Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ School Play ❯ The Hole ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The School Play

AN: Sorry I took so long! I had some serious writers block! I was inspired by the movie Anastasia, really, this has nothing to do with the movie, but let's see how it turns out. Enjoy. Oh and as always I don't own Cardcaptor Sakura! (I do own the jerk though!)

Part 3

The Hole

He looked at his watch. It was nearing midnight. Slowly he turned a page in his book. The school's library had a surprising amount of books that Matt Jackson was looking for. This was the perfect time too, nobody could be found, for they were all home sleeping. He needed a way to get Touya fired, and he had a great idea. An idea so good that if it worked out it would do more than simply get Touya fired.


Sakura sighed and rolled over in bed. The past few days had been exhausting. She had been at play rehearsal until five every day that week. Matt hadn't been around since the day after his little outburst. It was awkward being around him now. She looked at the clock. It was 12:30, she wondered what Syaoran was doing right now. "Probably sleeping," she said aloud and rolled over again.

"Sakura, are you okay?" Kero asked.

"Oh, yea Kero, you're still awake?"

"Well yea, who could fall asleep with all the noise you're making?"

"Sorry, I've just got a lot on my mind,"

"It's okay, just try to go to sleep, okay?"

"Okay Kero," she said, closing her eyes.


Power of darkness

Power of light

Grant for me

With all your might

Infinite magic

To set things right

A wind engulfed the table and chair Matt sat in at the library.

He held his two hands out in front of him and closed his eyes.

My soul for you

Your power for me

Only you

Hold the key

Anything will do

Please let it be

The window flew open and the wind increased. Immediately, 53 pink cards flew into his hands. Suddenly he began to shake, but his hands did not move. The cards began to glow. He could feel them burning in his hands. They slowly turned from a pink color to black. Instantly the wind and glow stopped. It was silent, except for the sound of Matt falling to the ground, cards still in hand. He looked to his hands. The left hand now had a scar shaped like the sun. On the right, there was a scar shaped as the moon. He stood up and sat the cards down on the table in front of him. He raised his hands in the air. His scars sent a luminescent blue light across the library. A small yellow bear flew in through the window. He stared at Matt. His eyes began to glow a red color. Slowly his wings turned black. Another figure flew in through the window. A young man, his white hair and wings turned black.

"Yes Master?" the two of them asked in unison. Matt began to chuckle to himself, however, as the reality of his dream became true, his laughter grew into an evil cackle, that could be heard through the stormy night.


Sakura screamed as a sharp pain flew through her body. "Kero!" she shouted, but there was no answer. The pain dissipated, and she began to shiver uncontrollably. She pulled her blankets up over her, but there was no use. She wanted to cry, but she had no energy left to cry. She closed her eyes, and drifted off into an unpleasant sleep, full of nightmares.


Syaoran pulled up in front of Sakura's house fifteen minutes before she usually left. He had a weird feeling the night before. He wanted to catch her before she left so they could talk about it on the way to school.

Meanwhile Sakura sat on the bathroom floor. She had spent the last hour throwing up; she barely had the energy to get to her room.

Syaoran looked to his clock; she should have been out five minutes ago. He turned the key, and the car shut off. Opening the door, he got out and walked up to the house. He lifted his hand to knock. There was no answer. He looked to the driveway, no cars, Touya and Fujitaka were gone. He put his hand on the door for curiosity's sake. Surprisingly it opened. He walked in. "Sakura!?" he shouted, there was no answer. "Sakura?" he asked walking up the stairs.

"Syaoran?" he heard a muffled voice from the bathroom.

"Sakura are you in there?" he asked from outside the door. There was the sound of the door unlocking.

"Come in," she said hoarsely. He opened the door, and there sat Sakura, sitting with her back to the wall, curled in a ball, shivering out of control.

"Sakura!" he said, kneeling next to her.

"Hi," she sighed.

"Are you sick?" he asked, putting his hand on her forehead. She just nodded. He quickly pulled his hand away. "You're burning up!" he shouted. Sakura coughed.

"I don't know where it came from," she began to cry. "It hurts so bad," she whispered.

"What hurts?" he asked, looking for a thermometer in her medicine cabinet.


