Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Moulin Rouge- CCS Style! ❯ Come What May ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: Mwahaha!!! I can't wait till' this is over. And, I HIGHLY reccomend for you to see this movie after I am done! Moulin Rouge is a good movie and you will see how I changed some of the plot and cut out parts from the movie.

Jigokuinu: Woopie..

Yorutori: Uh-oh...

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: *smacks Jigokuinu over the head* Shuush!


"Come on! Come on!" Sakura said, waving her hand to direct someone to come up to her. She was in the family room sitting with her father and her brother. Keroberos was laying on the ground sleeping. The person Sakura was waving to come over was, Syaoran. Syaoran smiled at her and walked over, but Touya was sitting next to her. Sakura looked at him and smiled.

Fujitaka smiled at Syaoran, "Hello, Syaoran."

"Hi..gaki.." Touya growled.

Syaoran gave a slight bow in a kind gesture and his eyes went back to Sakura. They both shared glances and smiles. "So, Syaoran," Fujitaka said, "How old are you?"

"Uhmm..I am exactly twenty." Syaoran answered.

Fujitaka smiled at him. "The same as Sakura."

"Yeah.." Touya grunted.

Syaoran and Sakura than glanced at eachother again giving eachother a sweet smile.

"You know, Sakura is going to be having another meeting in awhile." Fujitaka said.

Touya crossed his arms, "Yeah..maybe you will find another guy there."

"Touya!" Fujitaka stricted him.

Syaoran nodded, "I am sure it would be great. You wouldn't mind if I attend?"

"Of course not." Fujitaka said, "You are, afterall, Sakura's friend."


"Is this good enough?" Sakura asked, in her room, she twirled around in a beautiful pink dress. Syaoran was laying on her bed examing what she should wear for the next meeting. Yamazaki and Eriol were also watching.

Syaoran looked at her, "Hmm..well, it is beautiful. Or maybe I am getting the dress and the one who is wearing it mixed up again?"

"Thank you.." Sakura blushed.

Eriol grinned, "I think it fits you perfectly!"

"Really?" Sakura asked.

Yamazaka nodded, "Would we lie?"

"Yamazaki.." Sakura sighed, "I wish you have not of said that."

Syaoran smiled, "It look wonderful. I think you should wear it."

"Thank you!" she said jumped onto her bed beside Syaoran and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Syaoran than tuned his head and kissed her on the lips passionatly. "Love you.." she said to him quietly.

"I love you too.." he said quietly to her, too.

Eriol smiled, "Like I always say, 'The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.' "

"Yes," Syaoran said and smiled at Sakura. "And it is true." Sakura gave him a kiss.


Sakura and Syaoran were kissing eachother passionatly and loving in her room. Just than, the door opened and they immediatly stopped kissing. Touya walked with a picnic basket and various picnicing supplies, "A picnic you two?" he asked them.

Sakura looked at her brother and grinned, "Oh well, we have so much work to do. Discussing the next meeting. So much to do, so much work!"

"Well, if the boy can carry a blanket and a basket, I don't see why you both can't do it in my presence." Touya said a littly fastly which made Syaoran and Sakura look at eachother a little.



Syaoran and Sakura are yet, kissing again. And, than, the door opens and they stop once more. Touya comes back in seeing them, "Still at it you two?"

"Oh well, onii-chan. There's so many preparations to make." Sakura said, Touya smiled at them but noticed some of Sakura's lipstick was smeared and it seemed some of it had appeared on Syaoran's lips and on his chin and cheeks. Touya gave a confused glance, almost like he knew what was going on. Sakura continued, "We've been trying to figure everything out.."


"For try as Touya may, it was almost too easy for the young boy and the princess to invent perfectly legitimate reasons to avoid him."

Touya and Sakura were standing together in the ball room, watching their father give them some advice about where some of the decorations are going to go for the meeting. Syaoran walked up behind them and said, "Your Majesty Princess Sakura," Sakura looked at him and smiled, and wondered what he was going to say, "Uhh..I was wondering, well, I have some decoration ideas for the meeting. And I wondered if I could work on it with you later tonight." he smiled at her, but, Touya was listening.

