Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Emerald and Sapphire ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Emerald and Sapphire
Summary: *Eriol/Sakura* After Syaoran married, Sakura decided to move on then 5 months within their relationship she catches him cheating. Deciding to go away for the summer, she finds herself in England and bumps into a friendly face.
By: Midnight Slayer
Disclaimer: I don't own CCS
Chapter four: The pain in my Heart
Sakura happily skipped down the road with her friends trailing behind her, she turned around as she continued walking and called to them, “You guys are slow!! Hurry it up! Eriol mentioned that the town is amazing here and I wanna see it to believe it!”
Her friends laughed as they quickly caught up with her.
Sakura laughed as she rushed to one shop and then another, and then another and another and another and… well… I think you get the point.
In short, Sakura basically went into every store that she could, the others barely had time to look in one store before Sakura zoomed to another store.
Two hours had passed, and the gang decided to stop for a break at the café.
“It really is amazing here!” cried Sakura after she thanked the waiter who brought their smoothies.
Eriol grinned, “Of course is it is my dear Sakura-hime.”
Sakura laughed.
The gang continued to fool around, but during this time of fun and games in town, Sakura couldn't help but get the feeling that she was being watched.
As the six friends were heading back in time for a quick lunch at the beach Eriol walked beside Sakura, “anything wrong?” he asked clearly worried.
Sakura shock her head, “No, not really… well… actually… don't u get the feeling like we're being watched?” she asked.
Eriol frowned, “You don't think it's the person from last night do you?”
Sakura shivered at the thought, but shook her head, “No… the presence is different… like someone we knew…”
“Hey guys! What's the hold up?? We gotta PARTY!” cried Nikki as she ran towards the beach.
Sakura and Eriol grinned as they ran towards the beach too.
Ruby eyes covered by a pair of dark sunglasses watched Sakura and Eriol and their friends run towards the beach.
A sad smile appeared on the person's face before the person turned away black hair blew in the wind.
Sami, Nikki and Mark smiled devilishly at each other as they approached the sleeping Tom.
Sakura and Eriol laughed as they decided to help them with their plan, since, well… it was originally Sakura's idea.
“Hmm… what shall we do to him?” asked Sami.
Nikki thought for a moment, “Well, we sure are going to give him some boobs!” she exclaimed.
Mark laughed, “Yeah! We'll give him huge ones!”
Eriol chuckled as he shook his head, when an idea popped into his head, “How about we bury him first, then give him the boobs, then, in stead of legs we'll give him a merman… or rather mermaid's tail!”
Sakura laughed, “Well, if we wanna do this we gotta do it before he wakes up!”
Once that was said the five of them began their plan.
Sami laughed as she stood up from her kneeling position, “This has got to be the best work of art ever!”
Mark laughed, “Dude, where's a camera when you need one?”
“What are you saying?? I've been taking pictures since we got here stupid, you think I wouldn't bring my camera??” asked Nikki as she rushed to her bag and pulled out the small digital camera and took pictures of “Tom-ella”.
Tomella… is Tom, but a female mermaid version. Yes, Tom was now buried in sand with boobs, and a large fin, and let me just say… it's hilarious!
“Wake him up! Wake him up I wanna take pictures of his reaction!” cried Nikki.
Sakura laughed nodding as she walked over and tapped on Tom's forehead.
Eriol laughed as Tom's eyes suddenly snapped open.
“WHAT THE HELL??” cried Tom as he tried to move, “What happened??” he took a look down, “Shit!! GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
His so called friends laughed as Tom still struggled to break free with small progress. Maybe around five minutes later, the sand was loose enough and he broke free. Standing there his arms crossed and a seriously angry look on his face Tom growled, “Alright, whose brilliant idea was that.”
Sakura “eep”ed, as she got a head start when everyone pointed in her direction.
Tom growled as he ran after her, “Sakura YOU GET BACK HERE!!” he shouted.
Sakura laughed and she turned around quickly, “Na, na, na, na, na, nah!! You can't get me! You can't get me!” she taunted before running again and jumping out of his reach.
Just as Tom was about to get her Sakura flipped away, and she pouted, “It's no fair! Eriol was in it too! As well as everyone else!” she cried.
