Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ regret ❯ regret ( One-Shot )

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By: Merhiel



Disclaimer: I don't own any of this character. They belong to Clamp (pls. Don't sue me) anyway this is may first CCS fic so don't flare me okay!!. Well the main reason for this plot is there are so many Syaoran and Sakura fic. So I made an Eriol and Tomoyo fic. I like there pairing more than Kaho and Eriol. Well I hope you'll like it.

Tomoyo sighed, as she glanced at the couple in front of her. They look so perfect together, but why does she felt a twinge of regret in her heart. She basically knew the answer.

She was jealous…

This point of time, Sakura wasn't the main reason. It was someone else.


When and how did she fell in love with him, to the mere fact that he was Sakura's boyfriend. But there was one thing she was sure of. She was in love with Syaoran. Tomoyo laughed at the word love.

What was love anyway?

Oh! There was Eriol he was it. He was there every time. He is supposed to go back to England after his mission, but he stayed for a strange reason. Well she shouldn't be surprised at all. Enigma spells his personality. Like now she knew that if she glance sideward he would see Midnight blue eyes staring at her intensely. Piercing through her tormented soul. Sometimes she wonders if she I really that transparent to him or to nyone else.


Even without his power. Eriol knew what was on Tomoyo's mind.


He loathed every inch of him.

He sighed. He was more powerful than Syaoran, and yet he couldn't win his ladylove. What does Syaoran have and he doesn't. Why does Tomoyo love him and not me? He mentally kicked himself he perfectly knew the answer to his question.

Syaoran, has charms and he was sweet.

And he was none of that. Tomoyo is really a goddess he exclaimed as he saw the wind blown mildly Tomoyo's hair. Maybe that's other reason why he loathed Syaoran. Why hadn't he noticed that Tomoyo is more beautiful than Sakura? But he was also thankful for that or if he and Tomoyo had been a couple, he would die to heartbreak.


But why isn't he dead yet? His heart is breaking just thinking that his love is thinking of another.


Syaoran gazed back at Tomoyo. She has her own beauty, and for that Eriol hated him. Syaoran sighed. But what can he do he love Sakura, well he love Tomoyo as well but as a friend and Tomoyo knew that. And Tomoyo does not hate him. And he is wondering why does Eriol hate him so much. He is sooo protective over Tomoyo, but he doesn't have the right. They were not a couple. He smiled cynically at that thought.


"Hey guys!" Sakura said breaking Tomoyo, Eriol and Syaoran's thought.

"Syaoran and I are planning to get married after college! Isn't that a wonderful idea?"

Tomoyo felt the whole world on her. She was startled at the news that's why she hadn't noticed that her books are scattered on the floor. While Sakura was worried that Tomoyo seems to become paler every day.

// What if she is sick and she is going to die? // Sakura thought

"Tomoyo are you alright, you seems to grew pale everyday? Is there some thing wrong are u sick?" Sakura said

"No, I'm fine Sakura you don't have to worry." Tomoyo answered

Sakura just shook her head. "Tomoyo your books had fallen and yet you didn't noticed" Sakura said. "Here let me pick it up."

"No, Sakura let me!" Eriol and Syaoran said chorusly

As the two bent down to pick up the books, there eyes meet each has a warning of there own. Tomoyo sighed as she saw the two, sometimes she wonder's if Sakura doesn't feel the animosity between the two.

The two handed her book. And the four of them continued on walking, when Syaoran broke the silence.

"Uhmn Tomoyo can I talk with you privately just a second?" Syaoran said "Is that alright with you Sakura?" Syaoran asked Sakura nodded in agreement. When Tomoyo is about to answer. Eriol interrupted

" And may I ask why in private Li Syaoran?" Eriol asked

"It's really none of your business, Hiirigazawa!" Syaoran said

"OH! Isn't it' as far as I'm concerned she isn't yours too. Sakura is your business, not Tomoyo." He said sarcastically

Syaoran is about to fight back when Tomoyo spoke.

"Won't the two of you shut up! I will talk to who ever I like." Tomoyo declared. Then without a word she walkway. She herd Sakura called her name that made her half run, half walk. Her head is bent down that she didn't noticed Touya and Yukito ahead of her.

"Ouch!!!" She exclaimed as she bumped Touya.

