Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ School Play ❯ The Transformation ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The School Play

Part 5: The Transformation

By Ketchum

Disclaimer: I do not own anything except for Matt and the plot.

Author's note: The story continues to get worse, sorry, and I'm keeping the R rating, because if I were reading a PG-13 I wouldn't want to find some of this stuff in it.

Another note: Sorry! I uploaded a few fics (this being one of them) and it didn't register the paragraphs! Let's try this again :-P

Matt smirked to himself as he watched the unconscious, bloody, and bruised forms of Syaoran and Touya lying in a smashed car. His plan was working better than he had planned!

He pulled out a piece of paper that had a list scrawled upon it.

My plan

retrieve power (finished)

eliminate Touya

Take over play and ruin Sakura's reputation

Eliminate Syaoran

Take Sakura under wing and turn her evil

Use Sakura to eliminate Clow mistress and accomplices

Conquer world with magic

We rule!

In fact his plan had worked in overdrive so much so that he could eliminate part c, d and part of e by killing Syaoran this early on. He chuckled and praised himself for his brains; they must have come with the newly found power.

However, he now had to come up with a new plan, since his old one had been destroyed. Then he got an idea, "Brilliant!" he shouted. He picked up the crystal ball and folded his arms. He closed his eyes and envisioned his bedroom. Suddenly he was there; however, it was not as he left it. It had been mangled to fit his new tastes.

"Guardian number one!" he shouted. Yue rushed into the room.

"Yes master?" he asked, bowing.

"I need you to fetch Sakura for me," he smiled, turning to Yue. "Now!" he bellowed. The frightened Yue clambered his way out of the space that once was Matt's room. Now this hideous place looked more like a dungeon then a bedroom. Yue flew out of the window, and staggered through the bad weather, flying his hardest to reach Sakura. "Guardian number two!" he shouted. Kero flew into the room. He was in his full form now, no longer a small stuffed animal.

"Yes master?"

"I need you to go and make sure those two," he pointed into his crystal ball, "can not save their precious cherry blossom," he chortled. Kero too flew out of the window and was out of sight.

Matt settled back on a chair, waiting for his plan to go into action.

Sakura rolled over, she had woken up when there was a loud banging outside, finding it difficult to sleep on the couch. She slowly stood up and headed up to her room. However, she was stopped by a large figure. She took a step back and rubbed her eyes. Looking above and realizing who it was she felt a sense of calm overcome her. "Yue," she smiled. "I thought you had gone,"
"I had, but now I need you to come with me," he quickly picked her up and flew through the ceiling, leaving a gaping hole in the ceiling. Sakura shouted when they got outside and she saw the transformed Yue. No longer did his long white hair shine in the light, for now it was a deep black. Sakura closed her eyes, maybe this was the end, and she would be killed by her own guardian. A voice inside of her head suddenly snapped. "Sakura, help us," it was Syaoran, he was in trouble. She would have tried to break free of the new Yue, if she had her powers that is, without them she had no chance and would fall to the ground far below her.

Before Sakura knew it she was in a room, a dungeon rather. There stood Matt, he looked worse than ever before.

"Matt?" she said surprised.

"The one and only," he smiled walking towards her.

"What happened to you?" she asked, looking around awkwardly at the room.

"I've, let's just say, inherited, some magic,"

"You!" she shouted, "You're the one who took my cards! What did you do to Syaoran?"

"You're cards? Do you mean to tell me you, Sakura Kinomoto, are the Clow mistress?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yea! Now tell m,"

"Now what?" he shouted interrupting her, he ran over to a book quickly and opened it to a bookmarked page. "I'm supposed to kill you!?" he screamed, "No! This is all wrong! You're not supposed to be the mistress! You're supposed to be my partner!" Sakura looked at him oddly, what was going on?

"Oh well, I guess I'll have to find a way around this," he sighed, "Nothing ever goes my way!" he screamed. Just then Kero flew in through the window.

"Kero!" Sakura shouted, running towards him.

"Stop!" Matt screamed, he held his hand in her direction and she flew backwards against the wall. "Guardian number one, tie her up," he ordered. Yue rushed over to his old mistress and lifted her arm up.

