Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ For Life or Death ❯ Chapter Two : The Hazards of a Book Fall-out ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

For Life or Death

Chapter Two : The Hazards of a Book Fall-Out


"Ok, that's about all for today," said Fujitaka as he glanced at the clock. There were about five minutes left to class, and he really didn't have much more to tell them anyway. "You can pack up."

The shuffling of papers, moving of seats and other objects, and the voices of college students filled the room as soon as the words were out of his mouth. He smiled slightly and began organizing his desk for his next class; he really did love this time of year, when school was just starting. It had a sense of new life about it, and it made him glad he chose to be a professor.

"I really am sorry for disturbing class, otou-san," said a voice to the side of his desk. He looked up to see Sakura standing there, looking rather sheepish. He smiled and patted her head.

"Don't worry about it, Sakura," he said. "I know how you are. Just be careful, ok? Not all teachers are as lenient as I am." She nodded.

"I know," she said. "Mou...I can't believe my alarm didn't wake me up!" Fujitaka smiled and straightened some papers; she readjusted her backpack to make it more comfortable.

"That's just how you are, Sakura," he said. "No matter what, you'll always be the same Sakura - late for everything, but always showing up with a big smile and a fresh attitude."

She smiled slightly and nodded.

`Yeah...that's me, reliable Sakura...'




Surprisingly, Sakura was one of the first people to her next class. When she entered the auditorium-like classroom there were only about fifteen other people inside. She quickly took a seat near the front of the room and close to the door. She looked around as she waited for everyone else to arrive. The other people looked like your average students - people she could've known her entire life. One face did stick out, though.

"Naoko-chan!" she called as she waved. Naoko looked up from her seat in the center of the center row. She waved and picked up her books before walking over. She took the seat next to Sakura and smiled.

"Ohayo, Sakura-chan!" she said brightly. "Daijoubu desu? How was your first class?"

"Mou..." groaned Sakura as she leaned back. "I don't even wanna think about it!"

"Demo...isn't your father the sensei? It couldn't have been that bad, could it?" asked Naoko. Sakura nodded.

"The class was great, but I was late," she explained. "My alarm didn't go off, and then I was so busy rushing to class that I ran into someone in the hallway. My books went everywhere, and it made me late."

"Ouch," said Naoko; she winced. "That had to stink. My first class was great! Remember Chosha? The guy I met at the club yesterday? He's in my writing class!"

"Wai! That's so great, Naoko-chan!" Sakura said. Naoko nodded.

"Hai, I'm very lucky," she said. Before their conversation could progress any farther, the professor walked to the front of the room and called for silence. The girls snapped their attention to the front and looked at him with all the interest they could muster. Naoko had no problem here, but Sakura found it a little more challenging.

She wanted more to laugh at their teacher. He almost looked like a shaved version of a stuffed animal reject. His grey-black hair was sticking out at odd angles, and huge clumps were missing at various places; his eyes were wide, pale blue, and crazed looking. He wore grey slacks that cut off just below his knee, brown loafers, no socks, a white shirt with long sleeves, and an orange sweater vest to complete the look. He looked at them all from behind narrow glasses, which only added to the weirdness that surrounded him.

"Konnichiwa, minna-san!" he said in voice that was too friendly for his appearance. He motioned to the white board behind him and smiled. "Please get out all materials listed on the board. You should already have them, as they were on the list that was mailed to you."

Sakura bent over and began searching through her bag. She pushed past her paleontology books and her geology books; she dug around for a few more minutes, desperately trying to find her linguistics books. They were no where to be found in her bag; what she found instead was a few racing magazines and two notebooks.

"Iie!" she hissed. Naoko looked at her in confusion.

"Sakura-chan? Doushita no?" she asked. Sakura looked up at her and laughed nervously.

"N-nandemonai!" she said as a bead of sweat rolled down her head. Naoko gave her a concerned look.

"Sakura-chan, are you sure? You looked kind of worried," she said. Sakura sighed and shook her head.

"That guy this morning took some of my books and I got his," she said. "I'm going to have to use my other notebook and just transfer the notes later. Mou...this day is not turning out to be as good as it should've been!"

"You two! On the left!" They looked up to see the professor glaring at them. "Something you'd like to share with everyone else?"

