Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Oh Me, Oh My! ❯ Oh Me... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi! Okay, this is my first fic at I hope you all like it!


~*If you want a story that is going to be updated like every month, then this is not the one for you.







Disclaimer: Yeah… like I would actually own Card Captor Sakura. Pah!





Summary- Under a dark spell from an evil Witch, Sakura Kinomoto is a 16-year-old girl in a 10-year-olds body! Oh the shame! Oh the inhumanity! Oh the…FUN! But wait! If her body doesn't mature or age, how will she ever be able to become Princess of the Sienna Kingdom?? And what about her crush? How will she ever be able to have Syaoran Li when tons of girls are already making moves on him? Guess you'll have to read to find out, huh!
















MLH (The other thing I use for spaces ain't working. This'll have to do)







Oh Me, Oh My!



Chapter One (ENJOY!)






Cherry blossoms swirled and danced in the air above two heads as they walked through the Cherry Forest. Young and happy laughter filled the air surrounding the forest.






"Sakura! Sakura come back!" Laughed Tomoyo as her best friend followed suit of the cherry blossoms and twirled around, her white skirt flowing around her. `Young in body, young at heart' thought Tomoyo with a smile. Sakura was unbelievably cute, even though she had been 10 for more than 5 years. The youngest girl kept twirling as her auburn pigtails swirled around her cheery face. Tomoyo's smile faltered as she saw Sakura's green eyes. Eyes of pain. Sorrow. Determination. Fear. That was something no one ever saw in Sakura's eyes. Fear that she would never return to her normal self. Fear that she wouldn't be able to lead Sienna. Fear… that she would never win Syaoran's heart.






Few people knew of Sakura and her curse… her past. The Li family had yet to tell Syaoran that his own future mate -Sakura, of course-- could not age. Nor had he been told that he had a mate already chosen for him. Tomoyo suspected that they wanted Syaoran to fall for Sakura even though she was underage. Li, at 20, had finally reached the age where he could lead the army of his clan, and prepare to take over rule after his mother. But he couldn't achieve that without finding and claiming his mate, a task he seemed to want accomplished. His mother still sent him out in search of a mate… even though she secretly hoped that he wouldn't find one. He had just now returned from the neighboring kingdom, Fauna, after his search failed. No woman matched up to his `expectations'. Apparently, they had to be "perfect". Li was the kind of a guy who wanted a lady. Not a woman or a girl, a `Lady'. Someone who would be seen not heard. A trophy to show off at his side. Tomoyo almost spit. Disgusting guys like him. Men were, no scratch that, ARE cads! Selfish bastards like Li, always thinking that mates should be seen but not hear (as mentioned earlier). And if Tomoyo remembered correctly, Syaoran clearly stated that, "Women are great when you're lonely or bored but tend to be irritating in large doses. The perfect girl would only be around when you wanted her to be…" Well… speak of the devil, Tomoyo thought as Syaoran Li himself walked along the cobbled stone path that her and Sakura happened to be on.




When she looked behind her, she saw Sakura blush and push her skirt down frantically. Twasn't lady like to allow a man to see ones undergarments less they be ones mate. But… Sakura of course, shy as always, forcefully shoved down the whirling skirt, which just happened to be catching every gust the wind shot down at them. Tomoyo almost snickered; it must've been Eriol fooling around with his magic again. He always tried to embarrass Sakura around Li.






Sakura bowed as Li past. "Good morning Li!" She chirped happily as she skipped in time with his long strides. She sighed as she got his usual "Ngh" reply. `Perfect', she thought. `My mate is a stubborn jackass and, not to mention, as Tomoyo would put it "A complete and total bastard".

"So… any luck with finding a mate?"



"No" came the gruff reply.



"Hm… is that so Mr. Li terribly sorry that it's not working out for you." `Not! I couldn't be happier! Ha, ha-ha, ha-ha. `




"Yeah. Whatever."



"Now, Li." Tomoyo's voice scolded from behind the two. "Is that any way to talk to a child? You should apologize to her. That was awfully rude of you to say. I do hope you won't ever treat your children like that."





"Children? Bah! Try son. As in ONE! Only one. No more, no less. I only want an heir and that's it. If my mate can't produce me an heir, then she shall be tossed." Sakura and Tomoyo both started at the rude remark.




"Pish-posh. You know that you won't `toss' your mate away like she was trash. That's just very… wrong, and un-gentlemanly." Amethyst eyes flickered over to look at Sakura. Her heart sank. Such a sad look flickered across the Princesses features before a fake smile was plastered onto her face.



"But Mister Li! Don't you want lots and lot and lots… an' lofs" The last of her words were muffled by Syaoran's hand on Sakura's mouth.




"Shut it kid. You're annoying me. Go… hop around in the gardens or save a frog from the pond or something. Go do whatever it is you kids do nowadays." With that, he was gone into the Sienna castle.




Sakura sniffed. "Jerk. He's… he's…argh!" She let out a frustrated cry as she let her legs go out from under her and landed roughly on the grass next to the pond on her bottom then regretted it. "Ow…"





Tomoyo rested a comforting arm around Sakura's slumped and small shoulders. "Don't worry, he'll come around Princess. You'll see." The girl next to her gave a very un-princess like snort and folded her arms across her knees and slowly banged her head against her arms.




"He is never going to like me Tomoyo. I am just a little `annoying' kid to him." She whined. "This is great. Absolutely great. I am never going to be a teenager. Maaaan… that bites. I mean sure, this way I don't actually have to go through puberty though…hm… that's not so bad actually... But still! I wanted to see my first arm pit hair!" She shuddered. "Ew… wait… never mind. Forget that. That is just gross to even think about. Why would the Holy Father put hair there anyway? What's the point?"





