Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Moulin Rouge- CCS Style! ❯ Your Song ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: I'M BACK!!!!

Jigokuinu: *With blac tuxedo on* I look pretty snazzy!

Yorutori: *Also with black tuxedo* Me too! Why do we have to wear these anyway?

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: *with dress on* Because, we are making a CCS fic with a Moulin Rouge twist! <|^._.^|> But, keep in note, the plot is different. And some changes have been made.

Jigokuinu: So site the story.. and review!

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: And oh yes, Blue_Tigerness, I can't believe you came to my house in Cali! Aaaaahhh! That was SO fun talking to you about CCS, life, etc. and everything

<|^._.^|> I hope to talk to you again soon!


Tomeoda, Japan. The sun was timid, and the town looked peaceful, but in the distance you could hear a voice singing...

"There was a boy...

A very strange, enchanted boy.

They say he wandered very far, very far__

Over land and sea___

A little shy and sad of eye

But very wise was he...

And then one day

One magic day

He passed my way

As the voice sang, It seems as if you flew down to Tomeoda and you zoom into an apartment room to see a young boy with chestnut hair and dark brown eyes. He sighed and walked out onto his balcony. The singing voice continued.

And while we spoke of many things

Fools and kings

This he said to me...

The young boy named, Syaoran, looked out at the town, and he said something..but the singer sang the words along with him.

'The greatest thing you'll ever learn

Is just to love...and be loved in return.' "

The song had ended and the as the young boy looked over the town, his voice came into play like a narrator.

"Tomoeda. The center of Japan. There, I met the girl of my dreams, the only girl I would ever love. Her name, Sakura... I came to Tomoeda a year ago..."

There was a flashback, Syaoran got off the plane and looked around, ready to face what he had to.

"I traveled from Hong Kong and stayed in an apartment room."

Syaoran got into an apartment and scanned the room breifly.

"I had to come to recruit the Clow Cards and bring them back to Hong Kong for the Li Clan. There was only one problem- I didn't know who had the Clow Cards!

Luckily, right at that moment a boy at my age burst in from my door holding many papers."

A young boy opened the door rustly, holding many papers in his right hand, he smiled at Syaoran, who was pretty surprised. The boy bowed, "Konnichiwa. My name is is Takashi Yamazaki. I am terribly sorry to burst in like this. We are just handing out invitations to an extremely important meeting."

"What?" Syaoran said, puzzled. "And, who's we?" he said noticing it was only the boy named Yamazaki standing there by himself.

"Just than, another boy came hustling in, too, also handling papers."

Another boy ran in after Yamazaki, "Have you handed out all your invitations?" he asked and than looked at Syaoran, "Oh. Hello. My name is Hiragizawa Eriol." he bowed slightly and than smiled. "We are passing out invitations to an extremely important mee-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know!" Syaoran said it. It seemed like deja vu.

Yamazaki and Eriol looked at Syaoran, waiting for an answer, "Well? Will you come??" they both asked in unison.

"To what?" Syaoran said, getting a little annoyed

Yamazaki put his index finger up, "To an extremely important meeting."

"Ugh!" Syaoran groaned. "What is the meeting for?!"

Eriol smiled and also put up his index finger, "For an extremely important appearence."

"Appearence?" Syaoran asked, now getting a little curious.

Yamazaki gave Syaoran one of the papers, "Yes, by the princess herself."

"Princess?" Syaoran said and looked down at the invitation, to see a beautiful picture of a girl, she had green eyes, amber hair, and the most beautiful face Syaoran had ever seen.

Eriol nodded, "Yes. The meeting is tonight at the palace."

"Palace?" Syaoran asked. It seemed as if the only thing he could say was questions.

Yamazaki gave a nod, "Hai. We could derict you there if you would like."

"Hmm.." Syaoran thought. "I guess I will go. What do I have to lose?"

Yamazaki and Eriol both cheered, "Alright than! Tonight we will go to the palace!!"

"I was to attend to the Palace and see the princess that night.."

Yamazaki and Eriol were talking to Syaoran, "You will love it Syaoran." Yamazaki said.

"Yes." Eriol said. "It is very important. The princess is very important to Tomeoda."

Syaoran looked at Eriol, "How?"

"Well-" Eriol started.

Suddenly there was a roaring voice, "Hey! Yamazaki! Eriol! Let's go!"

"What the hell?" Syaoran said, "Who is that?"

Eriol and Yamazaki smiled. "Our ride."

"Ride?" Syaoran said, "What did the guy do? Bring the car into the apartment."

Eriol and Yamazaki laughed, "No.." Eriol walked over to Syaoran's balcony. Eriol slide open the balcony door and pushed the curtain out of the way. And there, was a mighty figure. A lion like creature..."

