Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ School Play ❯ Try-Outs ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

School Play

By: Ketchum

Disclaimer: Don't own cardcaptors, do own the other extra characters :) Enjoy!

Sakura slowly opened her locker. She grabbed her coat, and her skates. Slowly she walked toward the school's theatre. Today was her fifth try-out for the school's play, the second this year. She had been in the chorus for the last play, but it wasn't a big deal. She was scared to death for this audition, yet she kept her hopes up. The night before Syaoran had stopped by her house with cookies that he had baked himself, for good luck.

"Sakura!" she heard behind her. Syaoran ran up next to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "You ready?" he asked.

"Not really, I'm terrified!" she squealed.

"Oh Sakura, you are going to do so good! When do you find out if you make it?"

"There are call backs tomorrow and the next day,"

"Call backs?"

"It's when the director wants you to read more, and you come back and read or sing for them,"

"Oh, well,"

"Well what?"

"I have to run to my tutor," he squinted, "I'm sorry! I wish I could be here for support!"

"It's okay, see you after?" she asked smiling.

"Yes, whenever you call," He gave her a kiss on the cheek before headed off. "Good luck!" he shouted, waving as he walked.

"Love you! Thanks!"

"Love you too! Bye!"

Sakura opened the door and walked in. There were almost one hundred people in the house, reading lines, singing songs, chatting with one another, or lounging in the theatre seats. Sakura looked around to see if anyone she knew was there. Since she entered high school, her popularity seemed to decrease. Her only real friends were Syaoran, Tomoyo, and Eriol. However, Tomoyo and Eriol went to another school because they lived in a different district. So she spent 95% of her time with Syaoran anyway, and that's all she really needed.

"In my own little corner in my own little chair, I can be whatever I want to be," Sakura finished. There were three enthusiastic claps from the audience.

"Nice job Miss Kinomoto!" one of the casting directors shouted.


Sakura walked off stage and sighed. "Good job Sakura!" Angela said as she walked passed.

"Thanks," Sakura smiled, one of the most popular girls in school knew her name!

She whipped out her cell phone. Ring . . .


"Hi Syaoran!"



"See you in a few minutes, bye."


Sakura sat down on the steps in front of her school. It was beginning to get dark. She thought about her audition, it had gone a lot better then she had expected. When she got up there, the adrenaline rushed through her veins, forcing her to do her best.

"How'd it go?" Syaoran asked as she hopped in the car and tossed her backpack in the back seat.

"It was so good!" she said smiling.

"I wish I could have stayed,"

"Oh, they would have made you wait in the lobby anyway,"

"Oh, well I'm glad you did good, do you know if you made call backs yet?"

"Not till tomorrow morning, will you come with me to check the list?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way," he smiled turning the corner.

"You want to come in?" she asked as he pulled in to the driveway.

"You think Touya's going to mind?"

"Doesn't he always?"

"I guess your right, only for a little while,"

"Dinner?" she asked.

"Only if you insist," he smiled.

"Yay!" she said, shutting the car door behind her. Syaoran hit the lock key and the car beeped, indicating the alarm had been activated.

Sakura slid her key into the door and unlocked it. "Looks like dad and Touya aren't home," she smiled.

"Oh darn," he said sarcastically.

"Did you like it?" Sakura asked.

"The best chicken and rice I've ever had," he smiled, as the two of them washed the dishes.

"It's 9:00, I wonder where they are?"

"You want me to stay till they get back?"

"Do you mind?"

"Of coarse not,"

The two of them walked into the living room and settled down on the couch. Sakura grabbed a blanked off of the back of the couch and laid it over the both of them. She hugged him tightly, "Thank you." She whispered. "I'm so sleepy."

"You had a big day,"

"Yea, hopefully tomorrow will be a big day too," she smiled. "Ah, I should get ready to go to bed, just incase," she said stressed out.

"You go get in the shower, and I'll just hang out," he replied.

"Sounds good with me," she said before heading upstairs. Soon the shower water was running. Syaoran went upstairs to Sakura's room and walked over to her dresser. There were a few candles, some hair ties, and other odds and ends. He opened up the top right drawer, where the clow book was stashed. He loved to just look at the cards, they brought back so many memories. It was such a shame that they couldn't use the cards where they lived, and in this day an age. He put the cards back. "Kero?" Syaoran asked.



"Hey," he said flying out of a drawer. "What are you doing here?"

"Touya and Fujutaka aren't home so I'm keeping her company," He laid back on her bed.

"How's school?" Kero asked.

"School," he half complained.

"Okay, I'm going to go get a snack, be back later," he said flying out of the door. Soon the shower water stopped running. In a few moments he heard the hair drier. He looked to the clock it was 9:30, where was Sakura's family, he had to head home soon.

Sakura came back into her room and noticed Syaoran lying on her bed. She lay down next to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He opened his eyes.

