Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Secret of My Heart ❯ Chapter I ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
This is my first CCS fanfic and it has the plot of this chinese series. It takes place in ancient China during the Ming Dynasty. Please enjoy!

Secret of My HeartI

"C'mon, you can do it!" Touya Kinomoto yelled to his sister.Kinomoto nodded with confidence. She was having a tug of war game with a big fat Mongolian man. The crowd was watching with excitement and wondering who was going to win. Sakura was skinny and shorter than most men and compared to the man that she was versing, she look like a stick.cheered in the crowd but just then when he looked up, he saw their father, Fujitaka. His father was coming back from his work at the mountains. And luckily he didnt noticed them. dad is coming back!" Touya whispered to Sakura.she whispered back with a panick and then with all her might pulled the rope and then she thought of an idea. She used her legs to help pull the rope. And the Mongolian man fell. The crowd cheered and Sakura smiled proudly. She then remembered that her father was coming back.
do anything to keep dad from coming back for a moment. I need to go back and change" she said to Touya.nodded and then ran to catch up with her father while Sakara went to another path that leads her back to the house.

saw his father and then stopped" he said.are you doing out here?" Fujitaka asked his son.was just coming home from the library. Lets go and have a cup of tea" Touya suggested.just came home from getting medicine and herbs from the mountains. I am tired" Fujitaka said.Touya said walking with him to their house which was just up ahead. He couldnt think of anything else to say.

rushed back to her house and she was completely out of breath. She ran upstairs to her room. There was her two maids and her best friends, Tomoyo and Meilin. Tomoyo was the graceful one and was sewing something. Meilin is kind of loud but nevertheless, she was one of Sakura's best friend. Meilin was doing caligraphy (chinese writings). Sakura closed the door to her room.
came back?" Tomoyo asked getting up and standing next to her and then Meilin came and stood next to her too.time to talk!" Sakura said struggling to take off the rope in her clothes "Dad is coming back!"they both ask.was dressed as a boy and pretending to be a boy. She likes dressing up as a boy because boys have more freedom than girls do and she want to show it to all the boys and the world that she can be equal to a boy. Her dad has forbade her to dress up as a boy but she never listen and still do it without her father knowing. But her father had caught her over a thousand times dressing up as a boy and each time that she was caught, she was grounded.

with his father next to him, entered the house. His father wanted to go upstairs but Touya stopped him.are you blocking me?" Fujitaka cant go upstairs!" he said.not? Wheres Sakura?" Fujitaka asked sensing something wrong "You guys are up to something"cant go up" Touya said.away!" his father said giving him a stern look. And by that look Touya know better than to disobey him. And he slowly moved away. Fujitaka walked up the stairs with his cane.reached up to Sakura's room and pushed open the door. There Sakura was, doung nothing wrong for once in her life. And she was dressed normally as a girl.

test me" Sakura said to Meilin and Tomoyo. Tomorrow, she was going to a contest. Her team (consisted of men because women are not allow in) are all relying on her to win the contest for them. She has to beat the other team for answering all kinds of questions right.picked up two buckets ready for her you need the buckets, arent you only tested for your knowlege?" Meilin ask.but you also need strength. Knowledge without strensth is nothing" Sakura said "Begin testing"first question" Tomoyo said "How many birthdays does the average--"Sakura said taking the buckets of water and puring it to another big bucket "That is way too easy. Do something harder"What is the largest possible number you can write using only 2 digits - just 2 digits, nothing else?" Meilin the ninth power" Sakura said and then tokk the bucket to pour it away but just then she bumped into her mother, Yuko, spilling water on her.are you doing Sakura?" her mother ask wiping her so sorry mother. I didnt meant to do that" Sakura said.Sakura, can you be more mature. If I am lucky, my daughter will be up her room and sewing or something" Yuko said.

changed to her boy's clothes. It was morning and the sun was high up. Her father has gone up to the mountains gathering herbs for medicine. Today she was going to the library for the sure you really want to do this?" Tomoyo ask.course, they are all counting on me" Sakura said.your dad said that we have take good care of you" Tomoyo said.think of this. I am just learning. Whats the harm of going to a contest. I am not even going to get hurt or have bad influence, right?" Sakura asked.think about it you're absolutely. Whats the harm of a contest?" Meilin ask.looked at Meilin and then joked "Tomoyo, please teach Meilin be more lady like"all smiled and then Sakura said "I'm going"opened the door of her room to go out but then she stopped dead on her tracks when she saw that her father was standing right in front of her door.somewhere wearing those clothes?" he ask her.Sakura quickly said "I was just going downstairs to play chinese checkers with Meilin and Tomoyo. Arent you suppose to be at the mountains picking up herbs?"but it was such a beautiful morning and I decided to bring you along. And while we are up there we can have a game of chinese checkers" he said.Sakura asked disbelieving her luck "Cant we do it some other day?"unless you have other plans" Fujitaka said giving her a glare.course not" Sakura quickly said.let's go" Fujitaka said and Sakura followed him out.

your brother?" one of Touya's friend ask.coming" Touya said and then whispered to himself "Come on Sakura, what's taking you so long?"contest is starting and we are all counting on him" another one of the six people in their team said.know he is going to come. Even if he didnt there is me to replace him" Touya sure you can do it?" one of the men said.course" Touya said chuckling.

