Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Goodnight Sweetheart ❯ Pretending to be Happy ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Goodnight Sweetheart

By Kawaii_Cherry_Blossom

Ok, now this story is written with the dub names. I don't like the dub, but it's all I've seen so I think it's best to use the names I know, so I can put them in character better. If you don't know the Nelvana names (and Kids WB I guess, but I've only seen the Nelvana dub), here is a translation. I'll probably add more names here as more characters are introduced into the story. Because the Japanese have their last names before their first, that's how I've put it. They're all about a year older than they are in the dub.

Sakura Avalon - Kinomoto Sakura

Li Showron (I think that's how the English version spells it) - Li Syaoran

Madison Taylor - Daidouji Tomoyo

Meilin Raye - Li Meiling

Tori Avalon - Kinomoto Touya

Julian - Yukito

Kero/Keroberos - Cero/Cerebus

Chelsea - Chiharu

Nikki - Naoko

Rita - Rika

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Drama/Romance

Summary: Sakura has a horrible secret, and one which will tear the hearts of everybody around her…especially Li.

Chapter 1

Pretending To Be Happy

Let it rain

Let it rain on me

Let it rain, oh let it rain

Let it rain on me

Sakura gazed longingly out of her window, staring at the brilliant blue sky. With not a cloud in sight, the day was one of perfection. The sun shone in rays of brightness, streaming down upon those who were lucky enough to be outside and enjoying it all. Sakura closed her curtains with a sigh, blocking out the beautiful sight and all its happiness, and made her way to her bed. She found herself wishing she were attending school that day, even though Friday did mean a double math lesson.

When she had almost made it to her bed, Sakura stumbled, feeling her legs weaken underneath her, and fell. Tears came to her eyes as she sat on the floor to regain her strength. At that particular moment, her brother Tori walked in.

"Oh no, Sakura!" he cried as he rushed to her side.

The young girl looked up at him bravely. "It's ok, Tori. I'm fine. I just lost my balance, that's all…" she told him.

Tori's features softened. "Let's get you back to bed then, hey?" Sakura nodded and let him guide her. When she had made it and was lying peacefully in her bed, Tori gave her some warm tea and a few biscuits. As she ate, he sat on the edge of her bed, thinking. After a few minutes, he looked down at his little sister.

"Have you told them yet?" he inquired quietly.

Sakura lowered her eyes. "I told Madison, and she's going to tell the others…"

"And the brat?"

"He's not a brat", she snapped, but without a forceful tone in her voice. "…I'm going to call him tonight and tell him. I…I don't know how, though"

"You know I still don't approve of him, Sakura."

"I know… But I'm sure you will, in time."

Tori narrowed his eyes in dissatisfaction, but decided to change the subject. "…I have to call the school this morning and let them know. I can't keep saying that you've got a fever. Okay?"


Tori frowned. He hated seeing her like this. His sister was the most cheerful, carefree and innocent person he knew. Watching her frown dismissively broke his heart…and the hearts of many others. Sakura smiled at him to cover up her sadness, as if she could read his thoughts.

"Everything will be alright", she said, but Tori could tell she was trying more to convince herself of that rather than him.

Tori shook his head at her attempts to mask her feelings. Standing up, he covered Sakura with her blanket.

"Do you want anything else to eat?"

"No thanks, Tori. I'm not very hungry."

Tori nodded. "I'll be back to check on you soon, then" he replied, and walked out of the room, closing the door.

Sakura laid her head back against her pillow. 'Kero should be back soon', she thought. He had gone to pick up her reading book that she'd left at school. As if on que, the small, yellow creature flew through the window, struggling under the weight of Sakura's book. Despite Sakura's sad mood, she couldn't help but smile, and add a small snort of laughter in too.

"I'm glad you think this is funny, Sakura, because I sure don't!" Kero cried, dropping the book on the floor. "Phew!"

Upon flying over to his 'master', Kero noticed Sakura's facial expression. Although she was attempting to conceal her feelings with laughter, Kero saw the sadness through the smile. Trust Sakura… Kero stopped in his tracks. "Hey champ, what's the matter?"

Kero became concerned when tears formed and hung loosely around Sakura's normally bright, green eyes, and then fell down her cheeks, leaving glistening trails of sadness. "I'm…I'm going to call Li, and tell him tonight…"

Kero's eyes turned downcast. "Oh…" he replied.

Although he had accepted it, what was happening to Sakura was too unbelievable for him to truly believe, and so sometimes he forgot about it. Kero flew to his master, and she let his paw wipe away her tears. Together they sat in silence - thinking…dreaming…wondering…

Sakura woke up at around 3:30 pm. She twisted her head and saw Kero playing a video game, quietly for once, on the other side of her room. Sakura rubbed her eyes and pushed her blankets off of her, suddenly feeling hot. Kero paused his game and turned around. "Oh, hey sleepyhead. How was your nap?"

