Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Guradian Angel ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Guardian Angel

My head is empty. I am thinking of nothing literally. Only of what may happen to me. It is high, but I was never sensitive to heights. After such a long time I have finally found the way up here. Now, everything should find an end. The pain, the sadness and the loneliness. Everything would be over. My soul would finally be free. I turn around and let myself fall. I see the night sky, the stars and the moon. I feel relieved when I see the moon. I don't care anymore that I am falling and falling. Soon, my fall would end. Soon, all would end. I close my eyes. Not much longer until the impact. But then…

I feel something chilly near me. And suddenly, strong arms grip for me and I am not falling anymore. The arms hold me tightly and I can feel a body next to my side. I open my eyes. And then, I can see him. He was even more beautiful as the first time I had seen him. So long ago. He held me in his arms and his huge wings gently carried us down onto earth. Carefully, he set me free. I can't resist and touch his face with my hands. His skin is cool and soft. He looks at me. He has so beautiful eyes.

"You have returned.", I say, "I already had given up hope."

"Is that why you wanted to die?", he asks.

"Not directly.", I answer, "There were so much things coming together. I just have no more power. And I am so lonely."

"You are not alone.", he replies, "There will always be someone who cares about you and who surely would be really sad if you weren't there anymore."

"I have no one. Not anymore. There is nobody who cares about me. No one would be sad if I wasn't there anymore. I don't trust humans anymore. They left me alone."

"Would you trust me?", he asks me, "I am not human."

"I don't know.", I silently answer. He takes my face into his hands. Beautiful hands with gracious fingers.

"From now on, I will stay by your side and protect you.", he says.

"Why?", I ask.

"Because I care about you.", he answers, "And because I would be very sad if you weren't there anymore."

"Thank you, Yue.", I say and smile. And then, I can resist no longer. Closer and closer my face gets towards his. And then finally, my lips lay on his. For a short moment, I can feel his lips, then my head moves away.

"Yue…", I whisper, "I…I am afraid that I love you."

"There is nothing to be afraid of.", he answers, "Whatever happens, everything will be alright."

Again, he wraps his arms around me and flies up into the night. It is a feeling you can't describe to fly with him.

My window is open. I had sneaked out of the house. He places me on my bed and caresses my cheek with his right hand.

"You should sleep now.", he silently says.

"Would you mind staying here tonight?", I ask.

"No.", he answers and sits down at the edge of my bed.

I slip under the blanket. I feel very relaxed. Not like the other days, when I couldn't find any sleep. Now, he was with me. He would always be with me.

"Yue, thank you.", I whisper, already half asleep. Gently, he runs his fingers through my hair.

"You are welcome.", he says, "Everything will be alright."

With a smile on my lips, I fall asleep.

What was meant to be an end had turned into a beginning. The beginning of something I couldn't even imagine yet. But that wasn't important. It was just important that he was here. Yue, my beautiful guardian angel.

AN: Oh my, I was depressed when I wrote this, so forgive the light darkness in here. This is kinda the sequel to "Full Moon Encounter", but can also be read by itself. And like in the other story, you can insert whoever you like as the narrator. Oh, and before I forget, Yue and everything else related to CCS belongs to those four certain ladies, you know who I mean (^.~)