"But--but Sakura, I've arranged that you, me, and father to work on some of the decorations tonight."

Syaoran looked down, "Well, it's not important, we--we could look over it tomorrow." Sakura looked at him in shock.

"How dare you!" Sakura said to Syaoran, "It cannot wait until tomorrow. Your opinions on decorations are most artistic and I cannot let them go to waste." she than looked at Syaoran and gave a slight grin. "We'll look over them tonight until I am completely satisfied."

Touya's mouth dropped, "But Sakura--"

"Onii-chan," Sakura cut him off, "Excuse me.." she than got up and walked off.

Syaoran looked at Touya, "I'm sorry." he than walked off, following Sakura.

"Bright and early tomorrow morning, we will begin to put up the decorations." Fujitaka said. Syaoran and Sakura were up on the balcony inside of the ball room, Syaoran was following Sakura but was also looking down; making sure no one saw them. They than dound a big pole so they could hide behind it. Sakura leaned back on the pole and Syaoran got close to her as they kissed deeply and passionatly. They thought they were out of sight.

"Father!" Touya said, walking to Fujitaka.

Fujitaka turned to see his son, "Oh, Touya, everything is arranged for the special decorating setting for tonight."

"Oh yes, decorate it yourself father." Touya remarked cockly. "Her affections are warning."

Fujitaka eyes shot open, "Impossible!"

"I understand how important she is to you, father, but she's always at it with that damn gaki." Fujitaka than spots Syaoran and Sakura kissing his eyes widen. "If I don't see her tonight, I'm bally well getting rid of the boy!"

Fujitaka put out his hand, "No, Touya! I will insist Sakura takes the night off."

"Alright, alright...eight o' clock then." Touya than walked off. Fujitaka looked up at them, they were done kissing and talking now.

Syaoran held Sakura' hands, "You'll come? Tonight?"

"Yes." Sakura said, with a little giggle, because Syaoran had some lipstick on his face from Sakura kissing him.

Syaoran smiled, "What time?"

"Eight o' clock." she said, still letting out some giggles.

Syaoran looked at her, grinning, "Promise?"

"Yes.." she giggled. "Go!"

Syaoran smiled happily and dashed off. Sakura giggled and turned to walk off but faced her father, Fujitaka.

"Are you mad?!" Fujitaka said. "You do know you brother is spending a fortune on you jsut for protection and keeping you away from loving mean that aren't princes'. And you are dallying with that boy!?"

Sakura looked at Fujitaka like she didn't know what he is talking about. "Oh...father, don't be ridiculous-"

"I SAW YOU TOGETHER!" Fujitaka shouted which gave her a little jump.

She couldn't believe it, he saw them, he found out. "It's nothing, It's just an infatuation. It's nothing..."

"The infatuation will end." Fujitaka said, "Go to the boy; tell him it's over. Touya is expecting you to be with me and him in the ballroom at eight." Fujitaka than left.

Sakura started feeling hot and about to cry, she shed some tears as she walked around the balcony, she felt so troubled with emotions, she didn't want to leave Syaoran for anything, she than sang quietly and sadly...

If I shoulddie this very moment...I wouldn't fear.

For I've never known completness.

Like being here,

wrapped in the warmth of you.....loving every breath of you.

Why live life from dream to dream? And dread the day.....

Sakura than started to cough and weeze and gasp.

Syaoran's voice as the narrator played in again, "How could I know those fatal days--"

Sakura coughs more violently as she laid in her bed with one of maids by her.

"That force darker than jealousy, and stronger than love, had began to take hold of Sakura..."

Sakura coughs frantically and than faints. Fujitaka waits for her in the ballroom, "Where is she??" he wonders.

A doctor was about to walk out, the maid stopped him. "Do you think she'll she be up and about by tonight?"

"Tomorrow morning at the earliest." The doctor said.


Syaoran waited in his apartment, "Where could she be.." he wondered.

"Maybe with one of the princes." Yamazaki said.

Syaoran looked at Yamazaki, "What??"

"Uhh..." Eriol sighed, "I was hoping we wouldn't have to tell you.." he than sat down, "Sakura is a princess, which means she has to be with a prince."

"Yes," Syaoran said. "And?"

