Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ One Night, Never Forgotten ❯ One Call Away ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I thought no one really read this on mediaminer, so I never bothered updating this…hhahah…anyways, this is for you, MzEvilBlossomz!!! If you want to finish it, you could go to my fanfiction account since it's done! The URL is Thanks for the support!
One Night, Never Forgotten
Based on a true story
Dedicated to Luna86 and class of `04
By: maixwolfblossom
Proof Read: luna86
Rating: PG
--Chappie Two
--One Call Away
**Disclaimer**: If I own CCS, will I still be writing fanfiction? I know, dumb question…I don't own CCS, nor will I ever do.
Full Summary:  Has a friend ever set you up on a blind date?  What if it was for prom?  What if your friend was a helpless romantic and begged you not to see your prom date and only confide in phone calls?  That's what Kinomoto Sakura has gone through.  It's the most important event for Sakura to attend senior year and she's going to prom with a total stranger.  Can someone fall in love through phone calls alone? S&S E&T
Outside, his emotions where somewhat kept mysterious, but a questioning flicker came alive in his azure eyes.
"Tomoyo-chan…does your okaa-san know that we're dating?"
A blush from Tomoyo's face told him all he needed to know.
When he tipped her chin, she shifted her head away, too ashamed to look at him.
A smile made it's way to his lips at her shyness as he took her in his arms, "It's alright Tomoyo…there's always your prom next year."
Ever since that phone call to Sakura, Meiling hadn't mentioned anything about prom or even proposed the idea to Syaoran…
To think of it, Meiling hadn't been home long enough to talk to him since the…*ahem* incident. Not after Syaoran scolded her.
After pronouncing that Syaoran had passed out, Meiling searched Syaoran's face. Finding a few blemishes, other than that his face was perfect.
“I wonder why Syaoran doesn't put any make-up to hide those nasty marks…what hmmm?” A happy thought lit through her dim head, “That's it! Since he's such a mama's boy…why not make him look like one!!!!!”
She skipped over to her vanity mirror and pulled out her stage make-up, cackling like a delusional maniac.
Her finger attentively skimmed the tip of her make-up brush and a smile crept to her face as she ran to her closet.
After a few minutes later, an `aha' was heard. Carefully and without a sound, she made her way back to him and quietly dipped her brush into the eye shadow, humming softly, bringing it to his still starry eyes.
Many hushed mistakes and face powder later, Meiling stripped Syaoran of his clothing only to leave him in his boxers and slipped a bra around his broad, muscular chest and stuffed it with napkins. Careful not to blow a cold breeze, she clothed him in a simple low `V' neck emerald dress.
Meiling stood back to admire her work, only to find that something was missing…though she didn't have to look far. There the answer laid, all high and mighty cast in heavenly light Syaoran's long chestnut colored wig.
A satisfied sigh escaped her lips as she took out her camera and shot many pictures of her cousin in drag.
Oh how beautiful, he/she was…peacefully sleeping, mouth drowning in drool, hair tossed like nothing over his/her shoulders. Awww such a beauty of nature…
Resting beside him, she admired the beauty she created. It was weird, yet oddly satisfying to see her cousin in her clothes, but the funny thing was, if he was a girl…he would be mistaken as one of his sisters.
Laughing nervously at her imagination, her eyes were caught in confused, blinking amber eyes.
“Uh…What am I doing on the floor?” Without thinking, Syaoran sat up and took a ribbon that was beside him to tie up his now long hair, the riotous fake curls cascading to frame his made up face.
It was a nice light effect on his eyelids, soft creamy green mixed with white. His lips shone with little gloss to presume softness at one's touch. Even now when he was awake, the cosmetics suited this Syaoran.
A giggle escaped Meiling's shocked face. He hadn't noticed, nor minded the hair or dress.
“What's your problem, Meiling? I don't see anything funny!”
But it was no use trying to talk to her, since as she fell to the floor clinging to her bed sheets in laughter.
Rolling his eyes, a click and flash infiltrated under his eyes only to find Meiling clicking away on her camera.
