Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Mayou no Kadoo ❯ Return ( Epilogue )

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"Hoe?" Kinomoto Sakura was standing in front of her school. The now fifteen year-old-girl hasn't changed much. Same hair-style, same cute face, only taller MUCH taller. She was staring at Hiiragizawa Eriol, who greeted her.

"ERIOL-KUN!? You…you…you've CHANGED!" Sakura screeched. Many of the other students outside the school was staring at her. For the first time, Eriol sweat dropped. "Sakura-san, do you have to scream? Everybody will change in five years time." Eriol said, signaling her to keep quite.

"De..DEMO IT'S YOU! YOU'RE TALLER! YOU LOOK OLDER! I THOUGHT YOU SHOULDN'T…" before Sakura can finish a hand came suddenly behind her and clamped her mouth shut.