Eriol looked at Syaoran, "Her father and brother choose a prince to be with her. And, she may have to marry him. No matter what."

"What??!" Syaoran said. He felt darkened and sad. What if she was with another man?


The doctor walked up to Fujitaka, "Your majesty Fujitaka, Princess Sakura is dying. She has consumption."

"My daughter is dying?" Fujitaka said. His tears filled his eyes. He than lifted his head up. "She musn't know. She must attend her next meeting."


In the morning, Syaoran was sitting at his desk table in his apartment room, looking over papers while Sakura laid on his bed. Syaoran's voice came into narration again, "All night, the young boy had waited. And now, for the first time, he felt the cold stab of jealousy."

Syaoran stopped looking at his papers and looked over at Sakura. "Where were you last night?"

"I told you," Sakura said, attempting to smile at him. "I was sick."

Syaoran got up and walked over to her sitting on the edge of the bed. "You don't have to lie to me."

"We have to end it." Sakura said, sitting straight up on the bed, their backs facing eachothers. His eyes were full of sadness and confusion. "Everyone knows. Father knows, and sooner or later Touya will find out too. I am to stay with my father and brother, and also get married to a prince, and the jealousy will drive you mad." She than got up and started to walk towards the right side balcony window.

Syaoran than thought. He got up and walked outside to the balcony and started to go over to the next window balcony to get to her

"Syaoran.." Sakura said, looking over but didn't see him.

Syaoran than came in from the other window and came close to her and said, "Then I'll write a song. I song for the both of us together, our own secret song." he started kissing her forehead, "And no matter how bad things get, or whatever happens, whenever you hear it or when you sing it or whistle it or hum it, it will then you'll know it, it will will mean--" he than kissed her various times again on the forehead and cheek, "It'll mean we love one another. I won't get jealous."

"Things don't work out that way, Syaoran." Sakura said than walked away from Syaoran going to the other side of the balcony, she looked back at him and sighed, she than turned around to look out at th town. the curtain blowing out to make her harder to see. Syaoran almost felt as if he was going to cry, he was trying to look over the curtain to face her, and looked over at Sakura. He than tried to think of something to say, searching for words. He than sang out a song he wanted them to share...

Never knew....

I could feel like this...

Sakura looked over at him and he slowly looked at her a little bit and he continued to sing...

Like I've never seen the sky..

He looked up at the sky and continued..


Syaoran than looked down at Sakura again and continued to sing...

Want to vanish inside you kiss_...

Sakura looked over at him fully and he smiled.

(Ball room)

"And, you see, instead of the traditional meetings of the princess," Syaoran said, suggesting to Fujitaka while Touya watched. Sakura was standing by her father. "We should have a song when she comes?"

Fujitaka nodded, "Okay..We will try it!"

Syaoran smiled, "Okay..let's take it from the second verse.." Touya looked at Syaoran and Sakura, getting a little mad. The piano player started to play the lyrics Syaoran had given him. And, Syaoran started to sing for a practice, he looked up at Sakura...

Seasons may change,

winter to spring.

Fujitaka smiled, "Yes..but we will need more affects for this. But, I am not so sure!" Syaoran just continued to sing, looking at Sakura and she looked at him they got close to kissing, Syaoran sang...

But I love, until the end..of..time.

(Back to Syaoran's apartment)

Where we left off, they are out on the balcony. Syaoran is now behind Sakura and holding her hips. She is smiling while hearing him sing and she turned around to look at him and they looked at eachother lovingly as Syaoran sang...

Come what may!_____

Come what may!_____

I will love you___

until my dying day___

It zooms out far from his apartment and you can oversee Tomoeda, just than Syaoran, Sakura, and Touya are walking up a hill and the only foliage is a tree by the road they are walking on. Syaoran is holding a picnic basket, and he and Sakura are looking at eachother lovingly. Syaoran adn Sakura both sing to eachother in unsion...

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place.

Touya points out, "Look, Sakura, a little frog!" but, Syaoran and Sakura still sing to eachother as Syaoran bends down to place the basket on the ground...

Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace.

(Back to Ballroom)

Syaoran and Sakura sing in unison together smiling at eachother....

Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste.

It all revolves around you.