"Oh! Tomoyo. Gommen I didn't noticed you " Touya asked "Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly as he saw Tomoyo holding her head

"It's alright I'm not hurt" Tomoyo said

"I'm surprised that yore not with my sister the monster?" He asked but knowing that Sakura is at her back

"Who are you calling Monster Oni-chan." Sakura asked furiously

"Oh! Imouto-san I didn't saw you. Well as far as I'm concerned you're my only sister so that makes you my sister the monster." Touya snickered "Got a problem with that Kaijou "

Sakura is about to fight back when Tomoyo shouted.

"Can't I have a little peace " Tomoyo said covering her ears. "Everywhere I go theirs always a fight .I cant stand it anymore" Tomoyo said then runaway


Tomoyo ran as fast as she could. She basically knew that Sakura and the others are on her trail. But she doesn't want them to catch her so she went to the market. Hoping that the people in there will slow them down. Then she saw an alley and entered there, and never came out until she was sure that they had pass through.


"Where could she possibly went." Syaoran said as he scanned the crowd.

"I'm so worried she looks so beaten!" Sakura whimpered

" I know that Sakura, but she is fine so you don't have to worry. Okay?" Eriol exclaimed

"Huh! You speak and act like you knew Tomoyo so well!" Syaoran said his voice full of sarcasm.

"Stop it you two. Using your ego won't help in relocating Tomoyo." Touya said

"He is right let's just split into groups so it would be easier to find her!" Yukito said

All of them nodded.


Tomoyo laughed at herself. The pain brought by Syaoran and Sakura taught her many things. One was telling a LIE.


It was really absurd to say that she is getting tired of Syaoran and Eriol's fight or Sakura and Touya's. Actually those fights amuses her. But it just tells her what does she don't have. And That's

A brother like Touya and Syaoran, the man she could only dream of

She knew she could never have them for Sakura had the both of them. And that leaves her nothing.

Then reality struck her. She was all alone. She had nothing. Except this bitter precious tears As the rain poured her tears fell, first at one then she choke sobs

Hatred, bitterness, Jealousy and loneliness could she ever deny that she was capable of all that, or is it that she really love's Sakura that she couldn't bare to hate her.

Then the rain poured hard. Thunder and lightning was seen and heard but she doesn't give a damn. Her high school uniform is soaking wet but still she continued. She glanced at the street next to her, the street was black and empty. It reminded her how empty her life was.

Black and Empty…

Black and Empty…

She took a step towards the street. Thoughts spin in her head. She took a step,

And another…

And another…

until she was there in the middle of the dark, empty street. The black empty street that reminded her how empty and pitiful her life was.

And how Hurt she was…


Was she capable of that, with all those pain she had gone through it was surprisingly that her heart isn't yet numb. Then she taught of Syaoran and nothing else. And for eight long years she never conquered hate, loneliness and bitterness she just learned to run away.

She couldn't stand looking at him when he was with her.

It hurts too much

So she stood here all alone, in the middle of the black empty street. Thinking of nothing but Syaoran and the pain that is inflicting her heart.

The car was so fast and she was deeply driven in her thoughts add the fact that it was raining hard that she hadn't heard the honks of the car and noticed the bright, bright light of the car.


Tomoyo's eyelids fluttered as she felt someone shaking her intensely. She turned her head, and found out that it hurt immensely if she did. She flinched. When she opened her eyes she saw blue eyes staring at her: worried midnight blue eyes staring at intensely.

Tomoyo smiled weakly

"E-eriol…" her voice trailed off. Tomoyo looked to her side, flinging out her useless arm to the ground. Eriol picked her up, and put her body to his arms.

"Tomoyo" he said quietly

"Look at you Eriol you're soaking wet you might catch cold." She told him

" Shh!! Don't talk I'll bring you to the hospital." Eriol replied.

Then she remembered the car. "So that what happened " Tomoyo said bitterly. Just like before Eriol is here at her side when she was hurt.

" Hmm… I never wondered that it would feel this way! " Tomoyo said bluntly

Eriol shook his head. " NO! NO! NO! It's not your time yet. You just can't die Tomoyo. Not yet" Eriol said a fact they both knew well

Tomoyo sighed. A lock of her hair flew on her eye. Eriol brushed it off. Then he gazed at the sidewalk. Both of them are soaking wet, //the hell that I care I'd rather die with her than to leave alone// he said to him self.

Tomoyo looked at Eriol. She definitely knew that she is the one on his mind. And she kindda likes the idea of that. She smiled to herself. He was handsome and yet he was sad. Tomoyo was surprised to feel pain in her heart.

But why?