“What do you think you're doing!?!”
Trembling, she bit her lip and watch Syaoran storm out in anger.
As Syaoran walked down the stairs, Meiling's laughter rang throughout the mansion.
He passed by maids and butlers, who glance momentarily at the strange girl, not remembering even seeing her, nonetheless even let her in.
Syaoran took notice of their curious looks and yelled irritatingly, “What the heck are you staring at? I'm the one paying you to work, not to slack off and stare at your employer.”
Shaking their heads in confusion, they murmured their apologies, “Gomen, miss, we're sorry we stared.”
Thinking that he misheard the word `miss', he passed them and made it through the open mansion doors.
He took a deep breath and felt the air sweep across his legs.
A whistle was heard from the other side of the gates, a male whistle from Takashi.
Raising a brow, he ignored him.
“Wooo Hooooooo…Come on baby! Show me some leg!!!!!”
Syaoran's eyes widened, “Excuse me, Yamazaki! It's me, Syaoran! You baka! Can't you see?!?!”
A look of mock doubt made its way to Takashi's face, “Come on, don't be shy. You don't have to lie, there's enough Takashi to go around.”
Disgusted at this display of flirting, Syaoran flipped his ponytail to the other shoulder.
`I thought I'd never see the day when Yamazaki would turn gay.'
Another sudden breeze blew his skirt up as he smoothen it out again…eh--wait a minute…a skirt?!?!?!?
He looked down and to his horror he found himself in a dress with things just behind the `V' neck that he never knew existed in his body parts.
A sudden jolt hit home base. “MEILING!!!!!!!!!!!”
Meiling shuddered at the memory that Syaoran was sure not to let go of soon.
An evil laugh emerged from her evil features. Today she developed her photos of her feminine cousin. And I'll give you one hint…it wasn't any of the Li sisters.
Passing by Syaoran's room, an idea exploded into her mind. Oh the blackmailing she could do with these precious photos.
One by one she skimmed through the photos. There were a few where Syaoran's drool made a puddle on her clean carpet, another with the bottom of his dress hiked up a few inches above his thighs (ah such lovely girly legs), and a few more where he rolled his eyes and Takashi whistling at the `lovely lady'.
“Wow, that's an attractive chick!”
Syaoran popped up behind her, scaring the dickens out of Meiling. Putting her hands out to defend herself, she hid the photos behind her back.
“Why are you hiding those, Meiling? That girl really looked quite beautiful.”
In one swift movement, he slid to the back where her photos were hidden.
Frantically, she swapped the pictures from his view and laughed nervously.
“Eh he he he he…it's no one really…umm…Xiao Lang? Can I ask you a favor?”
Jumping up to catch another glimpse at the hot babe, Syaoran mumbled, “Yeah right anything as long as I can see those pictures. Really, that girl is beyond hot!”
In spite of her excitement, Meiling squealed.
“YAY! Anything?!?!? “
Growing irritated and anxious, Syaoran spoke without thinking, “Yeah, yeah, yeah just let me see that girl!”
“Xie Xie (thank you in Chin.), Xiao Lang! Can you take my friend from Seijou to her prom?!?!? And remember you said anything.”
Impatiently, he nodded his head, apparently mesmerized with the girl in the mysterious photos.
To make sure he wasn't lying, Meiling took out an official looking document out of nowhere and handed a pen to him.
“Sign this to say you will.”
Still a bit twitchy with excitement to see the amber-eyed goddess, he signed it without reading it carefully.
`SCOREEEEEEEEEE!' Meiling thought as she looked over the signature with pride.
“Okay now you can have these. Not what I thought was your taste but it's your life, Syao.”
She stayed behind to see his reaction. By the look at his face, he hadn't figured out who the `girl' was. A few minutes of nodding approvingly and smiling, Meiling knew he came to the photo of Takashi whistling because he cursed violently.
“I told you that she wasn't your taste.”
Growling, Syaoran chased Meiling around the mansion making, butlers lifting the vases off the wobbling tables, the maids drying the floors as quickly as possible, and Yelan who was in the living room yell after them.
