Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Roommates ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kitty Neko: YAY! I got chapter three out! Gotta get working on the next one. Thanks for all of you reviews!!!!!!

Q+A: This is where I'm going to answer some of the questions that you gave me.

Werepanther: Sakura has other people read to her because she likes the sound of their voices but she does like to read to herself too.

SueHime: I'm not too sure if I'm going to have anything about Eriol and Tomoyo. If I do, it won't be much. Just hints.

Paige: Sure, go ahead. Use the insults against annoying people!!!! I know I do. ^_^

Ok, well that's it for this chapter. On with the Disclaimer and then the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own CardCaptor Sakura.

Sakura was only half-listening to her acting teacher. The other half of her was fixated on the ring around her finger that Toji had given to her 3 weeks ago. Still, it didn't really feel like it had been that long. They had been out several times since the actual proposal.

Sakura was brought out of her daze suddenly by a violent shake to her chair. She turned around hastily to look at the person she knew too well, "Sakura," Syaoran muttered, "Stop daydreaming."

Sakura chose not to answer and spun back around in her seat to face the front. Although Syaoran was only in a few of her classes, he didn't let her forget that he was there. He was usually the one to snap her out of her daydreams before the teacher noticed. But that didn't mean that he went about it nicely, Sakura often found herself rubbing spots where offending pens had struck.

Sakura watched her teacher and listened to what he was saying. She had missed what they were doing was called but had tuned in soon enough to hear his brief explanation. "I am going to have two people, a boy and a girl, come up here and make up a conversation off the top of their heads. One of them will have a concluding line. The catch is that the line has to make sense with the rest of the conversation or they will have to start over. Any questions?" When no one raised his or her hand he continued. "Good. Let's see…"

Sakura watched intently as he called people up and gave one of them a concluding line such as `Let's leave' or `I'll see you in a little bit.' After the couple that had been up took a seat, Sakura's teacher looked around the room for someone who hadn't gone up yet, "Kinomoto, Sakura and Li, Syaoran."

Sakura groaned inwardly. Teachers were cruel. It always seemed that they knew exactly whom you didn't want to be paired up with and decided to stick you together.

Sakura and Syaoran stood up and made their way to the front of the classroom. Their teacher looked at his notes for this lesson and looked up. "Ok, Syaoran will start the conversation and Sakura has to end it with, `I love you too'." Sakura blanched. Teachers were definitely evil. Out of all the lines in the world that he could have given to her, he had to give her that one.

Syaoran shot the teacher an annoyed look, which he missed, and cleared his throat before beginning, "Would you like to go for a walk?" It was simple, but at least he didn't take forever deciding what to say. It was a good thing that he wasn't shy.

"Um, sure." Sakura muttered. The whole time that they were making small talk, Sakura was trying to figure out a way to get her stupid line in. It had been five minutes and Sakura was at a loss of how in the world she was going to do this. Apparently, Syaoran had an idea.

He was quiet for a second before holding his breath and getting down on one knee. Sakura's stomach lurched. "Sakura," Syaoran began. Sakura could tell that he was having a hard time trying not to laugh. I mean, who wouldn't? She had recently become engaged! And to make it worse, they were two people that usually didn't get along, "I have been wanting to tell you this for a long time. I love you. Would you please marry me?"

The class cooed and Sakura could feel her stomach lurch again. She had the strong desire to tell them to shut the h**l up but her teacher probably wouldn't approve. Plus, she would be out of character and they would have to start all over again.

"Yes, and…" her sentence was cut off by a huge wave of nausea. Sakura wanted to sit down really bad and finished her sentence, "I love you too."

Sakura was about to take her seat but another wave of nausea hit her full force. Before anyone could ask her what was wrong, she was out the door and running for the bathroom. Lucky for her, it was next door.

As Syaoran watched her retreating back he muttered sarcastically to no one in particular, "Am I that repulsive?"


"Sakura, are you sure you're alright?" Tomoyo's voice floated over the receiver to Sakura.

"I told you I don't feel sick anymore. I was probably just having stage fright." Sakura flipped the T.V. remote control over in her hands. She had been watching Hope Floats when Tomoyo had called.

