Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken, Young ❯ Some Kind of Wisdom ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This is were the story starts to take on it's twists and rated R stuff. *wink* So be prepared. Thank you once again for all the really nice reviews! I lub ya people! I'm so sorry, for taking so long to update again. There really isn't much I can say to you about it though. I just hope you enjoy this chapter. Thank you again for all the wonderful reviews. You guys make me happy!

Now to say what I have been saying in the last few chapters, please keep a very open mind to this story. It won't be like you think. After all, the idea came from a dream. Hehe

Disclaimer: Yeah whatever… So I don't own CCS, Clamp does. *Sticks my tongue out at you*


Mistaken Young By: Ongaku

Chapter 4. Some kind of wisdom

"Will you just take the shower already?!" Syaoran asked impatiently.

"I can't help it! I'm not used to having a guy in the same room as me when I'm stark naked!"

"It's not like I am looking. I have my back to you, and it can't be any other way, unless you want my crew members to watch."

Sakura frowned. "I still have to get motivated, like when you have to pee in a bush, it just never comes as easy as when you're on a toilet."

Syaoran shrugged. "I've never had that problem."

Sakura decided to mumble the last part but Syaoran caught it anyways.

"Stupid Men."

Syaoran smirked. "Silly women."

Sakura's eye twitched at that. `At least he didn't say girl' "AHH!!"

Syaoran almost turned around, but then remember she was very naked behind him. "What?"

"It's CCOLLDD!!"

Syaoran laughed, "Just don't take all the water."


Sakura walked around on the ship deck. It had been two days since that incident with the shower. It was just one big room meant for the crew to shower quickly once a week or something. There were no locks or doors, so Syaoran had to take guard. She hated the idea at first because she was afraid he would find out her real age if he was to get any small glance, but in the end she was grateful. He was actually a gentleman when it came to such things, and she was thankful enough that he took the time to do it.

The shower has made her feel much better, but still she was longing for a warm bath, and even if she didn't want to admit it she was going through a slight horny stage. She hated it, and tried to ignore it as best as she could. "Stupid hormones." She mumbled.

She was glad men weren't exactly like animals, with a good sense of smell. In fact she bet they couldn't smell over their stinky odors. If they could then she would be in grate deal of trouble, or embarrassment.

Sakura stared at the 4 jars of chips she had made. Each night since her first time, she had been making them. It was hard to believe it had only been 4 nights. Tonight would be her last before they reached the Island Deru. She couldn't wait to get off the ship, even if it was for just a short while. She wondered what they planned to do at this island, besides restocking. She knew it had to be more because they planned to stay at least two nights.

The sea was quite calm tonight. It almost made her forget all about her troubles and confusion. Sakura closed her eyes and took a deep breath. In her head she could almost see the happy dreams that came to her at night. These dreams, they didn't make much since, but for some reason they brought warmth and comfort, like a soft and enchanting melody.

A light contact on her shoulder brought her rushing back to reality. She turned quickly, heart beating fast to meet eye to eye with Syaoran Li.

"Are you ready?" he said with a strange look on his face.

Sakura just nodded, she didn't fully understand why that gave her such a fright. It had never happened to her before. Maybe she was tired. She shrugged it off hoping that some time on land would calm her down.


"Land straight ahead!" one of the crewmembers shouted towards Syaoran.

Sakura's eyes gleamed as the image of land appeared. She took a small glance at Syaoran, but just as she expected he didn't seem to look any different. No signs of happiness or sadness. Just when she was about to put all her attention back to the approaching land Syaoran turned, spotting her.

Sakura blushed from embarrassment at being caught. He seemed to have very good senses to know when someone was nearby or looking at him. She wished she had good senses like that.

Just then he waved for her to come over there. She obliged.


Syaoran grabbed her arm and pulled her away from everyone else's hearing range. "I want you to stay around me at all times. Don't go wondering off as soon as we get off the boat, also don't tell anyone about being able to make chips."

Sakura was flustered yet again. The contact of his hand on her arm sent a strange shiver down her spine. "Why?"

"It's too dangerous otherwise. I'm heading over to a friends house and you are to come with me."

Now Sakura was curious… he had friends? "What is everyone else going to do?"

Syaoran gave her a hard glare as if to tell her it was none of her business but then said, "There is no reason for you to care what they are doing, Yukito and Takashi will meet up with us tomorrow morning."