It was then, Syaoran cornered Meiling in her bedroom.
“What is the meaning of this?!?!? First the make over now the pictures—”
Without hesitation, she shoved the official document in his face to see his signature.
Ripping it from her grasp, he read:
I, Li Xiao Lang a.k.a Syaoran
Will not harm the poor restless Meiling for printing pictures out, nor will I strangle her or torture her in her sleep.
If I get my hands on these photos, I have agreed to take her friend out to her prom. Therefore, I shall call this friend every evening for the next two weeks to get to know her until Seijou's prom. Only then, will your identities be revealed.
I will not break any rules that Meiling has set to order.
BTW, I will be as sugary sweet and warm to the friend and go to prom because I am an idiot for not going to my own prom.
Standing up a girl is subject to failure.
All attempts to weasel out of this prom can mean blackmailing more of my girly pictures to a magazine company.
To signify my promises I sign.
Xiao Lang Li
Glaring at every word, Syaoran shot a vicious look at his cousin. It was smart but not smart enough…
Crossing her arms, Meiling couldn't help but smirk, “So ha! You can't hurt me!”
Seeing Syaoran trying to rip the document, she laughed, “You can't do that, besides it's laminated with 15 other copies hidden in the mansion.
“Why in Kami-sama's sake are you trying to pull, Meiling?!?! I can't go to prom with some girl I don't know! I haven't even met her or less seen a photo of her.”
“AH, but that's the beauty of it all…” As she said those words, the birds started singing, the winds billowed the curtains, the sun sparkled--”
“Would you stop doing that!?!”
Putting her hands on her hips, Meiling sighed, “Oh alright, you have to go with my friend to her prom. You know the usual as mentioned, talk to her, be nice, you can't look her up in my yearbooks since I put them to storage, and you can't ask where she lives…I think that's it? Oh yeah, you can't scare her away…If that's all there is…I best be going…Kichiro is waiting for m--”
As she moved past him, Syaoran held a hand to stop her, “Hold it! Who says I have to listen to you?”
“Look at line 6, `All attempts to weasel out of this prom can mean blackmailing more of my girly pictures to a magazine company.' HEHEH so there's your promise. Nah Nah Nah Nah Nahhhhhhhhhhh! Oh yeah, I have to give you Sakura's cell number and you have to call her or else I'll be dogging your footsteps and I'll know if you don't” Giving him a slip of notebook paper, she tapped her nose and flounced off to meet her new boyfriend, #598.
Syaoran felt the urge to rip his hair off to be distracted by a cute girl, which turned out to be him of all people!
Looking from the photos to Sakura's phone number he picked up the phone and calmed his nerves before dialing the blasted numbers.
After a couple of silent ringing tones, a voice finally picked up.
“Moshi Moshi, Kinomoto Sakura desu (Hello, This is Sakura Kinomoto.)”
The voice was nice and pleasant to the ear, but not enough to keep the irritation out of Syaoran's voice.
“Konnichwa, Kinomoto-san. Watashi wa, Li Syaoran (I am Syaoran Li)…”
~~~~***~***~~~~***~***~~~~***~***~~~~***~****~~~~***~***~~~~* **~***~~~~
Tomoyo's Place
“*Sigh* I hate seeing Eriol so down in the dumps. My poor, poor Eriol-kun.”
Determined to see that she goes to prom and make her boyfriend happy, Tomoyo tried once again to plead until her voice got hoarse.
She even made a power-point presentation of how hard working she had been all year. She was practically a good girl getting good grades, all her A's in her projects were on file, and all the quizzes she had ever taken in her friggin' life.
But still it didn't satisfy her guardian.
For days and more days Tomoyo devised many plans, which involved electric blackouts and many hours sitting in her bedroom corner laughing like an insane lunatic.
Finally it came to a point where Sonomi found Tomoyo writing on the bathroom mirror in lipstick, `Let Tomoyo go to prom or else your hair will fall out.'
Ranting and raving destructed the Daidouji household, rocking the mansion to its structure.
