Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ My Only Luv ❯ Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hello all you fanfic freaks! (No offence to anyone. I am just like you!) This is my first CCS fic. (It sucks!) I read so many CCS fics that I decided to make one of my own!!(Don't kill me!) I hope you enjoy! R & R!!

Disclaimer: I own all of CCS!!!(Elf Princess: Sakura you don't own any of CCS. CLAMP does. Now TAKE IT BACK!!!) OK Elfy... I don't own CCS so don't sue me! BUT I DO OWN SOME OF THE MAGNA!!!(Elf Princess: Help me please!!!!)

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Key: ME talking
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Name of new scene

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My Only Love

It was early morning in Tokyo. In an apartment was an Emerald eyed beauty with brown hair sleeping with her blonde bombshell of a boyfriend next to her. Then suddenly Sakura started screaming. "Syaoron! No!!! Syaoron!!!" Her boyfriend, Jake, woke up. "Sakura clam down." He said trying to calm her. After a few more minutes she calmed down and went back into a deep sleep. Then he got up and started to get ready for the on coming day. Tonight was the Cherry Blossom Festival and he was taking his cherry blossom to it. Not only was it their 2 year anniversary, he was going to ask her if she would be his forever. A big day and so much to do.

In the morning Sakura woke up with a weird feeling. Something really familiar was around. She knew it wasn't a clow card or Kero, since he moved to Tomoyo's house when Sakura moved in with Jake. And Kero would not keep shy from Sakura if he were around. She put it out of her mind as she got dressed. She walked out of room and smelt pancakes. "Mmmm... Smells good Jake. Oh and happy anniversary!" She said. "Happy anniversary! And only the best for my blossom." He said and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Tomoyo ran by earlier to tell you to be at her house around 4:00 so she can make finishing touches on your kimono. And she dropped this photo album by for you. She said it was pictures of costumes?" Jake said. "Hmmm...Well we will just have to look at it after breakfast! Now serve it up boy!"

After they finished breakfast, Sakura and Jake cuddled on their couch and started to look through the album. On the first few pages were pictures of Tomoyo and Sakura at school and then came the costumes. "Whoa!!! Now I get it. Those are costumes. But for what?" Jake asked. Sakura never told Jake about the cards. She wanted that to with her and her only.(Yes Tomoyo does know but it is something Sakura wants to keep secret in her relationships.) "They are Tomoyo's early work on making things. She was obsessed with costumes. Lets keep going." They turned the pages and Jake could not believe Tomoyo made all of these just for Sakura. And kept on asking questions about each costume and what it represented. "This one is representing the cat. It was one of my favorites." Sakura replied to one of Jake's many questions. He turned the page and there was one of Sakura in a pink costume that was the least dramatic outfit that Tomoyo made for her. But it was not like the other pictures. There was another person in the picture and it was not Tomoyo. It was Li Syaoron. But Sakura was not going to up and tell Jake that that was the one person whom she truly loved. Yes, she loved Jake with all her heart but there was something that Syaoron had which Jake did not. "Who is that Sakura?" Jake asked. "Oh. That is ...Tomoyo's cousin. Tomoyo convinced him to let her make a costume for him." Sakura replied. She was going to have to tell Tomoyo that she said that. Sakura would die if Jake found out who it really was. "Know what Jake? It is a quarter to 4. I have to go. We will meet you and Eriol near the Penguin Slide at 5:30. K?" She asked as she got up and went for her purse. "Fine with me. See you later!" She went back to the couch and gave him a peck on the lips and left.

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At Tomoyo's House...

"Tomoyo why did you put that picture of Li and I in the photo album?" Sakura asked as Tomoyo was making finishing touches on Sakura's kimono. It was a light cherry blossom pink with emerald green trim to bring out her eyes. (How cute would that be?!) "Well... You looked so cute in matching costumes. I thought you would like it. Now turn." Tomoyo said. "Yea... I did like it a little. I miss those days. But... I had to tell Jake that that was your cousin and that you had to convince him to let you do it. Hey you poked me!" "Sorry! Why did you tell him that. You should have told him the truth. Kero you can come in now!!" Tomoyo said. A flying teddy bear came through the door. "You guys take forever. I am SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hungry. Let's get food!" "Sorry Kero. You have to do on your own tonight. Tomoyo and I are going to the festival. We will pick you up a rice ball when we are there." Sakura said. "NO!!!" Kero replied. "Well bye Kero we have to go." Tomoyo said as Sakura and her went of to the park. (Just to mention Tomoyo's kimono is lavender with dark purple trim.)

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The park were the Festival is...

"They are late." Eriol said. "Don't worry about it. They will be here." Jake said back to Eriol. Eriol looked at his watch. Just then the 2 girls walked up. "Sorry for keeping you waiting. A little friend (KERO) kept us from leaving early." Tomoyo said. Eriol got what she meant by little friend but Jake did not. "Who?" he asked. "Just a girl from down the street. Now lets get going." Sakura said. As saying that the girls went to there dates and went into the Festival.

The festival was beautiful. All the booths were decorated with cherry blossom flowers and lights. Sakura and Jake spilt up with Tomoyo and Eriol but not before Eriol took Sakura to the side. "Sakura, do you sense it?" Eriol asked as they came back from buying rice balls. "Yes. It is very familiar. But I can't pinpoint exactly what it is. Can you?" "No. It is half way hiding what ever it is. I am a little nervous about it because we can't tell what it is. So keep your guard up." Eriol said. A little bit later the festival was starting to die down. Jake took Sakura to a free bench near the forest. They started talking for a while and then Jake stopped. "Sakura, I have always loved you from the bottom of my heart." he started. "We have been through thick and then together. And I want us to be together forever. Will you be mine forever." As he finished he brought out a ring the was a plan band with a little diamond in it. Sakura could not believe her eyes. He was proposing. Little did Sakura know was that that "familiar" aura was coming in close. "Yes. I will." Sakura replied and then they kissed along deep kiss and she heard someone come up. "Sakura?" they asked. She stopped kissing Jake and turned to see who it was. "SYAORON!?"

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OMG!!! He is back. Aren't I a meany for leaving it on a cliffhanger! Well please R & R!! I accept constructive criticism but please no flames. I did mention that this was my first CCS fan fic and I don't think I could deal with flames. Oh and on another note if you have any interest in Gundam Wing romance please read my other story 'The Diamond Butterfly' I will try to get the next chapter up a quick as I can type.
