Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ One Night Tells All ❯ chapter 1 ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

One Night Tells All

By: Keroycherry

Disclaimer: waaaa! I donТt own ccs. Oh wellnote:
" " talking / thinking

( ) authors note
* * change of view

(ok I really don't like cliffhangers so IТll try not to make any J )

Chapter 1: Tears Of Truth?

"Hey Sakura!!" yelled a voice.

Sakura stopped running and turned around. Her hands covered her tear stained face.

Her best friend, Tomoyo, ran up to her.

"Oh Sakura, IТm so sorry." Tomoyo said.

"I..iТm sorry too Tomoyo." Sakura said in between sobs.

Sakura turned and ran the way she was already running.


Tomoyo turned to see Syaoran. He was all flushed up and panting for breath.

"Sakura! Were did she go!" Syaoran asked.

Tomoyo pointed to the way Sakura had ran.

"Thanks." Syaoran said.

Then he took off the way that Sakura had ran.


Sakura felt so tired, but she didnТt want to go home. She felt so and had no clue were she was going.

Finally she saw a park. As she reached the park it stared to rain hard. The rain didnТt make the cold night any better. She found a nice cherry blossom tree and sat under it. Soon she had fallen asleep.


Syaoran was trying to find Sakura. He was using her aura to find her, but since it was raining it was hard to find. He stopped to concentrate on her. Her aura was faint, but he found her.

When Syaoran found Sakura, she was curled up in a ball. Her eyes closed indicating that she had fallen asleep. Syaoran sat down next to her and saw she was asleep. He didnТt have the heart to wake her so he put his arms around her to keep her warm. To keep her safe from the rain, and to keep her loved.

*Next day*

Sakura felt something warm around her. It felt so familiar and so safe. She opened her eyes to find someone hugging her. Syaoran.

He had fallen asleep while holding her. Keeping her warm from the cold night.


Syaoran felt something move. He opened his eyes to find Sakura awake.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Why do you care?!" Sakura snapped.

"Because I love you." He said.

"And let me guess. That girl ment nothing to you." Sakura said.

"She didnТt becauseЕ." Sakura didnТt let him finish.

"OhЕ.Yeah. Like I havenТt heard that one before." She muttered.

She stood up and the back to look at him.

"ItТs cold out here. IТm going home and I think you should do the same." And with that she left.

(now Syaoran thought she ment that he should go back to his apartment, but infact she ment that he should go back to Hong Kong.)

A/N: Yea i know it was short but hey theres more to come..R+R!!!