Sakura nodded in fake understanding. She kept quiet about her other thoughts and decided they would all be explained when she saw it with her own eyes.

It wasn't long before they reached land and made port. Sakura looked in awe at the quaint town. It wasn't exactly small, but it wasn't huge either. It was actually the perfect size. She stared at the town, lost in thought once again, until she saw a hand fly by her face. She blinked, and then came back to her senses.

Syaoran gave her a little bit of an irritated look but it didn't last long. "Come on now, stop daydreaming. We have to get moving."

Sakura nodded and followed him off the ship, she was walking behind him at first, until he grabbed her hand and pulled her up right next to him. Her face flushed a little, but he didn't notice.

"You need to stay by my side until we get to the house. It's not safe for a little girl."

Sakura's blush immediately went away. `Little girl' She sighed, continuing to let him drag her along. A sharp chill went down her spine though, and slowly she looked around to see that a lot of people were looking at her funny. She didn't understand why. Did she look strange or something? Trying to ignore it, Sakura kept her attention on the ground the rest of the way.

After what seemed like 10 minutes of really uncomfortable walking in silence they stopped at a gate. Sakura looked up and her eyes got big. Right before them was a huge mansion. It was so beautiful and yet very creepy at the same time. She watched as Syaoran pushed a small button on the side of the gate. Nothing happened. She didn't even hear a ring. She wanted to ask Syaoran if he was sure he pressed it hard enough, but he didn't look perturbed at all. So she just waited patiently for something to happen.

Eventually someone appeared at the gate. She was a very beautiful girl too, with long curly black locks, and the shiniest of amethyst eyes. She had an air about her as well. Her pale white hands gracefully unlocked the gate as she smiled at the two of them. "Welcome. It's been a long time Syaoran."

Sakura's eyes widened; she had never heard anyone call him by his first name before. She looked back and forth at their faces trying to see if she could catch something, but as usual Syaoran was unreadable and the girl wasn't much different.

"Please come this way." The girl said and then led the way.

Once they were inside the huge mansion Syaoran finally said something. "I trust you have been well, Daidouji?"

The girl gave him a soft look. "Why always so formal Syaoran? I thought we went through this before? Call me Tomoyo, remember?"

"Right, I forgot. Then, I trust you have been well, Tomoyo?"

Tomoyo smiled and nodded her head. "Yes I have. But I have also been very bored." She then turned her attention to Sakura. "Who are you?"

Sakura blinked and was about to say something until Syaoran cut her off.

"This is Kinomoto Sakura. She is the girl that can make chips."

Sakura glared at him. She didn't understand why he introduced her like some slave. That was when she heard a giggle. She turned to Tomoyo, and saw a strange glisten in her eyes.

"Hello Sakura, is it alright if I call you that?"

Sakura nodded.

"Tomoyo, I'm sorry for bringing someone else here without letting you know beforehand, but I wanted her to stay here as well if that is ok."

"Of course it is Syaoran. But what's this all about? I have never seen you care for a woman so much before." Tomoyo almost giggled but, before she could, Syaoran made a quick reply.

"She is hardly a woman, being the age of 14. I just have a duty to make sure she lives. She is very a crucial key on getting out of this place. If you don't mind, I'm going to head to my room. I have some things I need to do." Syaoran walked off, leaving Tomoyo and Sakura alone.

Tomoyo looked at Sakura seeing that her head was down. She walked up and grabbed her chin, pulling her eyes up to hers. She was right on target thinking her eyes were brimming with tears, but what shocked her was that they weren't only tears of sadness, but of anger. She could also tell that this girl was far older than 14. She smiled to herself; this is going to be very interesting.

"Sakura, you must be very tired. Would you like for me to prepare a bath for you?"

Sakura eyes brightened. "A bath?"

Tomoyo just nodded.

"That would be so wonderful! It's been such a long time!"

Tomoyo laughed at the happy expression on Sakura's face. "Ok then, let me show you the way."

Sakura followed Tomoyo downs some halls, but didn't really pay attention to where she was going. If she wasn't careful she could get lost really fast. They finally entered a room behind a double door and it was huge! But that wasn't the reason she was so shocked. No, it was because it was a bathroom!

Tomoyo watched Sakura's amazed face and giggled. "Are you going to stand there and gape all day or are you going to start getting undressed?"

Sakura turned bright red. "Ge-ge get undressed?"

"Well, you don't expect to take a bath with your clothes on, do you? There is a dressing drape over there and a robe behind it to put on."