"I would have come over to see how you were doing, but I have a lot of homework and my pain in the ass roommate insists that I make dinner."

"I understand."

Tomoyo was silent for a second before saying; "I guess I'll let you get back to your movie now."

"How did you know that I was watching a movie? I didn't tell you." Sakura was genuinely confused.

"I just know the tone of voice you get whenever someone calls while we're watching a movie." Tomoyo laughed joyfully. "Even if we have seen the movie dozens of times before."

"Well, I suppose you know me too well." Sakura giggled. "That's why you're my best friend."

"Exactly. Listen, I have to go now. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Ok, bye."


Sakura place the receiver back on the cradle and hopped back on the sofa, letting out a squeal of joy at being able to return to her movie. She pressed play and the movie continued playing.

She hadn't been watching it for five minutes before Syaoran came out of his room and sat down on the chair by the sofa. "Hope Floats. It's been a while since I've seen this." He said and propped his legs up.

"Shh." Sakura brought her middle finger up and placed it in front of her mouth.

Syaoran stuck his tongue out at Sakura and she returned the gesture.


Sakura let out a wail of frustration and smacked the sofa. "What is it about today?! Does God not want me to watch this movie?!"

Syaoran chuckled and stood up. "Oh well. We needed popcorn anyways."

Syaoran disappeared into the kitchen and Sakura opened up the front door. Her eyes widened in surprise. "Toji!"

He smiled warmly. "Hello, Sakura."

"What are you doing here?" Sakura asked happily.

"I wanted to see how you were doing."

Sakura beamed at her future husband. "That's so sweet! Come in."

Sakura led Toji in to the living room and they sat down on the sofa. She then watched as Toji made himself comfortable and looked back up at her. They sat in comfortable silence before Toji asked, "How are you feeling now?"

Sakura sat back on the sofa and propped her hands behind her head. "I'm feeling a lot better now. I don't know what it was." She looked at Toji and then at the T.V. with the frozen scene.

"What were you watching?" Toji asked and stared at the screen as if trying to determine if he had seen the movie before.

"Hope Floats."

Toji thought about it for a second. "Isn't that a chick flick?"

Syaoran entered the living room with a big bowl of popcorn in his arms. "I like it." He said and placed the bowl on the table.

"Exactly." Sakura muttered and earned a glare from Syaoran.

Sakura reached for the popcorn to get a handful but Syaoran smacked her hand away. "Get your own popcorn." He said and wagged his finger in her face as if she was a little kid that had broken a rule. Sakura snapped at Syaoran's finger with her teeth and he pulled his hand back quickly. "Bad Sakura."

Sakura laughed and reached for the popcorn again. This time, Syaoran allowed her to get a handful. Toji watched this exchange with interest and stared as Sakura shoved the whole handful in her mouth and chewed. "Pig." Syaoran said without trying to make his voice quiet.

Sakura swallowed with a little difficulty. "Look who's talking, Mr. `Get Your Own Popcorn'." Sakura said and pointedly looked at the humongous bowl filled to the rim with little white puffs.

Syaoran's answer was shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth and grinning.


Sakura turned to her fiancée. "Yes?"

"I would love to stay a little longer but I can't; I have work. I'll call you tomorrow." Sakura walked with Toji to the door and said goodbye.

When he was gone, she hopped back over to the sofa and jumped on. "Movie, movie, movie, movie." She said happily and reached for the popcorn bowl. She had almost reached it when Syaoran smacked her hand away.

"What did I tell you? Get your own popcorn!" He tried to look serious but the look of disbelief on Sakura's face made him crack up. "Go ahead. But you have to refill it later."


Sakura lay in her bed with her eyes shut. She had woken up a few moments ago and couldn't go back to sleep. She groggily opened one eye and glanced at her digital clock. The neon red lights glowed back angrily at her. It was 3:27. She stifled a groan and shut her eyes again.

Sakura was about to just fall back to sleep again, but for some reason she just wanted to go to the bathroom. She got out of her cozy bed and started for the door. Her stomach felt a little weird. "Oh no."

