Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Shattered Moon ❯ Chapter 12: Syaoran ( Chapter 12 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yes, another chapter!
Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura belongs to CLAMP and Kodansha. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Don't steal and don't sue. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Warnings: Incest, disturbing revelations
Chapter 12 - Syaoran
I didn't have to explain anything. Yue erased their memories. But this time, I asked him what happened before he could disappear. There's something I have to tell him, actually, a few things.
“Yue, what's happening in Tomoeda?”
“Sakura changed the Flower card. Cerberus informed me that the card did not lose control like she did with Dash last time.”
“So she is safe?”
“Hai, I promised you I would do my best.”
“Now what did you need to tell me, Clow's descendant?”
“Yue…I… I can use the Clow cards.” I hear his almost inaudible gasp. I suppose this must be important, so he's losing his control.
`But the Clow cards - they are being changed into Sakura cards. The Clow cards themselves should have run out of power, which is why Sakura must change them.”
“I know, so it doesn't make any sense, but I've been able to use Sleep, Illusion… and Erase.”
“All cards that were under my command while still Clow Cards.”
`Perhaps it is our connection.” He sounds thoughtful.
“Yue, there is something else. Do you remember Hiirigizawa Eriol?”
There's a long silence.
“Clow… you…”
“Yue! Is he really Clow's reincarnation?”
A pause. “Hai.”
“I got a letter from him. How did he find me? Did you tell?”
“Iie, I would not tell. I promised. He must have used his magic to find you, now that your magic is growing.”
“I know. Yue, what is my magic. I need to know. It seems the same and yet different, there's so much of it that I'm not used to it. What is happening?”
“I am growing stronger from your magic, but at the same time, it has to be… you… your father was…”
“My father? Yue, you knew my father?”
“I guessed.” He sounds bitter. “Your father is… Clow Reed.”
I think I'm going to faint. How can Clow be my father? He died before my mother was born! And if I really am Clow's descendent, I mean his son, how come Sakura got the cards?
Could I have actually won the Final Judgment?
I don't know what happens, but the next thing I know, Yue is in the room, on the bed, next to me, holding me, and I'm scared, scared like I was, that night on the roof that seems to have been ages ago, holding my sword and-.
He holds me like he did then.
I don't know how long we stayed like that, but it feels nice. I'm still trembling inside, but at least I stopped on the outside.
“Yue… how can Clow be my father?”
“It's not precisely Clow who is your father.” He tells me. “It's Clow's reincarnation. Eriol Hiirigizawa.”
But Eriol's my age! No… that could be illusion too… but if Eriol is my father, then what is going on?
How did Yue get here anyways?
I look at him for an explanation, and he smiles. “You called me, Syaoran. It shows you are truly Clow's descendent.”
“I called you?”
“Hai, for Clow could summon us guardians in an instant, no matter where we were. Since you have the same power it is only more proof.”
“But if Eriol is Clow Reed, that means he was reincarnated, and - he told me he was testing Sakura!”
Yue tenses. “I should have guessed.”
“Yue, did you know about Eriol?”
“My memories were blocked until you asked me. I think you unfroze my memories through our connection, because we really are closely related now. He asked me where you were. I always wondered why he cared… since Sakura had the cards…”
“Then it doesn't matter if I'm his son, since Sakura has the cards.” I'm shocked at how bitter my voice sounds, and the unspoken words… and the guardians…
Yue nods slowly. “You changed your fate. All of this was fate…”
“Daijobu ka, Yue?”
“Why am I Clow's son? I don't have his magic, I don't have the cards, plus I don't have the guardians-.” Syaoran stopped short. It wouldn't be nice to refer to guardians as things. Yue did not reply.
“You have Clow's magic.”
“Honto ni? That's my magic now?”
“You now possess the magic of the moon and the darkness…. Not just the moon. For when you gave up your magic to me for the first time, it unlocked your dark magic… you see, you've always had it, but the moon hid the dark if you believe that.”
Dark magic was dangerous if you believed the wizards. On the other hand, the Clow Cards were not evil.
Therefore, he should be fine.
“Then… the cards… that's the reason I can use them?”
“Yes. They sense Clow in you.”
“They're Sakura's now though!”
“Not all of them…”
“What do you mean not all of them? Didn't she pass the Final Judgment? Or was it a false judgment?”
“I cannot say for sure, but you changed fate when you lost. As for Sakura, why she holds the cards, is because she is Clow's daughter.”
Now I feel sick…
I fell in love with my sister?! Wait…
Well, half-sister, but still!
Yue sees my revulsion and gives a brief nod.
“But do not despair, Clow's descendent. Look.” He reaches into my shirt and pulls out… cards.
Four cards.
Illusion. Sleep. Erase. But the last one doesn't look familiar.
The Key?
The picture shows a key, not even a very fancy key, just a small silver key. I wonder if it opens the Lock?
“Are these-?”
They're almost exactly like Clow cards, except that they're a blue-green and gold on the back, not red and gold like the Clow cards.
“Sakura could create the Sakura cards, as Clow's daughter. As his son, should you be denied the same?”
And yet… if it's a dream, I don't want to wake up…
I think I faint again because the next thing I hear is Harry waking up and a gasp.
There's a rabbit on my bed? Or am I just too sleepy to recognize it as Scabbers, Ron's rat? What is going on?
End Chapter
Completed 1/25/05
Syaoran: More cards for me? Can't you write a fic where I don't have cards?
Phantomness: Hai~! Iie to the second!
Yue: So where'd the rabbit come from?
Phantomness: Funny story, actually, that… ehehehe…