Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Blooms ❯ Surprise Blooms ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2
Surprise Blossoms
Warning~ this chapter contains a lemon. Please don't read if you're not old enough to do so legally.
Disclaimer- I own nothing associated with the Card Captor series. Those rights belong to the wonderful production company and writers.
She waited for the plane to arrive. It's not unusual for a plane to be late, and Tomoyo had sent her with a driver that was waiting with her to pick up the bags. The house had been set up for the evening and Tomoyo said she was taking care of all the last minute details and not to worry. All Sakura needed at the moment was for Soryan to get off the plane. All she really wanted was to see him again. . . . . . .
“Don't worry Sakura. I'll have everything in place by the time you get back here tonight. Just make an excuse to come up here after dinner, change into the dress, and light the candles. Once he sees you, you'll have no problem explaining what the next part of the welcome home gift is.” Tomoyo said and grinned when Sakura blushed.
“Sakura? What are you doing here?”
“Huh? Oh Soryan!” she threw her arms around his neck in a huge hug. She took a deep breath and reveled in the scent of his skin. “Welcome home.”
Caught a little off guard by her affections in a public place, it took him a moment to smile and wrap his own arms around her waist. “Sorry I was gone for so long. Mother needed some help around the house.” he whispered in her ear just as she pulled back and blushed. There's the girl I know he thought as he saw her begin to look around to see if anyone had seen her display. He laughed as he grabbed her hand and said,”I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
They got the bags and got in the car. It was getting late and the sun was setting over the water. The view was gorgeous since the driver had opted to take the road that ran next the lake on the drive home. Sakura and Soryan sat very close to each other as Soryan told Sakura about his trip home. Finally the car came to a stop outside Sakura's house.
“I'll take the bags to Mr. Li's house.”
“What do you mean? Aren't I going with them?”
“Well I told you I had a surprise for you when you got back when we talked last night. I just figured you wouldn't want to do a lot your first night back, so I thought we could just have dinner here and I could cook, unless you just want to be by yourself.”
He took his hand and lifted her chin so he could see her face. ”You didn't have to make dinner again and I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be right now than with you. Do you have the address?”
“Yes, Miss Tomoyo made sure. She told me to place them at the back door if that is alright with you, Sir.”
“Yes, thank you.”
Once inside, both of them went to the kitchen. Sakura started to get ingredients out of the cabinets and refrigerator, setting them on the counter. Soryan, recognizing the contents of her favorite pancake batter, smiled and began to measure the necessary amounts. She had wanted to tell him to go sit down, but when she was about to, he simply turned around and kissed her lightly on the forehead and grinned as he went to go clean the berries she had taken out for the cake she had made earlier. Rather than argue with him, she let him help her with the cooking.
While mixing, cooking, and fixing dinner, the two constantly found ways to bump into each other in the rather large kitchen. Neither one minded really, in fact both accused the other more than once of doing it on purpose. At one point she simply rested her head on his shoulder while they sliced the berries for the cake; whereas he would find the most inconvenient way possible to reach for a bowl that was near her, always managing in the process to touch her some how. Both were grinning as the last of the pancakes were cooking and she shooed him out of the kitchen to go set the table.
“Looks great and smells wonderful.” He said as the pancakes were put out and she stepped back to look at the table. “Where is everyone by the way?”
“Father's out at a dig site in the mountains. He just left a few days ago. Big brother and Yukito-san went to go see a movie and then they're going to a party. Yukito said they would probably just sleep at his place tonight.” She said as his arms wrapped around her from behind. She leaned back against him and thought again on how perfectly they seemed to fit together. It always amazed her at how easy it was for him to just hold her anywhere they were and she wouldn't have cared just as long as he never let go. But things were never that easy and he always had to let go.
“Man that party was boring.” She heard her brother's voice drift in from the front door that somewhere in the back of her mind she knew she had heard open.
“Yes, too bad. I was hoping to have stayed at least a little longer. Oh, good evening Sakura-chan, when did you arrive Li-san?” asked Yukito.
“Just this afternoon Yukito-san. Touya-san.”
“Brat. Ah, the monster made dinner again.”
“Oni-chan, you're supposed to be gone tonight. I thought you and Yukito-san had plans?” Sakura said very confused and very close to tears.
“I can't help it if the party was dead. Besides Yukito and I have some studying to do.” he said as he eyed his sister's face and the brat. “Why do you care?” he asked raising a brow at the couple. Sakura turned and almost ran down the hallway with the brat close behind her.
“Touya-san, you could have been a little nicer to her.” Yukito said and placed a hand on Touya's arm.
“It looks like we got here just in time. The brat was planning something I'm sure of it.”