Sakura quickened her pace so that she would make it to the bathroom in time. Once there, she lifted the seat and leaned over. All of a sudden she really regretted eating all of that popcorn. It hadn't seemed like that much earlier…

After the first round, she sat back on her heels and breathed heavily. "What's wrong with me?" Her question wasn't really directed towards anyone. She stared down at her lap. She was starting to feel a little better now. Sakura reached up and flushed the toilet. Shakily, she stood up and reached for her toothbrush.

She brushed her teeth, tongue, and mouth, several times before she was satisfied and went back to bed.


Sakura snapped awake by a rude loud knock on her door. "What?!" She asked exasperated and fought back the strong desire to throw her alarm clock at the door.

"Sakura, breakfast is ready." Syaoran's grating voice was a little muffled by the door.

"I don't want to EAT! I want to SLEEP!" Sakura wailed and buried her head in her pillow.

"Excuse me." Sarcasm was dripping from Syaoran's words. "I didn't know that you were on your period or I wouldn't have bothered."

Sakura growled. "I'm not on my period!"

"Then you must be due." Syaoran's voice sounded a little farther away. Sakura chose not to comment and brought the covers over her head. Still… she couldn't help thinking that she had been due for a while now.


Tomoyo watched as Sakura brushed her teeth furiously. She had thrown up only minutes ago. There was a scowl on her face and she looked like she was about to spit venom. She spit out the toothpaste and proceeded to rinse her mouth. Sakura brought her right forearm up to her face and wiped her mouth.

"Sakura, are you ok?"

For a second, Sakura looked as if she was going to cry. That expression quickly changed to one of homicide. "No! I mean… I don't know! I've been like this for a week!" She threw her arms up in the air to further prove her point.

"Has anything else been out of the ordinary besides the fact that you've been sick on a off over the past week?"

Sakura let her arms drop down next to her side. "No… I don't think so. Well, I don't know what you mean by out of the ordinary, but my period is late. You probably didn't want to know that. Do you know of any kind of normal sickness that does this to a person?"

Tomoyo started to shake her head but stopped and looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully. "What?" Sakura demanded a little fearfully.

"It's nothing…" Tomoyo scratched her head thoughtfully. "I don't think that what I'm thinking is a possibility."

"What? What are you thinking?" Sakura put her hands on her hips in an intimidating way.


"Just ask me."

"Is it a possibility that you're pregnant?"

"Of course n…" She was about to say `not' but the word caught in her throat and she fell silent. Sakura didn't really know how to answer that question. A nagging part in the back of her mind kept reminding her that on the night that Toji had proposed, she couldn't remember what happened after he kissed her.

Sakura's voice was a lot quieter now. "I suppose that it's a possibility. But, I don't think so."

"Then it is a possibility?" Tomoyo asked timidly.

"I don't know. I mean… I don't remember what happened the night that Toji proposed to me after we kissed. I think we could have…" She gulped. "I'm a little scared."

Tomoyo patted her on the back to comfort her. "It'll be ok. Besides, we're not even certain that you are pregnant."

"You're right. So, what do I do now?"

Tomoyo stuck her tongue out at Sakura. "YOU aren't doing anything. I am going to go to the store to get a few pregnancy tests while you stay here and suck your thumb."

"You big meanie."

"Bite me."


Sakura sat on the living room couch twiddling her fingers. Tomoyo had left five minutes ago and said that she would probably be gone for at least fifteen minutes. But, that wasn't what was bothering her. She was rapidly getting more nervous by the second. The thought of having a baby was both pleasing and terrifying to her.

Sakura's attention was drawn to the front door; the knob was turning. "It's a little early for Tomoyo to be here." Nevertheless, Sakura hopped to her feet and scurried to the door just as it opened, "Tomoy… Syaoran? What are you doing here?"

Syaoran looked at her like she was crazy before brushing past her. "I live here." He walked over to the kitchen and got a glass of water.

Sakura frowned but didn't say anything to his smart-ass remark. She followed him and pulled out a chair to sit on. Once seated, she began to twiddle her fingers again. "How long are you going to be here?"

