Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Sakura & li's first date ❯ Sakura's First Date ( Chapter 1 )

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This is my first fic hope you like it!!

Disclaimer:don't own them pls don't sue

Sakura was upstairs getting ready in a hurry by her first date with Li. Tori called upstairs to Sakura that he was already here!
Sakura: I'm coming Tori just let me put on my shoes!
Tori tells Li she'll be right down in a minute.

Li: alright..
Li waits outside for Sakura leaning on the door then suddenly he sighs sadly then falls on the ground in Sakura's house after Sakura opens the door.

Sakura: Li! Are you alright!?
Li: yeah, I'm fine...
Li gets up dusting his pants off and gives Sakura a red rose as Sakura blushes.
Sakura: Thank you Li..
Li: your welcome, I knew you like roses so much including cherry blossoms.
Li holds out his hand for Sakura as Sakura gently puts her hand on his hand and as he leads her down to the Mall.
Sakura: Wow! Look at the Teddy Bears! Their so Cute! Look at that one!
Sakura points to a pink Teddy bear with little wings as it's holding a little Pink rose to match it's color. Li looks at the little Teddy Bear then see's another one he like's with a navy kind of green one with little devil wings on it as he smiles gently looking at Sakura.
Li: Hey, Sakura? Do you want to go get something to eat?
Sakura: Sure, Li...
They leave the window with the cute Teddy Bear's and goes to the middle of the Mall accidently seeing Meiling & Madison siting in one of the four seats. Sakura waves her hands at them both trying to get their attention as Madison sees Sakura and tells Meiling and looks at Li & Sakura.
Meiling: What is she doing here?
Madison: I forgot to tell you...their on their first Date...
Meiling: THEIR WHAT!?
Sakura & Li walks up to both of them smiling then Li looks at Meiling with her angry eye's and clenching her fists tightly as she can.
Sakura: Hi Madison I never kne you would be here..
Madison: Neither did Meiling & I...
Li: hey Meiling? Are you alright?
Meiling: hmph! I'm just fine! Better actually!
Sakura: hey, Meiling how are you?
Meiling: I'M FINE!!!!
Madison,Sakura, & Li stare at Meiling for a couple of moments as Sakura & Li take their seats as Sakura sits with Madison and Li sits with Meiling so Meiling won't go crazy on Sakura.
Madison: So how are your dates coming along?
Sakura & Li: Fine...
Li & Sakura blush a little by answering at the same time as Meiling's eye's glow with fire in them at Sakura then she stops hearing mumbling in Madison's purse.
Meiling: What's that noise coming from? It better not be that Stuff toy...
Madison opens her purse and Kero pops out.
Kero: I heard that Little Girl!
Li: me & Sakura better get going...
Meiling: Don't call me That! Little Shrimp!
Kero: Who are you calling SHRIMP!?
Meiling & Kero begin arguing as Li whispers in Madisons ear.
Li: Just tell them we sliped away while they were arguing..alright?
Madison smiles brightly and chuckles.
Madison: k..
Li grabs Sakura's wrist gently and begins walking away slowly without Kero & Meiling knowing.
Sakura: Meiling seems energetic these days....can you tell?
Li sighs sadly but then again in relief form escaping them.
Li: Yeah....that's the sad part of it...
Sakura: Alright, how about we split up for about 15 mintues?Alright?
Li: Sounds careful alright?
Li kisses Sakura's forhead gently.
Sakura: I will...I promise...
Li & Sakura split up for a while as Sakura goes into a store looking around to get something for Li as Li is in the Teddy Bear store and buy's Sakura the pink Teddy Bear she was talking about and buy's a pink Cherry Blossom with it instead of the rose. Then 10 mintues later Sakura goes in the same store and looks at the Navy Green Teddy Bear with little Devil wings on it and smiles knwoing Li will love the Teddy Bear and get's a little card with the teddy bear. 15 mitnues have past and they meet in the same spot they had part from and they both smile at each other exiting the Mall and going to the Park. They both sit under a Cherry Blossom tree and talk under the beautiful Spring day as Li smiles at Sakura and Sakura smiles back at him.
Li : I've got something for you...
Sakura: You do?
Li pulls out the Pink teddy Bear with it holding the cherry blossom with it and says My Love Sakura on it's Paw. Sakura gasps at the cute little teddy bear.
Sakura:I love it Li!
Li: I knew you would....
Sakura: I got something for you also...
Li: hmmm?
Sakura pulls out the Navy Green Teddy Bear with the card in it's paw as he open's the card as it say's I love you Li with all my Heart. Li smiles and kisses Sakura on the forehead again saying Thank You as Sakura blushes. Then Li stops for a moment looking at Sakura admiring her Beauty and then kisses her on the lips softly as Sakura does the same as they kiss for several moments then they break the kiss as Sakura leans her head on his shoulder gently as Li smiles upon her. After they left the Park it was almost sunset as the sky became a orange, pink kind of color and Li leads Sakura to the door and Sakura leans on the door as Li kisses her on the lips again softly then they both chuckle as the door accidently opening again and Sakura falls on the ground & Li falls on top of her as they both blush.
Tori: I thought I heard someone talking never knew it was you two...
Li gets up and helps Sakura up and leaves her house saying good bye and walk's down the sidewalk. Sakura smiles at tori not really in the mood for yelling at him then runs upstaits to her room and places the Pink Teddy Bear at her Window Seal and sit's by the window looking at the sky at it's almost night as the stars are already coming out and Sakura gazes at the Sky thinking of Li and the day together.....................

there will be more in the upcoming chapters...this fic is short maybe 2 more chappies plz R&R