Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ kingdom ❯ chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
i don't own 'em. R-n-R as always. i hope you enjoy it. and if you have any suggestions i wouldn't mind hearing them. drop them by on my e-mail at thanx. and now onto the story.

Li found Sakura sleeping in his bed. He was shocked at how peacful and beautiful she looked. He slipped in the bed not making one indentation that he was there. He slipped under the black silken sheets pulling Sakura close in the process. Syronan Laid his palm flat under her shirt.
The power that radiated off the growing demon was enormous. A wicked smile graced his lips. Soon he would have the world, a queen, and an heir. a sudden sad thought crossed his mind, solumen in tune but true,*what if she regets you, the child, every thing.* the thought almost made him choke. horror graced his mind. He tightened his grip slightly.
She would not leave him. she was his, always his. the very thought of another touching her brought about an anger that shook him to the very core. he alowed his head to lean forward. he breathed in deeply. A smell of honeysuckle and willowflower invaded his sences causing a slight intoxication.
he brushed his lips against her neck in a feather light kiss. her soft pale skin was like candy on his lips. he pulled back licking his lips wanting more. deciding there was no harm in such he leaned down and indulged. a small moan left her lips as she moved closer to him. even in her sleep she craved him. he smiled lightly as he brushed more kisses along her jawline before he was able to find her lips.
Sakura was awake when she felt Li slid in next to her. she couldn't help but feel so comfortable as he spooned her against his rock hard bod. * a hot buning sweet bod of a demon king* her mind remind her. she was just about to frown when she felt a light kiss against her neck. she couldn't help the moan that escaped her. she turned to snuggle closer and give him a better access to her body. then she felt his lips on her and she melted.
Li felt Sakura respond so willingly. he smiled mischieviosly against her lips as he begged for entrance. she felt him knead her breast through the fabric of her shirt. The pleasure caused her to gasped giving him the perfect moment to plunder her mouth. he swept his tongue through out her warm moist cavern. he wanted more as he increased the passion of his kiss.
soon though the need for air in Sakura became too great. she pulled back panting. He kept his lips trained on her jaw as she was gaining her breath. he was having fun. she was writhing under him. this very action made him very happy. He began to undress her. Slowly he began to unbutton the the silk nightie she wore.he nuzzled the newly exsposed flesh, warmed from their actions and sleep.
She moaned at the action that was slowly driving her wild. He had claimed her enough times that he knew her body extremly well. Every spot and how to intice the most pleasure from her was known to him. She began to mew as his mouth found her highly sensitive breast. He suckled lightly before teasing it with his teeth.
Her moans echoed through the room like a chorus to his ears. when he finallly decided that the one nipple he was at had enough attention he kissed, nipped, sucked his way over to the other one. he nuzzled it before he brought it into his mouth. His hands contented them-selves by finishing removing the offending nightgown. They then began to massage the flesh under them. Her moans began to grow as the intesity of pleasure grew.
Sakura threaded her fingers through his messy brown hair. She tried to hold him closer as he moved away and downward. His kisses left trail of small fires erupting on her skin. She arched her back to be closer. Sakura frowned as something became very aware to her, Her mate was still dressed.
She used the little brain she had left and pulled him up to her lips before she reversed their positions. she straddled his waist as she began to undress him. It took a few seconds for the shock to pass him. That quickly passed as she began to tease his sesitive nipple. She knew his spots like he knew hers. She teased both nipples before slowly moving downward. she came to the edge of his pants and stopped. she looked up and locked eyes with his before she continued. she licked, kiss, and sucked at the skin just at the edge befor she used her teeth to undo and pull down the pants.
a low groan escaped him as his extremly hard arousal was released. he thanked the darkness that he didn't wear any underclothes. She glanced up and smiled. She was very happy to see that he was standing attention. she started to lick him. suddenly he pulled her up to him and flipped their positions again.
this time he didn't wait, he thrusted into her before protest could be made. she dug her nails ing his back as a breathy moan of fufillment bubbled thru her throat. he groaned as her muscles clamped on him. He pulled out just to pound back in. His body didn't let him build up to the pace he wanted so he settled for starting at it.
the room filled up with the echos of moans and groans, and an occasioal growl from the two as they danced the dance of pure carnal pleasure. Their sweat slicked bodies moved together as they reached true fufilment.