Syaoran raised a suspicious eyebrow. "Why?"

When Sakura didn't answer, his attention was drawn to her hands. "You seem a tad bit nervous…" He trailed off and a wolfish expression crossed his face. "You wouldn't by any chance be having Toji over for…" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Sakura's mouth dropped open and she threw the book that was on the table at him. "NO! Get your mind out of the gutter, you pervert!"

Syaoran threw back his head and laughed joyously. "It's so easy to get a rise out of you." He stopped laughing and his expression took on a tone of seriousness. "Besides, I know that you wouldn't do that… You don't have the guts."

"I do too! How do you know that we haven't already?"

Syaoran took a sip of water before answering, "Two reasons. You told me that you were a virgin and…"

Sakura cut him off. "That was a month ago."

Syaoran looked unperturbed and continued what he was about to say. "The next reason is obvious; Toji's impotent."

Sakura started to frown, but smiled instead. She finally had a way to retort to this joke. "How would you know? There's only one way for you to know." She opened her mouth in fake shock. "Syaoran! Did you try to seduce my fiancée?!"

Syaoran finished off his glass of water and motioned for her to follow him. Sakura did so reluctantly. He opened the door to his room and grabbed a folder on his desk. "What's that?" Sakura asked.

Syaoran didn't answer but said, "I didn't try to seduce him. Some other guy did. It's not my fault that he fell for it." Sakura knew that he was lying and it was starting to get on her nerves. "As for this folder, it's what I came back for. I forgot it and Eriol and I need it for our project."

Sakura reached over and grabbed Syaoran's arm. She then proceeded to drag him to the front door. Once there, she opened it and said, "You got what you came for. Now, go and don't come back for a couple of hours." She shoved him out and slammed the door.

Sakura leaned against it and listened as his laughter trail away. Her lips slowly cracked into a smile. Even though he had made her mad, he had made her forget all about the `pregnancy' for a little while. It felt good to forget about something serious; even if not for long.

She had been sitting there, leaning against the door, for a few minutes when the doorknob started to turn again. Her eyebrows furrowed. "I told you to go away."

"Sakura, it's just me." Sakura jolted at the sound of Tomoyo's voice and jumped to her feet. Quickly, she moved out of the way so that Tomoyo could enter.

"Who did you think I was?" Tomoyo teased as she walked towards the kitchen, swinging a plastic grocery bag carelessly. Sakura stared at it apprehensively. Three different boxes were tossed around the bag with each step that Tomoyo took.

"Oh! Um… Syaoran. He came back for a little bit while you were gone. Naturally, he got on my nerves and I told him not to came back for a couple of hours."

Tomoyo nodded and took a seat at the table. "That was a good idea. That way he doesn't come back while we're doing this."

Sakura took the bag from Tomoyo and emptied the contents. "Three? Why did you get three different kinds?"

"That way we have a better idea if it's accurate or not."

Sakura nodded and examined one of the boxes. "So, how do you use them?"

"For one of them you have to pee on the strip, wait for a while, and then, depending on what color it changes, it's either positive or negative. For the other two it's basically the same thing except that you pee in a cup and dip the strip in."

Sakura's eye twitched. "I… I have to pee in a cup? I haven't done that in forever!"

Tomoyo patted her on the back. "You'll be ok. It's not like your urine is going to burn through your skin."

Reluctantly, Sakura took the three boxes and went into the bathroom while Tomoyo waited outside the door. Tomoyo had been leaning against the wall for a few minutes when there came a disgusted shriek. "EW! Stupid lack of coordination!" Tomoyo fell over laughing. Not soon after, there was the sound of running water as Sakura washed and rewashed her hands.

When Sakura came out of the bathroom, Tomoyo was still laughing. "I'm so glad that you find this so amusing." Tomoyo grinned up at her and got off the floor.

"While we're waiting, we'll get something to drink."

In the kitchen, Tomoyo got a soda for each of them. Sakura drank it thankfully. "I'm a little nervous." She let out a small burp and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"It's only natural to be."

