Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken, Young ❯ Strange ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ongaku: Yay! You have now read chapter 1 and 2! Welcome to chapter 3 now. I think it is time to start moving into the plot now. Waahh! I don't really want to write this part. I just want to get on with the relationship. *wink* Did the last part of chapter 2 make you a little sad? It made me a little sad writing it. Syaoran needs to open his eyes ne? I mean really… the people in my story must be really stupid thinking she is 14! Lol j/k I liked that part about Yukito for some reason, with the fool arrows pointing at him heh. Anyway, enjoy the next chapter! Ja!

P.S. Please have a very open mind to this story. It won't be like you think. After all the idea came from a dream… so do what the annoying little Kero says in the dub… Expect the unexpected. You know what? I hate it when he says that!

Disclaimer: I do not own CardCaptor Sakura, clamp does. But I do claim any and all plot! ^^


Mistaken Young By: Ongaku

Chapter 3. Strange

Sakura got off the bed and ran a couple of fingers through her hair. She had just been sitting there for who knows how long, but it was time for her to get up and move again. Spotting a hairbrush, she walked up to it, grabbed it and began to comb through her tangled bed hair.

She was still confused as to how she ended up next to Syaoran that night. The last thing she remembered was just looking at him from the table. She could have moved, but she never thought of herself doing that. Maybe she had slept walked or something. There could have been a number of reasons for her waking up next to him, but none of them seemed right.


Syaoran walked towards the meeting room so he could speak to Takashi and Yukito finally. His bad mood was very evident and all the men stayed out his way as he grimly stomped down the halls. He just couldn't believe Sakura would be like that. She made him really angry and gave him second thoughts about bringing her on his boat. Too bad they needed those chips or he never would have met her.

Slamming the door behind him, Syaoran walked to his chair and desk to have Takashi and Yukito stare at him in confusion. They had seen Syaoran in such a mood before and it was kind of scary.

"Um Li, is everything ok?" Takashi asked nervously.

"It's nothing important. Lets get down to business." Syaoran replied hotly.

Takashi and Yukito just nodded their heads, not questioning him further, and began their discussion.

"As you know, we are going to need ten chips. So, Kinomoto will have to begin her use soon. In my books, the task is to gather them all and place them in the center of a ship in some sort of symbol." Syaoran said while showing them the symbol. "To get ten chips, it will have to take ten days, because I think Kinomoto can only make one a day. For the first five days we will make our way towards the small island called Deru. There, we will restock on food and tool supplies. It will also give us all the chance to get off the ship for some time, and since none of the soldiers from the king go out there, it should be safe."

Yukito took in all Syaoran was saying but asked, "How come none of the king's soldiers go there?"

Syaoran smirked. "Because they are scared of the place. It borders really close to the oceans that lead to death. They believe it is cursed, and that all the people living on that island are doomed to die."

Takashi shook his head back and forth. "What fools, to believe in such stupid superstition, even my lies are more believable than that, right Yukito?"

Yukito glared at him but said nothing because of Syaoran being there.

"Right." Syaoran said wondering why Yukito was glaring at Takashi. "We should arrive at the island in five to six days, depending on the wind."

Yukito and Takashi nodded understandingly.

"Good. Oh, and Yamazaki I have been meaning to ask you; have you found the women's clothing yet?"

"Yes, I have, but are you sure about this Li? I mean they did belong to your sisters."

Syaoran didn't even flinch at his words. "I know they belonged to my sisters, but my sisters aren't here anymore and we have a woman on board who only has one set of clothing. I will not be seeing her walk around in a sheet, even if the alternative is letting her wear my sisters' stuff." His voice was rough and cold, as if he was trying to hide any emotion.

Takashi didn't say anything more and watched as Syaoran got up and headed back out the door.

"I hope he isn't blaming Sakura for anything." Yukito said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Takashi asked.

But Yukito didn't say anything more.


Sakura still sat in the room, not really knowing what else to do when it hit her. Where was her letter?! She looked through her pockets but could not find it anywhere. Her eyes brimmed with tears; she couldn't have lost the thing most precious to her. Why did she have to be such an idiot?

"Maybe." She mumbled to herself, "He might know where it is." Then she quickly rose out of her seat and dashed out the door in search for Syaoran.

Syaoran walked around his deck checking on his crew and having a few words with some of them. He had almost forgotten all about waking up next to Sakura sleeping beside him when he heard a female voice calling out his name.

"Now what?" he asked to himself but made the guy next to him think he was speaking to him.

"Maybe she has an important question."

Syaoran glared at the guy in annoyance. The guy decided he should stay out of this and grabbed his stuff to walk away.