He found it and sat down in front of her. "Where do you want this?" he asked. She took it from him and put it in her mouth.

"Where's Kero?"

"I don't know, he ignored me," he had to strain his ears to hear her.

"Stay right here," he said standing up and walking into her room. "Kero?" he looked to the drawer, it was open, and trashed. He ran back to the room. "He's gone Sakura,"

"Who?" she asked.

"Kero," Sakura closed her eyes. Syaoran reached down and put an arm around her. He helped her stand up and walk back into her room.

"Lay down," he insisted. She did as she was told.

He took the thermometer out of her mouth, "Damn Sakura! It's 108! You should be dead! God! Tell me what happened, did you just wake up and you were sick?" he asked near hysterics.

"Watch your mouth, No, last night," she coughed and closed her eyes, "owe," she trailed off, tears coming to her eyes. He ran his hand through her hair.

"It'll be okay Sakura, just breath," he whispered.

"It hurts to breathe," she whispered.

"Sakura what happened?"

"A sharp pain, last night, Kero wouldn't answer, I passed out, nightmares, about the cards, Syaoran can you check the cards?" she asked. He stood up and walked over to her top drawer. He pulled it open, there sat the clow book, but it didn't have its usual feeling to it, it felt dark, and empty. He opened it up, and the sight reflected the feel, the cards were gone.

"Sakura, I think I know what's wrong, stay right here," he ran down to the kitchen and began opening cabinets. "Cinnamon, vanilla, celery salt," he said rummaging through the spices. He began to put them into the blender. He filled a cup with water, and poured that in as well. Then he grabbed the apple sauce and the honey, tossing in a good portion of each. Then he turned the blender on. He was lucky Wei had taught him all those household healing potions back when he was younger. He turned the blender off and poured it into a cup, racing back up the stairs.

"Drink this," he insisted.

"What is it,"

"I'm not telling you, drink it,"

She put it up to her mouth, and began to drink it. She could feel herself trying to gag, but willed herself to stay calm. When the whole cup was finished, she dropped the cup to the floor and closed her eyes.

"Sakura?" he asked, there was no reply. "SAKURA!" he shouted, `oh god what if it was the wrong potion?' he thought to himself. Just then her eyes opened. She sat up.

"I feel all better, how'd you do that?"

"Wei taught me," he smiled, giving her a hug.

"So what was wrong?" she asked.

"Look at this," he said, pulling the empty clow book off of her desk.

"Oh god," she said under her breath.

"Sakura, call one of your cards," he ordered her.

"Wind!" she shouted, nothing happened. She stood up. "WINDY!" she shouted, still nothing.

"Syaoran," she said bowing her head. He put his arms around her. She jumped.

"What is it?" he asked, letting go.

"I . . . I . . ."

"You what?"

"I can't feel your aura," she trembled.

"Sakura," he said hugging her.

"Syaoran, what happened?" she said sadly.

"I don't know," he whispered, "I don't know,"


"I think, somehow your magic has been stolen, and you went into a sort of shock when it hit you, that's why my potion worked, but aside from that," he paused.

"You have no clue,"

"Exactly," Sakura bowed her head.

"We'll figure it out, I promise," Syaoran assured her.

"What about Kero and Yue?" she asked.

"I don't know, you're sure you can't feel them?"

"110% Syaoran," she sighed, a tear fell from her eye.

"Honey, please don't cry," he said pulling her into a hug. Her small form shook up and down.

Just then Touya opened up the door. "What happened?" he nearly shouted. Syaoran looked to him pleadingly. "You guys, why aren't you at school? And why is Sakura upset?" he said, the worry inside of him growing. Sakura coughed. He sat down next to them. "What's wrong?" he asked Syaoran.

"Something happened to Sakura's powers, Kero and Yue are gone, the cards are gone, she can't use power, and she can't sense anyone," he said trailing off.

"Thanks for reminding me," she sobbed.

"I'm sorry," Syaoran whispered, running his fingers through her hair, "It's going to be alright, it always is,"

She sat up and looked at her brother, then to Syaoran, "I feel empty, sick, I can't describe it, it's like a big hole inside of me, it's awful," she tried to explain, finding herself at a loss of words.

To Be Continued…

Sorry I'm stuck again…I'll write soon! R&R please!