Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Heart's Treasures ❯ Aftermath ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hearts Treasures: Part 3
By: Starlight Rose

Disclaimer: Cut and paste one of the old ones here since I'm too lazy to do it.

A.N. I have to repeat to of my classes although I passed them, but apparently not with the required grade so I'm a bit depressed about it, bah! Anyway here's the next chapter. The way this chapter is set up with going from one person or group's experiences to another is how the rest of the story will be set up, but for the most part it will go back and forth between Sakura and Syaoran to give their situations and perspectives. Also you'll probably notice that I'm also throwing in another couple in here as well, though since I'm not too familiar with that coupling, it is an alternate coupling after all, I'm not going to go too in depth over it.


"Your Highness," an elderly man said bowing respectfully to the young man standing before him, "Her Majesty, the queen, has requested your presence."

Syaoran looked at his steward, sighed warily, and said, "Tell my mother that I will be there once I finish dressing."

"As you wish." The elderly man said bowing once more before leaving the room.

Syaoran brushed an errant lock of hair impatiently out of his eyes as he laid back down in his bed. He was still in his dressing gown since his mother had decided to call him for her usual lecture earlier than usual. He wondered what the lecture would be about today. Yesterday it had been about his duties to the kingdom and how he was almost of age to take over the ruling of the kingdom. His mother had wanted him to be more responsible, but Syaoran wondered how she could expect so much of him when she gave him so little power. His mother had been ruling as regent of the Fauna Kingdom since Syaoran's father's death fifteen years ago. Syaoran was the king of the kingdom, but he held no power. He was merely a puppet king controlled by his mother.

He was of the age when the restrictions of his mother were beginning to chaff at him. He was fully aware that he was merely a figurehead and held no power and he was just beginning to learn to resent his mother for it. Just a little over a year left, Syaoran comforted himself. It would be only a little over a year before he would turn eighteen and he could rule under his own name rather than allowing his mother to rule for him. His mother was a very capable ruler, having been raised in a noble family she knew all there was about ruling a kingdom, but very little about being a mother.

Sighing once more Syaoran stood up and began to get dressed. Normally he would have an entire retinue helping him to get dressed, but today he had dismissed them all. For some reason he had been in a particularly foul mood the past few days. He ruled it out as being restlessness from staying inside and attending to state matters for too long. He had resolved to go hunting today to rid himself of his pent up energy and frustration and also hopefully his foul mood too. This morning it had been worse than usual even causing him to explode at his servants when they were too slow doing things for Syaoran's liking and dismiss all of them while in a rage.

Finally dressed in a plain loose green tunic and black leather breeches that hugged to his form Syaoran exited his room to attend to his mother. As soon as he entered the room he saw the disapproval in his mother's eyes at his choice of apparel. Grimacing she asked him, "Syaoran, could not choose to wear something more appropriate?"

"No mother, I could not. I am going hunting today and unless you wish me to fall off my horse because my fancy clothes got caught on a tree branch, then these clothes are extremely appropriate." Syaoran replied coolly.

His mother threw him a warning look before saying, "Do not speak to me in that tone of voice. I am your mother not your subject."

"Very well mother." Syaoran replied warily. "What did you want to see me about today?"

"Ah...yes that. The servants tell me that you've been extremely bad tempered recently and I see how right they are." Syaoran's mother Yulan stated. Syaoran smirked at the comment finding it very ironic how his mother had to find out about his recent temperament from the servants rather than knowing it from her interactions with him, as limited as they were. "Would you care to tell me why you are so temperamental recently?"

"No I do not care to tell you," Syaoran thought rebelliously but instead replied, "It is nothing. I have just been feeling a bit stifled recently. The castle has been rather hot the past few days and I just need to get out."

"Is that it?" Yulan asked disbelievingly.

"Yes, mother." Syaoran replied. "If that is all you wish to talk to me about, I will take my leave now."

Yulan frowned before answering, "That is not all I wished to talk to you about today. Syaoran, you are going to be eighteen in a little over a year and when you do you will finally take over the throne. You are no longer a child. You have many responsibilities that you must begin to fulfil and one of them is producing an heir to inherit this kingdom should something happen to you."

"Mother, I do not yet wish to marry or even think about marrying." Syaoran said clenching his fists as he restrained himself from yelling at his mother. Syaoran found it ironic that his mother should choose now to bring up the subject with him. She considered him mature enough to marry and produce an heir to his throne, but not mature enough to rule the kingdom. He wondered bitterly if his mother would not be happiest if something did happen to him at this point. If he married and had a child and then died by some mishap then his mother could continue ruling as regent in the name of Syaoran's child.