Sakura laughed nervously, "Oh, of course hehe." She walked stiffly to the drape.

Tomoyo grinned slyly and started to get the bath ready. It wasn't too long before Sakura came out in the robe covering her chest with her arms.

"You're so cute Sakura."

"Ehh??!!" Sakura flushed.

"Just turn off the water when it is done, and you can adjust the temperature to your likening if this is no good."

Sakura smiled grateful, "I'm sure it is just perfect, thank you."

Tomoyo smiled at her and walked past her slowly, "I will be taking your clothes to wash, but I'll bring you some temporary clean clothes." She walked out the door with all of Sakura's stuff.

Too bad Sakura forgot all about the letter she left in her pocket.


Tomoyo wasn't a fool. She knew what was going on with that girl and Syaoran. She also knew that the girl loved Syaoran, but just didn't know it herself yet. As for Syaoran, she was going to have a little fun.

She entered the room she planned to set Sakura up in and walked into the closet. She pulled out an elegant nightgown and smirked. She knew the girl would refuse; for one it would give away her age, and for another she probably would be too embarrassed, but Tomoyo grabbed it anyways, as well as baggy white shirt and long fitting leggings. She laid the nightgown out on the bed, then left the room with old clothes and knew ones in hand. Her next stop was the washroom.

When she got there she checked all pockets for anything that shouldn't be washed and she pulled out a very old crinkled piece of paper. She opened it up and saw some characters written on it. Her eyes got really big; it couldn't be. Tomoyo put the letter in her pocket, dumped the clothes in the wash, and headed out quickly.

Before she knew it, she was at some huge double doors. It was where Syaoran would be; she knew that for a fact. She knew him way too well and even though he said he would go to his room, he meant the room he always went to, not his sleeping room.

Tomoyo quietly opened out one of the doors and walked in.

Syaoran was sitting next to the fire with his head resting on his hands. He looked tired, but that wasn't going to stop her.

She knew that he already knew she was there. It was one of his specialties, being able to sense people's presence. So she walked up behind him and draped her arms over his shoulders, pressing her breasts into his back. "Your very tense Syaoran. I can help that."

Syaoran shivered under the seductive voice that Tomoyo used. He could feel her hot breath on his ear and moaned slightly.

Tomoyo gently started to rub his shoulders, giving him a thorough message. This time, Syaoran's moan was a little more definite and his tense build up slowly faded away. Now that he was finally relaxed, Tomoyo pulled him back to lie against the sofa's back, and slowly she moved to his front, straddling his lap.

Tomoyo brought her face right up to his. "You're very interesting Syaoran."

Syaoran looked at her in the eyes, but didn't say anything back.

Tomoyo licked her lips slowly and pressed herself tighter to his body. She brought her face down to his and connected lips. She kissed him deeply but wasn't getting any reaction out of him, like always. He would let her do this and would participate, but never full-heartily. He never really wanted to do it himself. He only did it to make her happy, or so he thought. But he was in for more a surprise this time.

Tomoyo continued to kiss him then started to undo the buttons on his shirt. Once she got it open, she ran her hands up and down his firm chest, but suddenly stopped and backed away a bit. "You are a jerk Syaoran, you know that?"

It was quiet for a while until she continued. "You don't want this, I know that. I'm not stupid; it is like I'm raping you or something. But don't worry; this time it is no more than a little fun."

Syaoran gave her an odd look.

"It's because I'm messing with you. You think I want this desperately and that I do this because of what Eriol did to me. But you should know, I don't need a man, I just love to toy with them."

Syaoran glared at her and was about to say something but Tomoyo cut him off by placing her finger on his lips.

"Don't be offended Syaoran. I really do love you and care about you as a friend. You are the only one who has actually understood and stayed by my side even though you know about all that has happened. You are my friend, and THAT is why I don't plan to go further since that one time. It will only happen once but, Syaoran, I can tell you haven't ever been with another woman since that time."

At that, Syaoran blushed but not really because she mentioned him not having any sex since he had been with her, but because he knew what was coming next.

"Are you ever planning on changing that? You going to be an old fart soon. What about that Sakura girl; she looks like she would probably like to be with you."

"Shut up!"

Tomoyo jumped at his reaction, she didn't expect that part at all.

"You don't need to talk about her like that; she is a child. Sure she could have a silly little crush but nothing more. I see her more as a sister, and I will do my best to protect her!"

