Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmakin' Duo ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Okay here it is again! Oh yah! Did any of you peopleoreos with peanut butter? I just have to know.
(Audience booos and hisses.) Oh okay never mind. Well's start.

Matchmakin' Duo: By Fireheart
Eriol tapped Tomoyo on the shoulder. She turned face away from the camera lense. Her eyes widenedannoyance. "What are you doing here?" she hissed.
"Can't you see that I'm trying to tape Syaoran and Sakura's"WERE taping the date. Oh well actually TOMOYO wasit. (No kidding!) "it's not nice to spy on your friends."whispered. slap nearby attracted their attention. Syaoran thundered outthe restaurant. His face was red and he seemed both angry hurt. Tomoyo blinked, "Did Sakura just slap Syaoran?"said blankly. "It looks that way." Eriol whispered lookingTomoyo dreamily. She noticed his look. "What?!" she snapped.shook his head frantically. "Nothing, just looking at yo--blahblah blah blah!!!" he exclaimed. "if you don't stop blah blah 'ing you're gonna be blah blah blah and blue!" she said withlittle amusement on her face. She doesn't mean it, he said to assuring. stood up from behind the bushes and brushed the pineoff of her dress. (I dunno, but are there pine trees in Japan?what the hell!) Eriol looked at her legs. They were slim, ivorybeautiful. (No worry, there's no sex in this ficI hope. And nodo not look at girls legs!!) Eriol shook his head as she walked on her way home. got ready to cross the street. She tripped and screamed as she toward the ground in the middle of the road. In the distanceblared and headlights flooded into her view. Tomoyo struggled to raise herself up, but she had sprained her ankle. faced the truck with tears in her eyes. This is it, she thought. I'mto die.yelled, "Tomoyo!!" he ran as fast as he could. He jumped for herthey rolled off to the side of the road. Tomoyo looked into hissapphire eyes. He looked into hers. And then she went limphis arms as everything went black.

yes I know. SOO predictable. It's the old boy saves girl fromtragedy. Yup you know it! Well, I just felt I should add it know I want everybody's opinion. What does my fic need?And the 'Matchmakin' part of the title is comin up. I haven't forgot it, you kiddin?