Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Little Sister ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Little Sister
Disclaimer: Cardcaptor Sakura is not mine and never will be.
Warning: This story features incest and will have lemons sooner or later (meaning a brother and sister relationship with sexual content, so if you find such content offensive or you're generally not `into' that kind of thing, click the `back' button and do not read the story).
Quick Summary: Sakura and her older brother, Syaoran, are getting closer than they already are. A LOT closer…
A/n: This is just a short prologue. A few more notes are at the end.
It was only midday, yet the sky was covered and darkened by grey storm clouds, and a heavy sheet of rain poured down heavily on the town of Tomoeda. Trees lightly swayed in the cold blowing wind, and loose leaves noisily scraped across the roads and pavements as the breeze carried them away.
A six year old girl with short auburn hair sheltered under a cherry tree in the centre of the Tsukimine shrine, her small arms hugged herself and her body shivered as she cried uncontrollably. She wasn't supposed to be here… she was supposed to be with her family and friends… attending the funeral of her mother, Nadeshiko…
But during the service, she just couldn't take the sight of her well loved mother's coffin being lowered into a grave in the cold earth… so she ran. Ran away through the empty streets to the peaceful place she used to spend with her mother and brothers during the warm summer afternoons. Though with this storm, it didn't really feel like a safe haven anymore…
She hazily looked over towards the entrance of the shrine from where she stood underneath the cherry tree, faintly making out the shadowed but just recognisable frame of her older brother, Syaoran, running desperately through the pouring rain directly for her.
How he knew where she was she didn't know…but that didn't matter to her right now. He was coming for her, coming to her aid. Eight year old Syaoran, the middle child of the Kinomoto family, was the one person she felt the closest to… other than her mother…
As he drew closer, she could see the worried look on his face clearer now… along with the sadness in his eyes.
He stopped just in front of her, up straight and breathing heavily. Soaked to the bone, his messy hair stuck to his forehead and the sleeves of his loose clothes dripped trails across the stone floor. Rainwater and tears stained his cheeks and his soft amber eyes focused entirely on her. He spread his arms wide, and took one more short step forward towards her.
Without hesitation she charged forward into his arms, reaching her own right around his torso until her fingers tightly clutched the soaked white material that covered his back. She buried her face into his chest as he embraced her back, and continued to shed her tears.
“Sakura…” He buried his right hand into her wet hair, tightened his left arm around her waist and tucked her head underneath his chin. His body shivered as he faced his back against the strong cold wind, shielding her completely from it. He didn't really care; his mind completely focused on his little sister, whom he wanted to keep safe from the dreary weather. “Why did you run away?”
There was a long moment of silence between the two. Sakura cried and cried, until she was finally just able to control herself in order to reply to her brother's question.
“I-I don't w-want, She mumbled between her muffled sobs. “I d-don't want to b-be there…”
Another moment of silence passed between them, and during that time she continued to bawl against his chest. Her hot tears added to his already damp shirt, warming his chest.
“It's all okay, Tears ran from his eyes, and the harsh stinging wind blew against his cheek. He sensitively kissed the top of her head, and soothingly rubbed her scalp with his fingertips. “Y-you don't, you don't have to…”
He slowly looked upwards to the cherry tree above, squinting as the few raindrops that found their way through the gaps of the natural shelter splashed on his forehead, nose and chin. He frowned at the sky when the young girl in his arms shuddered in fright at the loud, violent rustling noises of the above branches and petals.
“We should move away from here,” He took a few shallow breaths, still shivering from the cold, and looked around for another shelter. Having felt a resistant tug on his shirt, he immediately looked down with a slightly confused but soft expression to the young girl who wanted to gain his attention.
“Stay,” She pulled her face a few inches away from his chest, and looked up into his gentle ambers with her tearful emeralds. “Please stay…”
She leant her forehead against his chest again, brought both her tiny hands in between them both and gripped his shirt by his centre. Even with the treacherous weather, it truly felt like a safe place when Syaoran was with her…
“…Okay, He silently agreed, and hugged her with so much affection.
“HOEEE!!” She cried as a booming clap of thunder erupted from the sky, her small body trembled and her fingers tugged his shirt hard.
I'm here…” He whispered into her ear, hunched his shoulders to cover her more and hid her face in the crook of his neck. His wet cheek nuzzled against her temple, and his eyes shut tight. “Everything's going to be all right…”
She slightly, very slightly, started to calm. As she repeated his words in her head over and over again, she really did start to feel a little better. All she could feel was the warmth of his body, all she could hear was his soothing voice… all she knew was that her brother was here for her, keeping her and making her feel so secure.
The wind whistled through the trees and the rain beat down harder around them, making loud slapping noises against the stone floor and the roof tiles of the nearby huts. Once more, and the loudest so far, thunder roared and echoed all around them.
A/n: Right then. That wasn't much, but I did write this up in less than an hour. I started this after I felt the urge to write a brother/sister story after playing the truly amazing bishoujo game, Kana: Little Sister. This first bit was written in italics because it was a flashback.
Thought it was quite good? Quite bad? Let me know! Please review!