Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ On Silver Wings ❯ Stars and Wings ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own anything... but the fic.
Pairings: Yue/Sakura
Warnings: I'm making it up as I go along... don't blame me if it sucks...

On Silver Wings
Part One- Stars and Wings
"What's the matter Sakura-chan?" the sound made the twenty-year-old captor jump. She turned her head to see Kero-chan, floating in his earthly form above her.
"Nothing Kero-chan...just thinking, that's all." she felt her insides cringe.
"About what?" pause. Silence.
"About the stars..."
"Oh.." a gust of wind rushed by, carrying a familiar sent. "Yue-san is coming." said Kero-chan, not shifting his gaze from Sakura-san's thin frame. At the mention of his name, Sakura-san perked up a bit and looked ahead. A familiar white speck grew larger as it made its way toward them. When he was close enough, she saw his large white wings arch toward the sky and stand straight as he landed on the roof with them both.
"Yue-san..." she muttered, staring at her angel guardian. He perched himself next to her and starred at her, with his silvery violet eyes.
His long robes trailed behind him, sparkling in the soft moonlight. Even after all these years, his presence made her nervous...but in a good way. Ever since the Final Judgement, he had enchanted her. His grace was overwhelming, to a point were she realized she loved him.
"Sakura-sama...are you ready?" she stood up, her dark green robes falling to the ground, star staff in hand.
"Yes." Yue-san arched his wings again, taking of into the air. She breathed in, releasing the fly card, silver wings sprouting from her back. She jumped up, her wings flapping as she began to fly, following Yue-san through the air. She watched him, his grace showing itself again. She watched how his long white ponytail fluttered so helplessly behind him. She watched how his wings shone in the air.
What she didn't know was that he was trying his best not to look back at her. He would ever so slowly drop a few inches behind, in order to get a better look WITHOUT giving away the fact that he was starring at her.
"Yue-san... where is this magician?" her voice was like a bell, so perfect and swinging on a steady beat. He sighed, not by choice.
"He is in the park grounds Sakura-sama..." he heard her voice take a dive.
"Yue-san... don't call me that...."
"What Sakura-sama...?"
"That.. 'Sakura-sama'... Yue-san... I'm your friends, not your master...." < I want to be more... but would you care? >
A blast of wind made Sakura-san shudder, but not stray from her course. She could see Yue-san was not effect by the wind, not surprising.
He was as cold as cold itself, both inside and out. His skin was like icy silk, soft yet cold. But she had only touched it once.
"What should I call you then Sakura-sama?"
Sakura-san paused, her emerald eyes closing as she thought.
"What do you want to call me Yue-san?" he felt his heart pause. Never had anyone asked him what he wanted. Never. It felt so different to be in charge of her for the moment.
"I... don't know..." she smiled a little at her angel guardian. He wasn't use to this kind of treatment... this friendship. She knew it, and had made up her mind to teach it to him. Yue-san needed friends. He needed love and happiness.... he deserved it after all he had done.
Yukito-san was gone, the magic that held him made him go. When the bonds that held him left, Yue-san remained. This was a stress on Sakura-san's powers, but she was stronger now, and she could handle it.
"Just call me Sakura-chan then... that's what Kero-chan calls me."
"Kero-san has no respect for anyone but himself, Sakura-sama." she sighed again, letting out a little laugh.
"Well... just call me what ever you want." he smiled, unknown to Sakura-san. .
He looked down, his long white ponytail falling with the movement. Below them was the park, and Yue-san arched his wings so high that the wind was no longer running across them. He fell, but just before the ground, spread them again, insuring a safe landing. Sakura-san did the same, but she wasn't familiar with the wings and ended up plummeting to the ground. Yue-san was there to catch her, and she blushed in his strong arms.
"Be careful Sakura-sama. You're not used to those wings like me." he set her down on her own two feet. < I never though she'd be so light. > he thought. Sakura-san brushed herself off and closed her eyes. Her wings disappeared in a cloud of sakura blossoms. She opened her eyes again and smiled at him. "Thank you Yue-san.... for catching me I mean..."
"You should be more careful Sakura-sama." he had no emotion in his voice as he spoke, though inside, his heart was pounding. Sakura-san took her wand in hand, twirling it like a baton.
"Soooo.....where's is this other magician?"
"He's here somewhere... use your powers Sakura-sama... try and sense his location through magic..."
"Good idea." she closed her eyes tightly and concentrated. While she did this, Yue-san was watching her, admiring her poise. "FOUND HIM!!!" she yelled, making Yue-san jump a little. "This way!" she pointed ahead toward the playground and marched forward. Yue-san followed.