Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Locked Wings ❯ IOU ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Locked Wings
Sorry about the late update! Thank you to those who chose to review.
And yes, Yuki is evil. I thought it might be nice to break off from the usual Yuki helping poor Sakura get through her troubles with Syaoran scenario. Why not let him be the antagonist for once? Well, enjoy Chapter 5!
Disclaimer: I don't own Cardcaptor Sakura (CCS).
Chapter 5:
Syaoran stepped forward from Sakura with a frown on his face. “Is that all you're going to do? Give him a warning?” He shot a glare at Yukito, “Do you know what your son has been doing, Mr. Touya, our principal?”
Touya halted at his stepped and slowly turned around, “Yes and I'm also aware of what you were doing as well. Shall I have to suspend you for giving threats and starting fights?”
Syaoran gritted his teeth and growled. He couldn't do anything. He couldn't afford to have them do a search on his parents since he is a run-away. Touya stared at him triumphantly, knowing he had successfully avoided doing his part as a principle. Watching on the sidelines, Yukito watched with a smirk playing on his face. He crossed his arms and watched how the tables had turned.
Touya started, “Syaoran Li,” Sakura and Syaoran looked at Touya in surprise. It was unnatural for a principal to know his name since he wasn't one of the few at school who stuck-out the most. “I'll be watching for you.” Touya glared at Syaoran and Syaoran gladly returned the heated look. Although Touya was a father, he didn't act or look his age at all. He swiftly turned around. The crowd gathered in front of the cherry blossom tree shifted to form a line out. Like a royal, Touya stamped out and soon disappeared from view.
Syaoran remained where he stood, anger clouding his face. Sakura looked in amazement at the boy standing in front of him. She hadn't count on the damsel in distress moment but she knew how she could play with this.
“Syaoran, it's ok,” said Sakura softly, “I'm fine.”
“Yeah but,” started Syaoran as he shifted his glare to Yukito who was staring back obnoxiously, “nothing happened to him and he was the one who should've been punished.”
“Yeah well,” snorted Yukito while rolling his eyes, “tough luck I guess then. Not everyone has a principal for a father you know and certainly not,” he paused for a second and glanced Syaoran up and down as if analyzing his financial status, “someone like you.” With that, a defiant grin graced his face as he turned and walked away. “Move it!” he barked loudly. The audience shifted to make room for his exit as he strutted out.
Slowly, the crowd dispersed and melted away leaving Sakura and Syaoran alone. Both Tomoyo and Eriol had plans for a session of interrogation later.
“Thanks.” muttered Sakura and this not a lie or a word full of false gratitude.
“Yeah…” Syaoran ran his fingers through his hair and looked away a bit embarrassed, “I just got, you know, pissed off at how he was treating you. It just wasn't right. Not to me I guess.” He thought about all the people who just walked by and did nothing and realized what a thing he had done.
“I'll make this up to you,” said Sakura seriously, “I promise, but right now, I just want to get home and take a nice long shower.”
Syaoran chuckled and lifted his head, “You're ditching school?”
“Hey,” smiled Sakura with a twinkle in her eye, “there are times when
a girl just needs a bath and I'd say today is one of those sometimes. I'll see you tomorrow.” She grabbed her backpack and turned around, hand already in pocket fingering her cell phone, devising a smart way to get off the hook from Wei's lectures.
Syaoran smiled as he watched her small figure walking away and started wondering how she'll make it up to him. He didn't get far though. The bell rang and school resumed again.
“Hey! Open up!” hollered Sakura. She stood at the front gate with her arms crossed. She growled as she rattled the metal bars in front of her again. Next the her, the metallic voice box crackled to life.
“Hello Sakura.” Spoke the box.
Sakura jumped at the sudden voice and bent down to look at the box. She squinted her eyes and asked, “Is that you Wei?”
“Well if you're in the house, would you mind opening the gates? If you didn't notice, I've been standing here for 10 whole minutes!”
“You could do to stand more,” said the voice curtly, “Ditching school like this on a daily basis. Shame on you!”
“Wait. What? This is just my second day of ditching!”
