard a knock on her door. She opened it to see Sami there tears falling down her face.
“Sami! What happened? I thought you were going on a date.”
Sami hugged Sakura, “Oh Sakura, it's terrible! Jesse, I saw him kissing another girl!”
Sakura's eyes darkened, “What is it with guys and Cheating?! Next time I see that stupid face of his I'm going to beat him up for hurting you.”
Sami just cried.
“Come on, why don't you tell your mom that you're not up for working tomorrow, while I make you a nice cup of chocolate milk, and you are banned from eating ice cream!” she said, “You're not going under depression, you are going to be strong like me and forget about the worthless piece of shit ok?”
Sami nodded and giggled and they went downstairs, Sakura made the chocolate milk and was about to bring it to Sami, but she saw her hugging her mom and smiled and placed it on the table and went to her room.
Sakura sat on her bed that night with the cards out and floating in front of her, she laughed as she communicated with her cards who were cheering her up.
She summoned up Move, “Move, do you think you can send this Letter to Otou-san, Kero-chan, Touya and Tomoyo please?”
Move glowed and then was gone along with the letters.
Sakura the Sakura cards sensed that their mistress was getting tired they went into the book, while the Elements and Hope tucked her in, as they watched over her as she fell asleep.
“Master Eriol! I'm home!” cried Nakuru as she burst through the doors.
“Really Nakuru, you should know by now that Eriol is in the Study studying.” Said Spinnel.
Nakuru sighed, “If Master really wanted to see the Kawaii Mistress then why doesn't he go to Japan?” she asked.
“You shouldn't bud in his business…”
“Hai hai… You know Suppi? I think you're mood is a bit in the dumps, why don't we add some sugar to that personality of yours?” she asked.
Spinnel growled, “My name isn't Suppi, and no, you are not going to stuff me with Sugar again, don't you ever listen to Master Eriol? I'm not supposed to have sweets.”
Nakuru just grinned and chased after Spinnel.
Inside the Study Eriol sat down in front of the fireplace in his favourite red chair, a book in hand and supposedly reading, though his mind was elsewhere.
Eriol wondered, he wondered what she looked like now, he closed his eyes and tried to think of an image, soft creamy tan skin, silky golden brown hair, a sparkling emerald eyes.
He sighed as he closed the book that he was holding. He put the book on the desk and got up from the chair and headed towards his room.
He figured tomorrow was going to be a long day with his weird friends dragging him everywhere to look at “hot” girls.
And with that, he placed his glasses that covered his Sapphire colored eyes, on the bedside table, brushed away his midnight blue colored hair away from his eyes and slipped into bed.
The next day Eriol's two friends had indeed dragged him everywhere where girls would hang out, like the mall, and the beach… Now for relaxation they brought him to a café where they sat at a table talking.
“Come on Man, there must have been one girl you found hot today!” said Tom, a male with blond hair.
“I think that girl with the blond hair at the beach was hot. But there was also that brunette at the mall… oh and don't forget that red head we saw on the way here.” Said Mark, a male with black hair.
Eriol just chuckled he friends were defiantly weird.
“What about you Eriol?” he asked.
“Nah, no one can compare to the girl I have in mind.”
Tom sighed, “That Sakura girl right? Look if you wanted her so badly what are we doing here for? We should be in Japan looking for the hot girls there!”
Eriol shook his head, “Nah…”
Suddenly yelling caught their attention. A female with mid back length golden brown hair pushed a guy outside yelling, “What the hell are you doing here? Listen if you're here for Sami she's not talking to you so just scram already!”
“Listen, what she saw yesterday was never supposed to happen.” Said the male with brown hair.
The female laughed, “Right, what is it with guys not admitting that they cheat on their girlfriends who love and care for them, and with who do they cheat with? A bunch of sluts!” The female already balled her fists to punch the male.
“Sakura! Don't he's not worth it!” cried a female with black hair, her bangs were highlight with pink.
Sakura growled, and punch the male once in the eyed, “if I catch you here again I swear I don't care what Sami says, I'll beat you to a bloody pulp!”
As both waitresses walked in Tom and Mark looked at Eriol, “Man, doesn't she pack a punch…” said Mark.
Eriol didn't reply.
Tom and Mark looked at each other and sniggered, “And he says he has someone in mind.”
Eriol snapped out of his dream and looked at Tom, “It's her.” He whispered.
The female sighed and walked up to them and smiled, “Hi there, what can I get you?”
Sami rushed to Sakura, “Sakura, he's here.” She said with worry.
“Who?” asked Sakura.
Abigail and Sakura stopped, and Sakura growled and looked at the brown haired male who walked in, she pushed him outside and started yelling.
“What the hell are you doing here? Listen if you're here for Sami she's not talking to you so just scram already!”
“Listen, what she saw yesterday was never supposed to happen.” Said Jesse.
Sakura laughed, “Right, what is it with guys not admitting that they cheat on their girlfriends who love and care for them, and with who do they cheat with? A bunch of sluts!” She balled her fists to punch the male.
“Sakura! Don't he's not worth it!” cried Sami.
Sakura growled, and punch Jesse once in the eyed, “if I catch you here again I swear I don't care what Sami says, I'll beat you to a bloody pulp!”
Sakura and Sami walked back into the Café and Sakura sighed.
She walked up to a table and smiled, “Hi there, what can I get you?”