"I know."

Tomoyo took a sip of her soda, "It'll be ok."

Sakura beamed at her, "Thanks."

They both finished off their sodas and sat back in their seats.

"Do you think it's ready?" Sakura asked timidly. Her voice was a little shaky.

"I think so."

It took Sakura a couple of seconds before she was able to say anything. "Tomoyo," She looked up at her best friend with pleading eyes. "I'm too nervous. I don't think I can look at them. Will you please…" Her voice broke off. "Would you please tell me the results?"


Tomoyo stood up and disappeared into the bathroom. It wasn't long before she reappeared and walked over to Sakura slowly. She was standing directly before Sakura before she said anything.

"I don't think there's a mistake. They all said the same thing. You're pregnant."

The color drained from her face. Her mouth opened and shut wordlessly. Tomoyo waited for a while before asking. "Sakura, are you ok?"

She shook her head a little to clear her mind and her color started to return. "I'm fine. This is just a little shocking and ... overwhelming."

Tomoyo nodded slightly but didn't say anything. Sakura still looked a little shocked but a smile tugged at the sides of her mouth.

"Even though I didn't plan for this, I'm happy about it." The smile took over her features. "Even though it is going to have a drastic effect on my life."

Tomoyo got on her knees so that she was level with Sakura and embraced her tightly. "Sakura, I'm happy for you!"

"Thank you Tomoyo."

Tomoyo squeezed her tighter. "It's going to be such a cute baby! Just like you!"

"Are you insinuating that I'm a baby?" Sakura crossed her arms over her chest.


"Hey!" Sakura wasn't expecting that answer. Actually, she had been expecting her to say something like `Of course not! I just meant that you were cute!'

"I was just kidding." She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "By the way, when are you going to tell Toji about it?"

"Soon, Tomoyo. Soon."


Sakura soaked in the bathwater contentedly, every now and then letting out an amused giggle. There was almost nothing in the world that she enjoyed more than seeing, or hearing for that matter, her roommate being annoyed.

Before she had decided to take a bath, there had been someone at the door. That someone turned out to be a girl; Sakura couldn't remember her name, from one of Syaoran's classes.

Sakura could still see the face that Syaoran made when the girl said, in an overly `sweet' voice, "Syaoran! I hope you didn't forget that we have a project to work on!"

And it hadn't ended there. Sakura had watched for a while as she flirted with him, trying to get a date. It was then that she got her bath.

Sakura tuned into them just in time to hear the girl say, "Syaoran, what blood type are you?"

There was a long pause before Syaoran answered in a gruff tone, "O. Why?"

"Since I'm AB, that means that our children will be AB!"

Sakura tried desperately to hold in her laughter, but nevertheless, a snort escaped.


"Just so you know, that will never be a possibility." Syaoran's voice was cold.

"But, Baby!"

Sakura didn't even try to hide her snort this time. "SAKURA!" Syaoran shouted, "Stop eavesdropping!" Tears of joy streamed down her face as her laughter echoed throughout the apartment.

Her laughter died down and she sunk further into the water still chuckling. It wasn't long before her even that had stopped. Her thoughts turned more serious. What that girl had said reminded her of something. She patted her stomach affectionately.

It had been a few days since the pregnancy tests read positive. Sakura still hadn't told Toji, or her father and brother for that matter. In the case of her father and brother she wanted to wait and tell them in person. But, in Toji's case, it was because she wasn't exactly sure how the best way to tell him.

As Sakura was climbing out of the bathtub she heard the front door open and close. Syaoran let out a whoop of joy, "Finally! I thought she would never leave!"

Sakura wrapped a towel securely around her body before stepping out of the bathroom. "Aw, I think you were a bit too hard on her. I think she really liked you."

Syaoran smiled, "Oh, she'll be ok. Besides, I gave her Eriol's phone number."

Sakura gasped in mock shock. "That's evil!"

"I know."

Before either one could say anything else, the doorbell rang. "She had better not be back." Syaoran grumbled and opened the door.

"Toji!" Sakura cried. "What are you doing here?"