Sakura smiled slightly. "I wasn't planning on falling asleep, why didn't you wake me up?" she said, laughter present in her voice.

"Your brother told me to let you sleep - he said you need your rest".

Sakura nodded and lay back against her pillow. 'The day has passed so quickly. I don't want tonight to come… I don't want to tell Li… I just want everything to be back to the way it used to be. It's not fai…'

"Sakura…you have a visitor", Tori exclaimed as he walked into her room, interrupting her thoughts. Sakura didn't notice, but his statement seemed anything but enthusiastic.

"Huh?" Sakura sat up immediately. She sure wasn't expecting anybody, who could it be?

"Do you want me to let him in, or can you come downstairs?"

'Him…?' she thought. "Uh…let him in", she answered, glancing around her room. It was clean enough.

"Right", he said, and walked out of the room.

Kero raised an eyebrow, turning the TV and video game off, and sitting up on Sakura's shelf like a stuffed animal.

Moments later, footsteps could be heard approaching Sakura's bedroom. A boy with dark brown hair and deep, auburn eyes walked questioningly into her bedroom.

"Li!" Sakura cried, and rushed out of her bed to greet him. Her excitement was soon halted, however, as she felt herself fall. Li reacted quickly, and reached forward to catch her before she hit the ground. Kero had regained his stature by then, and rushed to Sakura's side.

"Sakura!" Kero called out.

"Sakura, are you ok?" Li cried, frightened by the unexpected situation.

Looking up into his eyes, Sakura blushed. "Yep, I'm fine", she told him, and stood up, shakily, to prove it to him. "I've just been asleep all day, so I'm a little off-balance".

Li's face softened as he helped her back to her bed, and they both sat down.

"Are you sick? Another fever?" he asked.

"Umm…yeah, that's it. Another fever", she replied. Li raised his eyebrows uncertainly, but Sakura changed the subject before he could say anything. "So what are you doing back? How come you didn't tell me in one of your e-mails?"

"Well… It was kind of last minute…" Li smiled one of his typical smiles - a small one. Sakura's eyes filled with tears, and she put her arms around Li. "I'm so glad you're back…" she trailed off.

Surprise engulfed Li's now red face, as he accepted her into his arms and hugged her back.

Li was still very uncertain about the relationship between Sakura and himself. They'd kept in contact after Li had left, but not close contact. Li's admittance to loving her after their battle with Eli was very difficult for him to remember with ease and will. Her never admitting she loved him back was another factor that made his feelings a little uncertain. She had taken his bear, which he noticed was sitting on her bed, but she hadn't said the words, which made it hard.

"You haven't been past the school yet, have you?" Sakura asked when she had pulled out of their embrace.

"No, not yet. I wasn't planning to go - just see the others on the weekend. Why?"

"Oh, no reason. I was just wondering", Sakura replied, then thought to herself, 'Good, they wouldn't have told him then.'

Silence prevailed for a moment, until Kero decided to butt in.

"So what's been up, kid?" he asked.

Li snarled at him. "Don't call me kid!"

Kero rolled his eyes and smirked. "Same old kid."

Li growled and tried to smack Kero, but he swiftly moved out of the way.

Sakura was laughing happily at the scene. It was just like old times, and she seemed to forget about her current situation, if only for a moment.

"Do you wanna go out somewhere later, Li? I mean, you're not here for long are you?"

"But…aren't you sick?"

"Sick…? Oh, no, I feel a lot better actually!"

Uncertainty crossed Li's face. "Are you sure…?"

Sakura smiled and nodded, "Sure am! What time?"

"Umm, about 7? I'll come pick you up, okay?"

Sakura nodded.

"If you don't feel well, call me, alright?"

"Don't worry, I will."

"Well, I better go and unpack. I'll see you later", Li told Sakura as he stood.

Sakura nodded once more, and stood, this time more confidently. "Okay."

"Feel better, Sakura", he said as he walked out of the door. Sakura sat down again and Kero flew to her side.

"Sakura, why didn't you tell him?" he asked.

Her smile faded to a frown, "I…I couldn't just yet. I will tonight, Kero, I promise."

"You better, Sakura. You can't just pretend that everything's fine anymore. He needs to know…"

"I know… And I will tell him…tonight."

To be continued…

^_^ I know it seems pretty boring now, but I swear it's gonna get HEAPS better and REALLY sad! I'm gonna make you cry!!! *winks* I'll have the next chapter up in about a week, so stay tuned! I've written it, but I think I'll make ya wait for it. Mwahaha!

Lyrics at the beginning are by Amanda Marshall.

Keep smilin!


Luv THA Princess


"Dream in peace… Trust love… Believe…"