I'll move here then" Sakura said moving the piece on the board.he ask. He thought hard about which piece to move next.I move here, then she can get me. If I move here then, she can do that" he said to give up?" Sakura ask.that fast" Fujitaka said.are taking so long. It's so easy and you're thinking this long?" Sakura ask.course I have to think hard. It is not like I am playing dirt with a little kid" Fujitaka easy. I cant believe that father, it takes you this long to figure where to go" she know which piece to move?" he ask.course I do!" Sakura said smiling.

the contest is begining. Everybody, take your seats" one of the referee said.thought your brother is going to be here!" one of the person said.will replace her" Touya said with a worry tone. He took Sakura's seat.lets begin" one of the three referees said "The first question is, Which weighs more, a pound of gold or feathers that ways-"quickly rand the bell and then said "of course the gold"subtract ten points" the referee said "You didnt let me finish asking the question. The question was 'which weighs more, a pound of gold or feathers that weighs a pound. You guys get to answer" He looked at the opposing team.weigh the same since both is a pound" the six people said harmony.add ten points" the referee question is what is the difference between a new quarter and a old penny?" the referee ask.quickly rang the bell and then said "uhh...a new quarter is shiny....and--"subtract ten points" the referee said "Now the other team gets to answer"cents" they said in know it, you answer, if you dont know it, you still answer" one of the men whispered to Touya "What is up with you?"shut up" he said.the next question is 'If there are 5 apples on the counter and you take away 2, how many do you have?'" the referee asked.was about to ring the bell but his teammates held his hand and covered his mouth.other team rang and then said "two apples"ten more points" he said.let go of Touya and he cried "I knew the answer to that! Why did you guys covered my mouth?"should have told us that earlier" they said.can I if you guys were covering my mouth!" he said widening his eyes.

can you be any slower thinking?" Sakura said.I almost have it" Fujitaka said.about this? You will stay here and think while I go and help you pick up the herbs" Sakura suggested.but dont wonder far" he said concentrating on the game.smiled and then quickly rushed down. She will never get there in time by running, she thought.

Syaoran rode on his horse and up ahead was a old woman tying a rope in the tree to commit a suicide. She got up and then tried to hand herself but then Syaoran took out his bow and arrow and hit it through the rope casuing the rope to break and then old lady got fell and got saved. He quickly got down from his horse and then rushed toward the woman.did you save me?" the old woman ask crying.cry" he said comforting her "You should try to speak out your troubles intead of commiting a suicide"
took the shortcut to the library. She ran down and then to her luck, she saw a horse in the middle of the path. She was completely out of breath. She then look at the side and there was a man with a old woman who was crying.if this is a bad thing to do, I have to do it" she said to herself looking at the horse. She quickly got up the horse na dgave the horse a whip.
quickly look up and then said "hey! My horse!"am only borrowing it. If you want it back, go to Shang....." and her voice faded away.he asked but she had gone away.

got through the people in the town and almost knocking down some people. She got to the library and quickly went in. Touya saw her and then quickly got good that you're here" he said "Now that you're here you can replace me"course!" the referee that supports their side said.its against the rules" the referee supporting the other side said.order to replace a contestant, they have to faint or anything like that" the third referee sorry to do this to you but..." Sakura whispered to Touya and hit the part of his back that made him faint. He dropped down the floor.cant do that!" the referee who supports the opposing team said.did it said in the rules that we cant do that?" she ask.true. It didnt say that" the third referee said.continue the contest" Sakura said sitting down and smiling.a mother have six sons and each son have one sister. How many people is --" the referee ask.instantly rang the bell and then said "nine"add ten points" he said.continued asking questions and Sakura answered each of the questions correctly and thoroughly. The other team looks exhausted.
"And the winner of this year contest is this team" and he pointed to Sakura's not fair" the referee that supports the other team said "If you're really smart then ask me a question that even I dont know the answer to"Kerry loves dumplings. He can eat 32 of them in an hour. His brother Pete needs 3 hours to eat the same amount. How long will it take them both together to eat 32 dumplings?" she ask him.course it is one hour" he said.Sakura said "It is fourty five minutes. If Kerry eats 3 times as fast as Pete, he must be able to eat 3 times as many dumplings as his brother. Therefore, Kerry eats 24 while Pete eats 8 ( 32 ÷ 4 = 8 ). Together it takes them 45 minutes"
then someone came and clapped their hands. It was three Mongolian guys.tuely a smart gentleman" one of the man said "My name is Yukito"I give you guys 17 gold coins" one of the guy up and then look at the coins and said "these are real gold!"are you up?" one of the guys in his team ask.didnt die, you know" he you want?" Sakura ask "You wouldnt give free gold away just like that"I said, you are a smart gentleman" Yukito began "My friend, Joe, wants to ask you a question"Joe said "This question is very easy. It only test if you know how to use your brains. I have went all over town and all you Huns (a group of people) dont know the answers to it. So far no one has figure it out yet from the people I had asked. If you answer the question correctly, then you get to keep the 17 gold coins"question thats so hard?" Sakura ask.there are 17 coins here. There are four people. If one of the people wants 4 coins and another wants 6 coins and one want 5 coins and the last one wants 3. How would you split it?" Joe ask.others looks confused and ask "how can we do it?"really easy. Let me a borrow one more gold coins" she ask Joe and he gave it to person wants 6 coins, one wants 5 coins, one wants 4 coins, and one wants 3 coins" Sakura said and gave him back one of the gold coins.took the coins and left.
was smiling "oh you were so good there"course!" Sakura said.till I tell father about it" he faded away from Sakura's face all of a sudden and she screamed out "No!"