“Since when did you get such a violent side Sakura?” asked a male.
“Huh?” Sakura looked at the Midnight blue haired male with glasses and Sapphire eyes, she looked at him registering everything, where did she see him before? She wondered.
She gasped, “Eriol-kun?!” she asked.
Eriol smile that held all the usual Mysterious aura.
Sakura laughed and hugged him, “What are you doing here?” she asked.
“I can ask you the same thing, so far from Japan… and if you've forgotten… this is where I live.”
“Nani? OH! I can't believe I forgot! Ano, Gomenasi. I came here to get away from Japan for a few weeks.”
Tom and Mark looked at Sakura, then Eriol, then each other, “Damn.” They swore under their breath, Sakura was quite a beauty.
Eriol chuckled, “You've grown so much from that little girl I knew.”
Sakura blushed, “You've grown handsome yourself.” That's when she remembered her job, “Oh! I'm sorry, you would like anything?” she asked Eriol friends.
“Right, I'll just have a coffee.” Said Tom and Mark.
Sakura smiled and nodded and looked at Eriol, “I'll have a coffee too.”
“Coming right up!” said Sakura cheerfully and she disappeared to the counter.
Tom and Mark looked at Eriol, “So that's Sakura huh?”
Eriol just nodded.
“Damn! Eriol always finds the hot ones!” said Mark.
Tom nodded in agreement, “I say next year for school we go to Japan!”
Eriol chuckled.
When Sakura came back with the coffee she smiled at Eriol's friends, “I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself, I'm Sakura.”
Tom and Mark shook her hand, “We've heard so much about you from Eriol.” They said with smirks.
“I'm Tom.”
Sakura smiled, “Nice to meet you.”
Eriol frowned slightly, Sakura was the same cheerful self… though inside he saw that she was sad.
“You know, we should hang out sometime! I'll bring Sami and Nikki I'm sure we'll have a blast together.” She said, “Anyways, I better get back to work, my break is not for another half hour, I'll see you around!”
They all nodded.
Sakura smiled brightly at Eriol, “It's really nice seeing you again Eriol, if you can, tell Nakuru and Spinnel hi for me.”
Eriol smiled at her and nodded, “Sure.”
Sakura hugged him one more time before going back to work.
Tom looked at Eriol, and Mark laughed.
“He's in dreamland alright.” Said Tom as he waved a hand in front of Eriol's face who was watching Sakura's figure smile at the customers.
Mark nodded, “And to think, after all this time Eriol hid that beauty from us… no wonder her didn't want to bring us to Japan last summer.”
Tom laughed, “Yeah, Japan is probably full of hot chicks like her. And at school they have those uniforms there, imagine seeing girls like that… it must have been heaven for him. We are enrolling to the senior year next year for sure.”
Mark laughed too.
Eriol blinked and looked at his laughing friends.
“Oh shut up.” Eriol said as he drank his coffee.
Sakura and Sami were outside exploring after work and Sami wouldn't stop smirking.
“What is it?” asked Sakura.
“Who was that guy?” she asked.
“What guy?”
“You know… the guy at the café after you punch Jesse.”
“Oh you mean Eriol-kun?” she asked.
“Yes, this Eriol guy… I must admit he's quite a looker.” Sami smirked, “Where have you been hiding him?”
Sakura blushed, “I forgot he lived here in England… I haven't seen him for five years…”
“You like him don't you?” she asked.
“Huh? What? Where did u get that idea?” asked Sakura.
Suddenly a girl with brown hair with blond highlights popped out of nowhere, “Sakura's got a Boyfriend?” she suddenly asked.
“Nikki!” they both cried in surprise.
Nikki giggle, “Yes, it's me, but what's this I hear? Sakura likes a guy?”
Sakura blushed, “No I don't.”
Nikki and Samantha laughed, “Yeah right, it's written all over your face!”
“Oh shut up! He's just a really nice friend.” Said Sakura.
Nikki and Sami just kept on laughing. Sakura pouted and stepped in front of them looking them in the eye, “Stop laughing!” she cried the blush still visible.
“Aw look Nikki, she's blushing!” said Sami.
“She must really like this guy.”
“Guys!” Sakura whined, “I don't li- Hoeeeee!” Sakura couldn't finish her sentence since she bumped into to someone.
She quickly turned around, “I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-” she looked into those sapphire eyes, “ERIOL!” she shouted in surprise and her blush deepened.
Sami whispered in Nikki's ear, which resulted with Nikki smirking, “Oh…”
“It's alright Sakura.” He said.
In back of him, Tom and Mark sniggered.
Nikki and Sami inspected Eriol walking around him, “So you're Eriol.” Said Nikki.
Sami looked at Tom and Mark and smiled.
“Yes, I'm Eriol.”
“I'm Samantha, but everyone calls me Sami.” She winked.
“I'm Nikki. And everyone called me Nikki.” She grinned at Sami who laughed.
Sakura shook her head at her friend's weirdness.
“Tom's my name don't wear it out.” Tom smirked.
“The name's Mark.”
“Nice to meet you.” They all said.
They all walked together around town before Sami said it was getting late, She and Sakura went home towards the Café. Nikki left her own way, while Eriol, Tom and Mark walked a bit longer.
As all six said goodbye, one thought in their mind was true.
`It's the beginning of a Wonderful Friendship.'
Thanks for dropping by and reading, please leave a review before you leave!
Midnight Slayer