Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Journeys of the Orbs: Journey #1 ❯ "I'LL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
So this is the end of the first story in the Journeys of the Orbs Quartet. In other words that means that if you liked this story then you'd be happy to know that this is only the beginning. There are three more coming up all connected in plot. So keep your eyes peeled and maybe you'll see them when I finish writing 'em! This Fireheart signing off from Journey #1! Ciao, baby! Until the next story.. which I reckon is coming up soon!
~Your devout writer, Fireheart

As soon as we woke up, we found ourselves home on Hiiragizawa Mansion's front steps. Yeah that's right, woke up. I guess that Hiroki was going so fast that we either fell asleep or got KO'd. We considered [assuming only makes an ass out of you] the fact that it might have all been a bizarre dream. The Fallen Demon or Hiroki, all of it. Then we saw the Elemental Orb and knew it wasn't. So much for hoping
Eriol Hiiragizawa opened his eyes. Someone was here, he sensed. He tried to stand up abruptly causing Tomoyo, who was asleep in his lap to jolt awake. He smiled down at his wife lovingly and kissed her. "Gomen, koibito, someone is waiting for me." he whispered. She stood up quickly and walked calmly to open the front door.

When he opened he found Adrian, Haruka, and Terou on the doorsteps in a mess of tangled legs. Adrian smiled sheepishly at Eriol, his glasses knocked off his nose again, "H-Hi dad. Um, we're home," he said brightly. Eriol smiled with amusement and sweatdropped. Adrian surged up and handed Eriol the Elemental Orb. Terou jumped up quickly with his face the color of beet red. He run crazily into the mansion and sat on a couch with his head down.

Eriol smiled and held up the Elemental Orb after healing Adrian's broken arm, "The Elemental Orb has been recovered." he murmured with satisfaction. "We only have three more to go. Clow's mother would surely be proud for she made this globe. The others were made by Clow himself." Akira who was sitting by his father surged up at these words and fled the room. Adrian watched the redheaded boy leave the room out of the corner of his blue eyes and his eyes narrowed. He stroked his chin as his father usually did when he was in thought. Adrian stood up calmly and quietly left the room.

He followed Akira into the backyard. Akira bent over the small sakura tree and beat on the stone wall surrounding it. Adrian rested a hand on the redheaded boy's shoulder. Akira jerked his torso back sharply and glared at Adrian, "Go away, baka!" he snarled. Adrian ignored the insult and looked at him. "Tsukishiro-san, what has happened to your mother?" he asked gently. Akira spit at Adrian, "None of your business! Go away!" he hissed. He sat down on the wall and ignored Adrian.

Adrian understood what was happening and put his arms around the boy. Akira slapped Adrian and scooted away. Adrian ignored the fire on his cheek and hugged Akira. Akira cried out angrily and beat his fists on Adrian's chest furiously, "NO NO! Get away! Leave me alone!" he cried frantically. Akira began to crackle with light bronze power as his anger mounted. Finally he broke down into sobs and cried into Adrian's shirt. Adrian hugged him gently and rocked Akira until he was silent. "Shh." he whispered and held him.

When Akira stopped crying he looked up and Adrian released him. Adrian smiled at him, "You can tell me anything Tsukishiro-san. I'm always here to talk to you about anything." he said quietly. Akira blushed and looked away. "Why?" he asked. "I want to be your friend." was the reply. Akira sighed. "I'm sorry I was so rude to you. My mother, Kaho Mizuki, left dad and me when I was only three. She decided she wanted to start a new life in the US. And she never came back. I--think that she left because she hated me. I was so angry and hurt that I didn't want to get close to anybody because you.. they only end up leaving you." Adrian cocked his head, "I won't leave you. I promise, Tsukishiro-san. I promise. Give my family and me a chance and see. We'll always be there for you. Always." Adrian urged. "Call me Akira." Akira said suddenly. Adrian started and sighed. "Akira, my man, this may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!" Akira blinked and then for the first time in years Akira smiled, "I think so. And it's all thanks to you. Do you really plan to gather all four orbs?" he said. Adrian grinned, "I most certainly do. But it'll take a long time. You're welcome to join us, Akira." the two of them walked away.

In a tree nearby, a figure watched them and sighed with longing. "I wish. Oh, how I wish. But it's too late to turn back now. Everything is set. If only I could though," he whispered. Then he whirled around. His cloak swished in the wind and he was gone.