"Yue, this isn't you, stop it, please," she pleaded, but there was no use, and she suddenly had no control over her body. Yue lifted her other arm up and tied it to the wall as well. Then her feet were bound to the ground as well. Matt sat hunched over a book at a table; he looked like he was doing research.

"Master," Kero began.

"Can't you see I'm busy!?" he shouted.


"Shut up!" Kero snapped back into his place and began to whimper.

"Yes!" Matt suddenly shouted standing up. "I know exactly how to fix this little mess, things just keep going my way, I love it!"

"But you just said . . ."

"Shut up!" Matt interrupted Sakura, he slowly approached her. "You are all mine," he breathed into her ear. The little hairs on the back of Sakura's neck stood on end. Matt slowly put his hands on Sakura's waist. He began to kiss her neck. Sakura tried to struggle, but she couldn't move a muscle. Matt looked her in the eyes, "all mine," he laughed a hideous laugh. He slowly backed up, pulling each of his gloves off and tossing them to the ground. He held them up to Sakura who flinched at what she saw. One arm had the scar of the moon while the other had the sun. Kero and Yue came over to him and stood on either side of him. He held his arms in front of him and a light shot out at Sakura causing her to fall in pain. "You are free of those chains, and now I'll give you anew," he laughed once again. Sakura stood up and stared at him.

"You're insane!" she screamed.

"Oh yes, I know that," he said matter-of-factly. He slowly advanced towards her and put his arms on her shoulders, pushing her fiercely into the wall. Sakura cringed at the pain. He pulled her towards him, then hit her on the wall again, this time her head hit the wall, hard. She felt dizzy, and almost unconscious. "All mine," he said again. He reached his hands up onto her back, she would have struggled to get out of his grip, but she was in too much pain and could barely tell what was happening around her. Suddenly the pain in her back increased. There was a burning sensation; it felt like her back was on fire. She screamed, and soon felt a hand over her mouth.

"You've been marked," he whispered in her ear, "slowly, and very painfully you will become mine." The pain in her back grew and she could feel her memory draining, being replaced with nothing, her mind was blank, who was she, where was she, who was this man in front of her?

Matt noticed her eyes had changed the look in them, she no longer looked like a sweet innocent little cherry blossom; she looked more . . . evil.

"So my dear," Matt began, "Who am I?" he asked, just testing that this spell worked.

"I - I - Don't remember," she sighed, bowing her head. Matt cupped her chin in his hand and pulled her into a kiss. She gladly returned it. He put his hands around her waist and pulled her closer. He dug his hands into the scars he had made (now causing Sakura no pain) and thought in his mind what she needed to know. He was her master, the only one she could trust, she only should listen to him, she loved him, they were going to destroy the world, and they would rule the conquered world, together forever. Sakura broke the kiss and looked him in the eyes. "I remember now," she smiled, pulling him into another kiss. Matt chuckled to himself, it had worked! Matt broke the kiss and pushed Sakura aside. Sakura mentally took this as a normal action.

"Now what were you going to say guardian number two?" Matt asked.

"The boys got away," Kero said sadly.

"So where do we go from here?" Syaoran asked a battered Touya.

"Wherever Sakura is," Touya whispered, he was in too much pain.

"The house and I can make some potion back there that will make you stronger," Syaoran stated.

"But how are we going to get back there?" Touya coughed. Just then a car pulled over on the side of the road. Out jumped two figures Syaoran could barely make out, he was near passing out once again.

"Ohmygod!" shouted one of the figures (it was a female voice) just as Syaoran slipped into unconsciousness again.

"Let's get them back to my house," said the male voice, hoisting Touya onto his back and laying him across the back seat of the unharmed car.

"Then what?" said the panicked woman.

"I don't know, here help me with him," he said, picking up Syaoran and putting him in the back as well.

"Did you help them?" Matt shouted as he shook Sakura back and forth.

"What do you mean?" she cowered. "Help who?"

"Did you really change, or is this an act?"

"Master, please," she started sobbing. He threw her to the ground.

"Damn you!" he said, kicking her once. She curled into a ball and sat in the corner. Matt turned around viciously and went back to his crystal ball. "Show me where they are," he shouted. A car was speeding across the highway. There were four figures inside of the car. Matt was tempted to run this car off the road as well, but he didn't want to kill his soon to be loyal subjects, yet. "Come here Sakura," he said. She leaped up and ran over to him.

