Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Maybe... ❯ Maybe... ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]



Sakura Avalon, now a young 17 year old, was the fiancée' to Li Showron. They had loved each other for many years, about 7. The Hope Card was created for them, just for them and they lived a happy life together. Sakura's best friend, only hoped for love, and she had eyes for one person. Eli Moon.

Eli…she thought on a hot summer day. Oh, how I miss you…

"Madison!" Sakura interrupted her thoughts. "Mmmm?" "I won free tickets to England and I want you to come. Eli and Ms Mc Kenzie have offered us to stay with them."

I can see Eli again! There is hope, I can tell him how I feel….

"Sure, I will Sakura." "Madison, Li and Meilin, Yue and Tori and Kero are coming too." "Kay." "Just so you know." She added.

"We'll leave in 2 days." "GREAT!"

A few days later when they were in the airport, Meilin asked to talk to Sakura privately.

"Sakura, don't you see it?" she asked her. "See what?" "That Madison is in love." "She is?" "Yes, ever since you mentioned that trip, she's been ever so happy again." "Isn't that good?" "Yes…but do you know who she's in love with?" "Eli!" "That's right, and we're gonna get them together." "Yeah!" They did their secret handshake and walked back over to Li and the others.

"ELI! It's so good to see you again." Sakura ran over to him and hugged him. "Hi Eli." Li said gruffly, hanging around looking cool. After he said hello to everyone, he noticed Madison.

"Madison, you haven't greeted me yet." "Hi Eli." She said shyly. He hugged her and kissed her hand politely. "Come to our hospitalities." He gestured and he took them over to where, he, Ruby, Spinner Sun and Layla Mc Kenzie lived.

"Hi everybody."

Later they all sorted rooms-

Li with Sakura, for obvious reasons, Meilin said she's stay with Layla and Ruby and the boys- Yue, Tori, Kero and Spinner shared a room.

That left Madison and Eli.

She blushed madly and Sakura and Li waved and walked off. "Byyyeee Madison!"

"I guess we're together…" Eli nodded.

Eli, I hope we're together forever…I hope you feel the same way…

Eli sharply looked at her and took her arm. "Let's go." "I bags the bathroom first in the mornings!" Madison playfully said. He looked hurt but played along with it. "Oh no! No hot water!" he said in shock horror. She pushed him playfully and he led her to their room.

"Mm…hununummunm…" Kero munched through all of the dinner set on the table. Spinner did the same.

"Wow, I'm stuffed." Sakura and Li excused themselves from the table. "Me too." "Three." "Four." Everyone continued in numbers until Eli and Madison were left in the room together.

"Guess, we'd better go to bed?" "Yup." They walked off to their room and changed (not in front of each other).



Madison stared up at the stars.

Hope.. I only hope there is hope,

Hope, for me and you,

To be together at last,

Forever as one…

Together forever,


Just you and me…

Hope for you and me….

Madison sung that aloud and she heard a clapping noise when she was finished.

"ELI!" she jerked around.

"Nice singing, Madison…but who is it about?" he asked her.

"Well, um…it's about a special guy…"

"Who?" he certainly was persistent.

"Why, Eli, WHY?!" Madison said softly.

"I want to know, cause' I love a special girl, but I'm not sure she loves me." He grabbed a hold of her hands.

"Eli?" she questioned him, her eyes brimming with tears.

"The special girl is….you, Madison Taylor…you…"



"Well, the song was about me….and…about….you…."

"Really, that means, you and me, are together forever…"

It's like a dream come true!

For payback, Sakura and the other were hiding in a tree taping Madison as she had so many times.

They embraced passionately and she said,

"Eli, I always loved you…I was scared, you didn't feel the same way….now I'm glad you do. Because baby, it's you and me, together forever."

He smiled and hugged her.

"I love you Eli Moon."

"I love you Madison Taylor."