Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Sakura Princess Diaries ❯ Meilin gets her turn to Shine? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sakura woke up a bit early today. She looked round Kero was still sleeping
in his dresser. She got up quietly and went to the bathroom to shower.
Finally after about 15 minutes she came out and dressed for school. Kero
woke up and almost passed out again. "WOW Sakura you are up early this is
SOO Weird.. whats up with that?" Kero asked amazed. Sakura looked at him
and smiled. "I am just nervouse about what people are going to say thats
all...This is just not me and people are going to wonder." Sakura exclaimed.
"You shouldn't worry Sakura you looked great before and you look great
now and your personality is your best feature and that makes you shine."
Kero told her. Sakura looked amazed at Kero.."Thank you Kero" Sakura
said as she hugged him with a tear drop running down her face. Kero's head
was starting to get soggy. "Sakura, you can let go of me I can't breath."
came a squeak from her chest. "HOOEE Sorry Kero, I was just happy to hear
you say that." She said. "Well, now you better get going or your ganna be
late again." Kero Reminded her. "Bye Kero!" She yelled as she ran out the
bedroom door.

"Morning Dad, Morning Mom!" "Good morning sweety, did you sleep well?
You seem to be up early." Aiden said. "I slept well Dad and I am kinda
nervouse thats all." She replied. He smiled at her and handed her a plate.
She ate rather fast and put on her blades. "Remeber sweety it doesnt matter
whats on the outside its the inside that counts." Aiden told her just
before she walked out the door. "Thanks Dad" She said as she skated down
the sidewalk. Just then a black limo pulled up next to her and stopped.
She came to a halt as Chris got out. "Remember Princess, I am suppost to
pick you up to and from school." He told her. Sakura Sweatdropped she had
totally forgot. Chris opened the door and let Sakura in. She crawled in
and looked around. "Wow, this is very Kawaii inside." She looked around
admiring the little TV, the lights, the cd player, the small frig. "Are
you ready Priness?" Chris asked from the front. "I am ready but, can we
pick up my friend Madison on the way to school please?" She asked hopeful.
"As you wish Princess!" Came his reply.

As they pulled up to Madison's door she was just about to leave school.
She stopped and stared at the long black limo in front of her. Chris got
out and opened the door and gestured Madison inside. She was rather schocked
and slowly walked over when finally she saw Sakura wave from inside.
Her eyes glistened and she ran and jumped in. "Kawaiii Sakura, this is so
Kawaii how did you get this?" She asked excited. "Well my grandmother
wanted me top use it." She replied with a half smile. After about 10
minutes they were at school. Chris let them out and bowed to Sakura.
"Have a good day Pr-uh-Miss Sakura!" he said. Sakura waved and walked .
toward to school entrance. As always Meilin and her crew were standing
there. Meilin had a look of discust and jealousy in her eyes as she turned
toward Sakura and Madison. "So Avalon, who did you sleep with to get a
ride that like to school and pay so much for a face lift huh? They must
have been pretty desperate." She smirked. Sakura's eyes widened almost
to the brink of tears. Just then "SMACK" was all that could be heard from
the entire area. Sakura looked up in surprise as Madison had just left a
nice red handprint on Meilin's face.

After all the shock had worn off Sakura just started to laugh her head off.
Madison smiled at her nice handy work. "LI Get over here and see what that
slut did to me NOW!" she screached. Li came over with a smile on his face
he had heard and seen everything. "Aww poor Meilin, got what she deserves
its about time, oh and one more thing don't ever talk about Sakura or her
friends like that understand?" Li smirked at her. "UH What your defending
Avalon how could you I thought you loved me?" Meilin said tears starting.
to form. Li rolled his eyes. "I have never loved you how many times do I
have to tell you? You always assume well you know what ASSUMING does?
It makes and Ass out of you and me." Li stated. "Fine then hand out with
AVALON, but its over Li OVER!" She yelled as she walked off. Sakura had
stopped laughing to hear this but started again.."Oh the look on her face
HAHA was HAHA priceless HAHAHAHA!" Madison laughed at her friends comment.
"So Li, you really don't like Meilin do you? Asked Madison. "Nope, never
have, never will!" He told her. Sakura started staring at Li and not
noticing she started to blush since he was so close to her. Li noticed
and blushed as well. Madison held onto her camera with a huge grin on her
face. "Those to will get together one day and its ganna be soon!" she
tought to herself.