Yukito just looked at him and tried not to believe that his lover was so blind when it came to his little sister. The table setting and menu had clearly been Sakura's style, admit a little nudging by her friend, Tomoyo, but clearly the girl had wanted a quiet evening alone with her boyfriend.
“I'm sure they were only planning on a little dinner, a movie and then he would have gone home. Let them have their evening together and we can go to my place.”
“Like I'm leaving the two of them alone. Did you see the way he was touching her?”
“I think it was something like this.” He moved into Touya's arms and kissed the man soundly. His hands moved up the sides of his lover's body and grabbed a fistful of hair to deepen the kiss. “Or maybe that was just my idea of what I had planned for us tonight, alone, at my place.” Yukito whispered against slightly reddened lips. Before Touya could speak again, he lowered his head and started to suckle along the sensitive skin of Touya's neck. A few more minutes and a well placed touch or two was all it would take to give Sakura back her night with her boyfriend, or so he hoped.
He had finally caught her just before reaching the stairs that lead up to her room. “What's wrong?”
Trying not to cry, she replied, “Everything. He always messes things up.” She turned towards him and buried her face in his broad chest. “I just wanted to have a nice dinner with you when you got back and give you your surprise and he ruined it.”
“I thought dinner was the surprise? Sakura, what else were you planning?”
“Doesn't matter now.” she said and tried once again to go up the stairs. His hand grabbed her arm, not hard but with a gentle force that kept her there in front of him.
“What if we pack up the dinner and take it back to my place? I can pretty much grantee that no one will interrupt whatever it is that you and Tomoyo had planned.” He smiled when her head whipped up. “I figured you had a little encouragement and the driver really tipped me off.” He kissed her lightly on the lips and asked again if she wanted to take the dinner back to his place.
“I have to get a few things, but if you don't mind. . .”
“Go get it and I will start to pack up the food.”
“It may be a little messy since I haven't been able to clean it in a week or so, sorry.” He said as he opened the door. Both of them couldn't believe what they saw when he opened the door. On the step leading to the rest of the apartment was a note. Sakura picked it up and read it then smiled and made a mental note to buy Tomoyo a very special gift next time she was out.
“I don't understand, it looks like it was just cleaned this morning.”
“It was. Tomoyo's mother sent a cleaning service here today so you wouldn't have to worry about cleaning first thing when you got home. She says there are also a few dinners for you in the refrigerator.” Sakura smiled and passed him the note. “She does the same thing when Father knows he'll be gone for awhile on a big dig.”
“But how did she get in? I know the door was locked when I left.” He looked at his girlfriend for an answer and saw her back disappearing into his kitchen.
“I didn't know how she did it when we weren't home, so finally I just gave Tomoyo a key. Don't worry about it, they really are a very good service.” she said as she started to get out the food.
Once again he set the table, it was a rather small table since it was only him living in the apartment and rarely did he have dinner guests. They sat next to each other and talked about what she had done while he was gone. She almost told him about Tomoyo taking her to Ayame's shop but covered by saying that they just went to see her uncle.
By the time they were done with all the food, Soryan was leaning against the wall and Sakura was resting her head on his chest, her arm draped lazily around his stomach. His fingers played idly with her hair and was just enjoying the comfort that seemed to fit them so well when the cards and Clow Reed wasn't causing them more trouble. He was smiling when she lifted her head. He continued to smile as he watched a mental war wage in her mind. She worried her bottom lip when she was trying to decide her options. He ran his fingers gently down the side of her face and let his thumb trail over her bottom lip. Her eyes fluttered shut for a minute, and then opened to focus on his for a moment before she leaned over and kissed him.
As she began to pull away, the hand in her hair stopped her retreat and pulled her mouth back to his. If we're going to do this I should be brave enough to kiss him and not blush. Almost timidly she parted her lips and ran the tip of her tongue along his bottom lip. It was what he had always done to her, and she hoped it would work the same way. His lips parted for her and the kiss deepened.
What in the world is going on here? She's never done that before. He thought as he began to tease her tongue with his own. Slowly he pushed his own into her mouth to taste her. No matter what she had just eaten, she always had this underlying sweetness to her that never went away. He smiled a little as he imagined her eating a hot pepper and still tasting sweet after. His hands had drifted down to rest on her hips. The pads of his thumbs feathered their way across the small part of flesh exposed right above the waist of her skirt. He felt her breathe deep and shudder. Then cursed himself when she pulled back.
“I umm… I'll be right back ok?”
“Look I didn't mean to push ok? I promise-.“ His words were cut off with her mouth sealing over his own.
“I just need to use the bathroom.” she said and smiled as she went to go change into the dress she had gotten at Ayame's shop.
