Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ I never said I was perfect ❯ One-Shot

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Disclaimer: I do not own CCS or its characters.

I never said I was perfect

The night was clear and the moon hang full and white up in the sky. Yue was looking into Eriol's face, seeing his former master, his creator. Now that he knew that Clow had been reborn, he desperately wanted to talk to him.

"You are still on my side, aren't you, Yue-san?", Eriol asked.(AN: I'll talk of Eriol, not Clow, cause he's not completely Clow, okay?)

"Why shouldn't I?", Yue asked back.

"Because I am no longer your master, you know that.", Eriol said.

"Yes, I know.", Yue answered,

"But that does not mean I can't still support you."

"Well I think that is funny somehow.", Eriol said and smiled,

"After all the things I have done to you…"

"You were and still are always good to me.", Yue explained,

"So that is why I could never act against you."

"It is sad that you still think you have to ask if I care about the things you want to do.", Eriol said and made a step towards Yue,

"You know I am not perfect, I never said this." He put his hand on Yue's shoulder.

"But you took my heart with you when you left me.", Yue answered, shivering from Eriol's touch.

"It is like walking on shells.", Eriol said and sat down on a chair.

Yue didn't respond. He felt like paralyzed. He couldn't do anything good that moment. I was like his throat was being laced up.

"But you can always talk to me about your sorrows."; Eriol continued.

Yue was silent for a while. He had to find the power to reveal his thoughts! After some time, he said:

"Then now is the right time for telling you what was going on with me after you left." He paused and looked at Eriol, who sat on the chair and nodded. He took all his power and courage and the began to speak.

"I got down on myself.", he said, "And after making Sakura the new mistress of the cards, I worked as hard as I could to protect her. Sometimes, when I wanted to be for myself, I just flew around miles and miles and tried to beat down the thoughts that were running through my head."

Eriol got a sad expression on his face and said: "Looks like I've made a mess. I am sorry, we all make mistakes."

"But that was a large one.", Yue said, hardly able to suppress the tears that wanted to run from his eyes.

"Did you think I'm immune to pain?", he asked with a trembling voice,

"I was always praying you would come back until I realized you wouldn't."

"But I promised you to come back, and so I did. I am sorry it took so long. And I am sorry that you had to suffer because of me. But I am back now and I will do the best I can to make your pain go away."

"Thank you.", Yue said, still trying not to cry.

"It's alright.", Eriol said. He saw the sadness in Yue's face. He stood up and gently put his hands on Yue's cheeks.

"You can cry, let it finally get out.", he said softly,

"You already kept it inside for too long."

Those words encouraged Yue to let the tears find their way across his face. It felt so strange when they ran down his cheeks, but also very relieving. Yue felt a weight of thousands of pounds being removed from his heart.