The dark haired girl smiled. Now this was the Sakura she knew… little naïve, cute Cherry Blossom.




















"Mother! Please! I will find a mate." Syaoran all but yelled, furious with his mother for treating him like a kid. How dare she send him to his room! And ground him as well! He wasn't able to leave his room for a week! A whole freaking week! He was 20 and she was treating him like a child! How was he supposed to find a mate this way? The only girls he saw here were his cousin Melin, Tomoyo of course, and then the little one, Sakura. And there was no chance in hell that he was going to mate his own cousin, or Tomoyo. Besides, Eriol had claim on her. She wasn't too bad looking though… long black hair, pretty amethyst eyes, smooth ivory skin -he had touched it before. Very silky- and lush curves to boot. If she hadn't have been one of his closest friends while he was growing up then he may have decided to take her. But… of course Eriol got to her first. The sleaze <sp?>. Always getting him into trouble. Syaoran's lip twitched upward. But then again… the whole "Death" thing, now that was priceless. The look on his mother's face was great!



The door creaked open and Li heard the soft sound of fabric against the carpet and then arms snaked their way around and up his chest to hold him. Soft curves could be felt on his back and light breaths tickled the hair at the base of his neck. "Hi Syao". Who else would it have been besides Melin? "What's up, cutie?" Ugh. Annoying but beautiful Melin.





"Nothing", Syaoran replied as he unwrapped his cousin's arms from around his torso. If he turned around, he knew he would see that cute little pout on her lips. Lips that had once been… he shook his head. That was back in the day… and not to mention was it ever wrong. Never again had his relationship with his elder cousin been the same. She had been his first and his only. That right there was wrong. Only mates were supposed to engage in intercourse. But, naughty Melin couldn't resist little virgin 15-year-old Syao. So, she of course seduced him and showed him the pleasure of sex. Li had been her fourth or fifth at least; a mouth as skilled as hers must've had more than three partners in her lifetime before him. She of course gave Syaoran lessons on how to please a girl. He had done well. He had had Melin gasping and crying out, as her hips bucked off the bed. At first he had been shocked at how something so simple as a tongue could bring so much sensation and pleasure to someone… whether they were male or female.



"Aw, come on Syao-baby. I'm in the mood. Please? Pretty, pretty please? Don't make me beg." She traced two fingers up his inner thigh, and right before she reached her prize a knock sounded at the door as it flew open (what was the point of knocking if you were just going to open it without waiting for an answer anyway?) and in swung Sakura.



"Mister…! Oh… um…are you two uh…" Stammered Sakura, the teacups sloshing as the brass tray in her hand shook with her anger and hatred for Melin. How dare she?! That little witch!






Melin grinned and licked at Syaoran's ear lobe. "Hey Saku, what's shakin'?" She pouted when Li pulled out of her grip and walked to Sakura to take the tray from her hands, which were visibly trembling. Without a word to Li, Melin turned and left the room. Her plan was ruined due to that brat.







Syaoran sighed and slumped down onto his bed and looked over at the ten-year-old; she was shaking. `Great', he thought. `She's in shock or something…'

"Kinomoto… go fix my bath will you?" He untied the lace on his brown boots and removed them along with his socks. The tie around his neck came next and then his shirt.





Sakura looked up, blushed at the sight of a topless Syaoran, quickly ducked her head, mumbled a barely audible "yes", and proceeded to fill the large bath with hot water and scented oils. Never before had she seen a man without a shirt on! What a lovely sight it was! She sat down on the edge of the large tub, swirling her fingers through the bubbling water. Her heart ached for Syaoran and his love, while her body longed to feel his against it. Would she ever become normal again? Would she ever win his heart? And what of Melin? Could he possibly love her, even though she was his cousin? She splashed the hot water with her hand and stood up just to come face to bare chest with Li. Sakura sucked in her breath… what a marvelous chest…



"Kinomoto, step aside. You are in my way."






Wow… it felt so warm on her cheek, the heat radiating from his pectorals. Did he just say something or was she hearing things? Nah… never mind. Would his muscles be as hard to touch as they looked? Would his skin feel as smooth and soft as it looked? Sakura's hand, on it's own accord, started to move. It lightly brushed against the material of Syaoran's pants, then brushed his exposed hip bone and up higher to… suddenly a hand grabbed Sakura's and she was shocked out of reverie <Is that the right word…?>.



"Uhh…" Was all she could mumble out. How embarrassing! Darn her body!











Sakura blinked once. Twice. Then a third time. "Um… what is it Mister Li?"





"Move!" He all but bellowed. He watched the auburn haired girl scurry out of the washroom, but not before tripping over the dirty clothes hamper. What a doof.






















Sakura all but sprinted out of the large bathroom and slammed the bedroom door shut with a loud bang. Her chest was heaving in embarrassment. She couldn't believe she had done that! And then, to make matters worse, she then tripped over the bloody basket thing! She covered her face with her hand; her head lolling back to rest heavily on the outside of Li's door. Would things ever get better? Goodness…she hoped so. How was she supposed to survive if all she managed to do was make a fool of herself in front of Syaoran? Sakura tiredly rubbed her bleary eyes and walked slowly back to her own room to get some rest for the night. Hopefully things would be better tomorrow…


























Um…yeah… that's about it. Short I know, and I'm sorry. But I kinda ran out of things to write and stuff…. Anywho, review please. I need to know if I should keep going or not.




~Azure Snowflakes