Screams of `I hate you, okaa-san' rang throughout the house only to leave a heaving Tomoyo and a disheveled Sonomi.
“You just don't understand. Being a straight `A' student isn't easy! I only have a month left to say goodbye to Sakura, you know. Nadeshiko would've done the same…”
Sighing in defeat, Sonomi shook her head and whispered, “Ah alright, but I want you to be careful. No fooling around with the boys or I'll have your head.”
Holding down all the excitement building within her stomach, Tomoyo raced to her room and squealed into her pillow.
`Oh, Eriol, I'm coming to prom with you! I'm sooooooo happy! I don't want to disappoint you. I did this all for you!!!!!!!'
With that she started to sing softly. A song of doing anything for the one you love.
~~~~***~***~~~~***~***With Rika, Sakura, Nakuru, Naoko and Chiharu***~~~~***~***~~~~
“Wow! Look at that prom dress, it's soo kawaiiiiiii (cute),” Chiharu said excitedly.
The girls were out for a day, unfortunately for them, they couldn't get prom dresses since as Tomoyo was designing them. So they decided to go shopping for accessories and browse at their dream dresses.
Rika held a mahogany colored lipstick up to the light and looked upon the other girls for their opinion.
“Hey, do you think this would look good with the prom dress Tomoyo's making?”
They all looked up in unison and raised a brow at her.
“I take that as a no.”
Naoko patted Rika comfortingly on the shoulder, “Don't worry Rika, Terada-sensei will like you the way you are.”
Meanwhile, jumping place-to-place looking for things to match a pale pink dress, Sakura went from spot to spot.
“You're pathetic, Sakura-chan, I thought you weren't going to prom.” Nakuru said flipping her vivacious ruby hair off her face.
Remembering the conversation with Meiling a few days ago, she blushed.
Nakuru raised an inquiring brow “Oh, so now you're blushing…Who's the lucky guy taking you out, Saku?”
Batting her eyelashes in an innocent look, Sakura remained cool and brushed off the question like it was nothing.
“Oh, did I say I was going to prom, uh no. You've misunderstood, booger face.”
Getting into Sakura's face, Nakuru puffed up her chest, “No I think I understood you perfectly, booger brain…so I ask you once again…who's the lucky guy?”
Finding no way out…Sakura's mouth quivered and then…her cell rang.
`So there is a god after all! I kiss whoever the feet of whoever's on the phone.'
With a cheeky grin, Sakura winked to Nakuru and excused herself.
“Whoops, it's for me. Excuse me, ladies.”
Smirking at the expression on Nakuru's face, she answered the phone in a mirthful tone.
“Moshi Moshi, Kinomoto Sakura desu.”
A moment's pause made Sakura think no one was on the other line until…a chilling male sexy voice penetrated from the other end.
“Konnichiwa Kinomoto-san, Watashi wa Li Syaoran. I'm Meiling's cousin…has she told you I'd be calling?”
In spite of herself, she found herself smiling even if his tone was beyond sweet. As if someone forced him to be lovable.
“Why yes, she did.”
A minute of silence protruded until they sated at the same time, “Uh you know…I know you're a great girl/guy and all but can we just decide not to go together…Hey! Stop talking when I'm talking…It's very impolite…You're still doing it!” They both giggled like little kids high on sugar.
It was him that spoke after a couple of chuckles. It was a nice chuckle, not forced upon this time, but it was clear and husky which made Sakura squirm uneasily.
“So, we both don't want to go to prom, ne? That's weird, according to Meiling it was you who wanted her to set you up with me.”
Choking, Sakura revolted, “Nuh-uh! Meiling made you sound like a desperate person with no life.”
Hearing him growl, kind of gave Sakura a guilty pleasure. It was strange but intimidating to his seductive tones.
“I swear, isn't my cousin a little matchmaker?”
“I guess I have to agree…Meiling is a loony romantic…”
“Right back at ya. Feel pity upon me…I live with her.”