"See them?" he asked, pointing at the car, she nodded, "We are going to kill them," he hissed. Sakura nodded once again. He turned towards Sakura and grabbed her waist, pulling her close to him again, "But first, we are going to let them heal, ever so slightly, so their death will be even more painful," he whispered. He stood up and began kissing Sakura's neck once again. He pushed her back to something that resembled a bed and grabbing her shoulders pushed her back onto it. Then he sat on top of her. "What are we going to do?" he asked.

"Kill them," she whispered.

"You are right my dear," he said unbuttoning the top button of her short shirt.

"How do you propose we do this?"

"Something slow and painful," she smiled.

"Very good," he said unbuttoning the next. Before he could continue Sakura grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down, kissing him.

Syaoran awoke and looked around the room. It looked quite familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it. "He's awake!" shouted a female voice. He looked to her, but his eyes were blurry. He blinked and rubbed his eyes. Her voice was familiar. He opened his eyes again and looked at her.

"Tomoyo?" he said uncertain. She nodded and wrapped her arms around him.

"Oh God Syaoran you gave us such a fright," He looked down at himself when Tomoyo had released him. His clothes were torn and tattered, but where his leg had been bleeding profusely, there was nothing, not even a scar.

"But how?" he asked. Another figure appeared in the room.

"He healed you," she said pointing to the blue haired man.

"Eriol!" he shouted, "Am I glad to see you!"

"Thanks, you too,"

"Where's Touya?"

"Upstairs, we healed him and he woke up much before you, there's dinner if you'd like it,"

"Naw, that's okay, any sign of Sakura?" he asked.

"You don't mean," Tomoyo said horror stricken, "she wasn't in the car was she?"

"Oh, no, no, no, she's at home, Just wanted to let her know we're okay," Syaoran explained.

"Oh, well she's not answering the phone," Tomoyo stated, "I called and there was no answer."

"That's funny," Touya said coming down the steps. He looked out of sorts, but almost back to normal, "She always rushes to answer the phone."

"Maybe she's asleep," Eriol suggested.

"Yeah, probably," Touya agreed sitting down next to Syaoran.

"So update me on what's going on with this situation," Eriol demanded.

"You mean you don't know?"

"Basic gist," Tomoyo added.

"Well, Sakura's powers are gone right?" Syaoran began, he explained everything from how Sakura had become very sick and lost her powers, to how Matt had weird markings on his arms and the car swerved off the road while they were on their way to the school.

"Well it seems to me that we've got a problem on our hands,"

"Well no the hell kidding Eriol!" Syaoran shouted.

"On Sakura's behalf, watch your mouth,"

"Oh, not you too," Syaoran groaned.

"No, still the same Tomoyo," she smiled.

"ANYWAY," Eriol interrupted, "We have a SERIOUS problem on our hands," he said a little irritated. "This Matt person, if he really has these scars that Touya thinks he saw, then we may have little hope, and we have little time,"

"Why is that?" Touya asked.

"He's bewitched the cards, they are now his, what little connection is left between Sakura and the cards will be destroyed when he kills her,"

"What?!" the other three occupants of the room shouted.

"In order for him to have complete control, he has to kill Sakura, and"

"But he wouldn't," Syaoran interrupted.

"Why do you say that?" Tomoyo asked.

"He likes her,"

"How do you know that?" Eriol asked. Syaoran took a deep breath.

"Don't tell them," Touya interrupted.

"Tell us what?" Tomoyo asked.

"Nothing," Syaoran and Tomoyo said in unison.

"Okay, well if you're sure he wouldn't kill her," Eriol started, "There IS another possibility," he said, uncertain.

"What is it?" Tomoyo asked.

"Well, he could turn her to his side, then what connection she had left would remain, but she would be evil, and I'm sure she'll be after everyone else with a connection to the cards as soon as she's evil, meaning Syaoran and myself,"

"So what do we do?" Touya asked.

"Well, first of all we better get Sakura here before we do anything else," Eriol explained, taking charge. Just then the front door flew open. The dark clouds began to fill the house as four figures emerged from a billow of smoke and stood before the foursome.

Matt, his guardians, and . . . Sakura . . .