Sakura gulped and nudged Naoko; she asked, "Naoko-chan?"


"This sensei scares me."





"Mou...!" Sakura whined as she stretched; she leaned against the door behind her and sighed. "I thought that class was never gonna end!"

Naoko, who was standing next to her, smiled and laughed. She said, "Hai, the sensei was a bit...peculiar..."

"Pfft! Peculiar my foot!" shot Sakura. "He was down-right weird!"

Naoko simply nodded. She looked at Sakura's bag and asked, "So, did the books have a contact if lost number?"

"Hai," Sakura answered with a nod. "I don't have any more classes today, so I think I'm going to go back to the dorm and call Bruggeman-san. Mou...I still can't believe I took his books!"

"Don't forget, Sakura-chan, that he also has your books," said Naoko. Sakura nodded.

"Hai...I'll see you later," she said as she walked off. Naoko waved.

"Ja ne, Sakura-chan!" she called. She looked at her watch and let out a startled cry. "Iie! I'm going to be late!"




Sakura finally made it back to the dorm around two o'clock. She opened the door and entered to find Kero in the living room playing video games and someone was in the kitchen making something. She walked over to the kitchen to find Tomoyo mixing a drink.

"Tomoyo-chan! I thought you had classes?" she asked. Tomoyo smiled and shook her head.

"Iie, Sakura-chan," she said. "My last class ended at one. I don't have to go back in until four." Sakura nodded.

"Ah," she said. "I don't have any more classes until tomorrow. I think I'm gonna go crash."

Tomoyo laughed and said, "All right, Sakura-chan. Have a nice nap."

Sakura nodded and walked over to their room; she entered and walked over to her bed. She collapsed on the soft mattress and sighed; her backpack tumbled to the floor next to her. She looked at Syaoran Bear and smiled.

"I wonder how college is for you," she said. She yawned and buried her head in her pillow; she turned her head and spotted her backpack on the ground. Todd's magazines were sprawled out from the opened lip of the sack. She sighed and sat up before picking up one of his notebooks.

"I guess I should call him, shouldn't I?" she asked the bear. Syaoran Bear simply sat there looking at her; she smiled and nodded.

"You're right," she said. "I can't sleep yet - I need to get his books back to him."

She leaned over the side of the bed and grabbed her backpack; after a few minutes she found her cell phone and sat up. She glanced at the number in the book and dialed; the other end rang a few times before the answering machine picked up.

"Yo', this is Todd! You know I'm not here, so if you're important enough I'll get back to you," said the voice. The phone beeped and she sighed.

"Bruggeman-san? This is Kinomoto Sakura from this morning. Remember? I ran into you in the hall? Well..I think I have some of your books. I'll call back later so we can work out a time to swap books, ok? Ja," she said. She clicked her phone off, dropped it back to her bag, and fell onto the bed. She looked at Syaoran Bear again and smiled.

"Aishiteru, Syao-kun," she whispered. It took the grand total of two minutes for her to fall asleep.




Todd returned to his dorm around seven. He had had a long day of classes, and all he wanted to do was go sleep. However, it seemed the world was not willing to let him have his wish; as soon as he entered the room, the phone began to ring. He began grumbling as he made his way to the phone. When he finally reached the black cordless, he picked it up and pressed the talk button.

"Moshi moshi?" he asked in a gruff voice.

"Bruggeman-san?" asked a hesitant voice from the other end.

"Anata desu ka?" he asked; his voice now possessed a confused tone.

"Kinomoto Sakura," said Sakura. "I ran into you this morning."

"Oh! Kinomoto-san!" he said. He smirked. `I knew she digged me!' "What can I help you with?"

"You have some of my books," she said.

"Eh?" he asked. He raised an eyebrow in confusion; what was she talking about?

"This morning..when our books fell, you grabbed some of my mine. At least, I hope you did, because -" she started; he cut her off.

"Because you wanted to see me again?" he asked slyly.

"Iie! I mean..not that I don't want to see you again, but you...hoe!!!" she cried in exasperation. He smirked. "Because I have some of your books."

"Ah," he said. "I see how that could lead you to call me. I was wondering how you got my number, anyway."

"Hai, ano...when would be a good time to switch books?"

"Tomorrow morning? Same place, same time?" he asked in an amused voice.

"Very funny," she said. He smirked.