Sakura stumbled up closer to Syaoran out of breath and breathing hard. "Li… Li-kun" she finally managed to blurt out.

Syaoran just stared at her with his emotionless face again. Sakura looked up from the ground after catching her breath and stared him in the eye. Her eyes glistened with worry and sadness and that took Syaoran off guard, making his face soften a bit.

"The-The letter?" Sakura said stumbling over her words, trying not to crack. "Do you know where it is?"

Syaoran stared at Sakura as if she had grown another head. "Letter? I have no idea what you are talking about." His voice seemed a little cold and distant.

Now the tears were coming, "I-I must have lost it at sea." She began to hiccup: the effect you get when you try to hold back sobs. Her head began to lower further and further until Syaoran couldn't see her face at all.

Syaoran never did well when he saw a female crying. His conscience always got the best of him, even if he wasn't the one making the girl cry. "Don't cry." he finally managed to say, but it came out a little harder than he had intended.

Sakura was quiet for a while. Her body stopped shaking and Syaoran sighed in relief until her head snapped up and her face showed no signs of her even wanting to cry in the beginning. Instead, it showed pure anger, possibly hatred.

Syaoran stepped back a little bit, waiting for her to start yelling or something, but it never came. She just looked at him in complete rage, and- disappointment? Now he was really confused. What right did she have in being disappointed with him?

"How could you think I would do such a thing?!" Sakura practically yelled.

Now Syaoran was just plain confused. What was she talking about… then it hit him. Oh… yeah, this morning.

"Well what else am I suppose to think? I certainly didn't move you there."

"But that doesn't mean I was there on purpose! You pretty much just insinuated that I was a whore or something... I'm sorry but, if it were my choice at all, I wouldn't have even had a second thought about sharing a room with you! Much less a bed!" Sakura scoffed.

"Ok, then." Syaoran began, gritting his teeth slightly. " If I didn't put you there and you didn't move there yourself, then how did we end up in the same bed?"

"I didn't say I didn't move there. I'm saying; what if it was on accident, like sleep walking!"

Syaoran thought about that for a while. "That's just too weird!"

Sakura only nodded, "Yes it was; way too weird for me to wake up to your face like that. I almost had a heart attack you know!"

Syaoran quirked an eyebrow, this conversation was starting to get a little too strange and immature for his liking. He turned away from Sakura and started walking away without giving her a second thought, when she yelled out to him.

"Get back here! We're not through!"

He froze in mid-step and glanced around seeing that the other passengers on the ship started to smirk, trying to hold back their laughter. The last time someone had ever ordered him around was when he just a little boy. He turned back around to face Sakura and finally give her a piece of his mind.

"And you're a shitty lair." Sakura said sticking her nose of up in the air to make for an even more childish effect.

Syaoran's eye began to twitch. "What?"

"I could see it all over your face! You do too know what letter I am talking about!" Sakura's forehead quenched as she now glared at Syaoran.

It was about that time that Yukito came out feeling the heated vibe from both of the frustrated pupils in front of him. He cleared his throat to catch some attention, but immediately wished he didn't when both heads turned his direction in a not so nice glare.

"What?" They both said in unison.

Then Sakura realized what she had done and immediately waved her arms around while apologizing profusely. "I'm so sorry Yukito. I didn't mean to bite."

Yukito chuckled a bit at Sakura antics. "I know you didn't. So what's going on?"

"Since when did you guys start calling each other by first names?" Syaoran asked suddenly.

Sakura and Yukito blinked, looked at each other, and blinked again.

"Did we?" Sakura said, trying to remember.

Syaoran almost fell over.

"Well, I guess starting now." Yukito finally said while smiling. "You don't mind, do you Sakura?"

Now Sakura was smiling, "No, not at all." But then her smiled faltered when she remember just what she had been talking about with Syaoran. "Don't think I have forgotten about our conversation."

Syaoran chuckled and it was so out of character for him that this time Sakura was shocked.

"Just what is so funny?" She demanded.

"No, I am sure you did not forget our conversation." He took a couple of seconds to turn back to his normal self before saying, "Ok, your note is with me, safe and sound, but you're not getting it." He said it in such an airy tone that Sakura was sure he was taunting her.

"OOO!! You're so frustrating! Why can't I get it back? It does happen to be mine, you thief."

"Call me whatever you want, but you aren't getting it."

This time Yukito stepped in, "Now Li, how come she can't have it back?"

"Because I still don't trust her, it has strange characters on it, and I feel safer keeping it with me." `And the characters remind me so much of Chinese, something about that letter is important.' But Syaoran didn't say that last bit out loud. "What is it anyway?"