"Welcome back," he smiled.

"You tired?" she asked.


"Are you going to be okay driving home?"


"Want some coffee?"


She stood up and pulled him out of bed. She hugged him and gave him a kiss.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"Waking you up," she smiled.

"Want cream or sugar?" Sakura asked.

"Cream please," he told her.

Sakura placed the cup in front of him and sat down next to him. Just then the sound of keys in the door could be heard.

"Sakura!" her brother shouted when he entered the door.

"Oh jeez," Syaoran sighed.

"Is that brat here again?" he shouted.

"Are you here again? You'd think you'd get an apartment or something, twenty-three and still living at home," Sakura teased, "And he's not a brat Touya!"

"Sakura!" he shouted angrily, walking into the kitchen. "So what did you two do this time?" he asked mischievously. Sakura hated this part of Syaoran's visits most. "Eh Syaoran?"

"Shut up Touya!" Sakura shouted.

"I probably should go," he said standing up.

"Don't go," Touya pleaded, "Sakura will miss you!" he teased.

"I'll walk you to the car," she said, as Touya made kissing noises while they walked to car. He put his hands on her waist and pulled her into a kiss. "Mm . . .Syaoran . ." she said pulling away.

"What?" she nodded to the door. Touya stood in the door way waving.

"Ohmygod Sakura your brother is so annoying,"

"I know, I guess I'll see you tomorrow," she said backing away.

"Love you," he said shutting the door and rolling the window down.

"You too, tomorrow morning, we check the list,"

"Okay, bye Sakura!"


"I know! Did you see the list, there were nine girls and nine boys!" shouted one girl as Sakura waited for Syaoran at the edge of the parking lot. Soon his little black car pulled into the lot and drove into a spot. Sakura watched as he exited the car and took his backpack out of the trunk, not thinking anyone was watching, he was the cutest thing on earth.

"Yea, Cindy and Angela and Steve and Alan and Sean all made call backs,"

Sakura sighed Angela made callbacks? Sakura was doomed.

"Hey!" Syaoran said as he approached her. She slipped her hand into his and out her head on his shoulder.

"Good morning cutie," she giggled.


"You were so cute getting out of the car!" she squealed.

"Your funny Sakura," he smiled.

"Oh my god!" Sakura shouted.

"It's okay Sakura calm down,"

"I can't believe this!" she shouted again.

"Sakura! Hush," he said placing his hands on her shoulder. She lay her head on his chest.

"Can you believe this?" she asked.

"Sakura! You deserved it!"

"I made call backs, I'm one of 18 people, in the whole school!"

"Sakura, you were probably really good!"


"Okay, so you have to go this afternoon?"


"Need a ride?"


"I'd love to," he smiled, "And today I'll wait in the lobby, I have to go to class, but I'll meet you at lunch, okay?"

"Okay," she gave him a little peck on the cheek, "See ya!"

Sakura nervously opened her locker, she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Ah!" she screamed.

"Are we a little jumpy?" Syaoran joked.

"I'm just really nervous," she responded.

"You ready?"

"I think, they didn't give us anything to practice, what if I screw up completely?" she asked.

"You won't, I know you won't,"

"Who's that in the distance?" Sakura shouted. Sean walked over to Sakura. "Your highness must be hot and thirsty after your long ride."

"Yes Maid,"

"Perhaps his majesty would like a cool dipper from the well,"

"That would be pleasant, Thank you maid,"

The two said as they finished off the scene.

"She was good," whispered one of the casting directors to the other, "Star that one," she whispered. After a few more comments, the three of them clapped, and Sakura and Sean headed off stage.

"You were really good Sakura," Matt said, as she exited off stage. He was a tech person.

"Thanks," she sighed, one of the popular people spoke to her again.

"No I'm serious, you deserve that part, I think your going to have it,"


"Yea! I was in the last play, so I should know, you were really good! Good luck!"

"Thanks," she smiled, grabbing her bag and rushing into the lobby.

"How'd it go?"

"Really good! Oh Syaoran I want this part so bad!"

"Oh Sakura don't get your hopes up,"

"But one of the popular people said I'd get it!"





"Stay away from that guy Sakura, he's a jerk,"


"Trust me Sakura," he stopped, "He's said mean things about girls, and he does bad things,"

"Like what?"

"Just, trust me Sakura okay?" he asked.

"Sure," she smiled.

"Thanks for the ride!" she shouted as Syaoran drove away, he would have stayed but he had to go tutor a student in Chinese.




"Did you try out for your school play?"


"Did you find out yet?"

"No, but guess what!"


"I made call backs!"



"Sakura! That's so exciting! Hold on a second," Tomoyo covered the phone with her hand. "Eriol, knock it off! I'm on the phone!" she shouted. Eriol let go of her and pouted. "Don't you start! I'll be off in a minute!" she turned back to the phone. "Sorry about, that Eriol's being annoying," she stuck her tongue out at her boyfriend. "So, is there going to be another set of call backs?"