It really was a gorgeous dress, almost elegant. It was the perfect color too. A solid midnight blue, deep and rich, with cherry blossoms trees in full bloom scattered here and there. It was ankle length and had to be hemmed up a few inches to account for her lack of height. It was a halter top which would not have been her first choice, but it did fit her body perfectly. There was a generous V-cut down the front that stopped about 2 inches above her navel, but a section of sheer blue material made sure it didn't reveal too much of her chest. The back was almost non-existent except for the blue material that made up the front also covered her lower back and legs completely. Two strips of the sheer material ran around her exposed back as well. It helped the dress hold its shape, or at least that's what the girl working there had said.
The sides were another thing. A space no wider than an inch ran from under her arms down the length of her body. Her first impression was that the designer had simply ran out of the silky blue fabric and fixed the problem by using more of the same sheer material here. The sheer material continued all the way to the floor, however, the less than an inch gap became bigger once it passed her hips. She had decided the skirt of the dress is what she really liked. There was a small space in the back where more of the sheer material was added to give it more an elegance, almost a train effect.
She'd bought matching panties and it had come with blue slippers dyed to match. She checked to make sure her choker was in place, and took a deep breath before opening the door. She didn't know what she was going to say, but she was sure she could have thought of something, if he hadn't been standing right outside the door.
Wonder what's taking her so long…I shouldn't have tired to push her. He was about to ask her if she was alright when the door opened and he saw she was more than alight, she was a goddess.
“Sakura? What's going on?”
“I… ah, well I was… I mean you see I thought …that…”
“You look great.” He said as she tried to run back into the bathroom. She looked up at him then,
“Of course, come on out here and let me see it all, okay?” He held her hand as she walked out and past him. So this is why she was taking so long. Guess dinner wasn't the real surprise… “It really does look good on you; beautiful.” He murmured in her ear as he pulled her against his chest. She looked up and their eyes met. Just before they fluttered shut, he noticed that her eyes were slightly darker than what he remembered them being just 20 minutes ago. The kiss was gentle and tender and gave a distant promise to things yet to be done that night.
She pulled back to see his face. She cupped it in her hands as his fingers ran over the material covering her. Shivers and shudders were sent running along her spine. Her bare skin seemed to come alive as his fingers brushed over it, almost seeming to take the heat straight from his hands, yet there was always more heat yet to be given and taken.
He took her hands and led her down the hallway. He paused briefly outside the door that was between his bedroom and the two of them. Her arms wrapped around him from the back and hugged him close to her body. He felt her take a deep breath and as it flowed out her mouth, it ticked the hairs along the back of his neck. With one hand over hers and the other opening the door, he led them into his room. Gently he pulled her around so that now her back was to his chest and his arms now draped over her shoulders.
Sakura smiled at the simplicity of the bedroom. It was just like the rest of Soryan's apartment. A roomy bed, simple plain wooden desk, chest of drawers for clothes, a few lamps and a night stand were the only real furniture.
“Are you sure this is what you want?”
Turning around in his arms, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his head down just the few inches she needed. “I've never been surer of anything than right now. I love you Soryan.” She whispered against his lips before meeting them with her own.
Fireworks were exploding somewhere in his head. As the tender kiss deepened, he began to feel reassured. Soon the kiss was so hot it felt like it was scorching his lungs. Finally remembering to breathe, her scooped the girl of his dreams up in his arms and carried her over to the waiting bed.
Her arms tightened around his neck as he lifted her easily into his arms. Rather than being shocked at the sudden fluid movement, she just smiled. She almost laughed when he pulled away and took a very deep breath. He stopped just in front of the bed, setting her feet back on the floor. With a gentle push on her shoulders she sat on the edge and then he knelt in front of her.
The look in his eyes was a little confused. She could see a silent battle wagging within them; a need and want so obvious that it didn't need to be explained, yet she could see his hesitation at going to far. With a mental sigh and shrug, she began to undo the buttons on his shirt. Slowly, vast amounts of his chest became visible. Tracing her fingers over the smooth skin and muscle, she noticed how her touch affected her calm thinking boyfriend. She watched his hands on either side of her hips grip and release the light blanket on the bed. As she leaned forward to slide the shirt off his shoulders and arms, she pressed feather light kisses to the exposed flesh.
He was about to burst and they hadn't even gotten their clothes off! He tried to suck in gulps of air as her fingers and then lips lightly touched his skin. She couldn't possibly know what she was doing to him. How good it felt to be with her like this and to know for sure that this is want she wanted. She was never this bold about anything if she wasn't sure. He lifted his hands off the bed as his shirt fluttered to the floor next to him.
He watched her face as she studied his chest. It wasn't as impressive compared to many of the boys his age, but she marveled at it like he was some brilliant sculpture. Slowly he tipped her head up and placed kisses all over her face continuing down the center line of her body. The cut of the V made it impossible to ignore the exposed flesh just hiding behind the silk. His hands gently pulled the straps down her shoulders and arms, mirroring her own actions.