Toji looked past Syaoran at Sakura. "Um, I wanted to see if you wanted to go for a walk."

"Just like a dog."

Sakura just glared at Syaoran but smiled at Toji. "Of course! I'd love to. Just give me a second to get dressed." She gestured at her towel. Toji nodded.

"Go ahead and have a seat." Sakura said and disappeared into her room.

Shortly after, she reappeared wearing blue jeans and a yellow shirt. "See?" she chirped, "Didn't take me long."

"Odd." Syaoran muttered and received a glare.

"Let's go." Toji stood up. Sakura nodded.


Sakura and Toji walked hand in hand quietly down the sidewalk, each lost in their own thoughts. Sakura kicked random objects, such as; pebbles and cans; as she racked her brain for ways to tell him that she was pregnant. After all, it was the perfect opportunity. It took much thought before she came up with something. It was a little embarrassing, but still…

"Toji?" Sakura tried not to sound to anxious, but in a time like this it was impossible.

"Yes?" He must not have noticed because his voice was normal and held no questioning air to it.

"What blood type are you?" She tried not to grimace at how… stupid it sounded.

He looked at her strangely and answered. "B."

Sakura nodded slowly. She wasn't sure if she was ready for this but nevertheless, she said it. "That means, since I'm A, our child will have type AB blood."

Toji let go of her hand and stopped walking. He stared at the cement as he said, "You mean, you're already thinking about children?" His voice held a hint of iciness, but Sakura didn't notice.

She held her breath. It was now or never. "Well, yea… since I'm pregnant." There was total silence. Sakura couldn't even hear the crickets.

"WHAT?!" Toji's voice was furious. It sounded even louder than it would have normally because of the anticipation in the air. Sakura took a step back. Whatever kind of reaction she was expecting, it wasn't that.

"Who's the father?" He demanded.

Sakura's eyebrows furrowed. "You. Who else?"

"Don't lie to me, woman." He spat. Sakura was taken aback. He had never used that tone of voice with her before, nor had he ever called her woman.

"I'm not lying!" Her nose tingled a bit, but she fought desperately to hold back the tears.

"I bet it's that roommate's of yours!"

Sakura looked revolted. How could he even think something like that? "Of course it's not Syaoran's! The only possible father is you!"

"Liar! We never did anything!"

"Yes, we did!" Sakura couldn't believe that he was trying to deny it.

"I see what you're trying to do!" He was livid. "You cheated on me and got pregnant and now you expect me to believe I'm the father!"

"You are!" Sakura was really starting to get mad now. He was making it sound like she would sleep with anyone.

Toji fumed silently and took a deep breath. When he talked, his voice was slightly calmer, "Well, I've got news for you. I'll still marry you. But, only if you get an abortion."

Sakura's eyes widened it shock. Shock quickly changed to horrified. "Never!"

"Fine you stupid slut." The burning sensation came back, but this time Sakura's eyes filled with hurt tears. She couldn't believe this was the man she thought she was in love with. "I gave you a chance to come back to me. Now you're just going to have to raise your bastard child by yourself!"

Sakura clenched her fists and stared hard at the ground. It took a while before she could muster the strength to smack him across the face and screamed. "YOU ASSHOLE! How can you just stand there and abandon your child?!" It was a very rare event when Sakura would swear at a person: especially with so much emotion.

She knew she didn't want to hear what he had to say so she sped off at lightning speed before even a sound of frustration could escape his lips.

She ran blindly the whole way. Her surroundings, including the staring people, were one big blur meshed together. She paid no attention to anything and only stopped to open the door to her apartment forcefully. Luckily, for the door, it wasn't locked. It was obvious that Syaoran wasn't there because all the lights were off. Once inside her room, she kicked her shoes off and collapsed on the bed, making no attempt to stop the tears from flowing.

KittyNeko: The plot actually gets somewhere!!!!! I hope you enjoyed it! Also, I want to thank Ongaku for helping me with the idea for some of the scenes. You know the first scene of this chapter? That actually happened to her! Well, except for the whole throwing up thing. Anyways, Until the next chapter, Ja!