>>>>>>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Sakura awoke to find her self wrapped in the arms of her mate. He held her close in a loose yet tight grip. She was facing him breathing in his scent of power, Darkness, liquor, and sweeten fire. she had grown to love the smell as much as she hated it. Her mind chided her for such.
Then when she would think back to why she hated him only three reasons would come up, 1. He was evil, 2. arrogant, and 3. he had claimed her. Though when she would relive that oh so faithful night, her cheecks would turn crimson at the passion, gentalness, and yearning it had created.
she smiled when she felt him lean closer rubbing his face into her shoulder. she scotted closer allowing her hands to remain against his chest. she occasionlly flexed her fingers like a contended cat. Suddenly she felt a small nip at her mark she had recived from him.
waves of pleasure accompanied that small nip. she involentarily moaned as the grip brought her closer. " you smell wonderful, luv." His voice was husky as it held still unsatiated lust. she squirmed or tried to at least squirm her self out of his grip. He pulled her closer, causing her squirming to arouse him more.
She felt the heat and harden arousal press firmly into her thigh. she gasped as he rolled her under him. He pressed their hips to gether relishing in the heat that was coming off of her. usually he wouldn't hesitate to driving himself in and out of her, but right at that moment he wanted to taste her.
He trailed hot open mouth kisses down her. he nuzzled the valley in between her breast before taking one of the small pert thing into his mouth to be suckled like a little child. her fingers weaved through his head trying to keep him there, but once he had tortured both firm mounds he traveled down. Her breath quickened in anticipation as she felt him skim over her navel. her moans served fuel for is fire as he came ever closer to his prize
Sakura's scent was thick around him. Clogging his brain as he thought of all the ways he could please her. he moved her legs wider to better allow access to her hidden fruit. She lifted her self on to her elbows to watch. He locked eyes with her as he laid open mouth kisses on her most intimate body part.

Sakura shot up from her place on the oversize bed. A thin sweat covered her as she panted. She looked about the room wildly. Allowing a small whimper to escape her as the horror from her dream still lingered. Li looked at her surisly. She seemed afraid. He watched her lay back down sighing.
He felt her stiffen slightly as he snaked an arm around her waist. He placed his head on her chest purring. Sakura felt the vibrations from Li and giggled. Never in all her years could she have imagened that She would be laying with the most feared man in the universe and he be purring.
Li frowned when he realized what he was doing. that didn't stop him from what he was doing though. He liked the warmth Sakura gave him, even when he knew that she hated him. "Why do you keep me here?" Sakura asked before she had even thought about it. Li lifted his head from her chest. " Because I wanted to." He stated coldly.
She frowned at this. She saw something flicker in his eyes. Sighing she closed her eyes. Nothing was ever this easy. Li noticed her sudden distant demeanor and decided he might as well tell her the other reason. " Besides, Luv." he paused to nibble on her neck, " You belong to me." Sakura looked at him with confusion written all over her face. He chuckled as he answered her unspoken question, " you are my mate."
Sakurta let out a startled gasp of surprise. It made sense in some morbid way. "So, What I'm your wife?" His cold eyes full of lust looked slightly rattled at the notion. He rolled off of her letting out a sigh, staring at the cieling he replied, " Yes. Mine. non may touch you, Ever." The latter was said with full possesion.
" That makes it hard for ransome then?" She said with a little dry sarcasism. He snorted as he felt her move closer to him. his hand instantly wrapping around her small waist. "How so? I have mated with the Heir. That makes the Kingdom....Mine. As for the ransome, If i am king then I already have all that i Want at myh finger tips."
He sneered at the thought. He had it all the darkness, avalon, Sakura and an Heir. What more could he want? Love. he made no outward appearance of any emotion. He hated that thought. no matter how true it could be, which it wasn't. He disgusted him out how such had made its way through his mind in the first place.