Sakura face was now pale and scared and her eyes held almost no spark of life. "I don't know. I don't understand what it says, but please give it back to me. It is all that I have left of my past."

Syaoran didn't understand, why was her face so pale now? And what did she mean by `all she had left of her past? He was beginning to wonder if there was a lot more to this girl than anyone ever thought about. There was no way he was going to get her to tell him what it was now, but in time maybe he could. It was then he decided to give the letter back to her but not before making a deal, just so it would seem like he wasn't backing down.

"Ok you can have it back."

Sakura's eye's started to glimmer again.

"Only if you make a deal with me."

Sakura nodded slowly.

"Admit that you got into my bed."

Now Sakura's face turned bright red, but Syaoran couldn't tell if it was because of anger or embarrassment. "Www…WHAT?!"

"Uh Li, I'm afraid that wasn't Sakura's fault." Yukito said.

Syaoran turned to him. "What do you mean?

"Well you see…" Yukito said nervously. "I kind of put her there."

"You did what?!"

Yukito flinched. "Well I couldn't help it! She was sleeping at the table and looked so uncomfortable. You had lots of space on your bed so I laid her out. I'm sorry." His voice was a little higher pitched than usual.

Syaoran was now beyond shocked.

"That makes sense!" Sakura said happily.

Yukito now looked at her. "You're not mad at me?"

"Of course not! You didn't mean any harm by it. The only one who I'm mad at is Li."

Yukito sighed in relief.

Syaoran was standing with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes closed. His eyebrow was twitching slightly.

"I think you owe her an apology." Yukito told Syaoran.

But Syaoran didn't do anything more than twitch his eyebrow and breathe. Sakura couldn't tell if he was thinking or just trying to hold back rage. Maybe it was both?

Suddenly there was a piece of paper in Syaoran's hand and his eyes were open, staring at Sakura. He walked up to her, handed her the paper and stomped off grumbling, "Ok, ok."

When he was far enough away Sakura turned to Yukito and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

Yukito just chuckled a bit, but didn't answer. He didn't think he had the right to tell her that it was his first time to lose an argument.

Sakura didn't pry anymore, but was now more confused than ever.


That night was the first time Sakura was going to make a chip. Crewmembers all over the ship came too see what it was like out of pure curiosity.

Syaoran watched her closely. Her face held such peace and tranquility, that is was almost hard to tell she was still the same girl.

Slowly, but surely Sakura's hand began to glow a soft orange color. It almost looked at though she was holding all the colors of the sunset in her one hand.

Then, before you knew it, she was finished. Her eyes flew open and she rested her hand over a jar and let it drop in.

She looked around, noticing all the stares, and felt a little nervous.

Then she turned to Syaoran and gave him a great big smile.

Syaoran was taken aback by her actions, but no one would be able to tell since his face held no change.

Sakura took the jar in her hand and walked over to Syaoran and put it in his hands, still smiling. Then she walked towards their room without saying a word.

Yukito and Takashi grinned, it was a most spectacular event to watch her change grains of sand into something of power, but the most spectacular one was the effect she had on their leader. Only they could tell it though, they weren't even sure if Syaoran could.


"Your Majesty, we have word on the Shuudan." A soldier said while on his one knee in a sort of honor stance.

"Go on." The king replied.

"It is said they were last seen on a ship heading towards the cursed islands."

The king made a low crackling noise, almost sounding like a gurgle. "Then no need to worry about those fools. They obviously have no idea what they are getting themselves into."

"But it is rumored that they were the ones who demolished our army ship, and that they might have the girl in possession."

"That is, most likely, pure rumor going around to keep the subjects entertained. I will not make hasty decision on pure rumors, now leave me."

The soldier stood up, bowed and then turned to leave.

The king pondered what the soldier had told him, but there wasn't much he could do about it. If it really was true and they had the girl in possession, what exactly did they plan to do with her? It was known all over that the chips have failed before, so they must have some sort of plan. The mystery behind the chips was a great one. All anyone knew was that they held power to open a gate, but a gate to what? It could just as well be a gate leading only to death.

Still everyone was so hell bent on opening that gate no matter what the cost. "So the Shuudan have finally made their move." The king said quietly to himself.

Things were now going to change with the news of the Shuudan. Word will spread all over. He was going to have to do something about it. An evil smirk appeared on his face. "Yes, something has to be done."


Sakura stretched awkwardly as she walked down the creaking halls of the ship. She felt dirty, the last time she had a bath was- she couldn't remember, and she didn't think jumping in the freezing salt water counted as a bath. Her biggest problem at the moment was finding a way to get clean. So as soon as she woke up, she set off to look around.