From the corner of her eye, she watched as Nakuru neared in interest to the phone conversation, “Hang on a second, I have on 3 o' clock on a nosy person prying into my business. On second thought, pretend to be Meiling.”
She pulled the phone off her ear to hear an `okay' when Nakuru smiled innocently, “So, who's that on the phone?”
“Oh it's just Meiling, telling me good old jokes,” holding the phone to her ear once more, she spoke laughingly, “What was that Meiling? Your new boyfriend is a porn-star? What a pity.”
Syaoran answered, holding in his laughter, whimpering in a great Meiling impression, “Yes. But it gets worst, he's a bisexual porn-star and I was just starting to like this guy. But you know the rest…”
A disappointed frown dawned on Nakuru, as she made her way back to the girls, while shooting suspicious glances at Sakura to make sure she wasn't lying.
Her musical laughter strangely lightened Syaoran's heart as he felt it leap up in joy.
“Okay, Thank you Syaoran-kun…I can call you that, right?”
Again, that strange feeling, made his heart swell with pride.
“Hai (yeah)”
“You did good! So back to the subject…we both don't want to go to prom? Am I right?”
“Seems like it.”
“Ah, but Meiling made sure those tickets were bought, you know. Wait…I know! We both could go and then sneak out! Then I'll see who you are and thank you for the evening and we don't have to see each other again. But you're such fun to talk to Syaoran-kun…what if I can call you?”
Crossing her fingers, Sakura closed her eyes when he responded.
“Sure, I think we'll make good friends. Anyways, Meiling made me promise to call you every single day, so I think I still have to call either way for these two weeks. But hey, we'll get to know each other better, right?”
Fighting the urge to stomp her feet in victory, Sakura swayed and stepped on her own feet. But she stopped mid-sway when she caught Rika's eye.
“Alright! The more the merrier! Oh! I've got to go, you'll call me tomorrow, right?”
“Of course, then I'll give you my number since this isn't my phone.”
Quickly, jotting down his number, Sakura smiled and to her horror, she drew hearts around it.
“Eh he he he….Talk to you later, Syaoran-kun. Remember, I'm one call away!”
“Yeah, I'll remember that. Later.”
Closing her eyes, Sakura sighed, what a nice guy she thought.
~~~~***~***~~~~***~***~~~~***~***~~~~***~***~~~~***~***~~~~** *~***~~~~
`She's not so bad. She's quite funny. But her name…Sakura…cherry blossom isn't it? It suits her too…her personality…'
Smiling on their decision to keep speaking to each other and become friends was not a thing Syaoran intended nor had ever done before.
Before, he would yell at the girls and scare them away…but this girl was different. She sounded much nicer than he expected and what's the word…cute…he mused in his thoughts.
~~~~***~***~~~~***~***~~~~***~***~~~~***~***~~~~***~***~~~~** *~***~~~~
At School, the following Monday
Sakura, Nakuru, Rika, Chiharu, and Naoko listened intently to Tomoyo's strangely happy mood. But as soon as they heard she would go to prom, they all squealed and giggled at the things she had to do in able to go. At times, they laughed and the others they gasped at her daring.
At the sight of something behind them, they all frowned.
Tomoyo turned around to see Eriol walking towards them, smiling to someone walking away from him.
Grinning, Tomoyo ran to him, screaming, “Eriol! Eriol! I have good news!”
He turned full length to Tomoyo as a mysterious smile crept to his lips.
“I have good news as well, Tomoyo!”
As the two embraced each other, they spoke at the same time.
“I can go to prom.”
“I'm taking someone else to prom.”
They smiled like fools until the words both of them spoke trailed to both of their minds.
Eriol's grin was wiped off…
On the other hand…
“NANI!!! (WHAT?!?!?)” With that, Tomoyo instantly fell to the floor.
-.-; --.--;; ---.---;;; ----.----;;;; -----.-----;;;;; ------.------;;;;;; -------.--------;;;;;;;; ---------.---------;;;;;;;;;
*~*A/N: Uh-oh! That's gotta be bad for both of them and to let you know…that is a real situation that's happening between two people…sux doesn't it?