Tomoyo's expression went a little dark. "You mean just like how you did with your real sisters?"

"How dare you say something like that!" Syaoran yelled.

Now Tomoyo was mad herself, "I think you need a wake up call Syaoran! That wasn't your fault, and Sakura is not your sister! Don't you dare be an ass and treat her like a 5 year old! You don't understand anything yet! You think you do, but you have a long ways to go. And treating her like a child in front of people is really rude! You had no right to say those cruel words to me about her right in front of her! And you say you see her as a sister, well that was not brotherly at all. If you care for her feelings at all you will stop this now!"

Syaoran pushed Tomoyo off of him. "Leave me alone, you have no right to tell me how to be. What about you and Eriol? How long has he been ignoring you, and why do you still live here even though he is now married to Kaho?"

With that, Tomoyo slapped him hard. "Like I said, you still have so much to learn." Tomoyo stomped out of the room leaving Syaoran alone to think.

"That was stupid of me." He said to himself.


As soon as Tomoyo left the room she took a deep breath to calm down. She knew Syaoran didn't mean it, and possibly she deserved it as well. After all, she just messed with his feelings; but if only he knew she was doing it for his own good.

Tomoyo reached into her pockets and pulled out the letter again. Here eyes brimmed with tears; she hadn't seen Japanese writing in such a long time. She began to read it when her blood froze.

Dear Sakura,

I'm so scared for you. I told you I didn't want you to go but, as always, you didn't listen. At least I could give you this letter before you left. If I never see you again, I just want you to know that I love you so very much. Please come back to me, nothing is ever that bad. Be safe.



But how could this be? It was the first time she had ever seen Sakura. Tomoyo's heart started to beat really fast. Something wasn't right. How come she felt like this all of a sudden? What in the world was going on?

Stuffing the letter back into her pocket one more time, Tomoyo headed back to the bathroom Sakura was occupying. She would have to worry about a little later.


Sakura was relaxing in the bubble bath Tomoyo had set up for her. She was tired, annoyed, and just plain confused. Something about Tomoyo struck a nerve, and she just couldn't let it go. She stretched her arms upward when the door started to open. Quickly she placed all her body, except her head, under the water.

Sure enough, Tomoyo was back with some new clothes. She was happy to see that she had brought her simple clothes and nothing sexy. Perhaps the girl understood more than she let on.

"Hello Sakura, feeling better?" Tomoyo said as she set the clothes down by the tub.

Sakura grew a little nervous, one wrong move and her secret would be out. "Oh yes, much better, thank you."

Tomoyo laughed a little, "It was really no problem."

They stayed in silence for a while. Sakura's nerves were just getting worse and worse. Tomoyo seemed to giving her a strange look.

"You're really cute Sakura." She finally said.

Sakura turned red; she had said that before, what is going on?

"Thank you." Sakura squeaked.

Tomoyo walked up closer on put her hands on the side of the tub. Sakura tried to back away but she didn't have any more room. Before she knew it their faces were right next to each other. Sakura couldn't take it anymore; she closed her eyes and was about to go underwater when Tomoyo kissed her on the lips.

Sakura couldn't move, her eyes just stared straight at Tomoyo's open ones as well. It wasn't much of a kiss, just lips on lips. It didn't last as long as it seemed though and, before she knew it, the contact was over. Sakura's face was beat red. No one would be able to miss it. "W.w.why did you do that?" Sakura asked.

Tomoyo traced a hand over her face. "I'm not sure. Don't worry though, just ignore that, and don't even record it as your first kiss."

Sakura was still in shock though and was about to get up when she just remembered that would be a bad idea and wobbled her self back down.

"Don't worry." Came Tomoyo's voice. "I already know you're not 14."

Sakura eyes got big for the third time that day. "How did you know?"

"It was in your eyes, and plus I'm a woman as well; I can tell these sort of things. You are lucky that all the men on that ship are stupid." Tomoyo said. She back away from Sakura in the tub and grabbed a towel and bathrobe, then she handed it to Sakura and turned her back on her. "You might want to get out before you turn into a prune."

Sakura nodded even though she knew Tomoyo couldn't see her and quickly got out, dried herself off fast, put the robe on, and then wrapped the towel around her hair. "You can turn around now."

Tomoyo did as told and gave Sakura a smile. "I want to talk to you about something but not here, so is it ok if I stop by your room later on tonight?"

"Sure, that's no problem." Sakura replied. She noticed that Tomoyo seemed to be acting a little sadder now.

