Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ kingdom ❯ not fast enough ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry for the long wait I hope I made it worth your while.

Okay I have finally got another one of this out. To all those who have reviewed THANK YOU, THANK YOU, ^_^ I was feeling down, and thought about canceling this story but when I read all the reviews, I decided to keep on going. Okay now to clear up some things

Syaoran and Sakura are NOT a couple yet. The Lemon in the last chapter was apart of a dream sequence. It was kind of like a premonition, hint hint.

No I do not own CCS. I do own the plot and a few original char. Though. I am way to broke so I defiantly know I don't own them.

Sakura had jolted awake. Never in her life had she experienced anything like that it was a dream defiantly but it felt so real. As she looked at the man beside her, she could see that he was hiding something from her. it was at that moment the train decided that it was a good time to make the announcement that it was coming into Denver, Colorado in the next 25 minuets.

Li looked at Sakura with a worried look on his face. She had suddenly woke up and looked as though she had seen a ghost. The thing that Li feared, well maybe not feared or worried over, was that she could possibly be coming into her powers and if that was true she would be two years early meaning that she was probably very powerful. With that thought running through his mind, it seemed to only feed the need/want to have her as his… no one of his own.

When Li heard the call for Denver, he saw a look in her eyes that told him that she was going to get off here instead of LA. Damn, I hate when plans go astride. Oh, well at least I planned a back up if this were to happen.Nito, Verx, Kersod, Natul, Mirkquil, plans changed, she's going to get off at Denver. I want you to do the back up plan instead.

Sakura was relived that she could get off soon. For some odd reason she got the sudden urge to get away from the man that was sitting beside her. then she remembered why he was still waiting for her. " sorry Master Li…." Wait a minuet did I just say… no I couldn't have said that. Why is he looking at me like ack I did say that, stupid, stupid, stupid I can't believe I said that.

Li looked at her slightly surprised that she had said that I must've heard wrong. It must be old age that's starting to catch up on me it's the only possibility there is no way that this weakling could be my one. Just as he finished that thought two men walk in

"reach for the skies, people. This is a hold up. Now don't you dare try any funny stuff especially you." The man seemed to point that last part to the man sitting beside Sakura. When she turned her head to look at him she notice that his amber eyes had harden slightly and it looked as though he was restraining something with in.

" now if you will all just move quickly and quietly to the front of the train this will all be over shortly." The second man growled out the statement. The first man stopped sakura and Li from getting up saying " not you we need some body back here in case anything goes wrong, Dude get the rest of them out of here."

Once every one was out and the other man had left did the first man finally let the gun fall to his side. " man, do you know how hard it is to get on this damn train. There better be some big payoff in the back." He said as he helped Li up from his seat.

Sakura sat slightly shell shocked as she watched the bad guy address Li in a friendly manner then lift him to his feet. Once she had recovered she finally voiced her confusion " What's going on?" Li and the other man just sneered at her before Li replied " a hold-up, and you love are goods." His voice was so cold that it reminded her of her dream. Suddenly she very aroused and she didn't know why. Both men could smell her reaction, one man sneered as the other man started to growl.

" Nito Go get the others and tell them that we are ready to leave and that I'll see them when they get there." Li grounded out to the other man. The other man merely nodded and left with out saying a word. The man smiled to himself when he remembered the way Li had acted when he smelt her arousal, so he has found her. this is going to be one very long week.

YEAH BABY!!!!! I have finally got it finished. Writer block's sucks big time. I wanted it longer but I decided that I would put up another chapter or two along with this one. As always please R&R and thanks to every one.