“And you've only been to school for two days, Miss Sakura.”
“Well, I had a legitimate reason to leave yesterday, so that doesn't count.”
“A legitimate fake reason you mean.”
“Yeah whatever. Just open up will you? It's getting really hot out here.”
“School hasn't been let out yet and therefore, the gates won't be open.”
“…Are you saying I have to stand out here for two more hours?!”
“That's stupid! I'm gonna be toasted by then and I'd get a horrible tan! Just op-“
The voice cut in, “Good bye. Have fun. Enjoy the heat.” There was an audible click and silence wrapped around a red faced adolescent girl.
Furious, Sakura clenched her hands around her waist and shouted at the disconnected voice box, “Fine! I'm gonna go walk around Tokyo! I can live without shade and AC for two hours. Hmph!” She threw her hands up in a final sign on annoyance and strode off into the city with her backpack still slung over her shoulders.
“Hey Sakura,” purred Eriol suggestively, “What say you and me, together, tonight, hmm?” He switched over to a more high-pitched voice and replied, “Oh Syaoran! You're SO naughty!” He giggled and batted his eyes in an effeminate way.
“Cut it out Eriol,” growled Syaoran as he slipped his feet out of his P.E. shorts. “It's not like that.”
PE had just ended and the school day was coming to an end. A few more minutes later and the bell would ring.
“Well you sure were nice during lunch eh?” teased Eriol, “You were quite the shining knight in armor.”
Syaoran rolled his eyes and bent down to tie his shoes. “I'm telling you. It's not like that.”
“Whatever you say,” sang Eriol, “whatever you say.” He paused and glanced slyly down. “But we all know what you really think.”
Just then, Syaoran stood up abruptly and strode briskly towards the door. He grabbed his backpack and exited, leaving Eriol still reenacting the earlier scene.
“The day's over at last!” Syaoran stood at the front steps of the school and pulled his hands up in the air in a stretch. “Well, the day's still young so… to the Penguin Park!”
“Eeny, meeny, miney… moe!” It was tough, but through some thorough examination and head-racking thoughts, Syaoran was able to pinpoint exactly which he wanted. The wooden bench with the backboard. He set his backpack down and gave a loud sigh as he draped himself over the bench. He took one arm and rose it above his head and watched as the sunlight danced between the slits of his fingers. He groaned and placed his hand over his eyes. `It's not working,” he thought, “I just can't seem to get her off my mind!” The image of Sakura's small back reappeared in his mind. Her smile and her eyes invaded his mind.
“Damn it!” Syaoran sat up abruptly and rubbed his hand over his face. He glared at the Penguin slide to his side, “What's wrong with me? She's just a girl I knew. That. Is. All! UGH!”
“What's wrong with you?”
“AGH!” Startled, Syaoran fell off the bench and landed heavily on his behind. A giggle came from above him, “Oops!”
His ears twitched at the familiar sound. Slowly, he looked up. Sakura's grinning face was right above his. A red blush quickly spreaded across his face as he took note of the small distance between his lips and hers. He quickly pulled back. Stuttering, he gasped, “S-S-Sakura! What are you doing here?”
“Well,” Sakura leaped over the bench and sat down next to him, “it seems that I don't have a home to go to right now. So I thought I'd go exploring Tokyo for the day!”
Syaoran gaped at her with a stupid expression plastered onto his face. “But I thought, but… shower… but. Oh nevermind.”
Sakura's mouth morphed into an O like shape as she remembered something crucially important. “Ah yes. My debt.” She looked at him thoughtfully and put a finger delicately onto her lips. “Would you accept… anything?”
Syaoran's eyes remained glued onto her lips and widened as she touched them with her finger. The tips of his ears turned red as he pictured her smashing her lips onto his. Him putting his hands behind her to push her body against his. Her running her fingers through his hair. Naturally, for a boy his age, he nodded vigorously.
Sakura's mouth curved into a smile. “Alrighty then, cmon!”
“Woah!” In one smooth move, Sakura grabbed Syaoran's hand, pulled him up, and basically dragged him across the park. “Slow down!” Syaoran's hand almost missed his backpack as he lunged for it. All previous dreams, dismissed.