Tomoyo lifted her hand to Eriol's face. She start running her fingers down it. That brought him back to reality.

"Look at the sidewalk Eriol" Tomoyo commanded


"Look how that black shadow torment me, look how it make fun of me. Telling me things I never accomplished, how useless and pitiful I am." Then the tears came.

Eriol gazed at the tearful indigo blue eyes in front of him.

"Tomoyo…I" Eriol tried to say things that could ease Tomoyo's pain, but no word came out.

"Is that all you can say, that damn name. Don't you know how I hated that name it always reminds me what a failure that I am" She said harshly. "I am useless… pitiful…nothing … I'm a nobody's girl" Tomoyo said sadly

Eriol shook his head. "No, none of that. You're not useless for you are my life. And if you are a nobody's girl, let me be that nobody." Eriol said as he bent down to kiss her.

Tomoyo's eyes widen. And she understood

No words needed to express it…

Why he was here…

Why he stayed…

Why he was always there…

Why he came…

Why he did…

And she felt like a fool again for not seeing it.

She mentally kicked herself for the answer came crystal clear.

//Baka ne! He is in love with you. And cared for you // Her mind shouted at her

There was no mystery in it, you're just stupid for not seeing it. That there was this person who was loving you while you are drooling over you bestfriend's boyfriend. How pathetic she was

"Does it hurt?" he asked. Tomoyo looked at him in confusion.

"Loving someone else and that someone is loving another. Does it hurt." Eriol asked again

Tomoyo never answered she just stared at him.

How blind could she be?

"Eriol, once you told Sakura that in England there are many colorful gardens with lots of lots beautiful flower." Tomoyo exclaimed

Eriol nodded wondering where would this lead to.

"Bring me there Eriol please bring me there." Tomoyo pleaded "I don't want to die here, in this black and empty sidewalk. Let me die happy in your arms surrounded with lots of colorful and beautiful flowers. Just for once let me think that I'm a princess dying in the arms of my beloved prince." Tomoyo muttered

Eriol gasped. How could she ever say those words? He snuggled her close to his body. "I'll bring you there but you won't die." Eriol whispered to her as if he is telling her a secret. He wave his wand. It was the same wand he used back then on Sakura. As he look at the gleaming sun on the top, he silently commanded it to obey Tomoyo's wishes. And in an instant there they were in a gazebo, in the middle of man made lake that is surrounded with colorful flowers.

She was dressed in a Blue ball gown, the most beautiful he had ever seen. Her neck is adored with tiaras and on her head was a gleaming crown. And of course Eriol as usual is devastatingly handsome in his prince cloaks. He looks so gallant.

She was happy indeed.

For she wouldn't die alone.

How she wish she was not a fool, for this happiness she is feeling right now should be hers to keep forever. But who was she to oppose FATE and DESTINY. She was no one.

She was bound to DIE

"Are you happy my princess?" Eriol asked his eyes full of tears.

As Tomoyo noticed the tears, she brushed it away with her fingers. She caressed it feeling the warmness of his cheeks at the back of her palm.

Tomoyo gasped

Eriol's eyes widened in fear for the moment he feared came.

"You asked me if it hurts love someone when that someone is loving another. Yes it does my prince. But it is nothing compared to the pain that I am feeling at this moment." Tomoyo said. Eriol looked at her in confusion. For his benefit she continued.

" The pain of losing you my prince. I shouldn't be in this state if I wasn't so blind for not seeing that deep in my heart it is you who I love not Syaoran."

"F-forgive me Eriol for unlike you I couldn't stay long. I cannot promise that in each time you are hurt I'd be there, like you always did. For my life has come to an end." Tomoyo said

"Tell Sakura and Syaoran that I'm sorry for I cannot see there wedding…"

"I love you Eriol always remember that…" Tomoyo said and with that she withdrawn her last breathe, her arms flung lifelessly onto the ground

Eriol was stricken with grief. He found it hard to breathe. He was Clow Reed. And yet he could do nothing against Fate and Destiny. It took so much from him. How Ironic that it was love that keeps him a float but the lack of it will kill him. He hugged his lifeless Tomoyo. No word could ever describe what he is feeling that momnt.

No, No, this is not happening.

She is not dead.

She is just sleeping, just asleep

He felt he was wet. So they had returned.

He gazed immensely at the nearby sidewalk, now he knew what was Tomoyo talking about. How it tormented her, how it made fun of her.