"Keroberos! Once I saw this creature I knew I was one step closer to the person who had the Clow Cards."

"Ready to go?" The great Keroberos said, flying in the sky outside Syaoran's balcony.

Yamazaki nodded, "Yes."

"Keroberos.." Syaoran said. "That is you name.. ne?"

Keroberos glared at Syaoran, "Yes...why?"

"No reason." Syaoran said slyly. "I am to attend the meeting."

Keroberos gave a nod, "Ah, well than, I may give you a ride to the palace too."

"Alright." Syaoran said. "Thank you."

Yamazaki and Eriol appointed Syaoran to Keroberos, "Let's go." Eriol said. The three of them got onto Keroberos' back and Keroberos flappe dhis mighty white wings and soared down, heading for the palace.

"We were off to the Palace. And I was to meet the the princess, who just may be the holder of the Clow Cards..."

Keroberos flew soaringly over the town until, they got to an open space. Keroberos flew over a silver gate to fly towards a huge palace. "Here we are.." Keroberos said.

"Wow..." Syaoran said, scanning the palace.

Yamazaki smiled, "The party it almost ready to begin."

"Let's hurry." Eriol said. And with that, Keroberos soared down the ground, his paws landing on the ground and he flapped his wings once more. Eriol, Yamazaki, and Syaoran got off. They all started heading for the door, than Eriol and Yamazaki paused.

"Wait.." they said in unison turning around to look at Syaoran, he was in jeans and a green shirt. "You can't wear that to the party!" Yamazaki said.

Syaoran cocked an eyebrow, "Why not?"

"Because, this is a very important meeting." Eriol said. "You have to wear a tuxedo."

"But..." Syaoran started but Yamazaki and Eriol grabbed his arms and dragged him into the palace.

"So, they brought me to the royal dressing room and dressed me in sorts of different tuxedos, until I finally got the right one..."

Syaoran walked out of a big door wearing a black tuxedo. Yamazaki and Eriol followed him. "There." Syaoran said, he started scanning the room. "I feel a magic presence.." he said to himself.

"Let's go!" Eriol said. "It's about to start!!"

Yamazaki and Eriol directed Syaoran to a big door, they turned the knob and opened the door to reveal a big ball room filled with people, talking and rambling. " a big place." Syaoran gulped.

"Of course." Eriol nodded, "Let's go." they walked in scattering through the people. Until they got right in the middle.

Syaoran looked around, "When is she coming out?" he asked.

"Should be by now..." Yamazaki said, looking at his wristwatch.

Just than, almost right in cue, the door opened. Everyone turned to look over, just than the princess walked in, dressed beautifully. Syaoran gazed at her, his mouth watering.

"It's her..'Princess Sakura'." Yamazaki told Syaoran.

Behind Sakura, her father, Fujitaka followed, and her brother Touya.

"She was beautiful. But, What I didn't know, she has a very protective bodyguard...her brother...Touya."

Touya glanced at everyone, making sure they didn't try to grab his sister. Syaoran looked at Sakura and noticed she had a pink aurua around her. His eyes widened. 'The owner!' he thougt. He turned to Yamazaki and Eriol, "I must speak to her!" he said.

"B-But.." Eriol stuttered. "Her brother won't allow is very hard to get the acception."

"NOW!" Syaoran demanded.

Yamazaki sighed, "We will try Syaoran. But, don't get mad if we don't get it for you." they both walked off.

Syaoran turned to look at the princess again, she was getting greeting by men and woman. And than she came to Syaoran, she smiled sweetly at him. "Hello, sir." she said. Syaoran blinked nervously.

"Bow down to the princess, gaki." her brother said bruntly. Syaoran glared at her brother, Touya and than his eyes went back to Sakura. He bowed slightly and than she walked off to the next person. Syaoran's eyes traveled Sakura everywhere she went.

After awhile, Syaoran was sitting down an a chair, and than Yamazaki and Eriol came over smiling. "Syaoran!" they said in unison.

"What is it?" Syaoran asked.

Eriol smiled, "After the party, We've arranged a private meeting with just you and Princess Sakura."

"Totally alone." Yamazaki smiled.

Syaoran nodded, "Alright. Thanks." he than looked over at the princess, once more, watching her every move.

Soon enough, the party was over. Everyone was gone. Eriol and Yamazaki got up, "Come.." they said. "We will take you to the Princess' room where you will talk to her."

"Ok." Syaoran said and got directed up the many staircases. He came to a door.

Eriol opened the door, no one was in there, "You can go in. The Princess won't come in until later."