Sakura turned around and grabbed his hand with her other hand. Skipping backwards, she smiled brightly, “Cmon! It's not too far!” Syaoran stared dazed at her smile but woke from his trance long enough to smile back and give a strong nod. He couldn't help but think, `Wow. The wings, they're… back again.”
Laughing, both of them half ran and half tripped towards Sakura's destination. “We're here!” In an extravagant gesture, Sakura presented to Syaoran the amazing structure in the park. The place with the most people crowded around. The sacred location sought after by many.
The ice cream truck.
Syaoran stared dumbfounded at the singing truck. “This… is where you to bring me…?”
“And how are you going to pay me back the debt…?”
“Through ice cream!”
“…are you serious?”
“Oh… it's okay if you want something else.” Sakura gave a worried stare at Syaoran and fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. She looked down and scraped her shoe against the grass. “I mean, I'd understand if you want something more expensive and- ”
“Ice creammm” Syaoran's eyes practically sparkled as he stared at the chocolate bar in front of him. “How long has it been since I've had… ice cream…”
Sakura's eyebrow rose up as she took in the unusual sight in front of her. Inwardly, she said `I never thought it'd turn out like this…'
“Sakura!” Sakura's attention quickly reverted back to Syaoran.
“I want… that one!” Syaoran's finger jabbed at the chocolate bar poster taped onto the side of the truck. Chuckling, Sakura stuck her hand into her pocket for her money, “Yes, yes. Whatever you want, dear.”
As Sakura was ordering, Syaoran regained his consciousness. `Damn it! I got so intoxicated by the ice cream that I just totally blew my cool cover!' He growled, `Now she'll just think of me as this grownup big baby.'
“What are you doing growling?” Sakura's puzzled face popped into view. In her hands were their ice cream bars, hers strawberry and his chocolate.
Struggling to keep his cool, Syaoran gave a small cough and muttered, “Nothing.” He took the ice cream from Sakura's hand and made his way to a nearby bench with Sakura following close behind. The sat side by side on the bench staring up at the sky tinted pink, a sign of the coming full blown sunset. They sat in silence, both licking their ice cream. An awkward atmosphere settled in between them.
“So,” said Syaoran, an attempt to break the silence, “I guess you don't owe me anymore huh?”
“Yup! I'm off the hook now.” Sakura laughed and turned to look at his face.
“Aww…” Syaoran gave her his infamous puppy dog face. “No more ice cream?”
“Oh stop. It's not like I won't treat you ever again!” scoffed Sakura as she took aim at a nearby trashcan and scored as the popsicle stick made its way there successfully.
“So… there's a next time?” Syaoran asked tentatively. Sakura turned to look at him, shock written all over her face. He studied her face, looking for signs of rejection. `Aw man. I just blew it. I just totally blew all my chances with -`
“Of course.” Now it was his turn to be shocked.
`No way! She didn't reject me!'
“Well! It's getting dark and I have to go.” Sakura stood up and shrugged her backpack on. “I still have a ton of homework to do. Math is such an annoying subject.”
Syaoran laughed as he stood up and walked to the trashcan, “Not really. It's actually pretty easy once you get the formulas and everything. It just clicks sometimes in your head you know?”
“Well then…”
In one smooth move, Sakura brought her arms around Syaoran gently while his back was turned and locked her fingers together in front of him. She snuggled into his back and gave him a small squeeze before releasing. Syaoran remained dazed with his hand hovering over the trash can. His fingers relaxed and the popsicle stick landed with a soft thud.
“Now you owe me math lessons. See you tomorrow at school!” With that, Sakura dashed off.
After what seemed like ages, Syaoran dropped his expression and breathed, “What… was that?” He brought his hand up to his chest and felt his heart still thumping loudly. “Wait. Math lessons?”
“…Oh snap.”
I hope you enjoyed reading the new installation and, for some, reading from Chapter 1. I'm aware that I have a lot of… issues. Not mental, mind you haha. So go all out with critiques please. Hopefully I'll get another chapter up by the end of August. Once again, hope you enjoyed the chapter and review please!