Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Promises aren't meant to be Broken ❯ Because of You ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Changed my screen name to "m1s7ress" so don't go saying that I bit someone else's work. And sorry it took so long to update. I also don't own the song "Because of You" and "Rather" I think that's what the latter song is called. Oh well. I still don't own it.

Chapter 2: Because of You

'Why do I always end up thinking of him?' Sakura thought to herself. Yes once again Sakura Kinomoto had been crying over Syaoran Li. Sakura and Tomoyo had just come out of the building, that were taking shots of Sakura. Once they were out of the building and had gone into the car, Sakura and Syaoran's song began to play on the radio.

Tomoyo was about to change the radio station when Sakura placed her hand on her arm. Sakura shook her head and smiled. Tomoyo understood, but she couldn't bare the look on her friend's face. Tomoyo sighed inwardly, it's been 5 years and still nothing from Syaoran.

Even Eriol had lost contact with them. But she had gotten over him, she now dated people. But Sakura, Sakura didn't even want to go watch a movie, or even go shopping. All because of Syaoran. Tomoyo suppressed a groan, Sakura was so sure that Syaoran hadn't forgotten about their love. But Tomoyo wasn't that sure, and deep down, she knew that Sakura wasn't sure either.

As the song started Tomoyo watch Sakura's emerald green eyes become distant. And she knew that her mind was thinking of Syaoran. Everyone tried for the past 5 years to help Sakura get over him, even Meiling tried to help. But to no avail, it didn't work.

I thought some time alone, was what we really needed.

They said this time would hurt, more then it hurts, but I didn't see that.

I thought this was the end, of a beautiful story.

And so I left the one I loved at home, to be alone.

And I tried to find out if this one thing is true.

That I'm nothing without you.

I know better now, and I've had a change of heart.

Sakura started singing along with the song. It reminded her so much of Syaoran. Well it was their song. She almost started to tear, but reminded herself that she was strong.

I'd rather have bad times with you.

Then good times with someone else.

I'd rather be beside you in a storm.

Then safe and warm by myself.

I'd rather have hard times together.

Then to have it easy apart.

I'd rather have the one who has my heart.

Sakura sighed. She remembered dancing with Syaoran to this song, they were only 15, but she knew she loved him. But after 5 years, and still no contact from him. She wrote so many letters to Syaoran, saying that she missed him, and to come back soon. But he never returned the letters, or phone call. And she never got an email after she gave him her email. Sakura wanted to break down and cry so many times, but she couldn't do that. She had to be strong, for everyone. Because they depended so much on her. Especially the Sakura cards.

And then I met someone, and thought she could replace you.

We got along just fine, but waste of time because she was not you.

We had a lot of fun.

Though we knew we were faking.

Love was not on a base without connection based on lies. (On lies)

So I'm here to find out if this one thing is true.

That I'm nothing without you.

I know better now, and I had a change of heart.

I'd rather have bad times with you.

Then good times with someone else.

I'd rather be beside you in a storm.

Then safe and warm by myself.

I'd rather have hard times together.

Then to have it easy apart.

I'd rather have the one who has my heart. (Who holds my heart.)

I can't blame you if you turn away from me,

Like I'd done you.

I can only prove the things, I say through time.

Please be mine! (OOOOOOOHHHHHHH)

I'd rather have bad times with you.

Then good times with someone else.

I'd rather be beside you in a storm.

Then safe and warm by myself.

I'd rather have hard times together.

Then to have it easy apart.

I'd rather have the one who has my heart. (x3)

I'd rather have the one who holds my heart…

I'd rather have the one who holds my heart…

Ohhhhh… my heart.

Kero had taken on a human form after she had changed all the cards. And it pleased him very much, and Yue took on a separate form. Instead of being inside Yukito, he had his own body but changed his appearance. Instead of Yue's long silver hair, it was short just like Yukito's. And the rest of him was the same.

Kero had hazel brown hair, and honey golden eyes. And was the same height of Yue. The two guardians had a choice of being in their true forms, or disguised forms. And Kero had 3 options of being whatever, and whenever he got the chance he would shove it in Yue's face.

Yue secretly asked Sakura if he would have 3 options, but Sakura told him that maybe when she turned 25. Yue was angry that he couldn't have 3 forms to change into, but Sakura had told him that he would be using too much of his energy if he had 3 forms like Kero had. That had pleased him a little but not too much.

"Hey Sakura!" Tomoyo said trying to get Sakura out of her trance.

"Yeah Tomoyo?"

"We're on our way to the music studio to record your first single on your second album okay?"


"So what's the song called?" Sakura asked.

"It's called Because of You," Tomoyo answered. She looked over at Sakura, wondering if she would figure it out.

"HEY! That's the song I wrote!" Sakura said after 5 minutes. (A/N: Dense ne?)

"Yup," Tomoyo said happily. 'Well, at least now she doesn't have her mind on Syaoran.' Tomoyo thought.

"Oh, and Yukito, Touya, Meiling, Yue, and Kero are coming to watch," Tomyo said.

"Okay," Sakura said. 'Just as long as Touya doesn't call me kaijou.' Sakura thought to herself. (A/n: most likely that isn't going to happen ne?)


"So Yue, any news on that gaki yet?" Touya asked Yue. It has been 5 years and he couldn't stand the way his sister looks because of him.

"If you are talking about Syaoran, Touya then no I haven't have any news on him," Yue answered. Touya wasn't the only one who was worried about Sakura. 5 years it had been since he had seen his mistress smile a genuine smile. It was all fake smiles whenever Sakura smiled, only to make them happy and not worried about her.