He pushed the uncharitable thoughts to the back of his head as he concentrated on his mother and what she had to say to him. "Syaoran," his mother said sighing warily, "I know you do not want to marry but you must. You are old enough to marry and you need an heir. Maybe marriage will help to improve your foul mood. You are king so I will not force you. You may choose who you wish to marry, but make your choice wisely."

"And if I wish to marry no one?" Syaoran asked.

"That is not an option. The only option you have is who to marry. I will give you until your eighteenth birthday to make your choice, but choose you must. There a many beautiful young ladies in our kingdom and in neighboring kingdoms that would love to marry you so you will have your pick of brides."

"I do not wish to marry any of the grasping noblewomen or princesses that wish only to marry me for my throne." Syaoran retorted coldly.

"In our position we do not get much choice on that account. I ask you to choose a marriage that will benefit our kingdom, but I will not force you. You may marry who you wish just know that whoever you choose there will always be consequences."

"There is always consequences. Must I give myself up to my kingdom completely? For the sake of this kingdom I have forsaken anything resembling a childhood and now I will have to even forsake a chance at love?" Syaoran asked bitterly.

"There is no such thing as love," Yulan replied coldly, "Mutual affection and respect maybe, but not love. You are foolish if you believe in love especially being in the position that you are in. You will choose a bride by your eighteenth birthday or I will choose one for you."

"Yes, mother." Syaoran muttered glaring at the domineering matron. "If that is all I will leave you now." Syaoran said before turning on his heel and exiting the room before his mother could come up with more ways of controlling him and his life.

Syaoran stalked out of the castle in a worse mood than he was in that morning and he knew his face showed it judging by the way everyone quickly scurried out of his way as he passed wary of his infamous temper. When he finally reached the stables he found his chestnut stallion, Fireheart, already saddled and waiting for him. Off to the side of his horse were several of the huntsmen with their dogs firmly restrained on leashes. Syaoran gave the group a sardonic smile knowing full well that word of his outburst this morning had spread and that the huntsmen not wishing to enjoy another reenactment of that morning had been prepared. After all it would not do for the king of a country to go hunting by himself no matter how little power and influence he actually wielded.

Syaoran mounted the stallion quickly and with a jerk of his head motioned for the hunting party to leave. He set Fireheart to run at a canter and sat back on the horse just allowing himself to enjoy being outside. He blocked out the group that was following behind him and allowed himself to relax a bit, letting the tensions from the past few days leave him momentarily.

Syaoran wished that he had been allowed to go out by himself, but knew that such an idea was unacceptable for someone of his ranking to go into the forest unattended. He could have easily ordered all his huntsmen to leave him, but he did not wish to see them set upon by his mother for endangering him by leaving him alone in the woods. It wasn't so much that he wanted to hunt; the truth of the matter was that Syaoran hated to hunt. The thought of hurting the wild animals gave him no small measure of distaste, but hunting was the only viable excuse he had to leave the castle and his mother's domineering presence.

From behind him he heard the sound of the dogs baying and knew they had found a quarry. He reigned in Fireheart and pointed him in the direction that the hounds were running. He hoped that he could reach the creature first so he could scare it away. Through the trees Syaoran spied a deer fleeing through the forest. He took chase after it hoping to lead his band away from it at the last moment. The deer raced furiously through the forest with Syaoran and the hounds on its tail. Right before he knew they would capture it Syaoran turned Fireheart to the side causing the huntsmen following him t loose track of the deer since they were only following him and the dogs to begin with. The hounds bayed in protest knowing that the quarry was getting away but the humans ignored them and followed their king instead.

Finally when he felt that he had led his men far enough away from the fleeing deer Syaoran brought Fireheart into a slow trot and then a stop. Turning to the huntsmen he told them, "I think we lost it."

The men all had disappointed looks on their faces and he knew several of them that knew him better suspected he had purposely led them astray, but they knew better than to say anything. Instead they gathered the hounds and set them to finding a new quarry though they could tell that if the king could help it they would catch no game today except for maybe a few birds.