Syaoran bent his head down a bit to scratch the back of his head. Sakura smiled, and Syaoran lifted his head up back quickly for him and Sakura to sing the next verse...

And there's no mountain to high__!

(Syaoran's apartment)

Sakura is laying in Syaoran bed, declothed with the cover over her body. Syaoran had no shirt on and hands her a paper with suggestings for the meeting. And, the next verse sung by Syaoran and Sakura is played in the background...

No river to wide_______!

Also during that verse the scence switches to showing Syaoran and Sakura by the balcony at his apartment, having the cover around them below their waists. Syaoran is holding the blanket up while his arms around her, they are both declothed and Sakura is pressed up against him and she kissed his elbow sweetly. The next verse plays woth Syaoran and Sakura singing together also in this scence after the last one ends....

Sing out this song and I'll be there by your side!

Also during this verse, the scence switches to showing Syaoran in sitting in a chair while Sakura lays on the bed, her face facing the end of the bed looking at Syaoran declothed with the blanket wrapped around her as she hears poems Syaoran tells her.

(Back to ballroom)

Syaoran and Sakura smile at eachother sweetly and they sing the next verse...

Storm clouds may gather and stars may collide_!

But I love you______!

Sakura stops and Syaoran sings the next verse by himself...

But I love you.

Sakura than smiles at him sweelty and sings...

I love you.

Syaoran than sing...

Until the end...

Sakura than sings after him the same words...

Until the end...

They both than sing togethere....

Of time...Come what may___! Come what may____! I will love you______

Sakura stops and lets Syaoran sing the last words of the verse longer by himself...


Syaoran than stops, the piano player plays the music beautifully. Syaoran smiles and shakes his head at the good job they have done at Sakura, and Sakura smiled back at him.

"This is silly." a maid says standing next to Touya. "Why would we have a song like this for a meeting so she could show her love to the boy?" Touya quickly looked at her confused and shocked. She than covered her mouth, smiling, "Whoops." she said cockly. "I mean so she could show her love to the 'People Of Tomoeda.'" she said, she finnaly made Touya realize the strong relationship they had. She than walked off. And Touya, with rage, he looked at them madly.

Now, on the stage Sakura and lots of the workers at the palace where on the stage, practicing for the song for the meeting and they all sing...

Come what may___!

I will love you_!

Come what may____!

I will love you

Syaoran holds the song papers and he is standing on the ballroom watching them and he sings along while looking at Sakura...

til' my dying____day_____!

They end the song. Touya walks up and says, "I don't like this song." Syaoran and Sakura look over at him a little annoyed.

"Don't like the song, Touya?" asked Fujitaka. "And why not son?"

Touya face was red with anger, "Why should we have a song like this for a meeting?" Syaoran was looking over at Touya, getting mad. "Why should we even have a song at all!?"

"Because she loves me!!!" Syaoran shouted out at Touya in anger. Everyone went into horrified silence and looked at Syaoran. He than tried to cover up, stuttering. "T-Them...T-Them..the people of Tomoeda. Because she loves loves- she loves them."

Touya looked at Sakura, "Oh, I see.." he than looked at Fujitaka. "Father, I truely want this song to be erased from the meeting. I do NOT want it in the meeting." he looked at Sakura. "And, you will come with me tonight and we will schedule a wedding for you and Prince." he looked over at Syaoran. Syaoran had his head hanging low.


Sakura walked behind the stage, and walked down the three wooden stairs, Syaoran looked at him from the side where he was waiting. "I don't want you to be with someonelse."

Sakura stopped and walked over to him, "He could ruin everything. It's for us.." Syaoran shook his head. "You promised.." Sakura put her head close to his, "You promised me you wouldn'tget jealous, you pro-" Syaoran shook his head once more. "..It will be alright."

Syapran shook head head, "No.." he said very silent.

"Yes, it will. He's waiting for me..." she started to walkf off but got stopped when Syaoran grabbed her arm gently.

Syaoran said silently and sadly, "No.."

Sakura came up to him and got close to him, putting her head on his shoulder. She than sang quietly to him...


Syaoran than pulled a little back to see her face, they looked at eachother. Syaoran looked at her, "Come what may..." he said and left.