Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Once up on a time ❯ Daidouji's manner ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Once up on a time

Chapter 5

The girl stared at Clow for a moment before giving a soft sweet smile and said.

"Good afternoon sir, are you lost?"

"Not quit." Replied Clow. "Actually I'm looking for someone to ask for a direction but after I heard someone's singing, I'm ended up here. I must say that your performance was great."

"Thanks for the complement but my skill wasn't anything to be phrase for."

"Why, it was for sometimes since the last time I'm listened to this such a fabulous voice."

At this the girl giggled. "You're such a good talker for your age. But I'm assured you'll find many singer that was far more greater than me"

Now it was Clow's turn to chuckle. "Maybe and maybe not my lady, because there're so many different kind of music in the world depends on what culture they lived in and their test. There might be some that has better voice than you or have better skill but as every person have their own unique personality it might save to say that there might not be anyone that was suit my test of music as you do."

The girl gave a soft sigh then smiled warmly at Clow. "I give up. It seems that I can't argue with that. You're a lot more mature than you looks. Can I have your name?"

"My name is Hiragizawa Eriol." (It was the name Clow made up for this child's state and had told everyone to called him by this name.) "And you are?"

"I'm Daidouji Tomoyo. It was pleasure to meet you Hiragizawa-kun"


At the meeting point, Syaoran, Sakura and the guardians were waiting for Eriol to arrived. Then they saw him walked toward them with a beautiful black hair girl walked by his side.

"You're late." Said Yue.

"Sorry but I did have a good reason for this delayed."

"Mas.....Eriol who was that girl?" Asked Syaoran.

"I met her in the park. Her name is Daidouji Tomoyo."

"Daidouji? That's mean..."

"Yes. She's the mistress of Daidouji's residence that we're looking for."

"I'm Daidouji Tomoyo, nice to meet you all." Said Tomoyo as she politely bowed to them.

Everyone except Kero who's hiding inside Yue's coat bowed at her in replied. Then Tomoyo turned to Sakura who's been staring at her the whole time.

"What is it?" Asked Tomoyo, smiling.

Sakura looked down nervously. N..Not thing. I'm just think that you're so beautiful that is."

"Thank you. But you're very cute yourself."

Sakura wasn't reply but her face was red like tomato.

Well, I think we should go over to my house." Said Tomoyo. "There's seemed to be a lot of thing we would discuss."

Everyone nodded in agreement then followed the girl.


Daidouji's manner.

Everyone except Yue awed in amazement by the shere size of the manner.

"Wow, this place making master's mansion looked small." Said Syaoran.

Eventhough he didn't say anything but Eriol couldn't help to silently agreed with his apprentice's word.

They followed Tomoyo inside and were greeted by an old man about 50-60 years old.

"Welcome back mistress Tomoyo. And those people are?"

"They're my friend and they'll spending sometimes here."

"Then I'll go prepared the tea and desert for our guests then." Replied theee old man, smiling.

"Thank you Sabu."

The old man bowed before leaving.

Tomoyo leads the group to a large living room. After everyone's taking theirs seat Tomoyo asked up.

"So, what do you wanted to asked me?"

Sakura looked down for a brief second before answer the other girl's question.

"My father had been kidnapped few days ago. And the only clue we have is that he told me to come here before he was kidnapped."

"What's your father's name?"

"His name is Kinomoto Fujitaka."

"Fujitaka-sensei?" Exclaimed Tomoyo.

"You know him?"

"Yes. He was the husband of my mother's cousin. And he contacted her from time to time. God, who would do such thing to a good person like him?"

"The people who kidnapped him was after this thing."

Sakura then took out the ring that was hanged around her neck and placed it on the table and as soon as Tomoyo laid eyes on the ring she gasp with surprise. "This ring. But it couldn't be."

She then rushed out of the room and came back a few minutes later with a small treasure box in her hand. She put the box on the table then unlocked it and it was now the visitor's turn to gasp in surprise. Inside the box was a ring that looks completely identical with the one that Sakura bring with her.

"This is the ring that passed down in my family for many generations. No one knows where it came from or who made it."

"May I take a look at that ring?" Asked Eriol.

"Yes, go ahead." Replied Tomoyo.

Eriol took the ring from the box and observed it. After inspected it for a moment he placed it back in the box.

"How was it Ma...Eriol." Asked Syaoran, almost said the word he used to say until recently.

"It wasn't just the appearance of these rings that was identical. Even the power that embedded in them was exactly the same." He looked up to his companions. "The only conclusion is these ring were made to be a pair."

"That's mean it was made to be two from the beginning." Said Yue.

"Yes but it still wasn't tell us what it was made for or why those guys wanted it so badly." Said Sakura taking her ring back around her neck.

Tomoyo looked down to the floor, it was as if she wanted to talked about something but then decided against it. The only person that seemed to notice her thoughts was Eriol.

Before anyone could talk any farther Sabu walked in.

"The tea and the desert were ready outside. Please follow me."

Everyone stood up and began to walk after the old man but then suddenly Sakura's eyes caught something on a drawer. It was an old picture of three children. A boy and two girl.

"What is it Sakura-san." Eriol walked to her and saw the picture as well.

"The children in this picture. I think this boy was my father and this girl was my mother. But I'm not sure who's the other girl. She might be Tomoyo's mother."

Eriol looked closely at the second girl in the picture. Aside from the hair that was shorter about her upper neck. This girl in the picture was possessed every element of Tomoyo. He turned to look at Tomoyo who's looked back at him and gave him an almost saddened smile.