Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Mission to Capture the Moon Cards ❯ It's So Silent..... ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Card Captors Sakura

Mission To Capture The Moon Cards

Chapter 2

It was nighttime, and the moon was full. The image of the big white moon placed its self behind the tall tower. The city lighted up as the dark sky filled with stars.

Two beautiful emerald green eyes shown as it traced down a figure next to her. He had soft amber eyes and messy brown hair. ~Syaoran? ~

Then she traced two small figures flying between them with small wings and tails. ~Kero? Dia? ~

She looked around her and saw the city and the radio tower. ~ Is this a dream? ~

There in front of her was the tower and three lone figures. A human shadow spread its wings and knelt down. A cat like shadow spread its wings and looked next to it. Between the two was another human shadow but smaller. The wind blew past them as their clothes and hair played in the wind. The small shadow opened its eyes, its soft and bright amber eyes.

"A 'bunny' from the 'moon' and 'stars' comes to help and prevent the present time from falling into the faith of the future…" the small shadow whispered.

Then everything all turned black…

"-Gasp- Wha…" Sakura woke up in surprised. She looked at her clock and it read 5:30am. She looked down and thought. 'What did that dream mean?' she asked her self.

"Oh well, I'll ask Kero later. I think it won't be that early for me to wake up." She told her self.

She got up and went to take a shower. It took her 30mins. And she got dressed for school. She went down stairs and out the door. She didn't even bother to greet anyone in her house today.

"Morning Sakura! Wow you're early!" said Tomoyo and she entered the classroom. It was empty and the only person in there was Sakura. Every one was out side talking.

Sakura looked up and just smiled at her. "What's wrong Sakura?" asked Tomoyo.

"Nothing." She breathed out.

Tomoyo frowned.

Suddenly Eriol and Syaoran entered the class. "Morning girls!" greeted Eriol.

"Morning Eriol, Syaoran!" smiled Tomoyo.

Then she looked at Sakura. "Kero told me what happened last night. And this time I won't miss a thing! Even if Syaoran is the master, your gonna help right?" said Tomoyo.

"Yeah." Breathed Sakura.

Soon the class started and everything went by. It was after class and Sakura met up with Syaoran to ask him something. "Hey Syaoran!"

Syaoran looked back to see Sakura. "Hi. What is it?" he asked assuming she wants to ask something.

"Did anything… happen last night? Like you had this… weird dream?" she asked.

Syaoran looks down and shakes his head as a no.

"Oh…" she whispered.

"Well… I guess I'll see you later." Said Syaoran as he was already going away from her.

Sakura didn't understand what she is feeling right now. She was confused about it. "Yeah… Later…" she whispered.

Sakura got to her room and threw her bag into the floor. Kero was eating downstairs with her brother and Yukito. She fell back on her bed and sighed out. What was wrong with today? Maybe it was she. Everyone seemed bummed out about it. Then the dream came to her mind. There was so many questions she would like to ask, but to who? No one can tell what the dream meant. Kero said always be careful about her dreams, because they always come true. It was like the dreams are warning her before it starts. She was very tired and didn't bother to get up or anything. She simply closed her eyes with a big sigh.

~What? ~ She looked around and she was on top of the building surrounded by the lighted city. And beside her were the two guardians and Syaoran. ~It's my dream again. ~

There at the tower were the three figures again. Their wings spread and the eyes of the small shadow looked at her. But there was something about those eyes. It was the color of amber, like Syaoran's. But the emotion in them seemed familiar. Like every time she looks into the mirror, she would see that emotion in her own eyes.

"…Bunny…Moon…stars…prevent…present time…faith…future…" the small shadow said. This time the words are not clear like last time.

~What do you mean! ~ Sakura yelled out.

Then all of a sudden she was somewhere else. ~Dia? ~

She saw Dia glowing in a purple light and Syaoran was there watching is surprise. Eriol was there even Tomoyo and that small shadowed figure. But that figure was about the same height as them.

Dia was changing, like Kero did when all the cards were captured. Ice blue eyes looked at her.

Then a figured appeared and changed like Yukito did into Yue. Violet eyes looked at her.

Suddenly she saw Syaoran battling with some one with violet eyes. But then everything became blurry and all she saw now was black…

Sakura woke up in sweat. She breathed heavily and looked around. It was 6am now. And she decided to wake up and get ready for school. She saw her father downstairs, but she didn't bother to say good morning like last time. She quietly walked down stairs and walk past her father. But she didn't notice that a vase got knocked down. Sakura crinched before in fell to the floor to make a crashing sound. But the weird thing is, it didn't make a sound and the father didn't even hear anything, not even Sakura.

"What happened? I didn't even hear that." Asked Sakura to no one.

She slowly walked up to the kitchen door and peeked through. Usually she would hear her father humming a tune, but there was no sound. Not even the sound of the teapot whistling. Her father turned it off and set the teapot down in the table.

"Something weird IS going on. I better head for school." She told her self.

As she was walking down the road, she couldn't even hear the birds chirp, it's like everything has gone mute. "Could it be a Moon Card?" she asked her self. Everything was too quiet and it was giving her the creeps.