Tom looked back at everyone's “innocent” faces as he ran for the next closest person which happened to be Eriol.
Eriol gave a small glare at Sakura, “This is you're fault!” he cried as he ran after her, and Tom ran after the both of them.
Sakura laughed, “I love you too hunny bunny!”
Samantha, Nikki and Mark seemed oblivious to the strange looks they received from the by-passers as they rolled around on the sand laughing like there was no tomorrow.
“Ahh!” cried Sakura as she tripped over a log and bumping into a person.
“Omph…” Sakura looked up, “I'm so sorry! I tripped and… Li-san?”
Syaoran stared at the girl he loved, “Sakura?”
Sakura backed away, and bowed, “Gomen… for bumping into you Li-san…” she apologized.
Syaoran frowned at the “Li-san” part, “Sakura… I…”
“Sakura!!” called Eriol, he and the others waved her over.
Sakura turned back to Li, “Gomen Li-san… but I have to go.”
Without another word or glance, she ran towards her friends.
“What just happened?” asked a female next to Syaoran.
“Nothing Chi, let's go…”
Chi, Syaoran wife nodded taking a look at Sakura, `You're a lucky girl Kinomoto…. To always have Syaoran's heart like that.' She thought as she followed behind her husband.
Eriol walked next to Sakura as they headed to the snack bar.
“Don't think about it.” He suddenly said.
Sakura looked at him, “You recognized him to then?” she asked.
Eriol chuckled, “I wouldn't have recognized him, but it seems the Li clan leader forgets to cover his aura…”
Sakura smiled sadly, “I think that woman next to him was his wife… she was pretty…”
Eriol frowned as he let her continue.
“She had a nice warm aura around her too… I know now, that Li is in good hands…” She looked down.
Eriol sighed and he stopped walking and held onto Sakura, “Sakura, don't you go comparing yourself to a woman you don't know one thing about! From what I saw, you're more beautiful that she is, and you're more powerful, not to mention that kindest person in the world.” He said.
Sakura smiled, “Thank you.” She said as they continued to on their way to buy snacks.
The hot afternoon sun shone brightly and emitted heat so strongly that almost everyone was so out of energy.
Sami and Nikki, were helping each other and with the help of their boyfriends (yes, Mark asked Nikki to go out with him) with reapplying sunscreen. They wanted to tan after all, and they had burned enough yesterday.
Eriol sat at the edge of the dock watching Sakura as she just floated in the water on her back thinking.
`What is Li doing here?' Sakura thought, `and, what was he going to tell me before I ran away?' she sighed as she looked up at the bright sun causing her to squint. She closed her eyes and sighed again.
Opening her emerald eyes again she watched the white fluffy cloud above.
`Why can't I get him out of my mind?' she asked herself, tears blurred her vision, `No! stop it! Stop thinking about him Sakura, just stop it, you'll just hurt yourself more!' she told herself.
Sakura got the sudden feeling like she was being watched, `It's probably just Eriol… Eriol…' as she thought his name, she couldn't help but smile.
She snuck a glance at him as he created a boom box for Nikki since she said the beach would be livelier that way.
Eriol turned to her just as Sakura looked away.
Suddenly Sakura cried out and she was pulled under water.
“Sakura!” Cried Eriol.
Nikki, Sami, Tom and Mark turned to see Sakura gone, “Sakura!” they cried.
Eriol quickly took off his glasses and dived into the water and looked around for any signs of Sakura. His eyes widened as he saw Sakura way ahead of him struggling to keep her breath as the male from last night held her.
Eriol glared at the male as he tried to catch up, and glow erupted in his hands as he summoned his staff.
“Sakura!!” cried Samantha as she was about to dive in after Eriol.
“Sami, don't!” said Tom, “Eriol will take care of it, we don't know if this has something to do with magic, and if it does, we can't help them.”
Samantha shook her head, “I hope they're ok…”
Suddenly, the warm aura that belonged to Sakura quickly began to fade.
Syaoran, Meiling, and Syaoran's wife Chi's heads suddenly snapped up at the feeling.
“What was that?” asked Meiling.
“Sakura…” Syaoran whispered as he and Meiling ran to where he bumped into Sakura.
He stopped in mid track as when he saw a glow erupt in the water.