"Alright." Syaoran said. "Thank you." he walked in and Eriol shut the door with him and Yamazaki leaving.

Syaoran scanned the room, the room was so big, it had a big balcony, a bed, a fancy mirror, and etc. "Hmmm.." he said, looking around. He looked at her drawer, and saw a magical aurua. "Ah ha!" he said going to the drawer he started to open it.

"What are you doing!?" he heard a voice shout. Syaoran jumped from the scare and quickly shut the drawer, he looked over to see Sakura..the princess.

"Umm.." Syaoran said, trying to think of something quick, " see..You have such pretty drawers." he smiled stupidly.

Sakura giggled. "Alright..and exactly..why did you want to talk to me?"

"Uhh.." Syaoran nervously stuttered.

"I couldn't of let her know that I was trying to take the Clow Cards from her. I had to make up a plan. and quick..."

Syaoran thought and than smiled, "Well, when I saw you..I had to meet you."

"Hoe?" she said.

Syaoran grinned, "You were so beautiful."

"I get that alot." Sakura said, looking down.

Syaoran gazed at her. "I would like to marry you."

"HOOOEEE!!??!" she said.

"Okay, that wasn't great. But, if I acted as if I loved her, I would get close to her and she would let me take the Clow Cards."

"Y-Y-Y-Y-You want to marry me?" Sakura asked.

Syaoran took her hand in his, "Of course.."

"No!" she pulled away. "I can't! My brother Touya wouldn't like it..and my dad, and the guards..." she kept rattling on how people wouldn't like it.

"B-" Syaoran tried to say.

"And Keroberos!"


"Oh, and also Yukito!"


"And the people of Tomeoda!"


"And also..." Sakura kept rattling on. Syaoran got annoyed from getting interrupted, and had only one thing to do...he had to get her to think he loved her..and so he built up his courage, walked to the balcony, and Sakura was still rattling on about how much people wouldn't allow the marriage, he looked out at the town and breathed in deep. And sang out loudly..

"My gift is my song_____!

Just at that, Sakura stopped talking and looked over at Syaoram amazed, he had a wonderful singing voice! He was looked out at the town, he than turned to looked at Sakura to continue singing, this time, a little softer.

And this one's for you...

And you can tell everybody that this is your song...

It may be quite simple but..

now that it's done

I hope you don't mind,

I hope you don't mind....

That I put down in words...

Syaoran than smirked at Sakura sweetly and sang the next verse...

How wonderful life is now you're in the world.__

Syaoran than turned to look back outside the balcony. Sakura tried to look at Syaoran's face and started to walk over to him slowly. Syaoran continued singing...

Sat on a roof..and I kicked off the moss

Well, some of these, well they,

Syaoran looked over at Sakura and she smiled at him as he sang the next verse...

They got me quite cross

Sakura walked up next to him as he sang the next verse...

But the suns' been kind

while I wrote this song

He looked beside him to see Sakura and he sang the next verse...

It's for people like you that keep it turned on___

Sakura smiled sweetly at him, he was so good at singing and his words he sang were so kind. He continued to sing...

So excuse me forgetting

but these things I do__

He face Sakura, and they smiled at eachother, Syaoran sang the next verse...

You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue__!

Sakura smiled sweetly at the verse he just sang. Syaoran than took Sakura's hands and rubbed his thumb along them and sang the next verse...

Anyway the thing is, what I really mean...

Syaoran looked up at Sakura's face sweetly and sang the next verse...

Yours are the sweetest eyes

I've ever seen____!

Sakura smiled at that verse, and Syaoran took Sakura's hand and twirled her around. He than stopped twirling her and brought her close to him and sang the next verse...

And you can tell everybody...

that this is your song!

It may be quite simple but..

now that's it done..

Sakura than took her hand and carressed Syaoran's face as he sang the next verse...

I hope you don't mind..

I hope you don't mind!

That I put down in words__

How wonderful life is...

Syaoran grined at Sakura and picked her up in his arms and twirled around with her as he sang the next verse...

Now you're in the world___________!

Syaoran finished singing and brought Sakura down, still holding her, getting close to kissing her...

"I can't believe it. I'm in love..." Sakura said.

Syaoran smiled, "Really? I've heard around.."

"About what?" Sakura asked.

Syaoran put his face closer to hers, "That you have the Clow Cards."


"May I see them?" he asked.

Sakura nodded, "Yes..but..except..I changed them into Sakura Cards.."

"What?!" Syaoran said and dropped Sakura in shock.


Golden_Eyed_Dragon: There! First chapter done! I know, It will take a LONG time before I get new chapters for my other stories. So be patient please...