Her breath came in short gasps as his hands and mouth were working over her now quivering body. Her dress was now pooled around her hips leaving her upper body exposed. She felt this burning need to cover herself up, but as her hands rose to cover her breasts, he stopped her. One look from him and she flushed all the way to the roots of her hair and quickly adverted her face from his gaze as much as possible. A moan escaped her throat as his lips sealed over one of her nipples while his other hand cupped the other. Slowly she leaned back as his mouth traveled down over her stomach, which at the moment she appeared to have no control over. And not just her stomach muscles either; all her muscles seemed to have a mind of their own. As his fingers skimmed over her flesh, she felt like she was on fire and that the fire was slowly starting to consume her just beneath her belly button from the inside out.
A fine sheen of sweat had started to break out on her body. He couldn't stop nibbling on her. Even through the saltiness of her skin, she still tasted sweet. As one hand ran down her side and around her back, he lifted her hips slightly so the other hand could pull the dress off the rest of the way. She tried to help by taking her hands out of his hair and pushing up on the bed. She now lay under him completely naked except for a lacey pair of blue underwear. He leaned back on his knees to study the way her body flowed from head to toe. Taking careful time to mentally record all the details of her; the slight dip at her hips, the curve of her breasts, the flat stomach that trembled at his touch. . . he never wanted to forget anything about the woman laid out before him.
Yes she was his and he was hers.
He was just looking at her. It was making her a little nervous, so she sat up on the bed. The smile that crept onto his face erased all fear that maybe this had been a bad idea. She turned away from him in order to pull down the cover and sheet before climbing under them. Once she was covered, she took off the lacey underwear and dropped them back on the floor next to the bed. With the blanket pulled around her, she laid her head down on the pillows that smelled of him and held out her hand, silently asking him to join her. She turned away as he took off his own pants and climbed in next to her. He pulled her flush against his body once he was under the covers. She felt his erection pressed along the cleft of the butt. His hands were on her again heating up the cool covers and made her shiver. His mouth was nibbling on the back of her neck and the hot air of his breath seemed to ignite her skin anew. She turned herself around to face him and met his hungry mouth with one of her own. She too was memorizing the simple planes, curves, and dips of his body, only she was using her hands rather than her eyes. Slowly her hands traveled down the center of his body, while her mouth moved to his shoulders and upper chest.
He stifled his moan of pleasure against his pillow as her fingers grazed over his tip. Her hand jerked away and he caught it with his own, looking into her worrisome eyes, he smiled and pulled it back toward his aching member. His eyes fluttered shut as she tentatively reached out and stroked him again. As little moans continued to escape his throat, he pushed himself into her hand, which had encircled his erection. His own hand sought out her core. His fingers easily slid into her and she gasped at the new sensation, inadvertently squeezing him. Removing her hand with his free hand, he began to work her. Slow strokes in and out, using his fingers to stretch her while she wiggled and moaned helplessly under him. Releasing her hand, he reached into the nightstand and pulled out a condom. Opening it and rolling it down into place, he used his legs to spread her own legs wider.
She only nodded as he readied himself at her entrance and winced audibly at his entrance. She knew it would hurt, but it felt as if a fire had burned her in the center of her body. His mouth was on her now, placing light kisses along her face. She shifted her hips a little and the pain began to fade a little. After a minute or two, she tried pulling back and forth a little and it didn't hurt like it had.
Picking up on her clues, he pulled out a little and slid in once again. Slowly at first, he started a pace and she matched it. Sweat began to dip down his face and she wiped it from his brow. As the need rose so did his speed, pulling out further and sliding in faster and harder. She meet him at very thrust even as his hands pressed her thighs to part more and more allowing for him to go deeper. Her arms pulled his head down next to her and she buried her face in the side of his neck, licking the sweat off his neck. Both were moaning and screaming their pleasures to the other. She came a few thrust before he did. She felt her body tighten around him as if it would never let go, seeing white spots dance behind her eyes and then felt her entire body go lax.
As he emptied himself into the latex, he pulled her close to him and murmured her name over and over. She stroked his sweat soaked hair away from his forehead and laid a kiss on each of his eyelids. Slowly he removed himself from her and peeled off the used condom. Using a few tissues to wipe the remaining mess from his sensitive areas, he threw it all into the wastebasket and turned back around to see her nearly on her way to dreamland. He had a vague thought about taking her into the shower and changing the bed sheets, but in the end he laid back down next to her.
Almost as soon as his head hit the pillow, she was curled up along his body. A sleepy smile crossed his face as he too turned to her and draped an arm over her. In a few hours they could get up, shower and change the sheets. For now, sleep was all he wanted to do. With a final kiss to her forehead and a mental note to thank the maker of that dress, he to fell into one of the best sleeps he had ever had in his life.