Eriol swam towards the underwater cave where Sakura and the male were, and he quickly made his was up and gasped for breath.
He looked around, “Sakura?? Sakura??” he walked around going deeper into the cave when he saw Sakura's body just laying there.
“Sakura!!” he ran towards her but was blown back unexpectedly.
“Stay away.” The male from last night said.
Eriol got up with the help of his staff, “What did you do to Sakura?” he asked, as his staff began to glow.
“Her name, is not Sakura… her name is Serenity, and she's simply resting.”
Eriol glared at him, “Resting?? She doesn't look like she's even breathing!” he charged toward the male, “Who the hell are you?”
The male simply let Eriol charge at him.
Eriol almost stumbled when he went right through the man.
“I, am Travis.” He said.
Eriol frowned when he realized, that Travis, was just a lost spirit. This Serenity he keeps calling Sakura must have been his girlfriend or something… Closing his eyes, Eriol decided to make this quick, the clow transmutation circle appeared under his feet as he muttered a spell, and the memories that Travis couldn't remember suddenly came back to him as he realized that he passed away.
Travis smiled, “Thank you…” he whispered as he looked up, “Serenity…” and he disappeared and moved on.
The glow disappeared and Eriol quickly rushed to Sakura's side, he cursed to himself, Sakura wasn't breathing.
Eriol put his hand above her chest and his hand glowed. Then, from her chest, water came out forming an orb in Eriol's hand, once that was done, he needed Sakura to breath and start her heart again, putting a little magic in his hands to help the process he began CPR.
`Come on Sakura. Breathe!!' he thought to himself.
Eriol back away when Sakura suddenly gasped for breath as she coughed up the little water Eriol didn't get.
Sakura looked up at Eriol with blurry eyes before they closed again from exhaustion.
Eriol picked her up, and held her close, “Thank God…” he whispered as he held her closer for a bit longer, “You're ok…”
“What's taking them so long?” asked Nikki worried.
“I don't know, but we have company…” said Mark as he did a slight motion to the left with his head.
Everyone took a glance at Syaoran, “Who is he?” asked Nikki.
Samantha glared in his direction, “I know him… Sakura used to talk about this guy all the time a few years back…” she replied, “That's Li Syaoran, Leader of the Li clan, he and Sakura used to go out…”
“Used to?” asked Nikki.
“Yeah, he lived in Hong Kong while Sakura in Japan… he got married.”
“What?!” the three cried.
Sami nodded, “Yeah, I had the same reaction…” she shrugged, “Well, for one thing, I'm glad he's out of the way now, from the way I see Eriol looking at Sakura, I'd say he loves her.”
Tom and Mark sniggered, “Oh you don't know the half of it! He completely stopped looking at girls when he came back to England after his trip to Japan, and the only girl he talked about was her.”
Samantha and Nikki giggled, “They'd make a cute couple.”
The four friends jumped and turned around to see Syaoran, Meiling and Chi.
Samantha glared at him, “Do we know you?” she asked, “And don't you know it's rude to listen to other's conversations?”
Meiling sighed, “Don't mind my cousin…” she said as she waved a hand at the glaring Syaoran, “He's just worried that's all… he said he saw you guys with a girl named Sakura Kinomoto…”
“What's it to you?” asked Tom.
“We… just had a feeling something happened to her…” said Chi.
Nikki frowned, “Well, it's being perfectly handled, you can go back to whatever you were doing.”
Syaoran growled, “Look here, We want to know what happened, and we want-”
“Li.” Came a voice from behind.
They all turned around to see Eriol holding Sakura bridal style.
“Li, I suggest you go home… you clearly heard that my friends here don't want you here, and I know Sakura isn't exactly in the mood to see you.” He said.
“Just go.”
Syaoran glared at him and frowned looking at Sakura before he left.
Meiling smiled sadly at Eriol, “I'm Meiling… I can see you love her… you better be telling her soon or else you might loose her… and she deserves a man like you.” She whispered to him.
Eriol smiled.
“Meiling! Chi!” Syaoran called angrily.
Meiling and Chi gave a quick bow before following Syaoran.
Samantha and the others looked at Sakura, “Is she ok?” asked Nikki.
Eriol nodded, “Let go home… we'll rest for the rest of the afternoon.” He said.