"What about on Eriol?" Yukito asked.

"Nope, not a thing on him either," Kero replied. Ever since those two boys left, Tomoyo and Sakura were really, really depressed. Especially Sakura, no one had ever seen her that way. And Kero was really worried, everyone was. They tried so hard to cheer her up, but nothing would work. So they gave up, after 3 years Tomoyo came out of her depression, and began to date guys again. But Sakura still had her heart set on Syaoran. Kero inwardly sighed, his mistress was getting worse day by bloody day. And people from the outside world were oblivious to what was going on.

"Come on, were supposed to be at the studio," Yue said.


"Hey guys!" Tomoyo said spotting Meiling, Touya, Yue, Kero, and Yukito.

"Hey!" They called back. Sakura was silent, she went into the recording area, and looked at the sheets there. She felt a pang of pain. This was the song that she wrote after Syaoran had left her.

"Hey kaijou!" Touya said through the mike. Sakura looked up into the eyes of her over protective brother.

"I'm not a kaijou!" Sakura said. Touya just smirked.

"Hey Sakura!" Yukito said smiling.

"Hey Yukito," Sakura said smiling. "Hello Kero, Yue."

"Hello mistress," They both said. Knowing that Sakura didn't like it whenever they called her that.

"It's Sakura, not mistress," Sakura said irritated.

"Hey Kinomoto!" Meiling said sitting down in her usual chair beside Tomoyo.

"Hey Meiling," Sakura said. "How's Koiichi?"

"He's fine," Meiling said smiling. Koiichi was Meiling's and Yue's son. Though he was not yet born, Yue figured that the baby was a boy. (A/N: I know you didn't expect that right? {::smirks::} Expect the unexpected with me)

"Kay, Sakura whenever your ready," Tomoyo said. She produced all of Sakura's music, along with the help of Yue, and Touya of course. While Kero was her manager.

Sakura nodded and put on her headphones. (A/n: you know those big huge ones that look old school and they use for recording? Think of Making the Band 2) She opened her mouth and started singing.

If ever you wonder, if you touch my soul,

Yes you do.

Since I met you I'm not the same.

You bring light to everything I do.

Just the way you said hello,

With one touch I can't let go.

Never thought I'd fall in love, with you.

Because of you,

My life has changed.

Thank you for the love and the joy you bring

Because of you,

I feel no shame, I'll tell the world,

It's because of you.

'Oh Kami!' Tomoyo thought putting a hand over her mouth. 'This was the song she wrote for Syaoran! When he left, she wrote this for him! Kuso! How can I be so stupid?'

Touya was watching his sister. 'This sounds familiar,' he thought. Then it hit him, it was the song she wrote to Syaoran. She sent him this song in a letter, and kept one for herself. He looked over at Tomoyo, she recognized it too.

Yue was also getting a bit uncomfortable too. Touya looked at him confused. Yue caught his look, and mouth 'Syaoran,' Touya understood. Sakura sang it to Yue asking his opinion. Yue shook his head. 'Once I get my hands on that gaki I'm going to wring his neck,' Yue thought.

Sometimes I get lonely, and all I gotta do is think of you.

You've captured something inside of me,

You make all my dreams come true.

It's not enough that you love me for me,

You reached inside and touched me eternally,

I love you as the it explains how I feel, for you (don't know that line (=)

Because of you,

My life has changed.

Thank you for the love and the joy you bring

Because of you,

I feel no shame, I'll tell the world,

It's because of you. (x2)

The magic in your eyes.

Your love I' can't deny,

When you hold me, I just lose control.

I want you to know,

That I'll never let it go.

You mean so much to me. I want the world to see.

It's because of you.

Because of you,

My life has changed.

Thank you for the love and the joy you bring

Because of you,

I feel no shame, I'll tell the world,

It's because of you.(x2)

Sakura looked up. She remembered everything Syaoran had said to her the night that he had taken her innocence. (A/N: Yes they were 15 years old. EW but oh well.) He had told her that he would always love her, no matter what the situation.

And Sakura believed him. And she still wondered if he loved her now. She let one tear slip. That didn't go un notice by the rest of the gang. Sakura came out of the recording booth and sat down on Yukito's lap. (A/N: don't ask me why)

"You know, Sakura. It's okay to still remember him," Yukito said.

"I guess," Sakura said.


"I'll get it!" Tomoyo said. (A/N: Studio phone)


"Hello is Kinomoto Sakura there?"

"Yes she is, who is this?"

"This is Mikai Kohana her cousin,"

"Oh, okay! Just a minute," Tomoyo said.

"HEY SAKURA! IT'S YOUR COUSIN! MIKAI KOHANA! YOU GONNA TAKE IT?" Tomoyo screamed to the other room.

"Hai. I'm coming!"

Sakura took the phone from Tomoyo's outstretched hand.


"Hello Sakura?"

"Hai. This is Sakura."

"AHHHH! Sakura! Long time no talk ne?"

"Hai. So how you been?"

"Actually I've been good. I've just called to invite you to my engagement party!"

"Your ENGAGED!" Sakura cried. This is great! Her cousin was engaged! (A/N: Her favourite cousin I might add.)

"Yeah." Kohana giggled.

"So who's the lucky man?"

"Syaoran Li!" Kohana cried.

[.End Chapter 2.]

Evil? Yes if I do say so myself.