The dogs were set loose and began sniffing about trying to find the scent of another quarry. Instead they found an unusual scent that confused them. It smelled of human but also many other types of animals from deer, rabbit, bear, and a manner of other beasts. Puzzled they followed the scent to its source and found in it an animal they had never encountered before. They surrounded the tree and began barking urgently. One of the huntsmen followed them and found them by a tree hollow. Peering inside to see what the dogs had managed to find the huntsmen rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"You Highness, Your Highness!" The huntsman called, "You must see this! It is the most wonderful creature I have ever seen. It seems to have a coat of a thousand different furs."

Syaoran looked at the huntsman skeptically wondering if the man was hallucinating, but instead of commenting on that he ordered the man, "See if you can capture it alive then. I would like to see this wonderful creature."

"As you wish Your Highness." The huntsman said bowing politely to Syaoran. Syaoran watched him as he organized several of the other men and surround the hollow effectively trapping the creature that was apparently sleeping in the hollow. The huntsman that had found the creature took out a net and quickly threw it over the creature and ordered the other men to quickly grab the creature before it awoke.

The men did as they were told and several of them grabbed the creature to begin carrying it back to their king when the creature gave a decidedly human voice yelling, "Help me!"

Startled the men dropped the creature and it dropped with a loud thud. Worried about what had happened and whether the creature or rather the girl because the voice was distinctly feminine was harmed or not, Syaoran reined his horse around to face the girl. Syaoran looked upon the dirt and tear stained face of a girl he guessed to be about his age. Large emerald green eyes looked about in confusion and fear before relaxing and the fear was replaced with determination. Finally the girl looked up at Syaoran and he was struck by the vulnerability and sadness the girl's face displayed as she asked humbly, "Please sirs, could you tell me where I am?"

"You are in the Kingdom of Fauna." Syaoran replied evenly. Syaoran felt his heartache as he looked at the girl before him that was obviously lost and confused. As gently as he could he asked her, "Who are you and what are you doing here in these woods that you should not know where you are?"

She looked up at him with those beautiful eyes that were filled with so much sadness that Syaoran wondered how someone so young could look so sad. The girl seemed to struggle with herself for a few moments before answering him, "I came from the Florian Kingdom that was attacked last night. I have no family and no possessions except for these clothes on my back and what items I have in my bag. I have no name."

Her words sent a knife through Syaoran's heart as he thought about the pain she must have gone through. He could not figure out why but he felt a large amount of sympathy for this girl that had lost her home and family in a nights time. Though at the same time he felt angered this was the first time he heard anything about something like the Draconian attack upon the Flora Kingdom. Knowing how hurtful his next question would be for the girl Syaoran struggled with himself to decide whether or not to ask her about it, but he reasoned with himself that if he did not then he would never know and he could not help her so he asked her softly, "What happened to your family?"

"I do not know. They may be dead right now and I would not know." The girl replied as she looked down and Syaoran heard her sobbing softly no doubt for her lost family.

Not being able to stand seeing the girl's tears Syaoran turned around and said in what he hoped was a normal voice, though he felt his own throat choked with tears for the girl, "Very well then you may come with us if you so wish. It is dangerous to be out in these woods by yourself especially for a young girl."

Syaoran felt her gaze upon his back for a few moments as if trying to judge his intentions and felt rather than saw her nodding her head in agreement. He released the breath that he had been holding, relieved that she had decided to trust him and accept his help. He motioned with a jerk of his head for the group to head back to the castle. As they road back he kept an eye on the girl and wondered where he would put her. With a wave of his hand he called one of his personal manservants Takashi over to him and asked him quietly, "Do you know where we can put her?"

Takashi looked at him a few moments before replying, "I believe our cook Chiharu has been complaining about needing more help in the kitchen. We can put her under Chiharu's care and she can be a scullery maid."

"Very well then." Syaoran said nodding his head, "I will leave you to take care of it. I must see my mother when we return." Outwardly Syaoran said this coolly but inside he was seething over the fact that his mother had not deemed him worthy enough to impart the information about the rising tension between the Flora and Draconian Kingdom to him. He had known that the Draconian Kingdom wanted the Flora Kingdom's lush lands but he had not known that they had already had plans to attack the peaceful kingdom. Although the Flora and Fauna Kingdoms were not on good terms with each other, they were not enemies either and Syaoran felt concern and pity for all the subjects of the invaded kingdom like the girl that had their lives torn apart in a matter of hours. He wondered if someday his subjects would face the same fate should the Fauna Kingdom's true enemy, the Noctrus Kingdom, decided to invade.