"I try," he said. "Well how `bout I take you to dinner tomorrow night? We can switch books and have a date at the same time!" There was silence on the other end. He looked at the phone; his brow was wrinkled with concern. "Kinomoto-san?"

"Watashi...gomen nasai," she said. "I can't go out with you."

"Oh..." he muttered. `I guess she doesn't dig me after all...' "Why?"

"I just can't. Sumimasen," she said. He sighed and nodded.

"Ok Meet me tomorrow at six at the coffee shop near the Chinese place about a block from the school," he said. He looked at the phone hopefully as silence answered him. "Kinomoto-san? It's just coffee."

"H-hai," she said after a moment. "I'll be there."

"Great! See you then!" he said. A moment later the phone went dead. He smirked and hung up.

`Even if she says she can't date me...she so digs me.'




Sakura hung up and sighed. There was something about Todd that disturbed her; it was a very unsettling feeling. She looked at Syaoran Bear and sighed.

"Is he after the Cards?" she asked the small, aged bear. He simply sat there, staring at her with unmoving eyes. She sighed again and leaned back on her bed. "Bruggeman-san...what do you want?"




Sakura sighed as she brushed out her shoulder-length hair. She had her hair back in its usual style, two pigtails on either side, within minutes. She grabbed her bag and looked at Kero.

"Kero-chan, I'm leaving now," she said. He looked up at her.

"What're you leaving for?" he asked.

"I have to get my books back," she said as she rolled her eyes; did the little guardian ever remember anything that had nothing to do with food? He looked at her and smiled.

"Great! Can you pick me up some pocky on your way back?" he asked. She sighed again and nodded.

"Whatever, Kero-chan," she said before leaving. Tomoyo looked up at her from her seat on the couch and smiled at her; her friend didn't look too good.

"Sakura-chan, daijoubu desu?" she asked. Sakura looked at her and smiled slightly.

`I wish they'd stop asking me that,' she thought. She nodded. "Hai, I'm fine. I'm just going to get my books back. Bruggeman-san's meeting me at a coffee shop nearby."

"Coffee?" asked Tomoyo. She eyed her and frowned; she placed her book down and turned around to look at her. "Sakura-chan, you're just going for your books, right?"

"Hai!" Sakura said. "I'm gonna get some coffee, too, but that's it: books and coffee. And some pocky for Kero-chan." Tomoyo didn't look convinced.

"Bruggeman-san likes you, Sakura-chan," she said. "He's in one of Eriol-kun's classes, and Eriol-kun says he's already telling people how he's got did it go again? `Hook, line, and sinkered.' Sinker - I don't know what it is, but I do know he thinks you like him."

Sakura laughed and waved her off. "It's nothing, Tomoyo-chan! I don't like him; I love Syao-kun, remember?" Tomoyo bit her lower lip and nodded.

"Hai, hai - how could I have forgotten?" she asked with a weak smile. "Drive safe." Sakura nodded and left. Tomoyo wasn't the least bit convinced; Sakura was getting tired of waiting, whether she would admit it or not. She sighed and picked up her book.

`Please, Li-kun, hurry back...'




. . : : dictionary : : . .

mou - geeze

ohayo (gozaimasu) - good morning

demo - but

wai - wow

minna(-san) - everyone

doushita no - what's wrong

nandemonai - it's nothing

moshi moshi - phone greeting

anata desu ka - who are you

ano - um

watashi - I

sumimasen - sorry



w00t...second chap! Hope y'all like it. `Nother chapter and it gets more exciting. +3

Just a quick poll (out of interest)...why do you pair up Eriol and Tomoyo? I was on an Eriol shrine the other day, and the webmistress had a page on Eriol's relationships. She ranted about how fanficers pair up Eriol y Tomoyo because "I guess matching color schemes are the best reason for single people to be togehter." Personally, I just think their personalities match, so I think they make most sense. *shrug* Just curious. See y'all next update!

~ tN!!
Special thanks to:

Potato Maiden: He didn't even say the Latin! He just said the words came from the Latin words...and Chiharu hit him! *sighs* Nevermind...


Comments and constructive criticism welcomed. Please, don't flame. If you can't say your CC without flaming, don't bother. Flames will be used to fuel Az's bonfire for the yummy s'mores.