Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Sakura Princess Diaries ❯ The Date ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
*WACK* went the puck back and forth between Sakura and Li. Everytime Li would
hit the puck to her side of the table she was very fast and knocked it back
at him but, he was also fast. "This game is going nowhere fast, I need to do
something" Thought Sakura. She smiled a sly smile and glaned at Li. He looked
at her and she smiled and batted her eyes, just a bit. This made Li melt and
he lost track of the game. Then *WAMB* the puck flew into Li's gaol and Sakura
cheered loadly bring Li back from la la land. Finally he realized what she had
done. He smiled at her and said "Uh-Huh I see how you are, well 2 can play this
game." Then he winked at her. "HHOOEE" Sakura mummbled. Sakura knew she had
to be very casreful cuz Li was ganna try being sneaky like she had just done.
Sakura was concintrating hard on the puck so she wouldn't miss a hit and she
tried to avoid looking at Li. He noticed her avoiing eye contact so he had a
new plan. "Sakura!" Li said low and suductivly. This made Sakura look up in
surprise, and the next thing she knew *PLUNK* "HHOOEEE...You got me that time."
She smiled at Li who had a very large grin upon his face.

After playing for almost 30 more minutes Sakura finally won buy 1 point. Li
was rather amazed. "Wow, no one has ever beaten me at air hockey." Li stated.
They went back to the table and talked for a few moments when Li asked them
if they wanted to go see a movie. Sakura was excited and asked her Granmother
if she wanted to go. "No dear, I need to get home and tent to some matters at
hand but, you go and have a wonderful time and make sure you tell me all about
it tomarrow." She answered. Sakura was happy she understood. "Ok grandma, I
will talk to you tomarrow then." With that Sakura and Li left the pizza parlor
and went to his car. He drove a dark blue (my fav color) BMW. He opened the
door for Sakura to get in. She blushed at this jestered and smiled at him as
he closed the door and went to his side. "So are you ready?" he asked. "Yes"
So they drove to the movies. They got up to the counter and Li asked "What
do you want to see?" Sakura looked over the list and thought very hard. "HMM
lets see....umm......A Walk To Remember?" asked Sakura (I have never seen
this movie so I wont talk about any of it) "Ok then, 2 tickets to A Walk to
Remeber please." Li said to the cashier.

They got into the theater and went to the snack stand. "What would you like?"
ask Li "Just some pop-corn and a Coke please." She said. Li got to
the counter and ordered. "I need a large bag pop-corn and a large Coke with
2 straws please." He said. Sakura looked amazed she thought to herself. "We
are ganna share a drink and pop-corn wow, maybe he likes me.. No Sakura don't
even think like that your still the outcast you bakb." Sakura frowned at her
own thoughts. Li took notice to this and asked "Whats the matter?" Sakura
put on a smile and waved her hands infront of her "Nothing, I was um... just
thinking this is ganna be a sad movie and i might cry so I better get some
extra napkins." She blurted. Li didnt beleave her but he accepted her answer
and got there food and started toward the rooms. A tall man took the tickets
and told them "To the left theater 6." They went left and found the theater 6
and went inisde. "Lets see in the back Li I dont want people to see me if I do
bust into tears." Sakura laughed as she pointed to the back seats. Li smiled
at her and gestured into the row. They set in the middle last row waiting for
the movie to start.

After about 5 minutes the curtains came back and the previews started. It was
quiet but you could here Sakura whipstering her herself "Oh I want to see that..
oh and that too.. oh man that looks good." to almost all the previews. Li just
chuckled at her. Finally the movie started and they set back eating pop-corn.
Li and Sakura reached into the bag at the same time and their hands brushed
together. They both blushed and pulled there hands away. They felt akward so
they just sat some more not reaching for the food. There was the first romantic
part in the movie and Sakura started to tear up. Li saw her and offered her a
napkin which she smiled and took. While she was dapping her eyes Li slowly put
his arm around Sakura's shoulders. At first she stiffened but then relaxed and
smiled at him. He smiled back with his rare smiled and shinung amber eyes. Sakura
put her head on his shoulder and got comfy. After a few minutes her stomach
growled and Li laughed a bit then took a some pop-corn and put a peice in her
mouth. She smiled as he fed her more. "Wow i sure am loving this, I could really
get use to this kind of treatment." Sakura thought. "Wow, she is so beutiful and
sweet, I love the way her jaw moves when she chews oh shut up Li you old corn
ball!" Li thought to himself.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What will come if this new affection? How will this date end? R&R So I can
write another chapter for you :P

I Wanna thank some friends for pushing me to write this chapter..
Lady Tomoyo

I also wanna thank EVERYONE who has left a Possitive review... Thanks a