Glancing back Syaoran saw Takashi calling out to the girl. Syaoran frowned at the name Takashi chose to call her. It was not a very polite thing to call a young lady no matter how lowly her status. He resolved to talk to Takashi about it later. For some odd reason after looking upon her tear stained vulnerable face, Syaoran felt a certain amount of protectiveness for the girl, but he put the thought out of his mind thinking the feeling was merely pity.

They arrived at the castle and Syaoran immediately jumped off his horse sparing only one glance back to see the girl following Takashi to the kitchens. He stalked through the castle corridors trying to find his mother and finally found her in her study. Throwing the door open without warning he stomped into the room in a rage and confronted Yulan asking, "Why did you not tell me that the situation between the Draconian and Flora Kingdoms had degenerated to the point of the Draconian Kingdom invading that peaceful nation?"

Yulan looked coldly at her son and said, "So the Draconian Kingdom finally attacked?"

"Yes!" Syaoran replied vehemently, "Why was I not informed of this? Is it not my duty as king to know about the going on of the other kingdoms?"

"Your foremost concern is for this kingdom not other kingdoms. Let those kingdoms' monarchs worry about it. It is not our concern. The Flora Kingdom was invaded because they were foolish and unprepared. It has nothing to do with us. What has suddenly brought this up?"

"I found a young girl in the forest from the Flora Kingdom. She had apparently fled sometime during the attack and she is without home or family."

"So?" Yulan asked archly.

"So I took her with us." Syaoran replied furious at his mother's nonchalant attitude. He wondered if she cared for anything other than herself and the kingdom.

"Then there is no more to it. You helped her. Isn't that enough? Do you wish to help the Flora Kingdom as well and risk making the Draconian Kingdom our enemies for a kingdom that is not even allied with us?" Yulan asked raising to her feet to stare coldly at her son.

Syaoran was left speechless by his mother's question and realized that that was what he wanted to do, but knew to be an unwise decision. He wondered why he wanted to rush in to save the falling kingdom. Was it for that girl? A girl he had known only for minutes. The thought was so ridiculous; he dismissed it immediately. No he was just overreacting to fear that someday his kingdom would be invaded as well.

Knowing that there was nothing more he could say, Syaoran once again stalked out of the room and slammed the doors behind him. He was too preoccupied to notice his mother staring after him with a look of apprehension on her face.

Yulan Li seemed cold on the outside but she truly worried about her son and her kingdom. The responsibility of both had fallen upon her at the young age of twenty when her husband had died suddenly through an unfortunate accident. The pressures of ruling the kingdom had turned her cold as she saw the harshness that people had to endure. She had tried to shelter her son from it as much as she could by taking on the responsibilities herself though now she began to wonder if that was the wisest choice. Syaoran had grown up and even Yulan knew the resentment he felt at being controlled by her, but she was afraid losing the gentle heart her son had grown by exposing him to the harsh realities of life and ruling of a kingdom. Sighing in defeat she sank into her chair and gently messaged her head.


Tomoyo, Eriol, Yukito, and Touya returned to the castle tired and frustrated to know their search had turned up fruitless. All of them were anxious about Sakura's well being. The entered the castle disheartened only to be confronted by Fujitaka's worried face asking if they had found her. The group looked sadly at the ground not daring to look upon the king's face and shook their head. "I see." Fujitaka said quietly, "You children must be exhausted now. Go and rest and I'll send whoever is available out to look for her. Don't worry we'll find her."

The group nodded their heads tiredly and trudged slowly into the ruined castle. All the fires set by the Draconian army had been extinguished but the acrid scent of smoke still lingered in everything. The charred remains of some of the furniture and tapestries served as evidence to the destruction the castle had suffered. They each retired to their respective rooms and fell onto their beds to dream their various nightmares about the former night.

After a restless nap Tomoyo awoke and found her maid Naoko sitting by her bed waiting for her to wake-up. The girl curtsied to her lady and announced, "His Highness, has requested your presence at dinner once you are refreshed."

Tomoyo nodded her head numbly and allowed her maid to lead her to the bathing quarters. She slipped into the pool of water and immersed herself before reemerging and washing herself. She stepped out of the pool and Naoko wrapped a robe around her naked form. She had just changed and was combing out her hair when a knock came upon the door of her quarters. Naoko moved to open the door and curtsied as she saw who was standing before her. The girl came back and announced, "Prince Eriol, is here to see you milady."

