Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Love Or Not ❯ Breaking Up ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi guys it's me Ana I love your reviews plz lceep it up!!!!!

Love or Not

By: Ana

Chapter two

*Tomoyo's POV*

`'I can't belive he did that to you!'' I said to Uyen

`'I don't care I met this dreamy guy named Ferio… I think he's the one…''

she said with big red hearts for eyes.

`'OMG Uyen you really are boy-crazy!'' I yelled.

`'Shut up Tomoyo-chan'' She yelled back.

`'Sakura-chan what do you think about all this?!'' I said with a angy look

in my eyes, but the second I turned and saw the look in her face it turned

into a wicked grin. `'What are you day dreaming about?''

`'Huh?Nani?'' she asked

What are you day dreaming about? Thinking about taking a chance

on Li-san your self, eh?

NANI!!!!!! That jerk IIE WAY!!!!!!!!! she yelled

Then what you day dreaming about? I asked again.

`'Nothing.'' She said in a rush.