Syaoran hadn't come to the room all night since she made the chip, and so far she hadn't seen him while walking around. Whatever he was doing must have been important.

Sakura wasn't getting anywhere with this, so she decided to go look for Yamazaki or Yukito.

It didn't take long to find them. Yamazaki was telling one of his usual lies to one of the crewmembers and Yukito was shaking his head back and forth, before finally covering Yamazaki's mouth with his hand.

Sakura giggled at the sight. Yamazaki was mumbling strange things still and struggling to get out of Yukito's hold, while Yukito look about ready to kill. They both turned at the sound of her laughter and composed themselves.

"Hello" Sakura chirped happily.

"Hello Sakura." Yukito replied, "What brings you here?"

"Actually I wanted to ask you something." Sakura face began to turn a bright red color. The question she had prepared was embarrassing because he knew of her real age, and there was a bunch of other people there that she didn't know.

Takashi looked at Sakura's face and wondered if she had a crush on Yukito. It was obvious she wanted to talk to just Yukito. So he decided to make his move. "Alright guys we need to get to work, break is over."

All the crewmembers groaned but got up and trotted out towards the deck. Takashi winked at Yukito and then left as well.

Yukito blinked in confusion, why did Takashi wink at him?

"Um… This is kind of embarrassing."

Sakura words brought Yukito back to his senses.

"What is it Sakura? I am sure I am more mature than any of the other members on this ship. Well… besides Li, that is."

Sakura laughed, "Are you sure about that?"

"What? Being more mature?"

"No, Li being mature."

Yukito's lip quivered. He really wanted to laugh, but he was trying hard not to.

"I'm sorry. That was pretty mean of me. I guess you can say I'm the immature one." Sakura lowered her head in shame.

"Actually, you are more mature than you give yourself credit for. Don't trouble yourself Sakura. Now, what is it that you wanted to ask me?"

"Oh right!" Sakura's head popped back up. "I wanted to know if there is a way to get clean here." She stressed the word clean to get her point across.

"That is a problem." Yukito placed his hand to his chin. "I think the only thing we can do for you is contact Li and get his help."

Sakura's eye's almost popped out of her head. "Help me… ggget clean?"

"Oh Darn! I am so bad with my words. What I meant was so he can get a place set up for you."

"Oh" Sakura sighed in huge relief. "I was scared there for a while."

Yukito blushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, I should have known. I wish we didn't have to get his help. I always feel like I am just a thorn in his side."

Yukito smiled and patted her on the head. "Well it can't be helped, he is the leader after all and to make you feel better, everything is a thorn in his side."

"Are you saying he has a stick up his ass?"

Yukito faulted. "Damn, you caught me."

Sakura laughed.


Syaoran sneezed at his desk. He had been doing that a lot lately. He hoped he wasn't coming down with something.

There was a knock at his door. "Come in." He said with his head down while continuing to write. He could feel the presence of two people now standing in front of his desk.

"What is it?" He asked looking up surprised to see it was Yukito and Sakura, not Takashi.

"Sakura wants to ask you something."

"What?" Sakura yelped, then she was back to being bright red again.

Syaoran was now curious so he completely forgot about his writing. "What is it Kinomoto?"

"Um.. Never mind!" Sakura tried to leave but Yukito caught the back of her shirt before she could.

"Sakura." Yukito said sternly.

Sakura lowered her head and turned back around, but just when Yukito thought Sakura was going to ask, her head popped back up and she glared at Yukito. Then she opened her mouth and said something that made him want to find a rock to hide under. "Yukito said you have a stick up your ass!"

She stuck her tongue out at Yukito and then turned to Syaoran. He looked amused.

"Did he?"

"Eepp" Yukito squeaked, and try to leave as well but this time it was Sakura doing the stopping.

Yukito now glared back at Sakura. "You traitor!"

"Me?!" Sakura exclaimed! "You were trying to embarrass me as well!"

"Fine then." Yukito grinned. "If you want to play dirty."

Sakura's eyes got big.

"Li, Sakura needs your help on taking a bath."

As soon as the words left his mouth Sakura hit the ground in a faint.

"You killed her." Syaoran joked.

"She deserved it."

Syaoran laughed. "She has brought out an interesting side in you Yukito." Then he laughed even harder.


Ending Notes: OMG I really don't want to write this haha. I was so stuck on this chapter for a long time because every time I thought I had it down I would forget and it would turn into crap. So I would start over and over… X_X This is where the story starts to get hard to write and to make it fit with the weird ending I have planned for it wahh! *pulls out hair*

Hey how come my bad guys always sound gay?! WWAHH!! lol

Thanks for all the wonderful reviews!! ^^