Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Oh So Cold ❯ Hey Mystery! ( Chapter 3 )
Oh So Cold
Part Three:// Hey Mystery!
Disclaimer:// Yes, well, I don't own CCS. I'm not that fucking smart -.-()
When Touya reached Yuki's house, the moon had arisen to her highest point in the sky. The pale milk-light swam in between the branches and cast nighttime shadows on the numerous pots in the garden. The teenage boy made no move to cover his presence, but strode up to the doorway, and without knocking, entered. Supposing enough, the door was left unlocked. Rain was coming down heavily now, and a quick breeze blew in from the south, forcing the leaves to abandon their trees.
The entire house was silent. There was no sound of any breathing, or shuffling. Nothing. The stairs creaked underneath Touya as he made his way up the old wooden steps. The way to Yuki's room was void of any obstacle, and the house was sparkling clean.
Upon entry to Yuki's room, Touya immediately noticed the dank smell of blood, and the unnatural cleanliness. The entire room was clean, and it seemed as though no one had been living in the room for a long time. There was nothing that could define this room as Yuki's. It was just… bare. Touya paused at the bed before picked up the sealed white envelope on it.
Yuki made no move to answer the telephone. Whomever was calling was probably for his grandparents. Who would want to talk to him? The razor cuts on his wrists lay open and bleeding into the water. The water had been shut off and now the tub was filled to the brim.
"I wonder… why they left? Why does everyone leave? First mum, now them.
:// And So you had the world in your hands… I wonder how you came to find her lost at sea//:
I can't keep up with anything anymore. When I'm around people, I feel so lost, like nothing I have to say is important enough for them to hear. I don't know, it's just, I think people don't need me. It doesn't matter though. I know why they left me. It's because I wasn't good enough. I'm so wimpy! I can't even look after myself, and nobody really likes me. I've failed them. I wasn't the perfect Catholic son. I didn't want to get married, or have kids. I liked guys. I liked Touya. I love Touya. And he'll leave me once he finds out. I don't know why, I just do. I've failed them, and I deserve to be left alone," Yuki's thoughts rambled through his head like an unwound fishing line, always seeking.
"I deserve to die,"
Touya's eyes scanned the letter briefly before looking up in horror. The words his crush had written laid welts in his heart. How… How could he think such things? His words, claiming it was his fault people hurt him, his fault people left him. He said he had failed everyone. Touya frantically began to search the house, before Yuki would do what he said he would.
//Sorry I hafta cut dis short, but I have to post it before 9th period! More to come, I promise!//