"Please show him in." Tomoyo said quietly.

"Yes milady." Naoko replied and went to escort the foreign prince into her lady's room.

Eriol entered the room looking as haggard as Tomoyo felt. His normally slick black hair was rumpled as if he had just awoken, and Tomoyo reflected amusedly that he probably had. His clothes though were neat indicating that he had at least taken the time to change before coming to address her. He bowed gallantly and offered her a weak but genuine smile before asking, "If milady does not mind, I wish to escort you to dinner. I believe His Majesty, King Fujitaka, wishes to speak with all of us about last night."

Tomoyo offered the prince a half-hearted smile but accepted his extended hand and allowed him to lead her out of her quarters and into the dining room that was used for more informal meals than the banquet hall required. She felt relieved to have Eriol's strong arms supporting her because she felt too weak and tired, both physically and emotionally, to support herself all the way to the dinning room.

As they entered the room Fujitaka noticed them and waved them to the table where he, Touya, and Yukito who was already eating, were sitting. Eriol escorted Tomoyo to the table and helped her to be seated then seated himself. The servants began to serve all the diners with some of the food that had been left over from the banquet the previous evening. They had been too busy cleaning up the castle that day to cook a proper meal and the king certainly was not going to order them to do it with much more important things for them to do.

Once everyone was served and the servants had retired to the kitchen, Fujitaka looked seriously at all the youths present and asked calmly, "Could you relate to me what happened last night? It might help us in finding Sakura."

Tomoyo looked up from her food that she was merely picking at and asked softly, "So they still have not found her?"

Fujitaka shook his head sadly saying, "No they have not found her nor any trace of her. Though do not distress yourself Lady Daidouji, we will find her no matter what it takes."

"Oh..." Tomoyo said sadly staring down at her food feeling less hungry than before if that was possible. A tear dropped from her eyes onto her plate and the four men surrounding her looked upon her in concern not knowing how to comfort the girl for they all felt what she felt.

Eriol who hated to see a lady cry tried to offer her what comfort he could. He tentatively wrapped an arm around her shaking shoulder and pulled her compliant body to him. He found himself mesmerized by her scent and her small warm body pressed against his. Eriol slapped himself for such thoughts at a time such as this and pushed all his observations and feelings that the proximity the dark-haired girl had just strangely awoken in him down.

He felt as if he could sense her feelings for they were the same ones he was currently feeling, guilt and remorse. Rubbing her back and speaking in an oddly choked but gentle voice he told her softly, "It's not your fault Lady Daidouji."

"But don't you see? It is my fault. If I had only called out to Sakura instead of staying quiet then she would not be lost. Prince Eriol would have found her when he found me!" Tomoyo burst out crying.

"It's not your fault Tomoyo." Touya said gruffly looking down in shame not wanting to see his young cousin's sad face, "It's my fault. I should not have sent the two of you out there. I should have realized it would have been safer for the two of you to remain with Yuki and I."

"Prince Touya, do not blame yourself. You did what you believed to be the best for the two ladies. If I had sent you warning of our coming or of the Draconian army's intent to attack you might have not been so predisposed to have sent Princess Sakura off." Eriol said evenly staring straight at Touya.

"Enough!" Fujitaka exclaimed loudly standing up and slamming his hands on the table effectively silencing the group in the room. "Blaming yourselves over Sakura's disappearance will do no one any good especially Sakura. Stop arguing over whom is to blame, because the truth of the matter is that no one is to blame. You each did what you thought was best in the given situation. It is too late and of no use now to punish yourselves for event beyond your control. What we need to do now rather than blaming ourselves is to determine how we will go about finding Sakura. I have called all of you here now to hear your account of last night. Every little bit of information may help us to determine where she is."

Tomoyo stopped crying and nodded her head. Fujitaka sat back down in his chair and nodded his head towards Tomoyo indicating for her to start off by telling her story. Tomoyo did so and the group of men around her listened carefully. When she finished Fujitaka asked the group, "Last night you children have already searched in the direction that Tomoyo said Sakura ran in?" All the youths nodded their heads grimly and Fujitaka then asked, "In what direction did she run?"

"I believe it was east, but I am not certain. If I was reading the stars correct which I'm not absolutely certain I was because the trees prevented me from getting a clear view of the stars then she ran east." Touya said solemnly.

