Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ My Daddy Died A Hero ❯ Sad stories beguin ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
90% of the events in this story actually happened to people. This is atory about the 9 11 attacks but the CCs characters are in them. Don't expect everything to end happily and bring a box of tissues.~Tomoyo~I had awoken early that morning, by the crying of my son.
"Awww. Don't cry little one." I said placing my finger on his tiny nose.

"Daddy will be home in a weeks he has to make one more stop before he comes back"

"I want daddy to come back now" He said sniffling and rubbing his tears away. I picked him up and carried him to the kitchen
with me. Eriol and myself were both rich but we decided to get a normal house, nothing fancy, no maids no nothing. I wanted it
to be just the two of us. He was on a business trip and had been gone for about a week now. Mitshiro our son was always
crying when he would come back.

"I always told him not to worry he'll be back soon" I was wrong.


"Li wake up hurry up hurry up you'll be late!" I shouted at Li. He works at a fire department, I always had to scold him to get
ready because he had to be there early. We didn't have any children, but we were I was going to keep it secret until he came
home today. I'm sure he would be very blissful. I smiled to myself.

"What are you smiling about?" He laughed.

"O nothing really" I flashed a sneaky and sly grin at him. He chuckled to himself without asking again and headed towards the

"Please Li be careful!" I ran up to him and gave him a quick kiss.

"Yes Sakura don't worry" He smiled.

"No really please be careful" My face changed to a serious one.

"It's okay" He kissed me again and fled out the door.

I whispered ever so slightly under my breath. 'We're having a baby' Then laughed to myself and went into the living room.


The phone ran moments later. I knew it was Eriol. I quickly picked up the phone.

"Eriol?" I cried gleefully.

"Tomoyo, look I can't stay long" Eriol's voice was heavy with panic. His breathes echoed through the phone something was

"Eriol what's wrong what's going on" My heart racing faster and faster.

"I'm on the airplane right now. These two guys are hijacking the plane!" I began to panic. My son sensed it.

"Mommy is that daddy?" My son smiled, but I didn't return the smile back.

"Tomoyo I think they want to crash the plane into the white house." My voice was to a halt, I couldn't talk nor speak.

"Mommy?Mommy?" My son persisted. I collapsed onto the floor and held my hand to my mouth

"Tomoyo, Tomoyo I know your in a state of shock but listen to me.. put my son on the phone"

Eriol was calm or trying to become calm. I was completely stunned like an arrow through my stomach. I handed the phone to
my son.


"Daddy!" my son cried merrily over the phone. Not knowing that this may have been the last time I would ever hear his voice
and he would hear mine.

"Hi Mitshiro How are you" I tried to sound calm not to make him panic like I had just caused Tomoyo.

"Hi Daddy I'm fine when are you coming home?" I breathed deeply, with a lump in throat.

"Listen you're a good boy, I want you to be really strong, be strong for your mother she isn't well"

"Ok daddy. what's wrong?" The air from my lungs weren't coming out freely through my throat it was almost stuck. I had to
force the words out.

"I..Listen. I can't explain but don't worry.. be strong please be strong.. I love you so much"

"I love you too daddy" I was happy to hear my son's voice.

"Put your mother on the phone" I asked. He did I could only hear her breathing, she couldn't speak.

"Listen Tomoyo don't worry.. don't worry.. calm down"

"Okay" her voice came out as a squeak before she choked out a few sobs but stopped quickly. Probably not to make our son
ask questions.

"Tomoyo stop it now! Be strong promise me after today you won't cry ok.promise"

"Mmhmm" I could sense tears were falling don her face. He voice was so small.

"The batteries are almost dead" I cursed the cell-phone in my head.

"Tomoyo I'm not going to let them do that okay I'm going to stop them. I love you" She took a deep breathe "Eriol I love you

"Don't cry.. don't cry"

Then the phone cut off. I was mad it was cut short but, I was glad that I had called her. I could hear her and my son's voice
again. For the last time. I stood up from my seat and I walked towards the front scared and brave at the same time. They
weren't going to. Never. they weren't going to crash this plane into the White house. I'm going to stop them.


A very shocking and unusual job today. Today. September 11th 2001. There was a plane that had crashed into one of the twin
towers. There was fire, of course. How in the hell are we suppose to extinguish a fire in a 110 story tower.But Duty calls.

"Let's go! let's go! let's go!"

The chief called as we jumped in the fire trucks and sped away. Everything as usual happened so fast and you don't even know

it's happening. All I could hear pounding in my head was Sakura's voice "Li please be-careful" I promised her I will. I will.

~ Sakura~

I sensed something was erroneous so I went to the phone to call Tomoyo. She picked up. Her voice wasn't happy and pleasant
as usual.
"Sakura are you watching the news!" she literally screeched in my ears.

"No why?"

"A plane.. *sniffle crashed into one of the twin towers!" Her voice quivered.

"What! Really!" my thoughts were immediately on Li. He must have been there!

"Tomoyo I think Li's there can you come with me we have to go there!Now!"

"Oh ok" she breathed heavily and took deep breaths each time she spoke.
"Ok Mitshiro is at Maiko's home."

"Ok I'll pick you up I'm coming right now." I slammed the phone down. I quickly changed into some clothes. I didn't brush my
teeth or eat anything I just put on my clothes,ran, grabbed my keys and headed over to Tomoyo's home" I was scared. Li is
probably battling that fire. I turned on the radio. ' An airplane identified as flight 11 has crashed into the top of one of the twin
tower buildings. 'Flames are bursting out from the building as firefighters are rushing to extinguish the fire.'