She made it the classroom, and she saw Tomoyo smiling and mouth Good morning. But then noticed she didn't hear her own voice. She put her hands on her throat and she looked worried. She mouthed out, "What happened."

Sakura frowned and spotted Eriol and Syaoran looking tense. Everyone in the classroom panicked. They could hear or speak. "What happened?" asked Sakura.

It seems like that the ones with magical power weren't affected by it. "Must be a Moon Card." Said Syaoran.

"But what card?" asked Eriol.

"I'll tell you what card!" said Dia as she came out of Syaoran's bag. "It's the Silent Card. A strong status card with the ability to silent your calls for magic. So you are unable to use magic." Said Dia.

"But it seems like only the ones with no magic are the one who are affected by Silent spell." Noticed Dia.

Tomoyo didn't hear what they said, but she understood it was a Moon Card. She frowned.

"Its ok Tomoyo will get your voice back, and your hearing." Mouthed out Sakura slowly for Tomoyo to understand.

Tomoyo nodded sadly. Eriol put a hand on her waist and held her. She leaned on his shoulder.

Sakura smiled but frowned in the inside.

"Come on let's skip school today and use the time card to restart the day." Suggested Syaoran.

"Right, this will give us time to capture the Moon card. Let's go!" said Dia.

Tomoyo grabbed Eriol and mouthed that she should come.

Eriol nodded but told her to stay out of the way if anything goes wrong.

Syaoran was running but to where? The others just followed him knowing that he knows where the card is. They stopped at Penguin Park. Syaoran and the other all looked around the quiet scene. 'Where is it? I know I feel it here.' Syaoran asked himself.

"Use the Fire card to find it," Said Dia.

Syaoran took it out and was confused, "The Fire Card? Why? How?" he asked.

"The Cards are one, Syaoran. They can find one another." She told him.

Syaoran nodded. He put the Card up to level with his forehead. His eyes were closed and he concentrated. A red light shot out of the card, and Syaoran's aura shown, mix with the red light. The green and green light spotted a bright light blue figure. It was a woman, with blue long hair and blue eyes. Her whole body was blue, and she held a blue harp. She looked at Syaoran not trusting him yet.

"Hurry Syaoran! Fight the card!" yelled out Dia.

Syaoran put back the fire card and formed his sword. He took out the wind charm and yelled out, "Element Wind come to my aid!"

Then a powerful blast of wind came out, but Silent dodged the attack. She turned and faced Syaoran. She closed her eyes, and started playing her harp. There was no sound coming from it but light blue sparkles flew towards Syaoran. He didn't know what happened. He got mad and took out the Water charm. He tried to yell out but no sound was coming out of his mouth. He was in shock.

"Oh no! Syaoran!" yelled Sakura as she ran to him. He didn't hear her call.

Dia looked worried. "He can't fight with magic anymore. He has to fight with force." Said Dia. She turned around to Eriol, who was with Tomoyo. "Help him out Eriol. Use your magic."

Eriol nodded, and got out his staff. "Magic Wind!"

A blast of wind came out of his staff and hit Silent away from Syaoran and Sakura. She got mad and played her harp again, but Syaoran slashed her harp away from her. She became scared.

Syaoran looked at Sakura, and she nodded and backed away. Syaoran looked into her eyes, and she saw in them trust. He trusted her, and she didn't know what to do. Syaoran moved closer to her and grabbed her hand. He looked at her. His eyes spoke for him, asking for her to trust him.

Dia came and spoke, "Silent card hear my plea and come to our master to be. With strong powers and might, with darkness and light burning bright. Cast your powers upon thee." She called out.

Then two lights shined down on Syaoran and Silent. Syaoran gave her back her harp and said in his eyes he was sorry for hurting her. She smiled and her eyes were glazed with tears of happiness. She nodded and went in him whispering, "I trust in you Master."

Syaoran smiled and closed his eyes and the lights fill the whole place. Then everything went back to normal and the silent card was now in his hands. He read the card, "Silent Card." This time the card had the picture of silent with her harp. He smiled.

Dia went up to him and looked over his shoulder. "Status Cards has forms, while Element Card don't."

Tomoyo yelled out, "Sakura!"

Sakura turned around and tears formed in her eyes. She ran over to her and hugged her. "I'm so happy I can finally hear your voice again!" she said.

Tomoyo was crying to, "I'm happy to hear yours!"

Eriol smiled at them and so did Syaoran.

It was night outside, and Sakura stand by her self in the park. In front of her was Syaoran lying on the floor, bleeding. Then the girl came up to him and knelt down and picked him up to her lap. She held him and looked up to Sakura, but she couldn't see her face. She was saying something, and Sakura walked up to her and knelt down. The girl gave Syaoran to Sakura, as she cried over him. The girl stood up and took out a card. Sakura saw her, and she called for the card. Then a bright light covered the whole park and everything was bright.

"Gasp!" Sakura jumped out of her bed again. She looked at her clock and it read 6am. 'Three nights in a row, and I'm having different dreams about that girl. Who is she?' she asked her self. She turned her head out the window to see the waking morning sky. 'I'm going to talk to Syaoran about this.' She told her self.

Then the morning came and the sun rose up to the blue sky.

To Be Continued…