Everyone nodded as they walked back home.
Sakura turned and she opened her eyes blinking a few times, she looked around and noticed she was in Eriol's room, she sat up, “What happened?” she asked herself.
Memories flooded back into her mind. Memories of being dragged under water, flashes of the man's past life, she shivered, and tears came to her eyes.
The man, Travis, and his Girlfriend Serenity who had a bit of similarity to Sakura, we a happy couple, but Serenity, had recently just found out she was in an arranged marriage.
Torn apart, the couple had gone their separate ways. Travis found out that Serenity's husband was abusive, going to help out had gotten them both killed by the rampaging drunkard.
Travis who went into shock seeing Serenity getting killed first made his mind go haywire when he passed away, and he didn't seem to move on. She felt so sorry for them, she felt the great amount of grief and it just added on to her emotions.
The memory reminded her of Syaoran, and tears blurred her vision even more.
She wasn't ready she couldn't face it. She still loved him, and as a saying goes, you're first love is always the hardest to forget. Hugging her knees to her chest she cried, she felt selfish for loving Syaoran, when he belong to another.
She heard the door open and close but she didn't look up, she tried to stop crying but it didn't, she just couldn't.
She suddenly felt the warm arms of Eriol wrap around her and she cried into his chest as he comforted her.
“Just let it all out Sakura…” he whispered, “You'll feel better after.”
Sakura hugged him close as just continued to cry, “I wasn't ready Eriol… I couldn't face the fact that he married someone else…”
Sakura's cries slowly but surely stopped but she continued to hug Eriol. She felt so safe in his arms, it felt so right to be here like this. When she thought of Eriol, she felt her heart soar with the stars, she felt so special when he complimented her. She never noticed until now that her heart would raced when she was with Eriol. She felt this other strange tingling sensation in her heart and body, what was it?
If she loved Syaoran, why had she never felt like this before around him?
She began to wonder, `how come I never noticed this?' she thought.
Always loving Eriol's visits at the café.
Loving waking up every morning here to the scent of Eriol.
Loving Eriol's comforting aura.
Loving Eriol's compliments.
Loving Eriol's hugs and comforts.
Loving the fact that she feels so happy, safe and herself with Eriol.
Just simply…
Loving Eriol. She smiled in realization.
`I like… no… I love Eriol… not Syaoran… Eriol.'
She looked up at Eriol who was wiping her cheeks with his thumb.
“Eriol.” She began.
Eriol hushed her, “No need to thank me.” He said.
Sakura reached up and took off Eriol's glasses, and when she looked into Eriol's eyes, Emerald and Sapphire met with nothing in the way, Eriol and Sakura met and nothing can get in their way.
The gap between them slowly began to close as Eriol's lips met with Sakura's.
A strong tingling sensation shot through their bodies at their first kiss together.
Their kiss was soft and loving, and grew into a passionate kiss. Sakura wrapped her arms around Eriol's neck as one of his arms wrapped around her waits pulling her closer, and his other arm held gently behind her head.
Their kiss seemed to last an eternity, which in reality was only around two minutes the most.
When they broke apart, Sakura smiled as she looked up at Eriol a blush on her face.
“Sakura, I've always wanted to tell you…” he began, but Sakura placed a soft delicate finger over his lips, “I love you too.” She whispered to him.
With that Eriol leaned in again for another kiss.
Sami and Nikki smiled seeing Eriol was not coming back with the movie he had gone to his room for.
“Man… what's taking him so long?” asked Mark.
Nikki glared at him as she hit him over the head, “Stupid! It's about time Eriol and Sakura hooked up.”
“How would you know?” asked Tom.
Sami sighed as she shook her head, “Men… they don't know anything.”
Mark who was still rubbing the back of his head looked at Tom who shrugged and they decided Video games would do until Eriol comes back.
Thanks for dropping by and reading, please leave a review before you leave!
Midnight Slayer
The first kiss between Eriol and Sakura is HERE! Finally huh? Lol. Well sadly to say there are two chapters and the epilogue left! Noooo this story is coming to an end. (tear, tear) but no worries ne? I'll be back with another Eriol/Sakura fic in no time! And there will also be Sakura/Syaoran fics in the future too… but when I don't know…
Thanks a bunch for the reviews!