Sakura whimpered at the fact that she was stuck. Suddenly Li sat up causing Sakura to fall away from him. " I have some thing for you." He stated as a small blue vile appeared in his hand. He handed it to her and commanded, " Drink it." She looked hesitant but quickly downed it at the sound of Li's growl.
The room began to swirl, a wave of nausia hit her causing her to fall back. Li caught her before she hit the bed. "What was.........that?" she asked as she fell asleep. Li looked down sneering cruely. leaning down, he kissed her forehead. " sleep well...My queen. heisi medu qio lit`e." he whispered. He moved her so that she laid against the pillows comfortably.
He moved away off the bed. He crossed the room to leave. He looked back and smiled at the vision of Sakura. Her aburn hair out behind her, her pale skin accented by the silk sheet that covered her nude body, a pale blue-black light surronding her body as she began to levitate. " so it begins." and he left.

Tomoyo woke to find herself wrapped in the arms of Eriol. She felt weak, unbaerably weak and tired. Her eyes still red from the crying that she had done. Yet somehow all that didn't matter. She was with the one person that could make it all better and she knew it.
Eriol felt her slip forom sleep back into the land of the living. He remained still fearing what her reactions would be. When he felt no movement on her part to move away from him, he cracked opened an eye. He watched her as she settled her self closer to him.
She laid her head on his bare chest. She lifted her head to stare at his serean face. She frowned He had no heart beat. She raised a small, frail boney hand to his face. She gasped when she felt his hand grasp hers. " And how are you today?"
It pained him to look at her. She was so frail and half dead looking. Her skin was cool to touch. He held her hand against his cheek. rubbing it with his thumb. She made no sound just staring at him with big wide eyes. He allowed himself to chuckle.
she tried to process what he had asked her but it didn't. she instead remained quiet staring up at him. He rubbed small circles on her hand with his thumb. she realized that he was looking down at her. "I...I'm sorry." she stammered out as she began to move away.
He frowned, tightening his grip on her waist. "why are you sorry?" He asked. She looked up at him sadly. "For making a fool of myself. and being an inconvice." He shook his head. He did a slow intake of air, breathing in her scent. He closed his eyes trying to gather all of his thoughts together. "you," He said softly, " are not an inconvince. I felt your preseces wanning and I came to see why." He kissed her forehead lightly.
"I believe I was more appalled at the fact that you are a sack of bones than seeing you crying." He whispered. "You need to eat." She frowned, "I don't wanna." He chuckled lowly as he lifted his hand snapping. Servants entered carrying platters of food.
"You must or you'll waste away and I don't want that" He said sweetly as he helped them both into a sitting postion. A tray was placed in front of them food all about on it. soon the servants were gone leaving Eriol and Tomoyo to them selves.
He picked up a strawberry. Bringing it to her lips. " Take a bite, Tomoyo." He commanded softly. She opened her mouth obediantly taking a bite as was commanded. She enjoyed the sweet suculant fruit. Her hunger becoming evidant as the food hit her stomach.
She bypassed his hand reaching for more food. He laughed at the sight of her eating all food within her reach. She shoved as much food in her mouth before swollowing it. A very comical sight if he had ever saw one. He could see the instantanious changes that happened. Her almost deathly color soon gave way to a rosey hue. Her once sullen eyes becoming livened.
He smiled to himself knowing what healing properties the food held. He poured her some wine and offered it, " Drink this. It should help." She took the glass a light blush tinted her cheeks as she mumbled a thak you to him. She quickly drank the wine.
Finally once she had eaten her filled she stopped. "Oh, I'm sorry. you must think I am such a pig." She looked at him when he threw his head back laughing. She narrowed her eyes and glared at him. Finally when he stopped to regain his breath he spoke.
"Never such a thought ever cross my mind." He held her close still shaking with laughter that was being held in. Tomoyo sat up frowning, "Look mister." Then the irony hit her and she began to laugh as well.
think I will end it there. I hope you enjoy this latest installment of such do enjoy and don't forget to review as always.
thanks and ciao 4 now.