"Thanks, go a head and get dressed; I will be waiting for you right out the door." As she said that she turned and exited the room.

Sakura quickly went behind the dressing drapes and got dressed into the fresh smelling clothes. Hers were getting pretty yucky even though Syaoran had washed them for her not too long ago. It was probably just the fact that she never got to wear clothes that weren't hers before, much less own very many different outfits.

As soon as she was dressed, she made her way to where Tomoyo was waiting. True to her word, Tomoyo was just right out the door.

"Shall I show you to your room now?" Tomoyo asked.

Sakura smiled, "Yes, please."

Tomoyo started to walk and Sakura stayed close behind. This time she watched her surroundings. The inside of the house was really grand, with different carvings and eccentric designs, but there was something about the house that really bugged her. At first she couldn't place it but then it clicked. There were no people: no servants, no friends, no anybody. Was Tomoyo living in this huge mansion all by herself, and if so wouldn't that make her really lonely?

Sakura wondered to herself if maybe the sad look in Tomoyo's eyes was for that reason. Before she knew it she began to feel sad herself. She knew what it was like to be lonely; in fact, it wasn't until recently she had always been alone. But Syaoran and his crewmembers had all kind of changed that. She knew she had a sort of friendship with Yukito and Takashi, but she didn't really know what to say about her relationship with Syaoran. Where they friends? Or is he just trying to be polite and put up with her? Then again, he wasn't always very nice to her. Syaoran was still a really big mystery.

"We're here." Tomoyo said, interrupting Sakura's thoughts.

Opening the doors, Sakura stepped into the room. It was really nice and the bed was huge. She was going to sleep good tonight, at least she hoped. Something on the bed caught her interest though. She slowly made her way to it and picked it up. "This is very pretty."

"Thank you, I made it myself you know." Tomoyo said in a pleased tone.

Sakura eyes grew wide in astonishment. "Wow really? You're very talented."

"You can wear it if you want."

At that, Sakura faltered. "But… what if someone sees? My age will definitely show in this, and err I feel kind of awkward. I have never worn anything that is supposed to be sexy before. In fact, I don't think I have ever seen anything like this in my whole life!"

Tomoyo laughed. "That I do not doubt. Don't worry about someone seeing you. Syaoran won't be coming in your room, trust me. Also you don't need to feel awkward, every girl needs to feel sexy once in a while."

Sakura blushed, "But what about other people? Or is it just you?" Right after Sakura asked that she regretted it. The pain showed clearly on Tomoyo's face. "Oh! I'm sorry that is none of my business. I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to be so rude."

Tomoyo walked up to Sakura and put her hand up to her cheek. "It's alright, it was an expected question really. You did nothing wrong." Tomoyo then took her hand off Sakura's face; she turned and headed out the door.

Right when Sakura thought she wouldn't get an answer, Tomoyo stuck her head through the door and said, "And to answer your questions. There are two more people living in this house. But you won't need to worry about them. They are hardly ever here." Then she shut the door and left.

Sakura stared at the door for a while. "Hardly ever there? They just leave her by herself all the time? How sad…"


When Tomoyo closed the door to Sakura's room she didn't exactly leave right away. Instead, she leaned up again the doors and sighed. This day had been a very stressful one. A lone tear slid down her face. Maybe the words Syaoran had said had hurt more than she let on. She wiped the tear away and quietly made her way to her own room. Eriol would be showing up with Kaho tomorrow. She knew that for a fact. He never missed the days that Syaoran came to visit.

She admitted that she wasn't looking forward to seeing Eriol again at all. He had hurt her way too many times as it was…


END!!! This chapter was going to have so much more! But then ideas got into my head and it was turning out to be really long and the end off this chapter was still a long ways off. So I decided to split the chapter up. Since I know what will happen in that chapter here is a little summary.

Chapter 5. Cruel

Tomoyo confronts Sakura about knowing how to read the letter, and in the process spills about her relationship with Eriol. When Eriol finally shows up Sakura decides she can't hold back and gives him a piece of her mind. Even though Tomoyo clearly said not to because of Kaho.

So get ready to read some angst!! Haha

Oh and was this R enough for you, or can you handle even harder stuff? Oh and no this is not a Yuri, that was just a twist, don't worry people. I can't write things like Yuri… `Shudders' This is still S&S all the way hehe Hope you enjoyed! Sorry again for it taking so long!! *bows*


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