With one single cry he called out Tomoyo's name. He kept on doing it as he cradled Tomoyo in his arms. He kept on shouting her name as if it was his lifeline, his beautiful Tomoyo, his love and his life. Just his Tomoyo

"Nooooo!!!!!!!" Eriol screamed furiously. His eyes blinded with tears. Pain is inflicting his heart.


Not far away Sakura, Syaoran, Touya and Yukito. Heard Eriol's blood curling scream. The scream sends them chills. That made Sakura run, for that scream scared her. Something happen she knew. Tomoyo first came to her mind. No nothing bad happened to her. Nothing…

But her fear was true.

There, there she was her only best friend lying lifelessly in the arms of the person, who once had been her tormentor.

The rain had stopped. But it didn't stopped her from crying

"No she is not dead, this couldn't be happening" she said aloud. But she knew it was all a lie. Her best friend died and she could not do anything but just cry.

"Tomoyo!!!!!" she screamed as she run towards her best friend. "Why, why did you leved me?" She asked. Then looked accusingly at Eriol.

"Why didn't you tried to saved her" Sakura snapped at Eriol.

Then Eriol looked at her coldly. His Midnight blue eyes was so cold and blank. It just reflects how lonely he was.

Then reality stung her, she shared powers like Eriol then why don't she do it herself.

Then Eriol smiled at her cynically. " You can't save her also, can't Card Captor Sakura" he said mockingly.

Sakura slapped Eriol hard, for the truth had hurtled her. She found the pain unbearable, she found it hard to breathe. Sakura sobbed burst into a crying, he found Syaoran's shoulder to cry on. She was Card Captor Sakura and yet she felt useless…

She want to hurt anyone, she wanted someone to feel her pain…

And she was a coward… for Eriol saw it all how Tomoyo breathe it's last breathe and here she was wanting to share the pain for she couldn't bare it all.

"Who did this to her?" Touya asked

Eriol just shrugged "I don't know they runaway."

"Come let me help you carry her" Touya offered

"No" Eriol shouted then he held Tomoyo tighter

"You're a coward Hiirigazawa, maybe all you did was stare and cry. And did nothing to save her." Syaoran said furiously at Eriol

"Shut up your mouth Li Syaoran" Eriol fought back.

"Stop it" Sakura said "Look at Tomoyo Syaoran. Look how Immaculate her face is. She look so happy, so contented." Sakura said as she gazed at her friend's face. The she turned to Eriol. " Where had you been Eriol?" Sakura asked

Eriol was startled. "How did you know?"

"Tomoyo's smile. She smiles like that every time she keeps a secret. And she is happy at that secret." Sakura said knowingly "Cmmon tell me where had you been"

" In England at my garden" Eriol said

Then the tears came…


After Tomoyo's funeral. Eriol flew back to England. Months had pass and yet she couldn't accept that Tomoyo was gone. That she was in a place that she couldn't reach her. In a place that she couldn't hear her lovely voice."

Then Syaoran entered. He looks so beaten. There were dark circles surrounding his eyes. She tried to smile at him

"You didn't sleep well, Syaoran" Sakura said

"Here read this, then will see if you could sleep." Syaoran said

Sakura was confused as she reached for the letter. As she opened it she look at Syaoran but his boyfriend is staring outside the window.

She skimmed the envelope

"Oh! It's from England. Eriol wrote I wonder how he is." Sakura said aloud. She looked again at her boyfriend and she was startled to see him crying that added to her curiosity. Her eyes a blur with tears as she read on. It was a letter from Ruby Moon.

"…Master Eriol was deeply affected by Mistress Tomoyo's death. Every hour of the day he was there in his room playing his piano with just one tune. The "Song of the Night" w/c mistress Tomoyo is fond of singing. All of us here are worried at him. One time we went him inside and bade him to stop playing and try to eat for he looks so frail. One day we didn't hear him playing the piano, we thought it was good. But he was nowhere to be found in his room. So we searched the whole manor house. We saw him at the garden, in the gazebo lying lifelessly on the ground. Bathing in his own blood." Sakura read.

Why was this happening?

With just a wink of an eye, two of her precious friends are gone.

She cried. Syaoran came to her and embraced her so tight.

The two of them cried. Cried and cried until they think that they could cry no more. Wishing it would be the last time they let the tears came…

The bitter, precious tears…


Author's note: Well there goes my First ever CCS Fic well I hope you like it. Well if you have any suggestion you're free to email me at Well that's all I can say. And to Jhezzyca I had beaten you, I already posted my fic and you hadn't he!he!he!