I switched the station.

'Swarms of people are gathering around as the building is engulfed in flames. People are running out of the building try to

Click* I shut it off. I my heart was racing as I rushed to pick up Tomoyo.

~ Zackori~

"Zackori, Zackori I'm scared!" My cousin Chiharu's voice quivered and trembled through the phone.

"Oh my God where are you are you alright!" I looked up as I saw the building spewing out smoke. I quickly glanced at the
entrance hopping that Chiharu would sometime run out of the building.

"Chiharu are you alright? get out of the building!"

"I can't I can't" she sobbed. "I'm on the top floor and there is fire downstairs."

"No Your suppose to be working on the 17th floor!"

"I know,*sniff* I know but I was called up onto this floor." She cried and cried.

"Chiharu don't panic go up as high as you can to get away from the flames. ok?"

I tried to sound calm but I was panicking. Everything was happening so fast I couldn't really think straight. I heard Chiharu

frantically run up stairs. People were yelling. "FIRE! FIRE! We all are going to die!"

"Chiharu listen keep talking to me". I held my cell-phone tight in my hands.

"I'm scared Zackori I'm scared I don't want to die" she sniffled and sobbed and cried harder than I had ever heard. I could
hear yelling and screaming over the phone of other people.

"I'm trapped Zackori I can't get out!" She breathed harder.

"Listen Chiharu, I'm hear don't be scared" I don't know how I could tell her that, I was scared also. I looked around. People
were crowding around, looking up at the building with hands clasped over their mouths. I heard one woman cry. "My
husband's in there my husband's in there" She yelled so everyone could hear. People mumbling and muttering 'Oh my God!'
'Holy ****'. I heard the fire truck coming up from behind.

"Zackori. Zackori are you there?" Chiharu cried hysterically.

"I'm here, I'm here" I said biting my lower lip.


Pushing and shoving through the dense crowd I managed to get up front pulling Tomoyo behind me.

"Sorry Mrs you can't come any.."

"Let me through my husband is in there"

"Yes. And so are a lot of other women so please step aside."

"But wait Li he's in there where is Li??"

The guard ignored her and started shouting orders and commands to other people.

"Sakura it isn't wise we go any closer we might get hurt too" Tomoyo spoke softly in my ears over all the noise.

"I'm not leaving without Li!" I shouted. "I'm staying right here!"


"Oh my god a plane flew into the tower" I heard Noako

"Everyone don't panic just go back to work as normal" A voice boomed over the speaker.

"Is that man crazy" Rika mumbled. , "I don't know but he's the boss" Noako said going back to her desk.

"You are staying here?" I said in disbelief. She was as cool as a cucumber taping away on the keyboard filling out some

"I'm going outside" I said leaving the room, then as if he heard me he called again.

"Please keep on working don't panic"

"Don't panic what, I'm getting out of here, like it or not, You coming Noako?

"Nope I got a lot of work to do still you can ahead."

"Fine" I said walking out the door, I felt kind of bad leaving her behind but it was no choice, and knowing Noako once she
made her mind up, she made her mind up. the elevator was busy and I couldn't wait and started walking down the stairs, then I
began to jog down the stairs I was eager to get out. It was a lot of stairs but my gut told me to take them down. It was empty I
was now on the 13th floor when I heard a loud crashing sound. It sounded like a big sheet of glass breaking and a bomb. The
floor down the stairs. Then people started rushing out of their offices and screaming and panicking. The pushed me aside, some
stepped on me. They didn't know what they were doing. They were scared. High heeled shoes dug into my back. Aching and
piercing pain then I must have blacked out.


"Holy crap another plane crashed, holy shit!" I exclaimed watching a big balloon of smoke and red flames blow out of the

"Li I want you and these group of men to go to that building instead. There may be little we can do for this one" The chief of the
fire department spoke.

"Yes sir on it" I began running to that building people already started flowing out. I looked up and the previous one the building
every so slightly began to sway left to right. Swaying, swaying. ~Chiharu~

I'm terrified. It's like I can't hear anything now. No screaming nothing. I was either wrapped up in my fearful thoughts or dead
already. My head is buried in knees and I'm praying silently to myself.

"Chiharu, Chiharu! Talk to me" Zackori cried over the phone.

"Hey you know what Zackori?" He was quiet on the other end.

"I always liked I when you told your stupid stories, even if they were lies" I sniffled.

"O gawd Chiharu don't say that, Chiharu!"

I began to calm down all of a sudden. Surprisingly hearing Zackori's voice helped me calm down.

"Hey I think I'm not afraid anymore, I'm going to die Zackori you know it*sniffle* but it's ok I'm not afraid, don't cry*sniffle*

"You're the one sniffle whose crying" Zackori spoke softly. I was crunched up as small as I could under the office desk. I heard
small pieces of the building falling on the desk. Then I heard a loud bang up above my head.


People started running back. BANG BANG* falling falling. I'm running with the crowd. I feel so guilty, it feels as if I am
abandoning my cousin. Leaving her behind, I'm such a coward. It wasn't my fault but as I run further and further away, I was
leaving Chiharu behind. I hate myself. I hate myself I'm sorry Chiharu.

I will remember you

Will you remember me?

Don't let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

Remember the good times that we had?

I let them slip away from us when things got bad

How clearly I first saw you smilin' in the sun

Wanna feel your warmth upon me, I wanna be the one

~~~Please don't critisize me anymore you guys. Please R&R Though!!~~~
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