Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ English Roses ❯ 'I Guess This Is Home' ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here you go, chapter number 2! Thanks for everyone who reviewed, it really means a lot to me. Now, on with the story! ^_^

Standard Disclaimer: I do not lay claim to any of the CCS characters or story. They are property of Clamp.

*** `italics' means thoughts.

English Roses

Chapter 2

`I Guess This Is Home'


Sakura gazed open mouthed at the sights around her.

"C'mon Sakura!" Tomoyo's bell-like laughter rang out as she and Sakura made their way to customs, pulling their luggage behind them.

"But just look!" Sakura exclaimed, running to catch up with Tomoyo. "It's amazing!"

Tomoyo smiled in agreement.

"England is so different from Japan." She said, looking around at the strange writing and shops. All around were the large English words "Welcome to the United Kingdom!"

The two young women had landed in Heathrow Airport, in London England after a fourteen hour flight from Japan, including a short stop over for re-fueling in Turkey.

Sakura shook her head to clear it, slightly dazed.

"Wow." Smiling slightly, she cocked her head to one side and looked over at Tomoyo, then down at the linoleum floor in front of her. "It's weird." Tomoyo looked over at the sound of her friend's voice. "Now that we're actually here, it seems almost… unreal." She looked over at Tomoyo, her emerald eyes filled with a wisdom rarely seen from the honey-haired woman. "Y'know?"

Tomoyo nodded her head, before looking down without really seeing anything.

"Dreamy." She whispered, emotions of pride, regret, and unmatched sadness welling up inside.

`It's my fault Sakura had to grow up so fast. It's all my fault.'

"Tomoyo?" Sakura's voice startled her, pulling her from her thoughts. "Are you ok?" Tomoyo nodded at her concerned friend, putting a large, fake smile on her face.

"Now remember, Sakura," Tomoyo spoke carefully and purposefully. "They only speak English here, so we're going to have to be careful."

"I know." Sakura smiled. "Don't worry. I'm not that forgetful."

Tomoyo laughter was only slightly forced.

"Ok. But just be careful." She looked closely at her friend. "Kay?"

Sakura nodded.



Tomoyo gave a start, then quickly walked forward to where the man behind the desk was waiting, watching her calmly.


"Ok." Tomoyo and Sakura sat down on a bench in the airport, their luggage in front of them.

"So we can take a taxi to our new apartment, get settled in, and explore a little bit." Tomoyo looked beseechingly at Sakura. "Sound ok?"

"Mm hm!" Sakura answered. "When's the rest of our stuff coming?"

Tomoyo tapped her foot.

"Well, it's coming by air express, so it should be here some time tomorrow. We'll just have to make sure we're in."

Sakura nodded.

"Ok. So let's get going, shall we?"

Tomoyo nodded in agreement, then the two women made their way to the doors, and out into the new world.


When the two girls arrived at their new apartment, they couldn't wait to check it out. Exploring the maze of rooms, they each chose a bedroom.

"I want this one!" Sakura cried, falling back on the bed. "Unless you want it, that is."

She looked quizzically at Tomoyo.

Tomoyo shook her head, her dark locks flying around her.

"No, that's ok. I kinda want this one." She pointed to a room down the hall a bit, and on the other side of the hallway.

"Ok!" Sakura sat up on her new bed and looked around the room. Her eyes rested on the window, and she got up from the bed to take a look.

The view was wonderful. From her position, she could see a beautiful park just a little ways away, and townhouses all around. It really was an ideal spot.

Turning around, Sakura ran into Tomoyo's room, where her friend was doing the same thing she had been.

Running up to her roommate, Sakura gave Tomoyo a big hug. Once she had let go, Tomoyo cocked her head and gazed at Sakura.

"What was that for?" she asked curiously.

"For finding us this great apartment!" Sakura exclaimed.

Tomoyo laughed.

"Well actually, it was my mom, but that's ok." Standing up, she smiled at Sakura. "Hey, why don't we look around the rest of the apartment?"

"Ok!" Sakura stood up, and bounced out the door.

Tomoyo smiled. Sakura still had so much energy.


The smile on Tomoyo's beautiful features faded, and was replaced with a look of utmost sadness. Thank goodness Tomoyo's ordeal hadn't caused that to disappear.

"Tomoyo?!" For the second time that day, Sakura's voice pulled Tomoyo from the thoughts of her past. Shaking her head to clear it of all memories, Tomoyo stood up and smoothed the wrinkles from her skirt.

"Coming!" she called in reply to Sakura's query. "No more thought of the past. Just focus on the present and on the future." Tomoyo told herself firmly.

`No more.'


The apartment was not too big, but wasn't exactly small. Tomoyo's mother had friends in all sorts of places, and she had had their help in finding the girls such a great apartment. It was very stylish, and consisted of three bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, and a storage room, that, fortunately, had a washer and dryer. The whole place was neat and clean, floors and granite counters shining.

"Yay!" Sakura flopped down on the sofa in the living room. "This is fantastic!"

Tomoyo nodded, joining her on the couch.

"I can't wait until we start decorating!" she commented, a tell tale sparkle in her eyes.

`No more thinking about the past, or of Andrew.'

Sakura shook her head ruefully. Anything to do with fashion or patterns had Tomoyo jumping up and down.

`I'm done with him. Over him.'

"Maybe just wait until we get the rest of our stuff before you do anything, ok?" Sakura told her, smiling at her friend's enthusiasm.

`I don't need him.'

Tomoyo smiled and nodded.

`He's my past, and it's done and gone. So I won't think about it anymore. He's not worth it. He's dead to me'

"Well," She said, looking around at the plain, white washed walls and shining, hard wood floors. "I guess this is home."


Longer chapter next time, I promise. And it will get happier; when they meet Syaoron and Eriol. Angsty fics kinda depress me, so there will be humor! Ta ta!