"Hmm... east of us by way of the forest is the Fauna Kingdom and the Noctrus Kingdom. If she did end up running in that direction and ended up in either of those kingdoms then that is very bad news for us. The Noctrus Kingdom is about as bad as the Draconian Kingdom and would not hesitate to use Sakura against us if she were found. The Fauna Kingdom is a good kingdom except our two kingdoms have never been on the best of terms." Fujitaka said furrowing his brows in concentration analyzing their situation. "Touya if you would please give me your story now." Touya related his story and when he was done Fujitaka's face seemed to lighten a bit. "This is just speculation so do not get your hopes up, but if Sakura was told to go to the Magicka Kingdom then she will probably try to make her way there if she can. Prince Eriol, if you would not mind, may I send some of my people to your kingdom to search for Sakura?"

"King Fujitaka, you are welcome to search anywhere in my kingdom to find Princess Sakura, but you do not need to. I will take care of searching for the princess myself. If she is anywhere in my kingdom I will find her. Your kingdom needs all its people right now to help repair the damages it has incurred." Eriol said bowing politely to the king and casting Tomoyo an encouraging smile.

"Thank-you, Prince Eriol, but could you tell us your story? I am curious as to how you knew we were under attack." Fujitaka said smiling gratefully to the prince. Eriol nodded his head and began his story. Once through Fujitaka looked at him consideringly for a few moments before asking, "But why did you not inform us of your suspicions of the Draconian attack upon your kingdom?"

Eriol sighed heavily, "When we thought they were going to attack, we began to build up our armies as well. We thought that we could handle them alone and I knew Princess Sakura's birthday was approaching. I did not wish to mar this happy occasion with news of an imminent war. That was a grave mistake on my part. If we had informed you then all of this may have been avoided. We were lucky that the Draconian army is rather arrogant. They only sent about a thousand troops to engage us. That in itself was unusual considering that they had built up an army many times that size. When I realized that they had intended not to invade Magicka but instead Flora, I rushed here as quickly as I could with my armies because by the time a messenger reached you it would have been too late. On the way here I met your messenger and then I formed the plan to not fly our banners and catch the Draconian armies unawares. I am sorry for it was your inability to identify us that caused Prince Touya to send Princess Sakura and Lady Daidouji off."

"Prince Eriol, please do not blame yourself. Strategically that was a wonderful plan that saved Flora. You could not have foreseen the results and did what your military training dictated for you to do and it was a successful plan." Fujitaka said trying to comfort the boy.

"My father is right. Do not blame yourself. Flora owes you and your army a great debt of gratitude." Touya added in begrudgingly.

Eriol nodded and smiled weakly at the group before getting up from his chair and bowing politely to Fujitaka saying, "I thank you for your hospitality to me but I must retire. I will be returning to Magicka tomorrow to inform my parents of this and to initiate the search for Princess Sakura. I will return in a few weeks. I will leave part of my army here to help protect Flora in case the Draconian Kingdom decides to attack once more and also to help your repair your kingdom." He then smiled down at Tomoyo and told her gently, "Lady Daidouji, please cheer up. Tears do not suit your lovely face, but a smile does. If Princess Sakura is in the Magicka Kingdom I swear to you, I shall find her. Meanwhile I will also send some of my people to Fauna and Noctrus to search discreetly for her. The Fauna Kingdom had some blood ties to the Magicka Kingdom so they should not oppose to our searching for Princess Sakura there. As long as we do not hear directly from Noctrus or Draconian about Princess Sakura we can assume she if safe and was able to hide from them. If we hear from Fauna about her then I think we can still get her back safely because although they are not the friendliest kingdom they are honorable and just."

Tomoyo looked hopefully at Eriol and offered him a smile in thanks. Eriol bowed once more to her and the rest of the group and quietly exited the room. Tomoyo watched him leave and felt herself frown in confusion. The feelings that Prince Eriol was beginning to evoke in her disturbed her.

Touya watched both Eriol and Tomoyo and frowned. He could see a strange protectiveness for Tomoyo in the eccentric prince and he did not know what it might mean for both the youths and their kingdoms. He hoped that if what he suspected was true then everything would work out once Sakura was found. He refused to consider the possibility that she would not be found. Getting up from his seat he bowed to his father and offered his arm to Tomoyo and asked to escort her back to her rooms. Yukito followed after them and Fujitaka was left alone in the room to contemplate the underlying tensions he felt in the room, not all of them related to his daughter's disappearance either.