"Yea, tomorrow, and then the cast list goes up,"

"Good luck! Well I have to go, so I'll see you this weekend?"

"Yup! Can't wait! Bye!"


"Syaoran, I'm so nervous," Sakura said, the two of them sat under a tree at lunchtime.

"Well you have to check, want to go now?"

"Will you look and tell me?" she asked, as he stood up.

"Of coarse, if that's what you want," he said pulling her up.

"Okay, ready?" she asked.

"I'm just going to read you the list," Syaoran stated, almost overjoyed.

"Okay, go ahead," Sakura said with her eyes closed.

"Angela Moor, Katherine Fernandaz, Sean Daido, Nina Cameo, Yukioto Yamazaki, and Sakura Kinomoto," she hugged Syaoran as tightly as possible.

"SYAORAN!" She screeched. "Ohmygod!!!" she shouted. "There's only six people! Syaoran! Syaoran! Syaoran! Yay!" Syaoran started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Congratulations!" he said. Sakura grabbed his cheeks and kissed him, she slowly moved her hands down his back and hugged him tightly. He combed his hands through her hair.

"No PDA!" Shouted Angela as she walked past, laughing. Sakura and Syaoran broke off the kiss. Sakura started laughing. "I love this! But oh no! I have callbacks today! Syaoran! Again!"

"When does the list go up?"

"Tomorrow morning," Sakura took a deep breath.



Sakura hugged him again. "Thank you," she whispered.

"For what?"

"I don't know, I just love you so much," he laughed.

"You're so funny sometimes," he said just as the bell rang.

"Time for class, see you after school?" she asked.

"Of coarse! Bye sweetie!"

"Bye Syaoran!"

Angela fell on her face, and could not dance at all. Sakura felt bad for her, but it upped her chances of getting a part, and each day she hoped for Cinderella a little more. When her turn came along, she danced across the stage like an angel, she was amazing. Syaoran watched from the wings, he had to see her in action. She was way better then the other dancers, there was no doubt in that, and he felt so proud for her. Like the two days before, there were three people clapping and then she exited stage right.

Sakura say Syaoran and smiled. "Ready to go home?" she asked, excited for the performance, almost sure she would get a part, even if it wasn't the main part.

"Yup, you were awesome Sakura," he smiled.


"Okay, you pack up your stuff and I'll meet you out front with the car,"

"Sounds good, see you soon!"

Syaoran walked off.

"Are you ready to see the cast list?" Syaoran asked as he and Sakura walked from the car to the school. It was Saturday Morning, and if they wanted to see the list they'd have to get there on time. Sakura nodded.

"And then we'll go out to breakfast to celebrate my part," she smiled.

"Don't get your hopes up, okay?" Syaoran told her.

There was a group surrounding a bulletin board, one of the casting directors was approaching the group, and tacked a list to the board.

"Oh My god! You made it!" could be heard, and so could sobs of people who didn't.

"You ready?" he asked again.

"Yes, I'll just keep telling myself I made it, I mean, I made callbacks, so I definitely have a part, but I REALLY want Cinderella," she smiled, her excitement was boiling over. Sakura slowly approached the board and as the people drifted away, she got too take a peek. Cinderella: Angela Moor; Prince: Sean Daido; StepMother: Nina Cameo; StepSister 1: Lila Arkin; StepSister 2: Kumi Ochito; Godmother: Yano Ichina . . . and so on.

"Where's your name?" Syaoran asked.

"It's not there," she sighed.


"That's okay, I don't need a part anyway,"

"Sakura, don't say that,"

"No I don't, I was really bad anyway,"

"Sakura! You were not bad! Not at all!"

"Well then why didn't they cast me?"

"Hey, Angela, wasn't she the lead of the last four plays?"


"That's why,"

He noticed she looked ready to cry.

"Oh come here," he said hugging her, she started to cry into his coat.

"I didn't get a part," she mumbled.

"Aw Honey, you still have the next play!"

"No, this is the last one of this year," she sighed. They stood there in silence for a few minutes.

"Oh well," she said trying to cheer up. "Let's go out to breakfast!"

"Sakura, are you okay?"

"Not really, but breakfast will cheer me up," she smiled with tears on her face. Syaoran put an arm around her as the headed to the car.

"You have to admit it was worth the experience though,"

"I guess, it would have been better if I got a part, and not the same people as always, it's sad to think that I was just the token call back person,"

"That's not true,"

"Yea it is, they only pick their favorites,"

"I guess your right," he gave in. "So where do you want to go for breakfast?"

"How about . . ." she thought about it as the two of them headed back to the car, ready for a new challenge.

To Be Continued . . .