Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ late??? ❯ oh god!!! ( One-Shot )
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Tomoyo Daidouji was running very fast she didn't know who she might bump in to for the first time in her whole life she's late!!!!!!!
Tomoyo thinking: oh god I'm late ah!
She bumped into someone and before she knew it she was face to face lying on top of Eriol Hiiragizawa she blushed 3 mins. Later she regained consciousness and got of
Eriol thinking: that was the oddest 3 mins. Of my life
Eriol: why in such a hurry Daidouji san
Now Tomoyo was panicking and blushing furiously
In her mind many Tomoyos are panicking
Tomoyo: ummhhhh I well …. I am …. I didn't mean …..sorry
She was panicking and doing things that makes her look stupid
Eriol thinking: this is gonna take forever how am I going to get her calm
So the only thing he thought of was
Kissing Tomoyo and after about a min. he stopped and Tomoyo was shocked so shocked
Eriol blushing: s-so wwhy were you running so fast
Tomoyo: oh about that I was late….. I was late??!!!
Eriol: for what?
Tomoyo: for what?! For school
Tomoyo started panicking again
Eriol: but it's only 6:00 school starts in an hour
Tomoyo looks at her wristwatch and noticed that it's broken
Tomoyo: oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to act like that.
Eriol: shall I walk you to school?
Tomoyo: sure!!!!
While they were walking Tomoyo suddenly asked Eriol when they were infront of their classroom
Tomoyo: did you really mean the ummm k-kk-kiss?
Eriol looked her in the eye then smile and said
Eriol: perhaps I did, did you?
Tomoyo blushed at the comment and they got to their seats