Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ More than Words ❯ Looking Through Glass ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


A/N: I hope to finish this story! For once just finish a story!!! **Starts chanting to self** "There's no such thing as writer's block, no such thing as writer's block, no such thing as writer's block."

Disclaimer: Not owning CCS, their Characters, etc. etc., though, I like to think that I own Touya **evil laugh**… ahem, anyway, moving on…..


More Than Words

Chapter 1 - Looking through Glass

`A picture can say a thousand words…and then some' thought the raven-haired lady. Tomoyo Daidouji stared at her latest magazine cover of TIME, of a woman with tears streaking down her face, the result of war, of hate, of an unforgiving world.

She stretched her arms over her head and sighed. She got up and walked around her desk to her window. Glancing down from the seventh floor of her condominium, she noticed the trees were bare and frost was slowly starting the form on the edges of her window. The year went fast indeed, it was already November and autumn slowly bled into winter, though it was not December yet. It had been a long day and it was good to finally get some time off of travelling, of course she would still work, taking pictures of the world around her, though, she thought, nothing so in depth as her latest cover. She has been all over the world, documenting events through her camera and she was good at it, damned good, as the editor of her magazine once told her.

Tomoyo stepped out of her office into her nice wooden floored living room. The wind caused the white, translucent curtains to flutter in from her balcony. On the left was a bookshelf filled from top to bottom with Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Shakespeare, Dante and most, if not all, of literature's Hall of Famers.

The wall where her couch was settled against was covered with framed pictures, a mixture of her favourite covers and of her family, of her friends, black & white and coloured. The ones that were not her work were shots of Sakura, Syaoran, her mother, Touya, Yukito, Fujitaka-san, Nakuru, Chiharu,Yamazaki, and Rika. Childhood friends, all grown up, all leading different lives, all, probably, happier than she would ever be.

Tomoyo stood in front of her coffee table and regarded the pictures on the wall, all with different stories, all with different feelings. There was not one picture of Tomoyo herself for she was always behind the camera and perhaps she stayed there because she was afraid of what the camera would see in her eyes, in her soul.

The ones with Sakura showed a dazzling smile and clear jovial Ireland meadow-green eyes. Sakura, her beloved second cousin could shine through the thickest clouds and would not know it. How she loved her. Pictures with the amber eyed Li Syaoran, rarely showed a smile, but in his eyes Tomoyo saw, she saw the love that was bursting from his heart for the cherry blossom that was his. They married young at the age of 20, and four years later, it was still as if they were on their honeymoon. A match made in heaven and everyone knew it, especially Tomoyo. Their marriage was perhaps her drive to travel so much from Brazil to Canada to Australia to the war-ridden Middle East and Italy. But knowing she could only be away from her beloved home country for so long, she finally returned to Japan to face her fears and ghosts of memories that lurked in the corner of each street and attempt to live a normal life.

It was not as if she tried to become something different so that she could somehow cope with the loss of the one she loved the most. "You can take the girl away from Japan, but you can't take Japan away from the girl" was something she always told herself. Whoever said the best thing about travelling is coming home knew what they were talking about.

Slowly the girl who once captured Sakura's every move on tape began to accept and began to live once again. There was always going to be a hallow space in her heart; it was only natural. After all, Sakura Kinomoto was her first love. And her last love as far as Tomoyo was concerned.

The pain of loving yet not being loved in return almost did Tomoyo in. She almost lost herself in the charade that she had learnt to put on all these years, harden her heart until it was solid granite. Burying herself in her work somehow helped her find herself again, but not completely heal her. Love was a two edged sword and she would be damned if she was going to be cut….again


Light snow began to drift from the dark, intimidating skies and onto the streets of London. "God, the world looks like a snow globe from up here. Hmmm…." Turning from the wall that was completely made of glass and looked over a part of the city, he pressed a button on his intercom and spoke to his secretary "Hey Nakuru"

"Yes boss?" was the cheery reply that came from the speaker.

"You know that vacation that you always wanted me to take?"

"Yes! Are you finally going to take my advice on it?"

"Indeed I will. We'll discuss it with Spinel when the day is over."

"Heh, why would we need Suppi-chan's opinion??" She queried.

"You know all to well Nakuru, that is unless you want to deal with a very grumpy guardian for the whole two months of our trip?"

"A grumpy Suppi? Like that would be something new for me." Was the sarcastic reply.

With a chuckle Eriol replied, "Okay, enough chit-chat, back to work."

"Aye, aye captain!"

Pressing the button to end the conversation, he swivelled his chair to face a wall of his office.

`I think it's time to visit that childhood place that I once cherished' He stood up and walked to one end of his office

`Too bad they tore down my house though, not that finding a place to stay would be a problem' mused the sapphire eyed gentleman as he stepped towards the picture he was looking at, a black and white, 11x14 photo showing the streets of Kyoto during spring, cherry blossoms being the main object of the photo. He smiled at the thought of returning to a place that he wanted to consider home. Perhaps he would finish so unfinished business while he was at it, only time would tell. And time was something the resurrected sorcerer had a lot of.

He stood up again and stared out his window one more time.

`Life has been rather boring', he thought.

`Maybe it was because I wanted it that way.'

Ever since the dilemma that went under the name of Kaho Mizuki, he wanted the quiet and simple life. Well as quiet and simple a life of a businessman can ever get. Once upon a time, Eriol was content with everything in his world, he had a lady by his side, he had his two guardians, he had enough money to last him this lifetime and a half There was a point when he fancied himself in love with Kaho, but perhaps it was infatuation, an attraction to her magical aura, but that was how the extent of it's. Eriol knew that it would not go far, especially if the heart wasn't into it. It was not fair for both of them and he knew it, knew it from the beginning but was willing to make mistakes to see what the outcome would be. Nakuru had called him a foolish idiot hurting for himself and Kaho the way he did.

Just because he was all-knowing, just because he was all-powerful, he still did not have the right to live a perfectly flawless life. Nevertheless, Nakuru lectured him tirelessly and told him that the human heart was something that should not be messed with, powerful wizard or not. He wondered out loud then how on earth did Ruby Moon become such an expert on human emotions. Her answer was "I have read enough dramas and read enough fluff to know this stuff." Replying with such diginity and such an air of "know-it-allness", Eriol did all he could to stifle a chuckle. The reward for his efforts? I swift bop in the head.

He made his guardians genderless, but Nakuru was the girliest genderless being he knew. As if he knew an oceanful of them.

Eriol touched the picture with a finger, tracing the trees, the petals, smiling as he remembered the memory. Dropping his hand to his side, he simply regarded the picture with eyes as dark as the midnight sky and silently made the decision that he was willing to make for some time now.

"To Japan we go."


A/N: Whatcha think? Well like it or hate it, I'm going to try to continue it. And I'm sorry if I bored you to tears in this chapter! **bows** Gotta start somewhere! R&R onegaishimasu!!